Carissa Rose

Started by biblebee

Steve W.

Yep, she referred me as well.
Carissa is so awesome for Memverse!
Oh yeah! She's a boss! ;p
that..sounded...weird... XD JK

Pff. Ya just gotta know how to use that word. ;p

There are some boss ppl out in the world and she's one of 'em. ;p ;p


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

Yep, she referred me as well.
Carissa is so awesome for Memverse!
Oh yeah! She's a boss! ;p
that..sounded...weird... XD JK
*Pff. Ya just gotta know how to use that word.* ;p There are some boss ppl out in the world and she's one of 'em. ;p ;p

boss: person in charge :) who else is a "boss"? Sam? U?


Steve W.

Yep, she referred me as well.
Carissa is so awesome for Memverse!
Oh yeah! She's a boss! ;p
that..sounded...weird... XD JK
*Pff. Ya just gotta know how to use that word.* ;p There are some boss ppl out in the world and she's one of 'em. ;p ;p
boss: person in charge :) who else is a "boss"? Sam? U?

Noooo! No no… Lol. That's not how boss is used.. When I say someone's a boss it means they're awesome.


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

Yep, she referred me as well.
Carissa is so awesome for Memverse!
Oh yeah! She's a boss! ;p
that..sounded...weird... XD JK
*Pff. Ya just gotta know how to use that word.* ;p There are some boss ppl out in the world and she's one of 'em. ;p ;p
boss: person in charge :) who else is a "boss"? Sam? U?
Noooo! No no... Lol. That's not how boss is used.. When I say someone's a boss it means they're awesome.

OMG lol I know what it means! I am just trying to playfully annoy you…and it worked!!! :)


Steve W.

Yep, she referred me as well.
Carissa is so awesome for Memverse!
Oh yeah! She's a boss! ;p
that..sounded...weird... XD JK
*Pff. Ya just gotta know how to use that word.* ;p There are some boss ppl out in the world and she's one of 'em. ;p ;p
boss: person in charge :) who else is a "boss"? Sam? U?
Noooo! No no... Lol. That's not how boss is used.. When I say someone's a boss it means they're awesome.
OMG lol I know what it means! I am just trying to playfully annoy you...and it worked!!! :)

Lol! Nah… Not annoyed. Just thought you didn't know. ;p


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

Yep, she referred me as well.
Carissa is so awesome for Memverse!
Oh yeah! She's a boss! ;p
that..sounded...weird... XD JK
*Pff. Ya just gotta know how to use that word.* ;p There are some boss ppl out in the world and she's one of 'em. ;p ;p
boss: person in charge :) who else is a "boss"? Sam? U?
Noooo! No no... Lol. That's not how boss is used.. When I say someone's a boss it means they're awesome.
OMG lol I know what it means! I am just trying to playfully annoy you...and it worked!!! :)
Lol! Nah... Not annoyed. Just thought you didn't know. ;p

grrrr :P


Sarah B.

*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^

Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??



*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??

"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."


Steve W.

*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."

And what's not true about that statement?



*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?

I haven't therefore it's not true.


Sarah B.

*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?
I haven't therefore it's not true.

Carissa, you have done soooo much to build the kingdom Sam rules! Everyone knows that! If not for you many people would not be here!


Steve W.

*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?
I haven't therefore it's not true.
Carissa, you have done soooo much to build the kingdom Sam rules! Everyone knows that! If not for you many people would not be here!

That's true^^
Me thinks Cari should be the ruler ;p


Sarah B.

*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?
I haven't therefore it's not true.
Carissa, you have done soooo much to build the kingdom Sam rules! Everyone knows that! If not for you many people would not be here!
That's true^^ Me thinks Cari should be the ruler ;p

We have tried that before….


Steve W.

*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?
I haven't therefore it's not true.
Carissa, you have done soooo much to build the kingdom Sam rules! Everyone knows that! If not for you many people would not be here!
That's true^^ Me thinks Cari should be the ruler ;p
We have tried that before....

Lemme guess… It didn't work at all. ;p well if she can be ruler on chats she can do it on HERE AS WELL! ;p


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?
I haven't therefore it's not true.
Carissa, you have done soooo much to build the kingdom Sam rules! Everyone knows that! If not for you many people would not be here!
That's true^^ Me thinks Cari should be the ruler ;p
We have tried that before....
Lemme guess... It didn't work at all. ;p well if she can be ruler on chats she can do it on *HERE AS WELL!*;p

wow Steve, calm down… :P


Steve W.

*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?
I haven't therefore it's not true.
Carissa, you have done soooo much to build the kingdom Sam rules! Everyone knows that! If not for you many people would not be here!
That's true^^ Me thinks Cari should be the ruler ;p
We have tried that before....
Lemme guess... It didn't work at all. ;p well if she can be ruler on chats she can do it on *HERE AS WELL!*;p
wow Steve, calm down... :P

O_o JR! Lol YOU ARE SOO BAD!! ;p ;p


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?
I haven't therefore it's not true.
Carissa, you have done soooo much to build the kingdom Sam rules! Everyone knows that! If not for you many people would not be here!
That's true^^ Me thinks Cari should be the ruler ;p
We have tried that before....
Lemme guess... It didn't work at all. ;p well if she can be ruler on chats she can do it on *HERE AS WELL!*;p
wow Steve, calm down... :P
O_o JR! Lol YOU ARE SOO BAD!! ;p ;p




*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?
I haven't therefore it's not true.

You have, therefore it is. It's a simple fact. :P



*Facepalm* You both are so nice. :) ^even though what you said wasn't true ;P^
Carissa! It was true! What about it wasn't true??
"Carissa has done a lot to make MV what it is."
And what's not true about that statement?
I haven't therefore it's not true.
You have, therefore it is. It's a simple fact. :P

Whatever y'all say.

Steve: No, I shouldn't!!!


Steve W.

Oh come on! You were the best Ruler on there! Liz and I both agreed! ;p

Hey, I owe you one big time! Your songs are amazing!! Looks like I'll have to come through with my side of the deal.. sighs ^ya won't like it… Not nearly as good^ guess that also means you don't owe me any videos… ;p but thx again! Love them!


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

Oh come on! You were the best Ruler on there! Liz and I both agreed! ;p Hey, I owe you one big time! Your songs are amazing!! Looks like I'll have to come through with my side of the deal.. *sighs* ^ya won't like it... Not nearly as good^ guess that also means you don't owe me any videos... ;p but thx again! Love them!

lol :P


2 Corinthians 5:17

Thank you sooo much for your letter! It totally made my day :D I'll try to respond before too long. :)

Did you hear about the KBR Joyful Daughters Conference in March? It's going to be in KC! I sooo wish we could go, but it's right over mom's due date! :-/ As is your Scriptorum! Anyways, thought you'd like this information :) Not much as of yet, but it's March 20-21st.



In response to our conversation last night, from what I know of you, you love to do stuff like sports, but also enjoy reading, cooking, memorizing, ect. So yeah, I pretty much described myself as well.


Steve W.

Hey Crissa! So I decided to go with the 90 day cuz I have to finish before June. The only plan is on my Youversion app. Do u have that app?



Hey Steve! Great minds think a like! I was just going to ask you what you decided! Okay! :) So, have you completed the first day yet? :)

I do have that app! But I printed it out on a piece of paper. ) Do you want me to take pics of it and upload it so you can see if they're the same? :) Cause I'm pretty sure they're different. ;)

Btw, I shared a few songs with you. :)



We're reading through the Bible in ninety days. :) Then in April and May I'll be reading the NT twice. :)


Steve W.

Hey Steve! Great minds think a like! I was just going to ask you what you decided! Okay! :) So, have you completed the first day yet? :) I do have that app! But I printed it out on a piece of paper. ) Do you want me to take pics of it and upload it so you can see if they're the same? :) Cause I'm pretty sure they're different. ;) Btw, I shared a few songs with you. :)

Haha! xD

Do you ever use the app? What's ur name on there? Wow, yeah, could u do that?! Thx!

Not yet.. I was going to listen to them while I did dishes but it wasn't working. Will do them soon.

Awesome thanks! ;)



Cari {biblebee}. I requested to be your friend. ;) Sure would!

Okay. :)

Rachel: Hmm..whatever you can fit in your schedule. ;)


Steve W.

Cari {biblebee}. I requested to be your friend. ;) Sure would! Okay. :) Rachel: Hmm..whatever you can fit in your schedule. ;)

Hot sauce! :) do you use the app much?


Steve W.

Somewhat.. I just started using it.

Friended u back!
Well, if you ever get on you will see my reading plan.



Yeah…but it doesn't have phone service. ;)

I would help you…but I have a hard enough time making my own decisions. :P

Steve: Alrighty. :) I'm going to get a couple photos of mine so you can see it. :)


Steve W.

Hey Carissa, I've been thinking about our talk on what is God's will. I think I know what you were trying to say. See if what I say makes sense. ;p

So I think God's will is never for us to sin…but it is for us to be tested.

I think you were right in pointing to James.

"Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, *that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures*. (‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭13-18‬ ESV)

The bold part I think is God's will for us, correct?

So God sends us trials that we may grow by them - but if we fail and sin that is not His will but our fault. God's will was for us to grow by the trial not fail. So everything that happens is God's will - as to our sin it was our own fault.

Not sure if I explained it the best but hope you understand what I'm trying to say. :)
