Carissa Rose

Started by biblebee

Sarah B.

I got your letter!
^May I ask when you sent it? I want to know how long it takes for letters to come and go from MO.^



Umm…I don't remember… I think three days ago…

And sorry for not mailing it sooner…it was kinda outdated… =\



Ugh. I still haven't responded to this. =\ Sorry! I'm not trying to ignore you…just trying to gather my thoughts on this…

I'm doing well ^for the most part…but life always has ups and downs, right? ;)^ How're you doing? :) I'm on track with my Bible reading plan…I need to work on learning all my summaries now. :) I also need to be way more diligent in my Bible studying. How's your Bible reading going? How's school and hockey? Had any opportunities to witness to anyone recently?


Sarah B.

Umm...I don't remember... I think three days ago... And sorry for not mailing it was kinda outdated... =\

Oh, it's totally fine! I was just wondering. :) Thanks for writing!


Steve W.

Oh, you're fine. Whenever you can is fine. :)
Ikr? Always the ups and downs. ;) I'm about the same. Great! I'm about two days behind but I'm keeping up with it and not falling back any farther. Tonight and tomorrow I should be able to get back to speed. Oh, I finally found my notebook so I can continue with my summaries! :D I'm just going to be far behind. Yeah, the same goes for me… It's just hard, cuz I also need to be putting more time into school. I want to do more in both areas but not succeeding. :/ Whoa, so you're also memorizing the Bible summaries? My mom has been gone all week so my school has slumped. Hockey is going really well! Always trying to improve my game. Thankfully I have had no injuries! Tho, every game is tiring and I get bruised up, but I don't mind.
No, not of late. :/ maybe I have and I just don't notice them.. I hope to tlk to my one teammate (Matt Benson) before the season is out.
How about you? Do you get out much? Any chance of ice skating?


Steve W.

I know I'm sorrrrryyyy!!!!!!! I saw it and meant to reply.. =/ =/
Would do it now cept it's 3am. Tomorrow I will!


Steve W.

Steve, you were requesting The Steps of a Good Man a while ago. I should have a video of it to you tomorrow. :) Edit: Or not...cause I can't get it to work... Hang on.

Did it ever work?



Steve, you were requesting The Steps of a Good Man a while ago. I should have a video of it to you tomorrow. :) Edit: Or not...cause I can't get it to work... Hang on.
Did it ever work?

I uploaded it to the audio file on google drive that I shared with you a while ago…



So, how's your Bible reading going now? How's your Bible memory going?

I'm not trying to memorize them…just know them well enough so that I know the content of the chapters. :)

Have you been able to talk to Matt yet? When is the season over?

We're helpfully going ice skating on Friday. :) I'm looking forward to it immensely. Though I hope I don't have any injuries like last time. :P

How's school going? How about piano and violin? :)


Steve W.

Steve, you were requesting The Steps of a Good Man a while ago. I should have a video of it to you tomorrow. :) Edit: Or not...cause I can't get it to work... Hang on.
Did it ever work?
I uploaded it to the audio file on google drive that I shared with you a while ago...

Oh. Awesome!! :) thanky



Steve, you were requesting The Steps of a Good Man a while ago. I should have a video of it to you tomorrow. :) Edit: Or not...cause I can't get it to work... Hang on.
Did it ever work?
I uploaded it to the audio file on google drive that I shared with you a while ago...
Oh. Awesome!! :) thanky

You're welcome. :)


Steve W.

Uhh it's been really bad this last week… Both of them. =/ I'm ashamed to say.

Mmkay, that's what I was thinking.

Nope, this last wk and a half I've had off. I start back up Sat. Season ends 2nd week in March.

Oh cool! That should be really fun! :) same place? Lol! Ik! Don't fall down this time!!

School is so-so. I've been able to pick up algebra again so hopefully that will go smoothly. I haven't played much piano recently and violin I'm trying to learn a couple of arrangements.

What about you? What's been happening of late? Oh, I found the other songs you shared!! ;) but I didn't see "the steps of a good man." But that's fine. Thanks xD

Hey, would it ever be possible to find a day that would work to get on chats? I know you're super busy but maybe some Saturday might work? I completely understand if it doesn't. ;)


Roy Phillips

Here is some stuff that is compatible to most -toy- modern swords (namely Nerf).

All the information (except for the sport fencing) is available here ( however a lot of it is in PDF so you would have to scroll trough page after page of pole-arms and other weapons to get to a relevant section.

However some that I recommend are: Francesco Alfieri 1653,

Codex Wallerstein - c. 1470,

The Solothurner Fechtbuch, c. 1423,

Old sword play -1892

Oh, and don't feel rushed, most of it has been around for several hundred years. :P



How's Bible reading going for you now?? :) I was paying attention and got ahead on reading. But I'm behind on my summaries…I need to catch up on those.

How's hockey going? :) We went ice skating on Friday. It was lots of fun! :) I only fell once but that was Bethany's fault. :P

Hmm…that's odd you didn't find that one…not sure why not… =\

Nothing much has been going on lately…just regular stuff. :) Oh, in January I went to Atlanta with my Dad and older sisters for a conference. It was really good! :)

I'll have to see. :)

Sorry it took me so long to reply. =\


Steve W.

Well, I haven't been catching up at all yet. :/ congrats! Where are you right now in your reading?

It's great! I have my last game this Thursday before playoffs. We need to win this one to come in 1st place. Hey yeah, how was that?! Did all of your family go? Hahha! And why's it her fault? ;p

Yeah, Bethany told me about that trip. Sounds like it was a great time!!

Got your family letter the other day! Great family photo! :) I even showed my mom the photo (gotta start showing my mom who my bb friends are if we're to meet at Nats). ;p sent out our family letter so you should be getting it soon. Tho are photo is more casual. I wish my sisters had a higher standard on cloths like you have. :)

Hope you're doing well!


Ian R.2

can't wait till I get a video camera :P

I was watching the ping pong video from Nats, were you playing with Nate S. or a different Nate? :P


2 Corinthians 5:17

I was using Dad's iPhone. actually. xD

Nope, that was my brother, Nathanael. =) Not sure if you met him or not. That game was so hilarious! xD

Speaking of the S's = you should get them to join Memverse+the forums. :D Did you know their family and ours sat together at the Closing Ceremony?


Ian R.2

I can try, he did seem interested when I told him about MV last year. :)

I saw that from your other video. :P



I'm in Ezekiel. But I'm wayyy behind on summaries. =\

Just my mom, two older sisters and Ellia went with me. :)

Haha! XD

I got the song you shared with me! Thanks! I can't wait to listen to it! How's violin practice going? :)

We're supposed to get some snow this weekend! We'll see if the weathermen are correct. :P


Steve W.

I'm in Ezekiel. But I'm wayyy behind on summaries. =\ Just my mom, two older sisters and Ellia went with me. :) Haha! XD I got the song you shared with me! Thanks! I can't wait to listen to it! How's violin practice going? :) We're supposed to get some snow this weekend! We'll see if the weathermen are correct. :P

Yeah, it's so hard to try to catch up. :/

Mmkay! Question: how do you say Ellia? facepalm is it like "Elli-ah"?

Great! Sorry for the mistakes.. Violin is going pretty well :) enjoying it. I'm trying to learn an arrangement of "How deep the Father's love." right now.
How's piano going for you? Learning any songs?



Ell-e-ah. :)

Neat! I'm working on learning a song called Innocence. It's…coming. Kinda slowly… :P

How's school going? Lawn business starting up again? :)


Steve W.

Ah, okay. Thx. Lol.

Mmkay. :)

Schools going okay.. Yeah :/ soon it will start up again. :P not really looking forward to that.

What about you? How's eveything down thataway? How'd the scriptorium go?



Ugh. I keep forgetting to respond! I'm so sorry!

Everything's been going well here! Not much happening here… :P The scriptoriun went very well! It was awesome and so encouraging!!! The video is on youtube if you would like to watch it. Just search for KC Scriptorium 2015 or get the link on the KC Scriptorium page here on the forums. ;)


Steve W.

Haha! It's fine. ;) I know you're busy.
Glad to hear that! Playing any songs on the piano? I still can't listen to the other ones u shared with me way back. :/

Oaky, great, thanks!



And once again I take a very long time to respond… =/

Well, I'm trying to learn a couple hymn arrangements. But it's not cause I greatly enjoy it… I don't like perfecting songs… :P

I don't know why that is… =/ Maybe I'll record something and email it to you… I'll see. :) I was trying to record and getting a higher quality recording by using the computer. So I got the computer out and all the cords and everything, but then I couldn't figure out how to get it to work… I still need to ask Amy to show me how it works… What have you been playing lately? How's violin going?

How's Bible reading and Memory going? Bible Bee starts in 33 days! :)


Steve W.

Haha! That's okay.. Took me 3 months to reply to Bethany so don't feel bad. XP

Yeah, same here.. It's really hard for me to get a song perfect.

Mmkay :) don't worry about it if it doesn't work. Piano lessons are coming to a close in two weeks (I've only had three all year :/). Play "How Deep The Father's Love" with my violin and piano accompaniment last Sunday in church. I'll see if I can get the recording to you. Next I'll prolly learn "O the Deep Deep Live".

My plan.. Ugh I'm so behind in it :/ I hate that I haven't kept up.
I KNOW!!!!!! So excited!!!!! Have some things I wanna tell ya but I gotta go for now. I'll be back! ;)



Oh, yes! I'd so enjoy hearing the recording! :) I'm trying to record some of my voice songs for you… ;) We'll see if I ever send them to you… :P

Well, keep working on it. ;)

Oh, I can't wait to hear what you have to tell me! ;)


Steve W.

Okay, ;) I'll look into getting it to you soon. Oh cool xD I look forward to them. ;p

Trying to..

Oh, nothing that exciting ;p just things bout Isabella and I.

Tell me, with BB coming up how's the best way to get ahold of you? On here or gmail?

I CANT BELIEVE GS IS SHUT DOWN!!!!!! :/ :/ nooooooooi!



I don't have a Skype account… =/ I'd have to ask my parents and I'd have to ask Bethany if I could use her account… I'll see if it can work sometime though. :) How about you email me with you Skype account name and what times work for you. :)


Steve W.

Okey dokey. ;)

I'm guessing this is the week where u change ur name to a book character?
