You Know You're in Bible Bee...

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17


…When you pull up the Memverse home page and is says:



Well, tisk tisk. xP Haha, Anna! My favorite to quote is "This did not Abraham...!" because it sounds kinda funny in KJV. xP And it works for so many things!
My favorite quote is 'oh ye of little faith!' It works so well when someone doesn't believe that you can do something! ;P

Sometime I'm really going to have to quote the blind man, "I have told you already and you would not listen. Why do you want to hear it again?"

I also like to say "he who has ears to hear, let him hear" when people (a.k.a my little brothers :)) aren't listening :).


Happy Holly

… when you dream about arriving at Nationals and then you realize with horror that you forgot to bring all your study material to review and you can't go back home to get it!!! It's practically a night mare!
(Don't know if someone has already posted one like this or not, sorry if I'm repeating someone else!)



... when you dream about arriving at Nationals and then you realize with horror that you forgot to bring all your study material to review and you can't go back home to get it!!! It's practically a night mare! (Don't know if someone has already posted one like this or not, sorry if I'm repeating someone else!)

Sounds like a nightmare…


Rachel the Alaskan

…when you are reciting verses and get one into your word perfect pile and this happens….

Jared: marks the fifth time perfect
Me: "My heart is glad!"
Jared: "And your glory rejoices…"
Me: "Moreover my flesh also will rest in hope!"

We ended up recited the whole verse back and forth, ending with the reference in unison. XD



LOL! Yesterday, my sister said something (I've forgotten what now), and I said "that reminds me of __", and we both said the same verse at the same time :).



Sometime I'm really going to have to quote the blind man, "I have told you already and you would not listen. Why do you want to hear it again?" I also like to say "he who has ears to hear, let him hear" when people (a.k.a my little brothers :)) aren't listening :).
That's great ;)

hehehe i like saying 'thus saith me…'



…you get mad anytime someone says that Nationalists or semi-finalists are smart. Really, this makes me so upset! :) Memorizing Scripture is for everyone!


Evie, Child of Grace

Yeah…uh…sorry…. :)
I did that for a long time, even though I knew it was just an excuse for my pride. I chose to think that those people were Einsteins so I wouldn't have to feel like I should try harder…I still almost think some of them are, but it's not an excuse anymore.



Yes, some are probably really smart :), but I still don't like it whenever people say that. I used to think that you have to be really smart to memorize thousands of verses, but not anymore! :D



…you start mentally comparing events to the Bible Bee.

(Examples: "The clapping here is so much less enthusiastic than at the Bible Bee" and "Bible Bee-ers are so much more encouraging to those that their competing against than baseball players")



…when you're nearly laughing and crying at the same time while re-watching Senior semis and finals :).


God's Maiden of Virtue

...when all (I mean ALL) of your T-shirts are Bible Bee, from some year or another. XD
^ Yep. x)

When Nicolas says that, he means it quite literally. Other than his church shirt on Sundays, he only wears his Senior Bible Bee shirts throughout the week. ^And that usually means wearing it underneath his school or work shirts, but he still only wears them.^ xD hopes he doesn't mind me sharing that ;)


Bella M.

...when you cry while re-watching the livecast of Senior semi-finals, for more reasons than one. x( xD


…when your face breaks into a grin while reading Hop on Pop to the kids that you babysit, because you remember a BB friend talking about it :).


Emily H

. . .When your pastor looks over at you every time he quotes a verse from the pulpit. Pastor! I don't even use NASB! xD


Phil Walker

I did not read all so this might have been listed. "You know you are in the Bible Bee or a Bible Bee coach when you see a digital watch and immediately think of all the verses you have memorized for Bible Bee with (for example) 5:39 as the reference."


Mommy's Helper

When your pastor is talking about the things that don't make you a Christian:

Pastor: "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian. Growing up in a Christian home doesn't make you a Christian. looks over at me in my BB shirt Winning the National Bible Bee doesn't make you a Christian."

And then weeks later, when he's talking about the things you should be diligent in:

Pastor: "Be diligent in prayer. Be diligent in reading the word. looks over at me in my BB shirt Be diligent in Bible Bee."

And I'm like O_o




Mommy's Helper, that's awesome. x) O_o

You know you're in Bible Bee when…
My younger sister asked what time it was. I glanced at the clock. 1:47 PM.
I was very distracted at the time (I think I was making Colossians flashcards). I told her absent-mindedly, "Uh…it's Psalm 147." And I didn't even catch myself, that I'd said that, until she burst out laughing.



LOL, MadelynRose! You know you're (probably!) in the Bible Bee when…
I am learning very slowly until September 21st and then BOOM! I started slapping and packing on those verses! (And I am still learning the last 11 verses for today to help me catch up on verses memorized: Psalm 19:1-11, LOL!)
