Memory Verses - Various Projects
I can still remember when God first used Galatians 2:20 to open my eyes to my sinfulness and need of an authentic transforming saving faith and new Life in Jesus Christ. Immediately God also gave me a conviction that the Bible truly was His Word for us and worth devoting ourselves to in our pursuit of knowing, pleasing, loving, serving, worshipping, trusting, and obeying Him. I couldn't wait to connect with other Christians whose eyes had also been supernaturally opened and who shared my passion for the Scripture.
Rather than running into many other mature Christians who had already been passionately diving into Scripture who could inspire and guide me, it almost seemed like NO ONE else was interested in knowing the Bible more than they already did, or much less, even considering memorizing or deeply diving into Scripture. Where was Memverse back in 1990 when I needed some encouragement and wanted to know I was not the only one in the world who thought the Bible was worth memorizing?
I absolutely love how we on Memverse can get instant encouragement, support, inspiration and often practical tips to help us with whatever we are memorizing or want to memorize. Currently there are people on Memverse memorizing ROMANS, 1 PETER, 2 PETER, "Elijah", and the One Year New Testament Challenge of one key verse from every chapter in the NT.
There is also a growing group who has committed to trying to memorize the entire Bible in their lifetime.
This blog is devoted to those who have other Scripture memory projects going on, are considering Scripture memory projects or goals they want encouragement for, or would like more information about other Scripture memory groups available.
Please do not use Memverse or this blog as a substitute for the joy and reward of finding or praying for face to face Scripture memory partners. Why not pray for the best of both!! To have a face to face group memorizing and discussing with you while inspiring, encouraging and being encouraged and inspired by other individuals and maybe even other face to face groups around the world who are memorizing the same Scripture you are.
With our "Our God has Spoken" Scripture ministries representative Angie Metran and Fountain of Life both promoting Scripture memory big in the Philippines; I and my wife Jacky now promoting a passion for Scripture in Indonesia; and our good friend Hannah Garcia promoting a love for Scripture (though not yet on Memverse) in Zambia, I am more excited than ever in seeing God get all the glory and His Word being honored around the world. Will anyone pray with me that one day we will have passionate, Scripture loving partners in every country of the world?
I heard a rumor that a Memverse member is considering memorizing PSALMS. What are you memorizing, or wanting to memorize?