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The Church Memorization Challenge

Time Posted on December 02, 2009 User Andy Comment 23 comments

There is a new link under the home tab to the Church/Group Memorization Challenge. Any group with three or more members can participate. (I agree that there is strong scriptural support for allowing groups of two to participate but our measly server has protested and for now you have to get two other people to join you to participate.)

Don't feel that you have to limit yourself to a formal church or group. Feel free to be creative. Start a family group, give your small group or bible study a name and memorize together, or just get a few friends with a heart for knowing God's Word.

Currently your score will simply be the sum of the verses that any active group member has memorized. I realize that this strongly favors larger groups but we'll leave it that way for now as an incentive for people to recruit others to join them. With time, we will probably tweak it so that groups with around eight members can still feel as though they have a chance.

Most importantly, keep it friendly and have fun!

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. Nothing is chiseled in stone yet.

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Tag church challenge
