Video Games

Started by Hiruko Kagetane


U think we have accents? :-) lol British people r the same way lol! They don't think they have accents they think all americans do! Lol :-)



Ikr! British peoples accents are so obvious! I think the American accent is more bland then the British accent. I don't know lol



You should hear my British accent… :P And no, we here in Ohio don't say "y'all" much at all, I just decided to put that in there for fun. :)


Kai, Ninja of Fire

GO AWAY? HA HA! gollum gollum Where would we be without me? Would we have beaten Battlefront 2? Would we have beaten Super Smash gollum gollum


Hiruko Kagetane

"Time lost on video games can never be found again." Yeah it can! Just play the game again! J/K! I know what you mean. Video game addictions can be VERY destructive, I should know. But that's what parents are for, right? My parents can turn off the computer or Wii at any time.



Hey, what about when your parents aren't around, Sam? You've got to learn self-control on your own, right? :)

I agree that getting too involved in video gaming is very destructive; that's why I only play once a week. I like some entertainment every once in a while, and video games are what I like to entertain myself with the most. But I have learned to be willing to give up entertainment to do more important things whenever necessary, and to balance it with what truly matters. Also, we need to be careful to be discerning in what video games we play, if we do play them.


Hiruko Kagetane

Yeah, which is why I don't play a lot of popular mainstream games because I feel that some of them are not good or appropriate for me. That's not saying I don't enjoy a few (dozen) rounds of Star Wars Battlefront 2, but I do believe that discernment is a big part of choosing games.



Star wars battle front 2! Lol I used to play limited rounds of that 2 lol. That and lego games r like all the games I ever have played. :-)



Those aren't all the games I've ever played, but they are all the games I ever play now. :) I really like playing Battlefront games (especially the second) and Lego games as well (especially Star Wars).



Well I have played maden and nhl also. :-) do u remember the extra like mini level u could fine outside the cantina in starwars 4-6? It was like a modern park….. we could never find its purpose though …………



Yeah, we got that thing recently. It's called Lego City–it really serves no purpose whatsoever, except to provide you with the thrill of finding all 1,000,000 studs that are hidden there. :P I finished it in about half an hour when I first got it. By the way, I'm finally 93% of the way through Lego Star Wars 2! :) I'll probably finish the whole thing this Saturday or the one after that. :)


Hiruko Kagetane

Yeah, we have the same thing in Lego Batman 2, 'cept it's Gotham City. It's cool, but honestly, I always thought those were sort of annoying, having to go through all those puzzles without any fighting………



YES!! That is so cool! But wait a minute… It doesn't list the Wii as a console you can play it on… :( (And I can assure you that I won't be getting an Xbox360 anytime soon. :P)



Well, it said it was coming out for the Wii U, but it didn't mention the Wii at all… I hope it will soon! I'm sure that would be a fun game.



@Sauron- I went to that Lego link that Video game look super sweet! I can't wait! Who is in the guardians of the galaxies group?



I haven't personally researched them, but I have heard they are like a huge group of all the awesomest heroes from the Marvel universe. Pretty much it's Marvels version of the Justice League. I can't wait for the movie when it comes out in 2014 :D


Hiruko Kagetane

blinks Are you serious!?! It said expressly that the Avengers would be in it! And the video for it on confirms it!



Oh sorry Sauron I was talking about if some of the avengers would b in the guardians of the galaxies, I know they will b in the game. Lol haha.



I'm pretty sure. It wouldn't be right NOT to have them considering how much money they made off Avengers. Plus, they signed most of the actors from the recent Marvel movies to 6-movie deals, which means they should be in Guardians of the Galaxy. Oh and of course, Avengers II.



Ah, that place is fun! :) Especially when you're Darth Maul. The Emperor is never very helpful, except for the fact that you can get him really high in the main room. I think the best place to start in Coruscant is the far back end, on the balcony, and then try to work your way up from there–your main goal being to capture the Library and the Jedi Council, since those grant easy access to most of the other command posts. I don't remember the last time I lost a battle on Coruscant. :)

I think my favorite place in BF2 is probably Kamino. On that level, you don't really have to have strategy–you can just assault, assault, assault until you win the main command post, and the rest tends to be easy. :D My least favorite places is Dagobah. Too hard to see your enemies, and too dreary. :)


Hiruko Kagetane

When I play Coruscant, I go past the Jedi Council chamber, down the hall( the one where if you make a right you'll be in the main area that has all the side rooms on the left, and the Library on the right), and make a right into that side room that has a CP. From there I keep going in, until I have all the CPs except the one in the back, the one with the two turrets. From there, all I have to do is attack!

On Kamino, I have to take the main CP, and at least one of the one's in the Cloning Facility. Droideka are the MOST annoying if they're blocking you on a bridge. Then you'll lose about 20 men before they finally destroy it, so Jedi and rocket launchers are very useful.

I hate jungle planets in general. Especially when you're the Empire, 'cuz Rebel's gear blends into the plants and stuff. So annoying.

Mos Eisley is also fun! Especially Hero Assault! If you're ever villains, remember this: AVOID THE MACE AT ALL COSTS! Mace Windu doesn't play around! I'm usually Boba in that level.
