You know you're a Homeschooler when....

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17


…your two year-old brother draws a picture of John F. Kennedy and William McKinley :).


Mommy's Helper

When there is a contractor guy or someone over at your house, and he is estimating something….
Contractor: 150 times 5… that'd be 750.
And you immediately begin doing mental math to check up on him. Then you hear your brother whisper something, and you turn and hear him say… "5 times 150…" xP


Mommy's Helper

When you catch Mr. MathUSee making a mistake before he does.

I used to do that all the time until we switched to Abeka. Now I catch all my teacher making major mistakes… and they never notice until a student points it out.


Piece of Peace

…When your mom comes in the room and you're sitting in a bean bag with a dictionary in one hand, a encyclopedia in the other, math book on the floor, and a calendar in your lap, and your computer open with a word document, a power point, and a excel spreadsheet, you have a pencil behind your ear, your tongue is protruding (Which means I was concentrating), and you have you're Bible siting beside you on the bed, that you're actually reading, and beside the Bible, another book that I was pretending to read, and didn't even notice she walked in the room… (Absent-minded Professor, me) I only realized she was there when she said "What on earth! What are you actually doing?"


Piece of Peace

…When you play army men with presidents and you can tell which one is which and what number president he is and what years he 'reigned' with only seeing his face. LOL


Piece of Peace

…when you have a conversation like this…

Friend #1: "What have you been doing?"
Me: "Converting oxygen into carbon dioxide."
Friend #2: "Ha! Took me a sec."
Friend #3: "I don't get it."
Me: "I'm breathing!"
Friend #3: "Ohhhhhhhhhhh……"


Piece of Peace

…Conductor: So what grade are you in?
Me: Umm… I'm in 10th… No wait, 11th.
Conductor: Oh okay. Shouldn't you know what grade your in?
Me: I'm homeschooled.
My cellist friend: I know it's confusing.
Entire orchestra laughes



…For so many years you watch the school bus go by your house and are so glad it doesn't stop at your house, and then one morning, one stops at your house, and your 3yo brother gets on it and your 'natural instincts' tell you to run out an save him from that horrible bus that's carrying him away…xP

(Taylor, my little brother that has DS, has started going to school twice a week, to a special needs class, mostly to help him with his speech.)



It's going well - sometimes he doesn't want to get on the bus, but we're pretty sure he's fine and has fun after that. xD
