Video Games

Started by Hiruko Kagetane


CHEAT CODE?!?!?! You insult my integrity! And my wanting to get as much out of the game as possible. :P

12 BILLION?!?! faints That's… crazy…


Hiruko Kagetane

I know right? And now I have nothing to buy, and so my stud count keeps piling up…… Oh, did you hear about the Lego Lord of the Rings game coming out? It's gonna be awesome!


Kai, Ninja of Fire

You do have 100%……after seeing a Youtube video explaining the last level. So you really can't take full credit for it can you? Just sayin'……..


Hiruko Kagetane

Hey, I agonized over that decision, and am convinced it was the right one. And after all, the red button you had to push in the last level didn't look at at all like anything you could stand on……


Hiruko Kagetane

Hey, don't start yellin' at me about brain power, you know that that last button was TOTALLY unexpected. And hey, we also got the last character, which happened to be Supergirl. So alls well that ends well.


Kai, Ninja of Fire

Well hey, how do you think the guy who did the video figured it out? By using his brain! Which is more than I can say for you! But about Supergirl, I would have thought that the last character would be someone more epic. Like Mirror Master, or Reverse-Flash, or Nightwing, or Talia a Ghul. Or Azrael or Katana, Or Superboy.


Hiruko Kagetane

Whatever! But all those DS users got Azrael and Katana. Which is annoying, considering that the DS has the worst graphics for that game. Or for any Lego game at that. I would have liked if we got a character that didn't belong, as a teaser for the next Lego game. Like if we got Frodo from Lord of the Rings, that'd be cool. Like how there was Indiana Jones in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Or if there was Spider-Man in the game, as a teaser for a Lego Marvel Superheroes game. Which I desperately hope they make.



Who else is excited for the new video game coming out in October, Lego Lord of the Rings?? I am!!

P.S. Does anyone know if it will cover only the first movie, or all three? It would be so cool if they did all three… :)


Hiruko Kagetane

6 more days until we can traverse Middle-Earth in Lego Lord of the Rings: The Video Game!

@SavedByGrace~ All 3 movies, they imported Tolkein's map, so you can go anywhere in the movie, you can throw Gimli, you can forge weapons out of mithril, you can use the Palantir seeing-stones, and can hopefully ride dragons…..



Today is the day LEGO Lord of the Rings: The Video Game comes out! I'm not allowed to play any video games until after the Bible Bee (and I probably wouldn't anyway), but I'm sure I'll be playing it fairly soon afterward! I heard that it will be the longest LEGO video game they've made yet–even their game testers took nearly 24 hours to complete it, though they are very experienced and had all the secrets of the game!

Also, I discovered one more interesting character ability: Frodo is able to put on the Ring, which causes him to disappear, and he can find things that no one else can find, in the "realm of the Wraiths," or whatever you call it. I can't wait to play it!


Hiruko Kagetane

Actually, for the major systems, like Xbox, PS3, and PC,it comes out on Nov. 13. It came out today for all the minor systems, like the Playstation Vita, and the DS and 3DS.



Oh. Well, it's not like that affects me anyway. :P But wait… did I see that correctly, or did you write that incorrectly? Is this game available for the Xbox (which I would really like), or only the Xbox 360? I was hoping they would make it for the Xbox, since that would be most convenient for me…

P.S. Funny how quickly you respond to something on the video games forum, when I've seen you nowhere else for a week! :P


Hiruko Kagetane

Xbox? What is this Xbox you speak of? Isn't there only an Xbox 360? That's what it's for. And, I have been on my Brickmaster 2.0 page.



C'mon! You posted on that forum nine days ago! :P

And "this Xbox I speak of" is my favorite system, and the one I'm most used to, and the one that is most available to me. If I may dare to ask, are Xbox 360 games compatible with Xbox?? Probably not, knowing how stuff like that tends to work…



If you are asking if a X-box 360 game can be played on a regular X-box, then the answer is no. You are right because game makers usually make them non-compatible on purpose. If they did not, more people would not buy the new system.

Oh, and just throwing this out there. Is the X-box 360 or the Playstation 3 better? :o



Whoops! I meant to put Playstation 3, NOT Playstation 2. Xbox? Really? The controllers are HUGE! Maybe its that huge Xbox logo? xD


Hiruko Kagetane

Well, for all those waiting for Lego LotR, I hope it comes out on the 13th. Wikipedia and Best Buy say it does, but GameStop and Amazon say it comes out on the 27th. I'm leaning towards Best Buy, but you never know. But for those of you with a great PC( like me! :-) ) you can download the demo for it from! Try it, I've played it, and it's AWESOME!



What about that new LEGO Undercover game for Wii U? Looks really fun. Oh yea and what do you guys think of the Wii U? Also, do you know how much the Wii U controllers will cost? The controllers are huge and since they have that huge screen, I was thinking they might cost a lot.


Hiruko Kagetane

Okay, the Lego City Undercover game looks REALLY fun! You get to be a police officer, Chase McCain and get to run around Lego City stopping crooks! You get to wear different disguises to gain different abilities in the game, and you get to ride in air and ground vehicles. Oh, and there will be Lego sets that come out with the game that have codes for exclusive items in the box!

Okay, the Wii U GamePads come with the system I think, but you should be able to buy more if you need to. Nintendo says the system can support up to two of them at a time. The Wii U looks pretty cool though, but it's expensive: the 8Gb version is $299, while the 32Gb version is $350.



Chokes on chicken nugget Thats expensive!! With so little memory too. Funny how the main villains name is Rex Fury. :D
P.S.: Do you use the keyboard and mouse when you are playing video games on your computer, or do you use a controller such as the X-box 360s?


Hiruko Kagetane

I bought a gamepad from Best Buy. Using the keyboard gets annoying after the first five minutes, besides the fact that you and a sibling are trying to squeeze your hands onto one keyboard. My gamepad is similar to the PS3 gamepad, with numbers instead of shapes.

EDIT: BTW, it's official, Lego Lord of the Rings the Video Game comes out on the 13th! WOO! 4 MORE DAYS!



Sooo true about the keyboard. Especially games you have on other systems that are really fun to play, yet when you try and play them with a keyboard, they are terrible! My uncle had one of those for his computer. It makes computer games so much better! :)


Hiruko Kagetane

I know! Keyboards are annoying for most games, especially flight simulators! I had to get a joystick for a flight sim I have, I didn't even try to use the keyboard!



Wow you are responding fast! :P I keep getting up and doing other things, and when Icome back you answered my post already :D Flight simulators are awesome! I wish I had one :)



Can't wait to play Lego Lord of the Rings–it sounds like I'll be playing it for months, since I can only play a few hours at a time once a week! :)



I'm guessing you've got a system other then the base X-box, because if you don't, you're going to be waiting for more then a couple of months. :o



Yes, I have a Wii. And our Wii is connected to a pretty large screen, so it will be very fun to play Lego Lord of the Rings on it! :)



Oops! Didn't mean to offend you. :P I honestly don't tell my friends I have a Wii, because it is usually associated with 5th graders who love Mario Kart. I personally prefer other game systems.


Hiruko Kagetane

LOL! It is usually associated with Mario Kart! I see your point, but I wasn't offended, just making a joke. And honestly, the Wii isn't all that great of a system, but the Wii U sounds like it'll have more mainstream games than the Wii did, so we'll see. But I would like to eventually have an Xbox 360. Perhaps someday……..



COnsidering I am a fellow Wii owner, I can't talk too much against it. The Wii U sounds fun, but I might wait till all the hype is over before I get one. I'm asuming you prefer the X-box over the Playstation? The Playstation comes with more memory for a lower price, and has better graphics. I'm a hard-core gamer and sports fan, and I personally prefer the Playstation.



Well, I have no way to get or play the game today, so I'll just get excited when I get it. :) For the moment, I'll just pay attention to the impending National Bible Bee! :) (Please pray for that to go well!)


Hiruko Kagetane

Heh, me neither, Gandolf! BTW, Eriestan is "Samuel" in Elvish. You should go to and click "Elvish" and click "Name Translations" and look for your name in Elvish.


Hiruko Kagetane

Hey bro! Did you just get back from the Bible Bee? It was really quiet at church today without you guys, and EVERYONE missed you. Turwaithion isn't that bad of a name! How about this, you call me Eriestan, and I call you Turwaithion!



Yeah, when I wrote that, I had gotten back an hour or so before. It was GREAT! (Did you watch the Semifinals like you promised?? :P) And as for my Elvish name, I'm not going to call you Eriestan if you're going to call me Turwaithion back! :P
Can't wait to see y'all later!
