You know you're a Homeschooler when....

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17


Hey, we live in a great age! We can learn many things just from different websites (or one: Wikipedia ;) ) instead of having to go to the library and check out dozens of books. Of course, lots of homeschoolers do that too!



No, I'm still using my typewriter over here. Oh wait, you can't get on the Internet on a typewriter, can you?



you…you mean, homeschoolers can _adjust to changing times_??! we're not against any kind of interaction with the world? I'm shocked. Next thing you'll tell me we don't have trouble with socialization either.

Oh, and most people ask if we're homeschoolers AFTER we have all socialized and interacted with them. It's so ironic that many people believe we're so unsocialized ;D

But thankfully there are plenty of people who think it's neat when we say we're homeschooled (after they've already guessed it). :)


No one of Consequence

You might be a homeschooler if… Most of your friends are spread across the country, and you only see them once or twice a year, if that (like at ATI Regionals, Bible Bee, etc.)!


Sarah B.

With all these kids who don't like Saxon you'd wonder how they can keep that curriculum in homeschools. :P



The fault of awesome people like me who recognize how useful it actually is.

You're makin' me wish I knew what it was, so I can see if I'm up to the challenge! :D



The fault of awesome people like me who recognize how useful it actually is.

More like people with a whole lot of excess PRIDE [like you].

Disclaimer: I have never used Saxon math, so I have no idea if I'd like it. However, I DO know that Sam is prideful ;D

(But then again, who isn't?)



The fault of awesome people like me who recognize how useful it actually is.
More like people with a whole lot of excess PRIDE [like you]. Disclaimer: I have never used Saxon math, so I have no idea if I'd like it. However, I DO know that Sam is prideful ;D (But then again, who isn't?)

Wow. Just wow. Sam was not acting prideful right there!

Nicolas: Ooohhh…you would be up for the challenge :-)


Hiruko Kagetane

The fault of awesome people like me who recognize how useful it actually is.
More like people with a whole lot of excess PRIDE [like you]. Disclaimer: I have never used Saxon math, so I have no idea if I'd like it. However, I DO know that Sam is prideful ;D (But then again, who isn't?)


a group of lions forming a social unit

I'm full of lion families?

Oh, I get it! You're calling me lion-hearted for being able to take on Saxon! Thanks! I think I might agree with you there! :D



The fault of awesome people like me who recognize how useful it actually is.
More like people with a whole lot of excess PRIDE [like you]. Disclaimer: I have never used Saxon math, so I have no idea if I'd like it. However, I DO know that Sam is prideful ;D (But then again, who isn't?)
Pride /prid/ _noun_ a group of lions forming a social unit I'm full of lion families? _Oh_, I get it! You're calling me lion-hearted for being able to take on Saxon! Thanks! I think I might agree with you there! :D

Haha!!! Nice job, Sam!



The fault of awesome people like me who recognize how useful it actually is.
More like people with a whole lot of excess PRIDE [like you]. Disclaimer: I have never used Saxon math, so I have no idea if I'd like it. However, I DO know that Sam is prideful ;D (But then again, who isn't?)
Pride /prid/ _noun_ a group of lions forming a social unit I'm full of lion families? _Oh_, I get it! You're calling me lion-hearted for being able to take on Saxon! Thanks! I think I might agree with you there! :D
Haha!!! Nice job, Sam!

Brilliant job. I'm stunned.



Nicolas: would be up for the challenge :-)

How are you so sure? 'Cuz I'm not, with all these people saying how hard it is. :P



Nicolas: would be up for the challenge :-)
How are you so sure? 'Cuz I'm not, with all these people saying how hard it is. :P

It's not that hard…just extremely boring.



Nicolas: would be up for the challenge :-)
How are you so sure? 'Cuz I'm not, with all these people saying how hard it is. :P
It's not _that_ hard...just extremely boring.

Hm… maybe I would be up to the challenge, 'cuz I don't find working problems very boring. :D



Nicolas: would be up for the challenge :-)
How are you so sure? 'Cuz I'm not, with all these people saying how hard it is. :P
It's not _that_ hard...just extremely boring.
Hm... maybe I would be up to the challenge, 'cuz I don't find working problems very boring. :D

Like I said…you'd be up for it!!!


Hiruko Kagetane

Nicolas: would be up for the challenge :-)
How are you so sure? 'Cuz I'm not, with all these people saying how hard it is. :P
It's not _that_ hard...just extremely boring.


Just when I thought I'd heard it all…not complaining about math because it's hard, or you have a bad teacher, but because it's "boring"…wow…just…wow…



Nicolas: would be up for the challenge :-)
How are you so sure? 'Cuz I'm not, with all these people saying how hard it is. :P
It's not _that_ hard...just extremely boring.
*facepalm* Just when I thought I'd heard it all...not complaining about math because it's hard, or you have a bad teacher, but because it's "boring"

What's wrong with that???



You just might be a homeschooler if your math curriculum follows the adventures of a 6-year-old stick figure named Fred. :-)



Oh, I'm sorry for not not making myself clear enough for you.

a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
"the team was bursting with pride after recording a sensational victory"
synonyms: pleasure, joy, delight, gratification, fulfillment, satisfaction, a sense of achievement More
the consciousness of one's own dignity.
"he swallowed his pride and asked for help"
synonyms: self-esteem, dignity, honor, self-respect, self-worth, self-regard, pride in oneself More
antonyms: shame
the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's importance.
"the sin of pride"
synonyms: arrogance, vanity, self-importance, hubris, conceit, conceitedness, self-love, self-adulation, self-admiration, narcissism, egotism, superciliousness, haughtiness, snobbery, snobbishness; More
antonyms: modesty, humility
a person or thing that is the object or source of a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction.
"the swimming pool is the pride of the community"
synonyms: source of satisfaction, pride and joy, treasured possession, joy, delight More
the best state or condition of something; the prime.
"in the pride of youth"
synonyms: best, finest, top, cream, pick, choice, prize, glory, jewel in the crown More
antonyms: dregs
a group of lions forming a social unit.

Yeah, first meaning.


Sarah Johnston

…When you have no idea how to correctly pronounce a word because you've read it a thousand times, but never heard it spoken, and the little voice in your head pronounces it a completely different way then normal people do and it could turn into an embarrassing situation if you say the word out loud and nobody knows what you mean cuz what you are saying isn't actually a real word.
