Variations in Bible Translations
We are alive and well if somewhat tired. (Even the cats are tired!)
We have started to realize that there are slight discrepancies in the various Bible translations. Apparently given translations made slight changes over the years as they published new editions. So, for instance, early NIV translations contain slight differences to the later NIV translations.
Believe us when we say that this disturbs our sense of order in the world but for now we are going to have to pick an arbitrary reference as our gold standard. Many people have reported errors in verses which, as far as we can tell, are in accordance with the translations on Bible Gateway and YouVersion. (We realize that there are occasionally very obvious errors in the translations on both of those website and we do our best to report them when we discover them.) While we realize that everyone would like to memorize verses as they appear in their Bible, it is currently beyond our capabilities to provide support for different publication dates of the same translation.
For now, though, if you think you have found an error in a verse which is currently flagged as 'Verified', please first check it against both Bible Gateway and YouVersion. If you still believe that there is an error, please let us know through the feedback forum either via the "Feedback" tab on all pages or at and describe the error. If a verse that you have reported as having an error is re-classified as 'Verified' without any change being made, it is because it matches what is shown on Bible Gateway.
Apologies to everyone for falling behind on verifying the verses but we didn't want to add to the confusion without an explanation. And thanks again to everyone for using the official Memverse Error Reporting Method.
verse errors