The Like Button Quotes

Started by Rebeka B.

Sarah B.

Margaret: “I thought to myself: "What would Jesus do?" and then I thought: "He would clear his throat."”


Bethany Meckle

This is literally the most wild, zany, outrageous MemVerse conversation I have ever had... NICOLAS: I might as well get on, as I've been spying for the past half hour or so. :P I probably won't respond quickly, though, as I'm doing school. NATHAN: So you're a spy. We gotta hang you. NICOLAS: There might be repercussions if you attempt that. :P SARAH: *sneaks in* NATHAN: *trips you* EMILY: *helps you up* xP Hi Sarah!! SARAH: Haha! Thanks! Hi everyone! SAUROC (to Nathan): *kicks you* NICOLAS (to Sauroc): *punches you* ^All in good fun, of course^ NATHAN: *throws you out the window* SARAH: How rude! ROSIE: @Nicolas, Sauroc, and Nathan: Really guys? :P NICOLAS: And my punching him wasn’t? :P SAUROC: Poor you! You don't get the 'rude' award from Sarah! *laughs at you* Now do something to OCTSRIS for me. OCTSRIS (to Sarah): He stared it! NICOALS (to Nathan): *taps you on the shoulder* NATHAN (to Sauroc): *dumps a bucket of eggs on your head* NATHAN (to Nicolas): *taps you back* NICOALS: *dumps a bucket of spiders on your head* NATHAN: *eats the spiders* PETER (to Nathan): Just what I was thinking. ROSIE: You guys crack me up! NATHAN: *patches up the cracks with scotch tape* SAM: I leave, and people start throwing eggs and spiders around! Big sister, I thought you were in charge! NICOLAS (to Rosie): *hands you some duct tape* ROSIE (to Nathan): Um, I can do that myself, thank you. xD NICOLAS (to Sam): He… uh… started it… wait, who started this again? PETER: Hi! :) *eats a spider* ROSIE: *gags* NICOLAS: _You_ didn’t eat the spider. :P PETER: don't worry It tasted *wonderful*! NATHAN: *screams as loud and long as I can* NICOLAS: There, now we're back to orderliness. ROSIE: You okay there? EMILY: *covers ears* SARAH: I CAN"T HEAR YOU!!!! JUSTIN: WOW, yall should really change the supject:P NATHAN: I have to go now. :-( NATHAN: *forces a window open and leaves through it* PETER: *cracks a whip* ORDER, ORDER, ORDER!!!! *eats another arachnid off the floor* EMILY: Good evening, we'll just charge that to you account. xD

Hoo boy! Looks like I miss a lot of fun being gone from the forums so much. xD



From Social Chatting June 20, 2014
"The Yawn Episode"

EMMY: yawns I have to go to bed now. Bye everyone! It was fun chatting! xD
ROSIE: Bye Emmy! Lol, by you writing "Yawns", I yawned. xD
HANNAH B: I did too!!! lol! :D
SARAH: Ha! Me too!!!!
EMILY: Lol! I didn't realize yawns were that contagious. xP xP
SARAH: <blockquote>Lol! I didn't realize yawns were that contagious. xP xP</blockquote>
Emmy's are!!! xD
MATTHEW: Isn't that so funny how that is so contagious? yawns xP xP
ROSIE: Yes!! Especially with me! Now I can't stop yawning, with all these comments with that word in it. xP xP
MATTHEW: There's a song in some of my piano students' books that has a picture of a tree and some other things yawning. It always makes me yawn xP xP
tries to yawn but can't quite because he's laughing at the same time xP xP
EMILY: <blockquote>

Lol! I didn't realize yawns were that contagious. xP xP

Emmy's are!!! xD</blockquote>
xP xD
SARAH: <blockquote>tries to yawn but can't quite because he's laughing at the same time xP xP</blockquote>
I yawned at that one too!

^Disclaimer: there was other conversation going on, and Rosie was not the only one to say good-bye to me, but I cropped out other comments to focus only on the yawn conversation xP^



^^ And little did they know that I had stayed up a little while longer, and was "spying" on their yawn conversation xD I was literally laughing out loud— it was so funny!! xD I had no idea that one little word would be such a great conversation starter! XD



I know! I really wanted to say something, but I knew that I had to go to bed, so I forced myself to go xP


Sarah B.

NATHAN: Okay. First he walked by her and just looked down at her (she was sitting on the floor) and passed on without acknowledging that she was even there. Then he came up to her and insisted that she fence with him using Nerf swords.

SAM: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirst, I did an awesome throat-slash assassination from behind. She then facedesked. I think she was laughing. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen I made her fight. Big diffs.



NATHAN: Okay. First he walked by her and just looked down at her (she was sitting on the floor) and passed on without acknowledging that she was even there. Then he came up to her and insisted that she fence with him using Nerf swords. SAM: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirst, I did an awesome throat-slash assassination from behind. She then facedesked. I think she was laughing. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen I made her fight. Big diffs.

Where was this??? I have to read it!!!

Sam: Yeah, I was laughing…though that did hurt… I have a mark on my throat from it. :P



Leah: Is anyone doing something special for Independence Day?

Sam: Nothing. Isn't that special enough? :P

Nicolas: I hope you can survive without your organs functioning. How are you planning on entering into this state of utter inactivity?

Sam: My aura of awesome keeps me alive, thank you very much. :)

Nicolas: You would be an extremely intriguing specimen for scientific study. Is there any way I could visit you on the 4th to observe this incredible state of being into which you are saying you can enter?

Sam: Nah. I radiate too much energy. It's hard enough keeping myself off of the grid of the radiation detectors you know the government has hidden everywhere, I don't need curious onlookers.

Nicolas: So is your concern for my safety due to the radiation, or for your safety due to what I might find by examining you?

Sam: Your safety. I don't want you mutating on me. That'd be messy. And as everyone knows, I hate messy.

Nicolas: …I would not mind mutation. Do you think I could finally actually turn into the Hulk?

Sam: More like a puddle of goo on my floor.


Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter

Nathan about speeding: If you're in a situation such as: you need to get to church on time, etc., I think it depends on conscience. Carissa mentioned that you should leave earlier. Well, you can't always control that. What if you were just about to leave—in good time—when your infant had a blow-out poopy diaper? That could make you late!! And if you're the pastor, do you hold up the congregation? That would be inconsiderate.

Sam: Welcome to Memverse: where we discuss poopy diapers as theology.



*Disagrees with the first* *Laughs at the second*

Oh, Sam! You're a ham! xD



From the Hair thread
"The Pole"

AMARA: Hey, let's take a pole: what kind of hair does everyone has? ;)

SAM: Where am I taking this pole to?

AMARA: Bring it to me. Just be careful not to drop it!

EMMY: Lol! xD

AMARA: I sometimes like to go along with things. :) Even Noah liked it when I did it once!! O.o

EMMY: Haha! ;D

SAM: drops it OOPS! MY BAD! :P

EMMY: picks it up Woah, this thing's heavy! drops it on Sam's foot Oops, sorry Sammy! Didn't see you there!

NICOLAS: picks it up again I'm gonna take this thing out of here; it's too dangerous. swings it around to carry it out, and slams Sam in the head WHOOPS!

PETER: opens the door and enters


PETER: Huh? where? facepole


SARAH: Put it in LBQ!

And I complied. ;D Special thanks goes to Amara, for misspelling "poll." xD


Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter


Bethany M
Do you happen to know if the Ws will be here? (MH, OCTSRIS, ISC)

Yeah, I think they will.
I'll ask Nathan if he's coming.

Oh! He said no. Oh well.

Bethany M
Oh, he's not coming? Good!

Bethany M
Nathan, I just listened to what you have so far of the NKJV songs. They are SO GREAT!!!!!


Bethany Meckle

FROM THE QUIZ CHAT: *Bethany M* Do you happen to know if the Ws will be here? (MH, OCTSRIS, ISC) *On-Christ-the-Solid-Rock-I-Stand* Yeah, I think they will. I'll ask Nathan if he's coming. *On-Christ-the-Solid-Rock-I-Stand* Oh! He said no. Oh well. *Bethany M* Oh, he's not coming? Good! JK!!! *Bethany M* Nathan, I just listened to what you have so far of the NKJV songs. They are SO GREAT!!!!!

xD like, like, like!


Roy Phillips

You're stuck inside a giant helium balloon that somehow was taken outside and released into the air. How do you get down?

Sam : Squeak until your voice vibrates the molecules of the balloon enough for it to pop and you fall out. Your voice should be sufficiently high-pitched enough for that to work. </blockquote>

Sarah Frisk : But then what happens when you hit the ground?</blockquote>

Abigail : You hit the ground. is there a problem?</blockquote>

Sarah Frisk : Katie usually comes up with the question of the week on Thursdays So, even if the question's time is slower than real time, you're probably too high up to free-fall from way up there and land unharmed.</blockquote>

Abigail : Bleh. So what? We get harmed. Little pain never hurt no one!</blockquote>

Sarah Frisk : You do realize how funny that sounds, right? xP
And I don't think that being in the hospital with a concussion and at least five broken bones fits into the "Little pain" category.</blockquote>

Nick : Probably more like in a morgue. Unless you are the Hulk, in which case you would not feel a thing no matter how far you fell or onto what you fell. :P


Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter


NATHAN: Nothing scares me!!!

ABIGAIL: Except fluffy unicorns.

NATHAN: Nope. I have one as a pet. His name is Munchkin.

ABIGAIL: Mines name is Wade. And the other is Haymitch and the other is Cilla. They like tea.

NATHAN: And biscuits.

ABIGAIL: And tacos.

NATHAN: Mine like tacos with guacamole and pineapple.


NATHAN: Mine only like ice cream if has one cherry on top.

ABIGAIL: Bleh. :P Mine eats ice cream all the time, and shares it with me!

NATHAN: Mine never shares it. He hogs it all for himself. Sometimes he even tries to eat mine, but then I spank him with a baseball bat.

ABIGAIL: Thats rude :P mine tries to eaten mine and i let him cuz its nice. :P

NATHAN: And when he talks back to me I pinch him.

ABIGAIL: And when mine spills its water i flick his nose.

NATHAN: That's mean. When mine spills water, it's an accident; so I just comfort his sobbing and tell him it's okay.

ABIGAIL: Mine does it on purpose. :P and then he runs and hides from me. :P

NATHAN: Oh… I didn't realize that.
One time mine licked all the mirrors in my mirror room when I specifically told him not to! So I pulled his tail.

ABIGAIL: Bleh. Once I was giving mine a bath and Muffin came near and she thought she was a spider-man and jumped from my head and latched onto Muffin's chest with her claws. :P

NATHAN: FYI, my mirror room is a large room with a bunch of mirrors all over the place, so I can make silly faces. I spend most of my day in there.

NATHAN: This whole conversation is ridiculous!



Margaret: What does an "on" or "off" beat sense of humor even mean? Are there different rhythms of laughter that you can provoke?



Roy: I am working on a Half-face mask (as with most of my projects the main element is tin), Listening to the same music Sam is, and watching the forums.
Nicolas: Cool! Just learned last week what a half-face mask is. x) (Though I guess it is slightly self-explanatory.) How do you go about making one of those…?
Roy: I am weird, therefore I do weird things. this is how I went about it…

  1. save a peach can from the trashcan before evil sister smashes it.
  2. washed it.
  3. cut of both ends.
  4. cut strait up the side (preferably were the weld is).
  5. bent it to fit my face.
  6. saved a second can for a noes peace.
  7. bent and punched holes.
  8. wired them together.
  9. i'm working on a strap for it.
    Nicolas: Okay, cool! You think it'll work? :)
    Roy: Step ten will be finding a use for it. I haven gotten that far yet.

Roy Phillips

Roy: I am working on a Half-face mask (as with most of my projects the main element is tin), Listening to the same music Sam is, and watching the forums. Nicolas: Cool! Just learned last week what a half-face mask is. x) (Though I guess it is slightly self-explanatory.) How do you go about making one of those…? Roy: I am weird, therefore I do weird things. this is how I went about it… 1. save a peach can from the trashcan before evil sister smashes it. 2. washed it. 3. cut of both ends. 4. cut strait up the side (preferably were the weld is). 5. bent it to fit my face. 6. saved a second can for a noes peace. 7. bent and punched holes. 8. wired them together. 9. i'm working on a strap for it. Nicolas: Okay, cool! You think it'll work? :) Roy: Step ten will be finding a use for it. I haven gotten that far yet.

LOL! I loved that conversation! ^and I love quoting it.^



Rachel: Anyone want to guess my birthday? You have 365 guesses.

(Come to think of it, there's a chance that we could have made 365 guesses and still not guessed her birthday. :-P)



Sarah B: How would your life be different if your name was Lemonjello?
Margaret: I would write a book on dieting.


Roy Phillips

Sam: Saw CA 2 this afternoon. Pretty boss. One thing I've noticed, though. Everyone in the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to find shooting at someone's legs such foul play that not even the bad guys attempt it. :


Sarah B.

from the quizzes

Memverse Server: chat chanel closed
Rachel: not true
Matthew Minica: Memverse Server dosen't know how to spell….


Rose Tyler

Wouldn't it have been hilarious if everyone just decided to stop commenting?! Memverse Server would have been victorious!


Hiruko Kagetane

ABIGAIL: frownie sounds like brownie. *dies* NATHAN: "Sugar" sounds like "booger"!

And "Sugarbooger" sounds like something an old woman would call a baby. XD



*will never think of suger the same way......*
*wonders why everybody is spelling "sugar" wrong...* :P

Haha, no kidding! :-)
