Is dancing wrong?

Started by Matthew Minica


Quetsion: Is dancing wrong?

Answer: Psalm 149:3.

Of course, if someone invents a form of dancing that jumps Biblical hedges, then that's wrong.


Piece of Peace

It totally depends on your style.
We don't dance hip-hop, break out, slam or disco.
I do not like swing dancing. But I don't have an issue with it.
But we square dance, round dance, line dance and barn dance.
I have no problem with dancing as you can see.
But I have had friends who would not dance, considered it a sin.
So I gave them the basic, "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion." But since I don't think its a sin I don't mind doing it.
BUT!!! I would not dance in front of them, if they were there, because we MUST respect other peoples differences.
