RP Training: Turner the Adventurer

Started by Hiruko Kagetane


I know those men were Goldor's men, but I'm not entirely certain if they knew you were there. If they had, they would almost certainly have had men waiting for you to emerge from the chimney, but there were none. Perhaps we are safe for the moment, but we must be on our guard. Ah, here are our horses. Thank you, boy; here's a silver for your trouble.
tosses a coin to a local stable boy and mounts his horse
We must flee back to Kolath City, since we are discovered; this is an unfortunate turn of events.


Ian R.2

vaults onto horse Agreed. Let's not make too much noise though. Urges horse into slow but quiet walk



I do not believe we are in any danger of being discovered if we ride more quickly, but I suppose it is best to be cautious–I certainly would not want to put ourselves in jeopardy again simply in order to get to Kolath City a little faster. We should pick up speed, though, when we begin to get out of sight of this town. We will likely reach the city by sundown.


Ian R.2

we cannot see the town anymore and we come across a field Let's speed up now. clicks three times and my horse speeds up to a canter


Ian R.2

OOC: Thank you, Sam!

holds up hand to signal Turner to stop Did you see that? points in the direction that I saw the flash of light



OOC: Thank you, Sam! *holds up hand to signal Turner to stop* Did you see that? *points in the direction that I saw the flash of light*

OOC: Oh. Yeah. :}


I did indeed! It seems to have come from that direction, but I cannot see anything that would have caused such a flash. Whatever it was, it must have been out of the ordinary. Shall we hazard an investigation? I do not believe that we are being followed.


Ian R.2

OOC: Thank you, Nicolas! :)


Well since it's out of the way, I think we shall pass… the light flashed again, this time in front of us Or not. Here, take this. hands you my reins


Hiruko Kagetane


The RP is not dead. We are still waiting for Rosie's contribution to her side of the Sussanna/Eryana story. :P
