
Started by Caleb


Ouch! (I can't help but smile, is that a bad thing?! :P ) Maybe I'm just a smiley person… I don't know. ;)
That reminded me of the time I smashed my finger between two logs (like wood burning logs for a fire) and my finger nail turned purple and fell off. I played a recital a few weeks later with a whopping total of three blisters, one rope burn, and half a finger nail! :D



I hate it when your finger nails are too long and they get stuck between the piano keys… >.<
Or… when finger nails are too long and you can't get the vibrato to go quite right, but you might not follow me there. :P



Oh I know…mine don't even have to be that long for them to get stuck. My hands are so small that I have to do many colossal jumps across the keys and they get stuck. :(

I've lost a finger nail before. It was so gross. :P



I'm so particular about my finger nails… it sounds weird, but my LH nail have to be just so. I have two visible callouses on my finger tips because of the violin string and sometimes those drive me crazy because they always change.

Yeah, well, Jordan looks peaked as an axe handle and gaunt as a timber wolf! :P Just kidding.
(That quote will make sense if you listened to "Your Story Hour" when you were little.)


God's Maiden of Virtue

I've lost a toe nail before. It was because I got a ten pound weight dropped on it. I think I was 6 or 7 when it happened. I agree - it is pretty gross. :P



I was using a punching bag once and it swung back. :) It caused a thumb contusion (geek speak for injury) on my right hand. This was like two days before Thanksgiving, so I was thanking God I didn't have to wash thanksgiving dishes due to the splint on my right hand. Also, Thankfully, I am lefthanded, so it didn't bother me too much :)


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

I broke my left arm when I was 9.
I sprained my elbow when I was 14.
I bent both my big toenails backwards in one summer.
I've bitten through my lip twice (once when I was about 2 and once when I was about 13). The first time I hit it against a coffee table and the second time I was trying to make it across an entire playground in only 5 steps and hit my mouth on a metal post. But I made it in 5 steps!
I've stepped on about a dozen bees in my life, and my whole foot has swelled up each time because I'm mildly allergic to them.
I've almost knocked myself out twice or three times by hitting my head on something.
I've gotten scratched by a cat every couple days for the past 4 years or so.
Last year I was riding my bike and got one of my toes stuck in the front wheel spokes, then fell off and sprained my wrist and scraped and bruised my hands.
Just a couple days ago I cut my fingertip, then accidentally slammed it in the door 5 minutes later. I didn't have to practice violin for two days because I couldn't put any pressure on the tip of that finger and it was on my left hand.
That's all I can think of right now; I know there's more because I have more scars but I can't remember where I got them! :-P



Woah…you've had a lot of injuries. It hurts so bad when my nails are bent backwards. Once I was playing basketball and the ball hit my nail and it broke off halfway down. It was really painful. And then another time when we were playing basketball someone threw the ball to me and it hit me right in my face and broke my glasses…hence I don't wear glasses when I play basketball.


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

That sounds very painful. My toenails didn't fall off, though they did leave a mark where they bent backwards and they bled a lot.
I have contacts, though I usually wear glasses because my contacts itch for about 5 minutes after I put them in. My glasses used to break a lot, but they don't any more. Yay!



That's good that they don't break anymore. For some reason my little siblings are always breaking my glasses. And I don't want to wear contacts because it looks so horrible when they are put in.



Do u mean it looks hard to put in? I wear contacts whenever I go anywhere. :) they aren't that bad u just have to get used to them. :) I can't stand wearing my glasses except when I'm just at home. :)



Yes, that's what I mean. I do NOT (sorry for the caps) want to ever wear contacts. Just wondering…but are you nearsighted or farsighted?


Emily H

Ugh, I know what you mean! And I can't picture sticking anything in my eyes. :P =D So yeah, I only wear glasses….



Lol u never knew?? Lol :) look back at our old VBS pictures. cringes at second thought don't. :P :) I don't ever wear them around since I got contacts. :) they look much better I think, LOL



I used to think contacts would be awful. If you know me it would be hard to believe that I could ever overcome the awful thought of sticking something in my eye. But…I did, and I could never go back to glasses!! :D


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

Yeah, the first question they asked my at the optometrist was, "Are you afraid to touch your eye?" LOL
Has anyone here ever passed out/fainted/knocked themselves out/been knocked out by someone else?


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

Yeah, me neither. Not the whole way, anyhow. I've gotten stunned a few times, but…wait, come to think of it, I might have passed out once. It was probably just a severe blackout, but I completely lost my sense of balance and I fell over. On a hard floor, too; no carpet. But that probably doesn't count as an out-and-out faint. I was fine the moment I hit the floor. I don't know what made me do it; I stood up and boom, I fell right back down.



Ouch. I got the wind knocked outta me once. :) I fell from like 3ft in the air right down on my back. Thankfully we had carpet but it really hurt. :)


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

My brother Mike (when he was 6 years old, I think) saw a cartoon movie where someone jumped up, sat down, then bounced back up again, so he decided to try it. He couldn't breathe for about 30 seconds and my sister got all freaked out and tried to give him artificial respiration (she was probably about 11).


Emily H

I've passed out…..:) Only once and it was only for a few seconds (I've come really close a couple other times though). Because I have low blood sugar, and I didn't know that yet, and I didn't eat anything that morning, so, yeah:) I ran into a TV stand and fell flat on the ground. All I remember was getting really dizzy and then kinda reaching toward the TV to hold onto, then waking up on the floor :P


Matthew Minica

I've never passed out before. However, once when I went rappelling (this was actually not too long ago), for some reason about halfway down I forgot to hold onto the rope with both hands, and so I began falling faster… and faster… and faster! I'm not sure exactly how far I fell but it was probably about 10 feet at least. I landed right on my tailbone. Needless to say, I was pretty stunned, but no bones were broken, thankfully. I did have a pretty sore tailbone for a while, though!



Oh wow! Bet that hurt! :) one time we had one of my brothers twin mattresses in my mom and dad's room and for some reason we decided that I would b a gr8 idea to lay the mattress sideways and off their bed and slide down it :P (needless to say we weren't all that bright lol :) JK) my tail bone hurt for a while after ;P :)



One time I had an injury sorta similar to Abi's brother's. When I was about ten, I was at a friend's house playing in their pool. I decided to be brainless at one point and accidentally pencil-dived… in the shallow side of the pool. So yeah, I was pretty much unable to breathe and in quite a bit of pain for a while. :)

Also, though this probably isn't uncommon, whenever I sit down for long periods of time, then stand up, my eyes often suddenly go dark and I feel really lightheaded, and then I usually just fall straight over. :P It's pretty weird. :P


2 Corinthians 5:17

Once I was sewing with a machine and sewed right through my finger!!!!!! Boy, did it HURT, not to mention bleed!!!! :P Thankfully, it wasn't through my fingernail, but it still really hurt.



<blockquote Also, though this probably isn't uncommon, whenever I sit down for long periods of time, then stand up, my eyes often suddenly go dark and I feel really lightheaded, and then I usually just fall straight over. :P It's pretty weird. :P</blockquote>

I've had that happen…



<blockquote Also, though this probably isn't uncommon, whenever I sit down for long periods of time, then stand up, my eyes often suddenly go dark and I feel really lightheaded, and then I usually just fall straight over. :P It's pretty weird. :P

I've had that happen…


I've had that happen too except I don't fall over. :)



It happens to me a lot, but apparently it happens most when you are low on food and/or water. That explains it. :P



I think it is result of the blood vessels in the legs, and lower body relaxing and allowing blood to go there instead of the brain, when you stand up too quickly.
Tip of the day: When trying to set a muskrat trap, do not allow fingers from both hands to be inside when it closes, this makes it very hard and painful to remove them. Leave a hand out, and you can free the other.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Madi: What?? But that happens to me about 2-5 times a day (particularly when I'm in the garden)– how does that mean I'm low on food or water (especially if it happens to me that often)?
