What would happen if...

Started by Emma


You could switch sides... oh wait, I have a better idea. Since Zach is still on earth, and appeared to be on the side of the rebels, he secures a high position in the new government, but then uses his newfound power to restore at least a small knowledge of proper spelling to the world. Then...

…he realizes that he removing people's free will and is indoctrinating them, and now leaves it up to people individually to choose grammar or not. He then invites all the grammar nazis back to Earth. Then…



Well, we all come reluctantly back to earth, desperately hoping that y'all have learned something in the chaos of the past few years and will now use proper grammar. Then…



We grammar nuts (those of us who can handle it) bravely attempt to read this book, only to realize that it's actually full of proper grammar. We scramble to alert our friends, but we're a little bit late. 2,417 people have already suffered heart attacks because they were so horrified at this supposed book of "non-grammar." Then…


Joshua S

Those ain't no way to not treats people! Them should not of been judgemented by the rightness of them's speaks, but by the rightness of them's heart. You is not being fair-like.



Oooh… ouch, Joshua. Really, that grammar- or lack thereof- was painful to read. I laughed, though.

Anyway, I suffer a nervous breakdown after reading Joshua's last post. That, combined with our lack of foresight and the release of a whole bunch of people from the hospital, practically destroys our plan. Oops. All we manage to do is pass a law that all elected officials have to take a spelling test (the Constitution forbids a religious test, but no one ever said anything about a spelling test!). Then…

(How long do we keep this going? :P)


Emily H

because of the lack of grammatical literacy, no one can read your law. Along with this rather disappointing set back, the Supreme Court also rules your law as unconstitutional saying it violates people's "right to privacy" and violates the 9th amendment. They also manage to somehow fit in the 3rd amendment and the commerce clause. You get branded as unloving haters who just can't tolerate people who don't believe the same as you, and everywhere you go you're followed by protesters holding signs (badly misspelled, and with horrible punctuation of course). Then…



We take the law back to Supreme Court on the grounds that Article 1, Section 5 of the Constitution says that each House may set its own rules for proceedings and punish its members for disorderly behavior (bad grammar definitely qualifies as disorderly behavior). We also start another case, based on the 8th amendment, because forcing people to hear and read so much bad grammar is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. While we brainstorm for other creative ways to include every part of the Constitution in this, the protesters manage to get us all put in jail because they claim that we're violating the 1st amendment. Then…

xP xP


Emily H

After hearing your case based on the 8th amendment, the Supreme Court creates a 7,493 step test to determine what is cruel, and another 5,642 step test for unusual punishment. One thing that results from this is you are all let out of jail and your supervising jailer person (I can't remember what they're called! :P) is supposed to oversee hand-holding, singing, and telling how much y'all appreciate each other sessions between the grammarists and the anti-grammarists xP Then…



During one of these hand-holding and singing and telling-each-other-how-much-we-appreciate-each-other sessions, one of the anti-grammarists, who happens to have survived the spelling test and is in Congress, decides that having to be so friendly with grammarists violates his right to privacy. He was also found searching the cellphone of a grammarist without a warrant. When we go back to court, he refuses to testify, claiming that that would violate the 5th amendment, but the Supreme Court rules that searching the cellphone was definitely unconstitutional. So an impeachment trial is held for him. Then…


Emily H

Things are not looking good at the impeachment trial so the anti-grammarist Congressman evades justice, runs away, and starts an underground socialist-leaning anti-grammar movement with a number one goal of kidnapping you for being the ringleader of the grammarists. You try to protect yourself with bodyguards and security systems and such, so when one of the impeached anit-grammarist Congressman's hit men come to try to kidnap you, he gets shot. And sues you. Then…



The guy's lawsuit fails because I have stacked all the courts with my grammar-loving friends. (Mwahaha.) Now he has a whole bunch of legal bills to pay, besides a hospital bill. Since we grammarists really are nice people, we collect donations to help him out, and back we go to the telling-each-other-how-much-we-appreciate-each-other sessions. But while we're not looking, the North and the South go to war over whether or not "ain't" is a word. Then…


Emily H

Because civil wars don't work as well as they used to back in the 1800s when you'd just march around till you found an apposing army and shoot at each other till one side ran away ^My fast knowledge of military strategy right there…^, both sides just nuke each other into oblivion. Thus ends the grand experiment. =P


Cory(being a fool is not cool, but God is a precious redeeming jewel)

Because civil wars don't work as well as they used to back in the 1800s when you'd just march around till you found an *opposing* army and shoot at each other till one side ran away ^My fast knowledge of military strategy right there...^, both sides just nuke each other into oblivion. Thus ends the grand experiment. =P

Fortunately, one of the members of the rebellion (namely, me xD) remembered to build a bomb shelter for just such an occasion! Having survived long enough that the fall-out is no longer dangerous, I climb out and begin rebuilding the anti-grammar government. Then…



Wait, it's not done? :P Well, anyway, I don't know what would happen then. It kinda depends who else you let into your shelter. :P ^What, you don't like grammar? :P^


Joshua S

Fortunately, one of the members of the rebellion (namely, me xD) remembered to build a bomb shelter for just such an occasion! Having survived long enough that the fall-out is no longer dangerous, I climb out and begin rebuilding the anti-grammar government. Then...

How can you set up an anti-grammar government when your post doesn't have a single grammatical error (except maybe the emoji).


M. W.

Because civil wars don't work as well as they used to back in the 1800s when you'd just march around till you found an *opposing* army and shoot at each other till one side ran away ^My fast knowledge of military strategy right there...^, both sides just nuke each other into oblivion. Thus ends the grand experiment. =P
Fortunately, one of the members of the rebellion (namely, me xD) remembered to build a bomb shelter for just such an occasion! Having survived long enough that the fall-out is no longer dangerous, I climb out and begin rebuilding the anti-grammar government. Then...

Wellllll…..since you're the only person left on the planet…..You can't restart anything. xP
So you get old and die eventually. The End.


Cory(being a fool is not cool, but God is a precious redeeming jewel)

Because civil wars don't work as well as they used to back in the 1800s when you'd just march around till you found an *opposing* army and shoot at each other till one side ran away ^My fast knowledge of military strategy right there...^, both sides just nuke each other into oblivion. Thus ends the grand experiment. =P
Fortunately, one of the members of the rebellion (namely, me xD) remembered to build a bomb shelter for just such an occasion! Having survived long enough that the fall-out is no longer dangerous, I climb out and begin rebuilding the anti-grammar government. Then...
Wellllll.....since you're the only person left on the planet.....You can't restart anything. xP So you get old and die eventually. The End.

Wow, how fun xP Now someone needs to come up with a new if… ;P



if... All the books, and movies that you have seen came true. You would...

… all randomly break into choreographed song and dance numbers. Then…


Piece of Peace

…you would all turn into twirling jellyfish and take over the whole world and people would come and try to squash you…



…you would close your eyes and tense for the blow, but it never comes. you look up, but nothing's there but trees and thick swirling fog. Then…



You make your servants slaves. So they run away and you send your knights after them, and a rebellion starts. Then…



Me and the rest left from the rebels sail away and find a never discovered island and set government there. Then…



[Those ain't no way to not treats people like us. The monarchy were not being fair-like! ^that came from Swaim's post^]



Some people supporting the monarchy attack us, but being far outnumbered they run like chickens. Then…



To escape I use sneaky tricks I did from competing at the mission impossible game at Cedarville University [which I really did do]. Then…



…catch the first flight south. xP

What would happen if you found yourself alone on an airplane headed toward an unknown destination?



…you do the obvious thing, which is get into the cockpit and start going toward a known destination. Then…


Mommy's Helper

[Ahhh, this thread…. brings back good memories. XD I used to be pretty crazy… Dem rules I made… LOL]

…you cautiously fly the other direction to a different known destination, not wishing to take any chances with strangers. Then…
