2014 Nationals Quizzes
Yes; that's right. The Bible Bee quizzes are not over this year! God-willing, we will be continuing them just as we did the Locals quizzes: 4:00 pm EST every Thursday, then a rerun on Tuesday at noon EST. You may partake in these quizzes even if you did not make it to Nationals, are not in the Bible Bee, are not eligible for the Bible Bee, etc. We will not fence the quizzes in any way.
Since the Nationals memory passages are "unique to each age division and do not overlap" (in the words of the Bible Bee's website), there will be no recitation questions except for verses 2 and 3 of chapter 1--very occasionally--which we memorized for Locals. However, when we get further into the study, there might be some reference questions about the book of Nahum.
Important: the quizzes will rely heavily on question submissions. We will want to have many questions about Greek words and cross-references; this way, contestants can introduce other contestants to what they've learned. And please add {Nationals} in the text before the question.
For review, PDFs of the quizzes are also up for download (after they've been run on MemVerse, of course)!

Final Locals Quiz
Agust 23rd is the day on which Summer Bible Bee conestants will approach a desk with sweaty forehead, shaking hands, and pounding heart to take their final examination of Jonah--which will determine whether or not they will be faced with an even larger challenge this autumn! In preparation for this, I am excited to announce a wrap-up bonus quiz the day before local contest day! This will be Friday, August 22. LORD willing, the quiz will run for the first time at noon EST; then there will be a rerun at 4:00 PM EST (to ensure that as many people as possible can come). If you can't come to either of those, check for updates on that day; it's possible we might rerun it again later in the evening--but no guarantees. For easy access, I pasted the portal to the room in the box below this paragraph. Bookmark it in your browser and tell all your Bible Bee friends--and as always, you don't have to be in the Bible Bee to partake in this quiz!
{Edit} ANNOUNCEMENT: There will be a third rerun, at 9:00 PM EST today!!!
We don't know what day our Lord will return, but we do know what day we will take our locals test--so watch and pray in preparation both!
[Outdated material shown below]
I decided to announce that now so I could make a request of you all at the same time: we really need more cross-reference questions. Some of you just groaned at that, and I can relate, as they are difficult. But cross-references are a significant part of the written test, and when I put the latest and next quiz together, there were barely any questions related to cross-references. I will provide some more questions for Hebrew/Greek words; if you all could submit some cross-reference questions, that would be much appreciated. Of course, I will balance it well with other material in the quizzes.

Preparing for Bible Bee quiz
The Friday, July 15, Bible Bee quiz will be at 4:00 PM EDT on a new part of the site for live quizzes. We are still working on this but wanted to have something to try out for the first time publicly. If you can join us, that would be great! Questions will be from Week 6 (with one exception) and will be about 2/3 Primary verses. We hope the quiz will go faster with the automated system. As you prepare for the quiz, please take a few minutes now to upgrade your browser. This is very important as we are using newer technologies that are not compatible with some older browsers.
If you're not sure how to upgrade to the most recent version of your browser, please visit your Browser's Help Resources. There, you should find the most up-to-date instructions on how to upgrade to the most recent version:
Also, please make sure that the Bible version you have set in your Account Profile is the Bible Bee version you want to use for the quiz. While you're there, you may want to take your version out of your display name as this will no longer be necessary.
If you have any questions, please let us know. To enter the quiz room, please click here. There is not much to see until we start. At 4:00 PM EDT we will start the quiz, but please make sure you arrive early so you can participate. It seems that the software does not handle late arrivals very well... If you cannot make the beginning of the quiz, you should at least have the page open on your computer so that you can jump in when you are available. Hope you can attend! Thanks.

Upcoming Bible Bee quizzes
The concept of Bible Bee quizzes on Memverse seems to be quite popular. :) Please mark your calendars and spread the word about upcoming quizzes: Friday, July 8, at 4:00 PM EDT; Friday, July 15, at 4:00 PM EDT; and Friday, July 22, at 4:00 PM EDT. I plan to lead the first quiz on this blog post (materials will be from Week 5, mainly Primary verses with a few Junior as well); the later two quizzes will each probably have a separate blog post to run on and other volunteers will probably run them. Update: Bethany will be running the July 22nd quiz and we are still looking for anyone who would like to run the quiz on the 15th. :) Thanks.
We expect each quiz to last about an hour and there will be fifteen questions. For ten of the questions (the first five and the last five), I will post a comment with the text of a Bible Bee verse passage in all five Bible Bee approved versions (NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV, and NASB) and you will have a minute to post the reference. For five of the questions (they will be in the middle of the quiz), I will post a reference and you will have several minutes to respond with the reference at the beginning, the verse text in the middle, and the reference again at the end. Please also include your version to make it easier for scoring. For example, if I comment with Genesis 1:1, the correct response would be something like this:
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 NIV
If you do not include your version in each comment, it makes it more difficult for the volunteers helping to score. Omitting a reference or your version will cost you a point for each occurrence.
You can receive a maximum of 12 points for each type of question. For details on the scoring for "recitations", please see below. For the questions where you post a reference for the verse text given, you will receive four points for the correct book, four points for the correct chapter, and four points for the correct verse number. For example, if you posted 2 John 1:9 instead of 1 John 1:9, you would receive 8 points.
Over half of the questions will be Primary verses and several may be drawn from the Junior verses.
If you would like to help score, please let me know after we finish the quiz by posting a comment with the text "helpscore" in it. Otherwise, it is difficult to keep track of who is helping. If you indicate that you would like to help score, I will have information about how to score and will assign you to a few people. You can then look for their answers on the page (CTRL + F in many browsers allows you to search and find their name and comments) and tabulate them on your computer. When you have a final score for a person, you will please post it in a comment with their name. When all scores are returned, this post will be updated with that information.
If you plan to be participating in the first quiz or have any questions, please indicate that in a comment below (unless you have already done so on the other blog post). I also welcome any suggestions. Hope to see you there! Thanks.
How we score recitations: The maximum score for a recitation is 12 points. Like the Bible Bee, leaving off a reference at the beginning or end of a "recitation" is a 1-point deduction, as is any one word error (one word omission, insertion, or change - like swapping "created" for "made"). You see above the correct response for reciting Genesis 1:1. Here is a 6-point recitation in NIV:
In the beginning He created the earth and heavens. Genesis 1:1
We start with 12 points, then evaluate the recitation: one point is subtracted for forgetting the reference at the beginning, another point is subtracted for using "He" in place of "God", two points are subtracted for switching "heavens" and "earth" (it was two one-word changes) and another point for leaving out "the" (second-to-last word). Additionally, we subtract a point because the response did not include the version. Please note that you cannot count more than 12 errors - i.e., no one ends up with a negative score on a passage. If you want to help score but have questions on how this works, please ask us for clarification.
Update: Thanks to Zachary Baas, Sarah, Phil Walker, AmyV, Hannah Cupcake, Simeon, Christian Alexander, and Rachel Crosswhite for helping with scoring. Below are the point totals. We even had a three-way tie (see the 88 pointers)! You all did great. I was impressed that we had contestants from Primary Timothy Track to Senior National Track and I think almost everywhere in between. I recognize that not all of you had to study some of these verses, but you all did fantastic! Congratualations! May every word that comes from the mouth of God truly be our bread. I want to highlight a quote from C.S. Lewis that was also part of our Sword Study recently:
[T]he Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose. It is even doubtful, you know, whether the whole universe was created for any other purpose.
Lewis, C.S. Mere Christianity. New York: HarperOne, 1980. Print.
May our study of Scripture be diligent and may it lead others to Jesus. If we are keeping it to ourselves, it is tragically a waste of time. But if we are doing it for God and letting the Truth influence every area of our lives so that others are being drawn to Him, it is because He has begun a work in us that He will continue to use for His glory (Phil 1:6), and that is no waste! Keep it up, all!
Josiah - 20 points
Simeon - 28 points
Simeon's sister - 28 points
Lauren Watt - 28 points
Olivia - 36 points
Clara K. - 36 points
BrookeNicole - 60 points
Ranch4Christ - 72 points
Rachel - 74 points
Emma - 88 points
Jamie - 88 points
BibleBeeJunior11 - 88 points
Hannah Cupcake - 89 points
Angela - 96 points
Phil Walker - 102 points
Rachel Crosswhite - 108 points
Sarah - 108 points
ChampionBuilders - 120 points
SavedByGrace - 132 points
Abigail Grace - 139 points
AmyV - 148 points
Christian Alexander - 150 points
Zachary Baas - 156 points
Thanks to Christian Alexander for catching a scoring mistake I made: I was giving 15 points maximum for references. This should be fixed now. If anyone else notices any errors, please let us know and we will work to rectify it as quickly as possible. Thanks.

July 1 Bible Bee quiz
Ben Watt is hosting the July 1st Bible Bee practice quiz at 4:00 PM EDT (8:00 PM GMT). We will use this blog post for the first one. We expect the quiz to last a little over half of an hour and there will be fifteen questions. For ten of the questions (the first five and the last five), I will post a comment with the text of a Bible Bee verse passage in all five Bible Bee approved versions (NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV, and NASB) and you will have a minute to post the reference. For five of the questions (they will be in the middle of the quiz), he will post a reference and you will have several minutes to respond with the reference at the beginning, the verse text in the middle, and the reference again at the end. Please also include your version to make it easier for scoring. For example, if he comments with Genesis 1:1, the correct response would be something like this:
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 NIV
If you do not include your version in each comment, it makes it more difficult for the volunteers helping to score. Omitting a reference or your version will cost you a point for each occurrence.
You can receive a maximum of 12 points for each type of question. For details on the scoring for "recitations", please see below. For the questions where you post a reference for the verse text given, you will receive four points for the correct book, four points for the correct chapter, and four points for the correct verse number. For example, if you posted 2 John 1:9 instead of 1 John 1:9, you would receive 8 points.
Over half of the questions will be Primary verses and several may be drawn from the Junior verses.
If you would like to help score, please let me know after we finish the quiz by posting a comment with the text "helpscore" in it. Otherwise, it is difficult to keep track of who is helping. If you indicate that you would like to help score, I will have information about how to score and will assign you to a few people. You can then look for their answers on the page (CTRL + F in many browsers allows you to search and find their name and comments) and tabulate them on your computer. When you have a final score for a person, you will please post it in a comment with their name. When all scores are returned, this post will be updated with that information.
If you plan to be participating in the quiz or have any questions, please indicate that in a comment below (unless you have already done so on the other blog post). I also welcome any suggestions. Hope to see you there! Thanks.
How we score recitations: The maximum score for a recitation is 12 points. Like the Bible Bee, leaving off a reference at the beginning or end of a "recitation" is a 1-point deduction, as is any one word error (one word omission, insertion, or change - like swapping "created" for "made"). You see above the correct response for reciting Genesis 1:1. Here is a 6-point recitation in NIV:
In the beginning He created the earth and heavens. Genesis 1:1
We start with 12 points, then evaluate the recitation: one point is subtracted for forgetting the reference at the beginning, another point is subtracted for using "He" in place of "God", two points are subtracted for switching "heavens" and "earth" (it was two one-word changes) and another point for leaving out "the" (second-to-last word). Additionally, we subtract a point because the response did not include the version. Please note that you cannot count more than 12 errors - i.e., no one ends up with a negative score on a passage. If you want to help score but have questions on how this works, please ask us for clarification.
We are working on a new Memverse live quiz feature with automatic scoring for use in the next few weeks.
Thanks Ben for running this quiz!
Comment guidelines: Please stay on topic as this helps everyone who scores your answers. Let's see how many people we can have participating with as few comments as possible. :) Thank you for your cooperation!
Please note: As Andy mentioned in the comments, please make sure you have 8 verses in your account (Learning or Memorized) so that your comments do not have to be approved.
Update: Thanks everyone for participating! We had a great quiz. Thank you to Ben for running the quiz, and to BibleBeeJunior11, Nina, Carissa, Bethany, and David Stelzl for all their help scoring. Below are the scores. (If you think we made a mistake while scoring you, please let us know and we will do our best to rectify the situation.)
Matthew Sinclair - 16 points
Audrey - 20 points
Elisabeth - 20 points
Andrew - 28 points
Simeon - 44 points
Jamie - 56 points
David Stelzl - 56 points
BibleBeeJunior11 - 76 points
Rachel - 82 points
Zachary McMahan - 94 points
Rachel Crosswhite - 95 points
Nina - 96 points
Sarah Stelzl - 105 points
Joshua Harrell - 119 points
Bethany - 124 points
Grace Mieczkowski - 131 points
Alex Watt - 132 points
SavedByGrace - 141 points
Christian Alexander - 168 points
Carissa - 171 points
Congratulations everyone! We hope you enjoyed the quiz. May God bless each of you as you hide His Word in your hearts through the Bible Bee - something far more important than your score in the quiz. We'll let you know soon about future quizzes. Thanks.

Bible Bee practice quiz
We will be holding two more Bible Bee practice quizzes here on Memverse in the near future: this Friday, June 24, and next Friday, July 1, both at 4:00 PM EDT or 8:00 PM GMT. We will use this blog post for the first one. Each quiz should last about half of an hour and there will be fifteen questions. For ten of the questions (the first five and the last five), I will post a comment with the text of a Bible Bee verse passage in all five Bible Bee approved versions (NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV, and NASB) and you will have a minute to post the reference. For five of the questions (they will be in the middle of the quiz), I will post a reference and you will have several minutes to respond with the reference at the beginning, the verse text in the middle, and the reference again at the end. Please also include your version to make it easier for scoring. For example, if I comment with Genesis 1:1, the correct response would be something like this:
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 NIV
If you do not include your version in each comment, it makes it more difficult for the volunteers helping to score. Omitting a reference or your version will cost you a point for each occurrence.
You can receive a maximum of 12 points for each type of question. I hope to score very much like the Bible Bee for errors in the verse "recitations" (the middle five questions). For the questions where you post a reference for the verse text given, you will receive four points for the correct book, four points for the correct chapter, and four points for the correct verse number. For example, if you posted 2 John 1:9 instead of 1 John 1:9, you would receive 8 points.
Over half of the questions will be Primary verses and several may be drawn from the Junior verses.
If you would like to help score, please let me know after we finish the quiz by posting a comment with the text "helpscore" in it. (I plan to help orchestrate scoring for both quizzes.) Otherwise, it is difficult to keep track of who is helping. Having the "experience" of doing this once before, I think I have a better idea of how to do it. If you indicate that you would like to help score, I will have information about how to score and will assign you to a few people. You can then look for their answers on the page (CTRL + F in many browsers allows you to search and find their name and comments) and tabulate them on your computer. When you have a final score for a person, you will please post it in a comment with their name. When all scores are returned, this post will be updated with that information.
If you plan to be participating in the quiz or have any questions, please indicate that in a comment below (unless you have already done so on the other blog post). I also welcome any suggestions. We are working on a new quizzes section of the site to make this even better in the future. Hope to see you there! Thanks.
Please note: Sarah will be running the Friday, June 24th quiz. Thank you!
Comment guidelines: Please stay on topic as this helps everyone who scores your answers. Thank you for your cooperation!
Update (June 24): We had a great quiz today! Thank you to Sarah for running the quiz, scoring over half the questions, and tabulating the results. Thank you also to Bethany, Ranch4Christ, Hannah Cupcake, and Ben Watt for their help with scoring. Now for the scores:
Charity Harrell - 20 points
Stephen - 22 points
David Stelzl Jr. - 44 points
Lauren Watt - 53 points
Super401 - 63 points
Hannah Cupcake - 76 points
Joshua Harrell - 88 points
Rachel Crosswhite - 96 points
BibleBeeJunior11 - 107 points
Alex Watt - 112 points
Ranch4Christ - 124 points
Ben Watt - 143 points
SavedByGrace - 147 points
Christian Alexander - 152 points
Bethany - 167 points
Carissa - 177 points
Jamie - 180 points
Congratulations to all of you! Good job! Like we said last time, the most important thing is not your score in a quiz, but hiding God's Word in your heart. I pray all of you are doing that and hope to see many of you next week!

Bible Bee quiz
Today, June 10, at 8:00 PM GMT (4:00 PM EDT), we will have a Bible Bee practice quiz here on Memverse using this blog post. The quiz should last about half of an hour and there will be fifteen questions. For ten of the questions (the first five and the last five), I will post a comment with the text of a Bible Bee verse passage in all five Bible Bee approved versions (NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV, and NASB) and you will have a minute to post the reference. For five of the questions (they will be in the middle of the quiz), I will post a reference and you will have several minutes to respond with the reference at the beginning, the verse text in the middle, and the reference again at the end. Please also include your version to make it easier for scoring. For example, if I comment with Genesis 1:1, the correct response would be something like this:
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 NIV
You can receive a maximum of 12 points for each type of question. I hope to score very much like the Bible Bee for errors in the verse "recitations" (the middle five questions). For the questions where you post a reference for the verse text given, you will receive four points for the correct book, four points for the correct chapter, and four points for the correct verse number. For example, if you posted 2 John 1:9 instead of 1 John 1:9, you would receive 8 points.
Over half of the questions will be Primary verses and a few will be drawn from the Junior verses.
If you would like to help score, please let me know. Scoring the verse "recitations" will be the most difficult.
If you plan to be participating in the quiz or have any questions, please indicate that in a comment below. Hope to see you there! Thanks.
UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who participated and especially to those who helped score: Chelse Brun, Zachary Baas, vburk, SavedByGrace, and Phil Walker.
Lauren Watt: 12 points
David Stelzl Jr. and Jonathan Shabab: 36 points
Sarah Stelzl: 44 points
Phil Walker: 52 points (Thank you for helping verify blog comments and I hope your internet connection works better for you next time)
Josiah DeGraaf: 55 points
Daniel DeGraaf: 81 points
stump: 87 points
Joshua Harrell: 89 points
MurphyFamily: 95 points
Ben Watt: 97 points
Chelse Brun: 116 points
Jamie: 131 points
Clara K.: 132 points
vburk and Zachary Baas: 147 points
Abigail Grace: 153 points
runner: 161 points
SavedByGrace: 176 points
Congratualations to all! I had a lot of fun with this quiz and trust you enjoyed it as well. Keep hiding His Word in your hearts!
Note: My apologies for any scoring errors. If you would like me to double-check on your score, please let me know. Thanks.