Seth W

Started by Seth W.

Seth W.

Thanks. :)
I do think you may have too high an opinion of me, though - which is one reason I'm looking forward to meeting you in person. It's very easy to (unintentionally) give an incorrect view of yourself on an internet forum.


Sarah B.

Perhaps. I don't think anything would change my friendship (unless you drink, or have some other habit I'm not into)… I'm pretty stubborn about keeping my friends, even if they don't want to be my friends (which is why I have been hurt so many times). It's really bad actually… I refuse to give up on anyone.
I was thinking you had too high of an opinion of me as well. I was thinking the same… we'll get this settled when we met in person. I have tried to be honest with you, but you never know how someone will read something.

Edit- You know, it is in my personality type (INFP) to think too highly of certain people… so maybe I do. I will try to be careful about that. Thank you for the warning. :)


Sarah B.

I'm really sorry about what I said yesterday. It seems really selfish now. I'm pretty sure it didn't hurt you but I feel bad just the same.


Seth W.

Sighs I know as a very heavily TJ personality I don't catch on to feelings as well as most people, but sometimes you really confuse me. :) (meaning I can't think of why you would consider your post selfish or any reason to feel bad - from what I can remember you pretty much re-iterated what I said) No - you didn't hurt me at all, and I'm not sure how you would have. I only didn't reply because I was already gone when you posted it and just got home about an hour ago.
I'm gone again for the night, so see you in a couple months! (actually only about a month and a half - wow, coming up fast!)


Seth W.

So have you been able to think of anything else pertaining to all of us meeting in Ohio? I like your mom's idea of doing some sort of a bible thing - quiz, study, discussion - whatever she was thinking.


Hiruko Kagetane

Sam is...15? 16? I think I have a couple years on him... although I have been beaten by a 15 year old before.
Ha! Well, he has awesomeness on his side! :) Plus, he's really mean... *Edit*- Maybe I should say "He says he has awesomeness...." I've never met him either. :P

Love you too, big sister. Love you too. :)


Sarah B.

Don't worry about understanding me all the time. Sometimes I confuse myself even… putting it into words is even harder. I try not to be confusing, which is just more confusing. Anyway…
It would be easier to explain this in person… so I think we should just forget this one (if I try to explain every confusing situation… we might end up talking for months and get no where, because I don't even understand it myself).


Sarah B.

-We have friends who have those jump sit things they use for quizzing… that would be fun! :) We'll have to get all the families to think up good Bible questions to quiz over! :)-

-Edit Do you like to play Apples to Apples? :)-
-Edit2 Which reminds me that Bethany P. has challenged me to a game of Spoons… and I don't even know how to play…yet! I keep forgetting to ask Rachel and Elissa to teach me! facedesk-


Sarah B.

Do you know the full meaning of your name? :) Mine is Princess (Sarah) Victory (Nicole) and my last name is supposed to mean something like Black raven (or that's what it originally meant anyway).

Edit- Are you on ScriptureTyper? I found someone on there with your name… figured it was you.
^Edit- Warning: Don't get on ScriptureTyper again!^



We have friends who have those jump sit things they use for quizzing... that would be fun! :) We'll have to get all the families to think up good Bible questions to quiz over! :) *Edit*- Do you like to play Apples to Apples? I know that is a Martin/B. favorite game! :) *Edit2* Which reminds me that Bethany P. has challenged me to a game of Spoons... and I don't even know how to play...yet! I keep forgetting to ask Rachel and Elissa to teach me! *facedesk*

Bananagrams! Oh, and mafia! Those are the best group games! (However, our mom doesn't like us playing Mafia, so we changed it to Robbed! which is just as fun, and even better! :D)

Apples to Apples is pretty fun too, though ;)


Sarah B.

@Seth- I don't have any means of transportation to get to the get together (or any other plans) for June 26th. My dad will be at work until 5:00 in the evening. You guys are welcome to come over for dinner. I'm sorry… it was a really good idea, but I just don't think it's going to work out for us.
Let me know if you need anything.


Seth W.

Oh…that's not good news. I think you should be there - after all, you were the one who really started it. :) Hopefully we can figure something out…maybe we can move the party closer to your house? In any case, it may work for us to come over for dinner, since it would be right on the way, but do you think your mom would be up for it at that time?

I don't know what those jump-sit things are, but they sound interesting. :)
I can't recall playing Apples to Apples, so I'm not sure if I would like it or not. :) I'm not usually a huge fan of charade-type games, but they can be fun. I do know how to play Spoons, though. Maybe we can teach you. Oh, and I'm familiar with Mafia too.

I had a Scripture Typer account once, but I think I deleted it; I liked memverse better and never used Scripture Typer. Why should I not get on again?


Sarah B.

Well, I have one idea that might work… I'll talk to my dad about it tonight. (I normally have lots of ideas, but only a few are good ones.) As long as my mom can get to bed by 9:00 pm she'll be fine with it. She would like to meet you're family as well. :)

Have you ever done Bible quizzing? A lot of my friends do Bible quizzing. I guess quizzing in MO might be very different from quizzing in OH so maybe they don't use jump-sits in MO. :)

You will love Apples to Apples! It is a lot of fun (especially if you have a sense of humor). It's not a charade-type game… thank goodness! Have you ever played Twister? My siblings are always trying to make me play that game- but I've just down right refused. It's like crawling through the cat hole in the barn… I just can't bring myself to that kind of humiliation. :P


Abigail Rose

Simon is always trying to get Caity and Jordan's and Connors dog to play twister with him!
Its hilarious because this dog be scared of little kids!


Sarah B.

Haha! Twister with a dog sounds funny enough… Twister just is not my kind of game. It's fun to watch though. :D


Seth W.

No, I have never done Bible Quizzing. BIble Bee is the only Bible competition thing I have ever done (no Awana). Apparently I do have a sense of humor, it's just somewhat hidden at times. I'm not a very expressive person, unless I really try to be (which I'm working on). Yes, I have played Twister, but not for a couple years - I guess I'm okay with 'that kind of humiliation'. :)


Sarah B.

I've never done Bible Quizzing either, but at one of the Bible Bee practices we went to they had jump-sits. I always thought it as something I would never do… but there was no way out of it. So I did it! :)
Would you say you're aggressively competitive? I'm not. I enjoy competition… but not that much! I like to use the word 'out-going' because it makes me think of something different the word 'competitive'; though I think they mean the same thing.

Sometimes I'm expressive and sometimes I'm not… it kind of depends on who I'm with (and weather or not it's Saturday). :) On Memverse I'm very expressive, but that's because I'm comfortable here (sometimes too comfortable, I think). But I like to think of myself as reserved (which probably means I'm the opposite). I don't know… I guess you'll just have to find out for yourself. :)
Yeah, I'll just watch you play Twister! :D


Sarah B.

Do you like big dogs or little dogs best? I remember you said you didn't like that big dog in Mexico… I don't know why ever not though! He sounded "epic" enough. xP


Abigail Rose

Do you like big dogs or little dogs best? I remember you said you didn't like that big dog in Mexico... I don't know why ever not though! He sounded "epic" enough. xP

I like big dogs! :)
I didn't like the one in Mexico while we were there I like him now though! :p
He was too big for me, me was 5. :p


Sarah B.

I can understand being scared of dogs when you're little. Deadshot-Roy got kissed by a dog when he was two and hasn't been extremely fond of dogs since (he's okay with them though).

When I was a very little baby (just a few days old) my mom took me to visit one of her friends who had lots of dogs. One of the dogs go loose by accident, came running over to me and gave me a big kiss in the face! I jumped in my car sit! My heart was beating really fast and my eyes were big! Mom thought I would cry but I didn't. I just couldn't take my eyes off the dog. :) I love all kinds of dogs but especially the big ones!


Seth W.

@Anyone who sees this;

My mom had surgery on Monday because of continual health problems, and she is right now on the way to the ER because of really bad pain. Prayers would be very much appreciated; especially because she's had problems for several years now and the doctors have not been able to determine why. Thank you so much!


Evie, Child of Grace

Sorry, this is totally off subject, but I would really like you to see this. It's amazing:

Since you're a music major, you've probably heard of Sacred Harp or will soon. In case you (or anyone else) haven't, it is one of the oldest forms of music in America. It is sung in four-part harmony and uses shaped notes. It is one of the few (if not the only) forms of Christian music I have heard that is appealing to a majority of men (tenor carries the melody). Although this convention is in Ireland, Sacred Harp is mostly sung in the US.


Sarah B.

You posted in the right place… this thread is pretty much all random (if anyone apologizes it should be me). :)

@Seth- That reminds me, how did your Easter choir singing go? Did everyone make it through alright?


Mommy's Helper

I can understand being scared of dogs when you're little. Deadshot-Roy got kissed by a dog when he was two and hasn't been extremely fond of dogs since (he's okay with them though). When I was a very little baby (just a few days old) my mom took me to visit one of her friends who had lots of dogs. One of the dogs go loose by accident, came running over to me and gave me a big kiss in the face! I jumped in my car sit! My heart was beating really fast and my eyes were big! Mom thought I would cry but I didn't. I just couldn't take my eyes off the dog. :) I love all kinds of dogs but especially the big ones!

I used to scream whenever I saw a dog. Not I just jump a little. :)

Once, maybe a year ago, the neighbor's new dog got loose while I was on their property. They hadn't started the Invisible Fence thing with him yet… and, seeing him, I ran away. Thinking I was playing, he ran after me, and I screamed. He almost got me but when he was about an inch away (we were both running) he finally decided to obey the neighbor's calls and walk away. :)


Seth W.

It went pretty good. As usually, I thought it was going to be a big mess, but during the last two weeks everyone pulled it together very nicely. :)


Seth W.

There's really no such thing as off-topic here, just new-topic. :)

I didn't know anything about Sacred Harp before, but after seeing your post and watching the video I did some research, and have found out quite a bit that I didn't know before. It's a very interesting style of music - harmonically it sounds a bit strange, since the music isn't built the same way most music I'm familiar with is, but it certainly caught my interest.


Evie, Child of Grace

Great! The harmony is odd, I agree; very folkish and, in my opinion, somewhat unpolished, though very skillful (if that makes any sense). The words are excellent. If you like, has a listing of singings (there are three in Missouri).


Sarah B.

Oh! I know a little bit about "shape note" singing! That's so neat! My friends, who started our Friday night Bible Study, were teaching us how to sing that way… in fact, we were singing one of those songs last night. :)


Seth W.

@Evie - Thanks so much for posting the info about Sacred Harp - it really interested me, and I've decided to use Sacred Harp music as the focus of a presentation I'm doing for a class next Thursday. I was really not sure what I was going to do before - all of my ideas were not working - but now I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks again! Any other new-topics are always welcome. :)


Seth W.

@ Everyone
Thank you all so much for your prayers, my mom is out of the hospital and seems to be doing much better. The doctors still don't know for sure what was wrong, but at least the pain is mostly gone. Thanks again for your prayers - they are very much appreciated.


Evie, Child of Grace

Praise The Lord! I hope your mother continues to get better. I'll be praying.

I'm very glad the information helped you and that you're interested. The art really seems to be dying out. I thought it might also be helpful/neat to know that a large part of the song lyrics are by Isaac Watts. John Newton and Charles Wesley also wrote several of them. B. F. White a major tune writer as well as one of the founders of the Cooper book.

@ Sarah: Wow, that's neat! You don't call it a singing school, perchance?


Sarah B.

Seth! I'm so glad your mom is doing better! :)

I learned something new yesterday… my blood type is really A negative. I guess got my negatives and positives mixed up. Oops!
Anyway, I'd make a guess that your dad is O negative, and you're something negative too. Just a guess…

Oh, and we're getting a goat soon! I'm really excited about it! :)


Sarah B.

We call it Bible Study! The family who started the Bible study is really good with music, so I learned things from them. :)

@Abby- If you don't get to meet Edith (the goat) in May or June, Lord willing, you'll get to in October (if you come to my graduation party)! :)
