Scripture Stickies contests, discounts, and prizes
Julie Alvarez - yes the same Julie who helped spice up our 100,000th Verse contest - has offered some more prizes and discounts in her endorsement of Memverse. Here is what she has to say:
Hi, Memverse members! I want you to know that I love what you're doing in memorizing God's Word. I want to use my ministry, Scripture Stickies, to point people towards the joy and benefit of using Memverse and also to encourage and bless those of you already using Memverse. There are many ways to memorize Scripture of course but we found that one of the most helpful ways for many people is to have it sticking all over the place to be read over and over! Hence Scripture Stickies! Here are some of the exciting promotions that we have going on right now in conjunction with Memverse:
Each month there will be a new contest exclusively for Memverse users with the winner receiving a free Scripture Stickies pack.
Predicting 100,000 Grand winner = NathanV; other winners included Carissa; Phil Walker; Sydney Reed; Elisabeth Sinclair and SavedByGrace
November 2011 contest winner = Mommy's Helper
December 2011 contest winner = AstroJohn
January 2012 contest winner = ChosenByHim
February 2012 contest winner = Erika Wenzel
March 2012 winner = Anna Mieczkowski
April/May 2012 winners = ? (Please let us know if you were a winner of the April/May contest with your entry listed on the Scripture Stickies website.)
June/July 2012 winner = Emily Hamilton
August 2012 winner = Eunice Sofia from India (our first winner outside the USA)
Sept/Oct 2012 winner = ?? If you submit an entry it could be you!
Sept/Oct 2012 contest
For our Sept/October contest I would love to hear what verse or Bible story God has recently been using in your life and how. Please share and encourage all of us! For me right now it is the story of the man born blind and the disciples ask why this happened- was it sin in his life or his parents. Jesus reminded them that this happened not due to anyone's sin but so that the work of God could be shown in His life. As I go through trials I need to remember that God's work is being shown in my life as I trust in Him and put Him at the forefront. What a testimony to others (and to myself!!) when this happens. Thank you, Jesus.
For those of you not on our regular mailing list, here is a link to our most recent Scripture Stickies newsletter so you can check it out:
In addition to contests I want to offer special discounts to Memverse users. Right now Scripture Stickies is offering a 15% discount to everyone who has memorized at least one verse on memverse. To receive this discount, insert the code MEMVERSE1 when you place your order. Use this code to get a great discount on Scripture Stickies packs for yourself or for friends and family! This code is also valid on Scripture of the Month Clubs and favors.
I would also like to encourage you when you reach a special highlight on Memverse. When you reach 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, etc. or your state or church make a debut on the Leaders board, or move up in rank (for example from 5th to 4th place) or memorize any multiple of 1,000 verses, you will have one week to claim a 25% discount and insert the code MEMVERSEHIGHLIGHT when you order. Please list what the specific highlight was either on this blog or by email
It is exciting to see that there are so many young people memorizing so much Scripture and even over 35 of you joining SavedByGrace in hoping to memorize the entire Bible in your lifetime!! Scripture Stickies will award a free one year subscription to the Scripture Stickies of the Month Club to the first person who reaches 5,000 verses memorized on Memverse, and a free pack of the Scripture Stickies of your choice to all who reach the 5,000 milestone.
Finally, I encourage all Memverse users to check out from time to time to see new features, new packs being offered or to participate in contests open to the general public.
May God bless you as you continue to memorize and meditate on God's Word.
It was so neat meeting many of you in Nashville. Thanks for stopping by my Scripture Stickies booth.