2012 Bible Bee Practice Tests
With just eight days till the Local Bees & Celebration Ceremonies across the country, we have some practice tests to help you brush up. All of the following tests were written by other Bible-Bee-Memversers. Thank you to everyone who worked on them!
Age Division | Test | Answers |
Primary | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |
Junior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |
Senior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |

96 responses to 2012 Bible Bee Practice Tests
Took the Junior one and scored 71% don't know if that is good or not. Looking forward to taking the senior division test.
These tests are such a great help. Thank you to everyone who did them! I can't wait to see the Senior test!
YES!!! They are finally here!! Thank you, Matthew, and anyone else who helped with this! This will be a great help! :D :D
Make a list of all your cross-references on a sheet and memorize the important parts. Also go to quizlet.com and there are a lot of cross-references questions which you can print out and study. That's how I do it
Cool!! My dad printed them out last night. Since we live so far away from our locals, we couldn't get the their practice bee, so my family's going to have one of our own tonight to practice a little for next Saturday. Can't wait!!!
@Rachel - Well, I'm editing Katie's questions right now (she's making a senior test), and I'm waiting on Kerestel to send me his. Once I get them all checked, it will be ready to be be put up on here. I'm hoping the test will be done tomorrow evening...
Great tests! I can tell that I definately need to review the cross-references, though. :) There were 2 questions I am not sure about, though. On Q# 30, answers A and D are very similar - and the version I use said He will not leave us, which was answer A, but the correct answer was supposed to be D. Also, on question 193, the answer says that Jannes and Jambres were Pharaoh's chief magicians, but I don't think the Sword Study said anything about that, and the Bible doesn't specifically mention them anywhere else, so that is just a guess, not a fact. But anyway, thanks, everybody who made the tests! They were SO helpful!!! :D
@Bethany - Oh, sorry about that mistake in Q30! We should have been more careful to check ALL the versions :) Anyways, glad you liked the test!
Study hard, everyone; four days left!!
@Bethany Meckle: On Q193, it's not just a guess that Jannes and Jambres were Pharaoh's chief magicians. It is confirmed (though not proven) through Jannes and Jambres' mentioning in the Bible and strong Jewish tradition. Diligent Bible studiers should have researched this because they want to know who everyone is that is mentioned in 2 Timothy.
I'm sorry about the error in Q30 - I made that question :)
@All: We're currently waiting on Alex to post the Senior Test. I wrote him an email to remind him about it. :)
BTW, if any of you would like more resources, please email me - I have some more tests for you. Currently I have a 100-question Primary test by Nina Camillone, a 49-question Primary test by Courtney Minica and Bethany Frisk, a full Junior test by Sarah Eddy and Carissa Pentimone, and a 115-question Junior test by Sarah Frisk and Elizabeth Ledford. They may not be as good quality as the tests posted on the blog, because only one of them has been proofed, and with just a few days till Locals... well, I didn't think it would be worth it to make Alex go to all the trouble of uploading more than three tests. It would be much easier if you would just email me.
Thanks to Marie, Grace, Thomas, and Sarah, there is a Senior test -- and it's now listed above with the other tests.
@Matthew - did you figure out about who Jannes and Jambres were, or did you just hear/read it from someplace else? I just heard it, I never actually studied it to figure out who they were...
Thanks for the test Marie, Grace, Thomas and Sarah!
Many, many thanks to all those who made these tests! They are great!
Just a few questions concerning some of the questions. Question 57- The answer listed is Nahum 1:7 (B), which has nothing to do with the question. The correct answer would be Numbers 16:5 (C). If it's not the express wording in the text, it's in the footnote [of the ESV]. Just wanted to let you know.
Also, Question 168- Is the opposite of ashamed(epaischunomai) unashamed (anepaischuntos) or rejoice (euphrainomai)? The answer page said rejoice (euphrainomai; C). I thought unashamed (anepaischuntos; B) would be a better answer.
That's all in Greek words, and they are very similar, so if it was just overlooked, I understand completely.
I don't mean to be picky, but I don't want everybody to be confused. Oh, by the way, that was on the Junior test. The Senior test hadn't come out yet, so I took the Junior one.
Again, thanks SO MUCH for making these tests! They really are fantastic!
@Octavius - Thanks for the feedback on the test!
Regarding Q57 - Matthew made this question, so you'll have to talk with him about it. Though, I know Matthew uses KJV, so maybe he didn't even look at the ESV Bible (if he even has one..) Thanks for pointing that out though!
Regarding Q168 - Again, Matthew made this question (I know, because I helped make this test :P). I had the same question today, when I took the test...
@Bethany - I found the info about Jannes and Jambres in my King James Study Bible.
@Martin: On Q57, again, I found Nahum 1:7 ("He knoweth them that trust in him") referenced in my KJV study Bible as what was quoted in 2 Timothy 2:19. I found in the footnotes Numbers 16:5 of my NIV Bible, so I looked it up. It seemed to be a good cross-reference, but it didn't seem to be quoted in 2 Timothy 2:19...maybe I didn't look at it closely enough... So sorry. :)
On Q168, it seems like you're right...*goes and looks at his Greek dictionary*...but looking closer, I find that Anepaischuntos is actually an adjective, while Epaischunomai is a verb. The antonym listed and studied in Week Three, Day Three (Euphrainomai) is also a verb. I think it makes more sense that a verb would be an antonym of another verb. Make sense now? In the Senior Sword Study, it says on page 81 "Today, as a part of our investigating the use of ashamed as we see it in 2 Timothy, we are going to look at both the Greek word, Epaischunomai, and its antonym, Euphrainomai."
@Matthew - Ah, now I remember reading about Jannes and Jambres in my ESV Study Bible, after you mentioned reading it in your KJV Study Bible....
Hey, it's in my NIV Study Bible! :D
And again, thanks so much for the tests, everyone! They will be a great help. :)
Make that first test I mentioned 200 questions. Alethea Leonard sent me her 100 just today. I should have the 141-question Senior test by Kerestel Leonard and Katie Reeves by tomorrow as well. If you would like to have any or all of these tests, don't hesitate to ask me!
Everyone, I just want to say how excited I am to see these tests on Memverse. I'm blown away by how much you are learning.
In future, I hope we can find a way to let you create the tests directly on Memverse. As much as we have tried to keep Memverse exclusively focused on Bible memorization, I would love to have Bible quizzing eventually become a component of the site.
I took the Senior test.....looks like I'll really need to zero in on cross references and Greek words..... Great test! I love practice tests..... : D
@Rachel - me too - I really didn't know the cross-references well at all!!!!!!!!!! Loved it though, my mom was so thrilled!
@Bethany: Oh, I thought you told me Katie made 100 Qs? Maybe I misunderstood... Anyway, I edited my post.
Andy, sounds like a great idea! I'm looking forward to having that implemented! :D
Thanks for clearing things up, Matthew!
I must have been looking at the "wrong" Nahum 1:7 yesterday - in other words, I was looking at the wrong verse entirely. Oops!
But still, for ESV users (I don't know about the other versions), Numbers 16:5 is a better cross-reference as far as being word for word with 2 Timothy 2:19a.
I wondered if I was right about the Greek words. Yes, your answer makes a lot of sense. I guess its just that in English, the antonym of ashamed would be un-ashamed or bold, not rejoice.
I guess we just have to think Greek - it's all Greek to me anyway! :-)
Thanks again for the tests!
I did the Senior test today! It was great! (Although I only got a 89% on it.) Thanks so much to everyone who did SO much work in getting this ready. I would totally not be ready at all if you guys had not made these tests. Thanks a ton!
But again, I have some questions.
Question 58 - The question asks what Timothy was to remind the elect of. The answer given was what Timothy was to charge the elect to do. I thought "these things" in 2 Tim 2:14 was the truths in verses 11-13. Then Timothy's supposed to charge the elect about not quarreling about words.
I know, I'm just being picky, but I thought I would let you all know anyway, in case anyone had the same question.
Question 110 - This is another one about words. The question was who testifies in Acts 10: 42-43. The apostles (the "us" in the text) were to "testify" to the people, while the prophets "bear witness". The answer included the prophets as also testifying. I'm just adhering to the words of the ESV text, so if it's not the case in other translations, forgive me.
Question 123 - In this question, both A and D work equally well in the ESV. Both persecutions and sufferings (diogmos and pathema) are mentioned in 2 Tim. 3:11. That, however, is only in the ESV. I didn't check for the other translations.
Question 129 - 2 Tim. 3:15 does not call the Scripture the "word of truth" which is the correct answer for this question - again, in the ESV translation only.
Question 182 - This is another question about Greek words. The question is: "According to II Timothy 2:24, we are to use ____ when dealing with others." I filled the blank with the Greek word for "patience," which is hupomone. However, the answer said anexikakos, because that is the Greek word used in the text. The wording of the question is a little confusing, because I automatically thought "patience" would be the word to fill in the blank.
Sorry for being so bothersome, but I had some questions and wanted to let you all know about them, so that, if possible, I could help make the tests just a tiny little bit better than they already are (which is very, very good).
@ Octavius: Glad you did so well on the test! I took it as well and scored just a little better than you with a 92%. But you really must be studying hard in order to do as well as you did. :)
With regard to your question about 182, I believe anexikakos was used because that also is a Greek word for "patience." Remember, in the 9th week of the Sword Study, we were given 3 Greek words for "patience," one for each time it was used in 2 Timothy (2:24, 3:10, 4:2). In 2:24, the Greek word used is anexikakos. Hupomone is used in 3:10.
Hope that helps!
Oh, I hope I do good at the Senior test....
Almost embarrassing, but the test that I helped make with Matthew, I took and missed 22 questions *gulp*
If any of you want to practice with a bubble sheet, you can find a 200 question one at the following link you can download. It is a JPEG - just printed it out on an 8-1/2 x 11" paper and works well. Does have a watermark, but other than that, you have 200 question lines to bubble in vs the 100 question one on the NBB website.
Otherwise, here is the 100 question one via Bible Bee @ http://www.biblebee.org/attachments/host/Written_Test_Scan_Sheet_(Final_Version).pdf
Mrs. B
Here is a 200 question Bible Bee scantron.
@Mrs. B - thank you! Me and my sister have been doing all the tests and we have been using the 100 question bubble tests. :) Thanks agaiN!!
Good questions, Martin. I had a few of the same questions when I took the test. I guess I just forgot to change them. (BTW, I got a 93% too. :D)
Question 129 does not reference 2 Timothy 3:15 - it references 2:15. :)
@BBJ12 - I'm not sure why you say that - it seems like "persecute" works equally well. Can you explain?
@BBB - They will not be on the blog post, but you can email me if you want more tests.
COS - I did as well as I did because I used a bible to look up most of the references I was not familiar with. I want to get to know them as much as I can - instead of just guessing every time I took a practice test. In the Sword Study, there were two words for "patient" and only one (hupomone) for "patience"...unless that's another mistake of mine.
Matthew - Oops.! I totally did not see that!
@Matthew - it messed my little sister up because we were very specific in our greek words...it might mess others up...
@ALL - please pray for us - the boys have colds and us girls don't want to miss BB - please pray that everyone is healthy by Saturday!!!!!!!
Well, the word used in 4:2 is patience/longsuffering. And the one in 3:10 is patience. Only 2:24 has patient. I think the Sword Study may have it labeled wrong. But you're correct, anexikakos is the one for patient, so the person who made that question just used the wrong form of the word. I think there was confusion on both ends. ;)
@BBJ12 - Well, it is my opinion that if one messes up concerning that, it is one's own fault because the word is translated in all versions "persecute", not "pursue". If I was including longer-than-one-word definitions in that question, I would have included "pursue" in it.
@Martin and Christian - I guess it might have been better to use "be patient" instead of "use patience".
I just took the Senior test and missed 13 questions...I was hoping for a perfect score, but that didn't exactly happened *sigh* Oh, well, I just hope I do better on the other tests that I take tomorrow.
@AstroLeah - That's a really tough question to answer! If I'm remembering correctly, it seems like the questions were longer (so it took more time to read and understand). I've picked up that 2 choices are easily eliminated while the other 2 are hard to choose between. I would say that it's probably a little harder than the Senior test....what would everyone else say? But, there are definitely easy questions as well (Who wrote the book, who were Timothy's parent, etc., etc.)
One good thing though, is that when they ask a question from the memory verses, they do put the reference (EX: According to 1 Chronicles 16:8-12....). A few questions in the Senior test, didn't have that, so I was like "WHAT? I have no idea..." So, yeah :)
@God's Bondslave: How I studied my junior cross references was by making a set on quizlet and then studying it. Here is the link: http://quizlet.com/13227812/complete-cross-reference-set-flash-cards/
I'm kind of having a hard time understanding you Bethany... are you saying that the official test last year was harder, or this year's practice test was harder? You didn't specify which one you were talking about.
@Matthew and AstroLeah - Uh...sorry! I think I'm SO excited and nervous today that I don't make to much sense when I write stuff. I meant to say, that I thought that the Local test is harder...
Thanks for pointing that out, Matthew :D
Yahoo! I took the Senior test a second time and it only took me half an hour and I only missed 15 = 93%!!
When I was checking it, I thought I missed a TON more than just 15 - maybe it was just because on some of them I should have known better.
Thanks so much to all who helped make these tests! (I know I say that every time, but...you gotta admit, they are REALLY helpful, so I'm REALLY thankful.)
Uh-oh - The local test is harder? Well, if it's harder, we'll all score lower. Haha....
Sometimes I wish time would fast-forward...until after the next twenty-four hours are over!
You mean Everett, because you're a Junior this year? Well, being the third place winner and all, it shouldn't be too hard... :)
@Bethany: Okay, well, thanks for letting me know. Now I can know what to expect in the Senior test tomorrow, with me being a first-time Senior.
First of all, thanks for the tests! I am really thankful to those who made them. :) I personally think that they are slightly harder than those used at locals, but that is definitely a good thing. :)
Thanks so much for making these tests....I just took the senior test and got 184/200...and most of the ones I missed were because of my own silliness...I knew them..just wasn't thinking...*sigh*. But they were a big help....GREAT QUESTIONS!!!
can you please post the test Alex asap? I thought I had commented about this last night but I don't see it now...;( I appreciate it!!
@Hans: The additional practice tests are not going to be posted on Memverse; instead, I asked everyone who wanted them to send me an email. I won't be staying up much longer so you might want to do that quickly.
@Hannah: 552 is still a great score! I was wondering if you were a Senior this year or not... :)
@Everett: You're welcome! I'm glad they helped you. :)
This will most likely be my last post until after Locals tomorrow. I hope everyone does great!
oh hi matthew! yes please email them to me-my email is hanscassidy93@gmail.com!!! thanks so much, hannah
I sent you an email. In the future, you can click on my (or anybody's) name above their comment and if they have chosen to let Memverse users view their email address, you will see it under the person's username.
Alex - something really strange happened to my Memverse account. On Friday, I memorized my 699th verse, and then yesterday when I memorized another verse, the notification didn't say that I had memorized my 700th verse, so I went to my dashboard and it said that I had memorized 701 verses. After I memorized my 699th verse, I know that I didn't memorize anymore verses (besides the one that it says was my 701st). Do you know why this could have happened?
@AstroLeah - Hope you get your problem resolved! BTW, were you able to compete yesterday? If so, how did it go?
AstroLeah: I'm not sure why it happened. It could be that you missed the notification that you hit 700. My guess is that somewhere the 700th verse was memorized but either a temporary glitch (internet stopped working, maybe, at least temporarily? :-/), or something else made it that you didn't notice the notification. If you really wanted to see which ones got memorized, you could sort the 'my verses' page by 'last tested,' and see which verses look like they got memorized in the days that you were reviewing verses (which you might be able to guess from the number of tries and the current interval, if it's close to the 'magical' 31 days.) Otherwise, I'm not sure why that error would have occurred.
Bethany - Yes, I was able to compete yesterday! Thank you so much for praying for me, I was praying for you too! It had looked very unlikely that I would be able to compete, but my cold was completely gone yesterday. Although for some unknown reason I only slept 1 hour the night before and had terrible car sickness on the way there, I think I did pretty well. In the Oral test I was able to say all 20 passages with only one mistake that I know of. When the Written test came I was hardly able to stay awake, and I don't think I did that well with it. I knew most of the answers, but I couldn't think fast enough to answer all of them in time. Even though I probably didn't get a very high score, it has been such a huge blessing doing the Bible Bee. I can't wait to do it again next year!! How did you do?
Josiah - I just looked at the most recently tested verses, and it said that on the 24th I memorized Psalm 119:165, then on the 25th that I memorized Galatians 1:12 and Ephesians 4:11. I'm pretty sure that Psalm 119:165 was my 699th verse, so I guess that Galatians 1:12 was the 700th and it just didn't tell me that I had memorized it and that it was the 700th verse.
@AstroLeah - Praise the Lord! My orals went well, and I thought the test was easier than what I expected...hope that was a good sign!
BTW, if you'd like to talk more, maybe we could go under the Bible Bee forum...sound good? do you think you'll all go to nationals, even if you don't qualify?
AstroLeah - Maybe you activated a verse in your account that was Pending and when you activated it, it switched to Memorized? This might have brought you to 700 memorized, and then you wouldn't have gotten a notification...
Alex - I think it was just because of our computer. When my brother memorized his 300th verse on the same computer it didn't tell him either. BTW, thank you for the encouragement on the forum;
I needed it. :)
How is everyone doing with their study of 1 Timothy?
@AstroLeah - sometimes the internet makes the popup delay, and when you start typing for the next verse, it automatically gets rid of it. I've had that happen a couple of times.
Hi. I finally got a chance to read all the Bible Bee passages you guys are memorizing for TN. I will not be memorizing this year's batch; however, several are in my all-time favorites. I wish you guys all the best as you prepare for nationals. I lived a couple hours away from Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge (in Northeast GA) and drove through it a couple of times. Trust everyone will have a blast there. National Bible Bee passages I love include: Deut 7:9; Psalm 63:3-4; 119:17-24 (18 is a great prayer); 119:65-72 (love the perspective of 71 and the reality check/enticement of 72); Prov 30:8; Ecc 3:11; Isaiah 9:6-7; 40:7-8; 55:10-11; Jeremiah 9:23-24; Matt 14:31; 20:28; 25:21 (Words I want to hear!!); Mark 8:34-38; Luke 19:10 (both of these are theme verses for our STT Setia seminary here); John 5:39-40; 17:17; Acts 17:11; 24:16; Romans 11:33-36; 14:8-9; 1 Corin 15:9-10; 2 Corin 1:3-5; 2:14; 6:2-10; 10:3-4; Eph 4:1-6 (one of my favorite Scripture songs); Phil 4:12-13 (neat to get the famous 4:13 in context); Colossians 3:13 (Another great Scripture song) 2 Tim 4:7; Titus 2:11-14 (first chapel message I heard after giving my heart to Jesus 22 years ago); Hebrews 13:2; 6:10-12; James 1:12; 1:17 (backs up my feelings that Jacky was "heaven sent"; 1 Peter 4:18-19; Rev 2:10; 21:8 (I love how badly God views being cowardly, something the believers in Rev 2:10 didn't have to worry about)
Wish I could be there this year! However, I'll be watching most of it on the internet and praying/dreaming big God size dreams of how He will use these Scriptures in everyone's lives.
Thank you so much, Alex!
Just a quick note: about 75 of the questions on the Primary test are open-ended. I didn't feel like I had time to add multiple choices.
Oh, and Alex, the link that is supposed to download the Junior DOC format instead downloads the answer sheet. :)