
Started by Bethany Meckle

Bethany Meckle

I saw a billboard that said something like, "Things could be worse." Then there was a picture of President Obama, and it said, "Re-elect me and I'll prove it!"


Bethany Meckle

Message on hair dryer: Do Not Use in Shower.
Advertisement in a restraunt: Today's special! Buy one for the price of two and get the second one totally free!
Sign outside a vet's office: Coming Soon! Fresh Sausage


Bethany Meckle

I'm not sure if they meant the two phrases to go together or not, but this one church's sign said, "Come and visit! Our pastor's on vacation."

And at my friend's church, they had a "Going Away Celebration" listed in their bulletin when their pastor was leaving.



lol…glad we all agree. ;)

@noah: since when did I become "your highness"?? It's Bethany Strang, silly and no, I'm not on Google+ or Fb. I haven't a need for them and I think they're creepy!


Emily H

"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you"

"The latest poll shows that 3/4 of people make up 75% of the population"


Christine Daaé (Dani the Older)

I have a G+ account, but I try not to do much on it- and I put very little information on it, except that I do Bible Bee :) Of course, that is also how I met Bethany Strang, and found out that they were the people at Bible Bee who live just down the road from our mission agency! So, I'm kind of torn in two about it right now…



I've seen pictures of signs saying,
"Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to see him!"
"Need help with the letter game? Q X Y Z"


Ashley Mc <3

I saw a floor mat that said, "The door bell is broken, yell DING DONG really loud!"

(it is funny because that is what we joke about all the time at our house!)



"Smile if you're not wearing underwear!" -Bumper Sticker

So this is what happens when I leave the forums for a few days. Sam goes insane with random dumbness… facepalm lol



"Need help with the letter game? Q X Y Z"

What would be more helpful would be J and Q. X Y and Z are easy to find. ;) (Take it from a champion alphabet game player. :P)


Hiruko Kagetane

"Smile if you're not wearing underwear!" -Bumper Sticker
So this is what happens when I leave the forums for a few days. Sam goes insane with random dumbness... *facepalm* lol

Love you too Dani!



whispers and 'somebody' didn't even mention the grammatical error here, slow should be slowly. lol. (ahh, but that's the problem in the first place, forgetting grammer, because they shortened it up).


Margaret Eddy

Grammar is spelled with two "a"s.
I did notice it, though I thought that those who would appreciate that I noticed it would have noticed it themselves, and the others would just be annoyed, so I didn't originally mention it.

I should have said: "This is what happens when people do not care to observe the rules of the English language!"


Bethany Meckle

Speaking of road signs…
I love the ones like "Slow Children at Play." (kinda like the "Children, please drive slow" thing)
"Detour Ahead" - my dad always changes it to "De Tour of A Head" :P


Bethany Meckle

I've seen pictures of signs saying, "Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to see him!" "Need help with the letter game? Q X Y Z"

Those are awesome! Sounds like my brother… when we're out doing errands and I'm complaining cause I wanna get home, he'll say stuff like, "You wanna get home fast? OK! Let me drive. You'll be Home really fast!" :P



My brother made it all the way throught the letter game without cheating last year when we went to Virginia. He'll probably do it again on our way to nats… :) lol
