
Started by biblebee

Hiruko Kagetane

I can't think of any... so at what time did I send the email?

1:29 AM, EST.

I think you're in a different time zone than I am. :)


Seth W.

Yep, you're Sam. :) It was 12:29 here when I sent it - I was up way too late last night.


Hiruko Kagetane

Yep, you're Sam. :) It was 12:29 here when I sent it - I was up way too late last night.

You weren't the only one. I had a cold, and my nose was so stuffy I could barely breathe, so I was up most of the night trying not to suffocate in my sleep. XD


Abigail Rose

Yep, you're Sam. :) It was 12:29 here when I sent it - I was up way too late last night.
You weren't the only one. I had a cold, and my nose was so stuffy I could barely breathe, so I was up most of the night trying not to suffocate in my sleep. XD

You shoulda camed on here, I was here then.



Hey Carissa/Arwen (Dani, right?). could you both tell me of a couple of fun/upbeat pieces of fairly well-known music that you like? And maybe what you like about them?

I'll think about it and get back with you :)


Sarah B.

I would be very interested in hearing what all of you think about this piece of music; A couple things to think about when you listen to it; -This is an arrangement of a well-known hymn that you will find in many common hymnals. -This music does incorporate elements that are used in jazz, rock, etc. -Greg Howlett (the arranger) is a fairly well-known and boldly Christian pianist, who minored in music in college and is an active and respected church musician. Just so you know, opinions are very much divided over this piece. Some people think it's great, others are convinced it's straight from hell. I don't expect everyone to agree, but I thought that it may be helpful to have some specific examples to look at during this discussion.

I didn't particularly care for this piece much, but that's just personal preference. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with it as far as pleasing God.

@All- Do you think it is okay/good/pleasing to God to use and listen to music from artiste who profess Christ but don't live it? That's assuming the song is pleasing to the ear and worthy of listening to.


Christine Daaé (Dani the Older)

Hey Carissa/Arwen (Dani, right?). could you both tell me of a couple of fun/upbeat pieces of fairly well-known music that you like? And maybe what you like about them?

I do enjoy some Buddy Davis music (esp. God Created the Happy Moose, The Woodpecker Song) and fiddle pieces, etc.


Christine Daaé (Dani the Older)

Maybe I should have clarified this before: My main problem is with the use of 'Christian rock' in churches. What you do in your private life is between you and God. I think there is a problem with the fact that there is 'Christian rock' at all, but it's not my problem.


Hiruko Kagetane

Please explain "don't live it". As a Christian, you live out your faith through your works. If not, you aren't a Christian. I think what you're trying to say is, "Is it all right to listen to an artist who is a Christian, but doesn't produce Christian music?" And, I'd say yes. Case in point: Owl City. Adam Young is a Christian guy who makes fun music. It's not Christian, but is fun and appropriate for all audiences.


Sarah B.

Sammy, sorry for the delayed reply. ;)
Yes, I've heard some of Owl City and think his music is good. I don't know much about his life style… But I agree with you.
However, what I was trying to get at was something more like this: suppose an artist professed to be a Christian, but did things in their life that shows they probably weren't. Should we stay away from that person's music? Perhaps they even wrote a few songs that did have bad words or connotations, would it still be all right to listen to their other music?

Knowing you, I think you'll think these are redicules questions… but I know some people who hold to these kinds of standards.


Hiruko Kagetane

I'd say it depends on you. Personally, I'd rather listen to a secular artist than a supposedly Christian artist who is no different than a secular artist.

It's not a ridiculous questions, but it is one that should e answered. Thanks for asking. :)


Joshua S

There are some genres that were historically used for evil. I don't think that necessarily makes it wrong to put the Christian lyrics to the music style. One thing to be aware of, though, is that many people in the world will also associate certain genres with sinful lyrics. We need to be careful not to send the wrong message.


Everett C.

Do you think that certain types of music, such as metal or rap can glorify God?

Yes, if the lyrics glorify God. I disagree with the argument that music styles can be inherently sinful because music styles are not condemned in the Bible. The fact that the world's music includes rock/rap does not mean that those styles are sinful. Of course many Christians do not prefer to listen to this music, I being one of them, but that decision is based entirely on preference. I've also noticed that a lot of the arguments against rock/rap/metal are based on the assumption that there is such thing as "good music." Good music is subjective and 10 different people can perceive one song in 10 different ways. Therefore one cannot make the argument that rock/rap is disorderly and chaotic as that person's perception is influenced by the music they play or listen to. My mom is a classically trained pianist and dislikes much of the contemporary pop music, but that's only because she was trained in classical music and is accustomed to that style.

Also, a good amount of classical music can be considered worldly, and certainly Mozart's music was not meant to glorify God. Obviously no one considers his music sinful even though he was a "secular" artist. The point is that Christian rock/rap cannot be called sinful just because the style is used by the world. At the same time, however, we should respect those who dislike this type of music and not cause them to stumble (Rom. 14). So yeah, I believe that metal, rap, and rock can glorify God. It is influencing many Christians in a positive way, and I think the important thing is the heart of the musicians/people, not the origin of the music. Sorry I kinda rambled a lot here… just been thinking about this topic lately :)


Roy Phillips

This whole "music Forces you to listen to it" thing is silly. Its like food; if you don't like it, you will eat something else.
If a Hymn resonates with you and is well performed, do you think you'll be FORCED to listen to it again? if you eat a really good sandwich, will you be FORCED to eat a second one?
If someone frequently listens to a particular music genera its because that what they already want and those songs fit the niche

So Who in their right mind would like heavy mental? Idk. But as weird as it is, some people enjoy eating egg-plant.

Also a lot of hymns are put to pre-1900's bar music. I guess that' was the devils music people wanted to listen to (in church) back then.



I don't think secular music is good because it's worldly, and we are told to be set apart from the world.
Also, some "Christian" songs aren't really Christian songs at all and do not glorify God so we have to be careful.


Hiruko Kagetane

Have you ever read a book by a non-Christian author, Emmanuelle? What about the movies or shows you watch? Where do you draw the line?


Piece of Peace

I have been thinking about what I consider bad in music. Some of you (Zach and Ian and Matthew and… I don't know who else was there) Saw me say, "I don't consider drums a musical instrument." Here's why:

As a violinist, when you need to go a certain speed, you turn on your metronome, or you tap your foot, making either a noise out loud or a noise in your head. This helps keep you where you need to be at the right time. As an experiment, my conductor left the stage after starting a song, told everyone to glue their eyes to the music, and just watched how we did. Then after the song ended, (The Bases were first, The violas were next. The second violins and cellos tied for third. And the First violins all staggered off.) He told us which instruments were right on time. ZERO instruments were right on time, the song should of been several seconds longer. Why am I rambling on about this? That is all I consider drums good for. Drummers are very consistent people. They get in the beat and don't get out. They can keep everyone else in their places.

I also said "Music is not music if it doesn't sound good." So in this statement everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I don't think drums sound good, but Zach likes drums. Oh well, I working on that…

I spend a lot of time listening to music. The majority is older CCM and hymns and classical songs. The only newer songs I hear are the ones on the radio (93.7 WDJC, a very sound Christian radio station, who care about good Christian music and their country). My favorite song varies, in fact in PM's to 2 different people I think I gave 2 different answers within 24 hours of each other… It totally depends in what kind of mood I'm in.

What do I consider bad? This is your own opinion. I don't personally like 1D, Taylor Swift, Katie Perry, or Justin Beber. But I have no problem with people liking them.

I love music that makes me cry. Very few songs have ever reached this high. But I don't have to cry to like a song. I have cried and therefore love: Cry out to Jesus; by Third Day, If you haven't heard this song highly recommend it, it is one of their older songs. You Raise Me Up, and Written in Red… there are more but is too lazy to list them all.

Music videos: Some music videos are really good. Like Story of My Life; by 1D, that, even though I dislike 1D, was impressive. Also if you want to cry watch some of Britain's Got Talent: Attraction Shadow Play. Some of them will make you cry. Jesus take the Wheel,

I think I'm done talking now.

If you read all that good job, receive a hi-5.


Joshua S

I don't think the style of the music itself can be bad. I've heard no objective, Scripture-based argument for that. Of course, if the lyrics promote bad thoughts, then I believe it can be sinful as per Philippians 4:8.


Piece of Peace

I'm one of those people who likes to hear something new, so I'm fine with listening to older hymns but every once in a while I need a new song, with a strong upbeat.
