Singing God's Word
Edited Oct 27th to include the NEW USA RECORD of 133 by Pam Banks True and the contest for English Scripture songs with guaranteed prizes of $50 - $500 for the top 25 finishers.
Does anyone use Scripture songs for memorizing? Or perhaps you remember some Scripture songs from when you were young that you would like to refresh. We are documenting everyone who can sing 10 or more verses in English or Indonesian and everyone who can sing at least one verse in any other language. We would love for you to join us!! We would love to receive your video or live singing of Scripture songs, whether you just enjoy Scripture songs casually, or you want to push yourself to rank high nationally or worldwide. You give give us a link to your video here or email or put the video on Facebook at our group or page "Singing the Bible Worldwide". You can also sing live at the Setia Bible school in Jakarta or by contacting Scripture Memory Fellowship at their Dallas headquarters or at SMF events throughout the country.
This program is meant to encourage and inspire all ages and all abilities. There are no legalistic requirements. Those who wish may sing Scripture songs looking at texts or getting help or with friends or anyway they want. General guidelines for those who would like to follow are: No texts or help other than looking at a list of references. Here is an example of Bende, who holds 2nd place silver among Indonesians who can sing the most verses in English.
We are holding a contest for those who can sing the most verses in English Scripture Memory songs. The expected final date is April 28th, 2018 or possibly as late as July 7th, 2018. Guaranteed minimum prizes: (these may go up, especially in regards to number of cash prizes given if sponsors get involved, but we are committed to the top prize not going above $1,000.) 1st place = $500; 2nd place = $300; 3rd place = $200; 4th - 10th place = $100; 11th - 25th = $50; top 5 where English is not your mother tongue = $40; next 5 = $30; top 5 Asians living in Asia = $25; next 5 = $20; Top 10 Indonesians living in Indonesia = 200,000 rupiahs; next 10 = 150,000 rupiahs; 3rd 10 = 100,000. Each person can only win one cash prize and will receive the highest ammount he/she qualifies for. We are hoping many other non-cash prizes will also be given out either at local Scripture song events, or possibly sent in the mail by sponsors.
More details, including how to participate and how to host a local event where people can participate (both free) are coming soon as its own Blog post, on the Forum, and on Facebook.
The WORLD RECORD Book (as we know it. We are sure there are people who have broken these records. Please let us know so we can update.) We trust there are thousands of people who could enter this record book with a little effort. May we inspire, motivate and encourage you to invest in something eternal that can bless you and countless others.
English World Record: Gold = Jacky Walker (Philippines) with 221; Silver = Christian Juat (Philippines) with 155; Bronze = Grace Juat (Philippines) with 142
Indonesia record: Gold = Diana Ledoh from Rote with 140; Silver = Bende from Alor with 95; Bronze = Diana Lontorin from Alor with 88
USA record: Gold = Pam Banks True, a 60 year old Bible Bee grandmother from KY with 133 !! Silver = Kristy Richman from KS with 28; Bronze = Nancy Liston from GA with 28; 4th = Dakota Lynch of Scripture Memory Fellowship based in Dallas TX with 19; Bronze = Stephen Westfall from TX = 19.
Trusting many more entries coming soon.
Will you represent your country to inspire and encourage others?
Indonesian World Record: Gold = Dian (Central Sulawesi) with 633; Silver = Aniwarlina (West Nias) with 553; Bronze = Elpin (South Nias) = 450
Nias language World Record: Gold = AniWarlina with 10; Silver = Aliran with 4
Javanese World Record: Gold = Septi with 2
What other languages have Scripture songs? We would love to document and list here anyone who can sing one or more Scripture song in any language throughout the world.
Any language or combination of languages with verses sung in more than one language counted multiple times
GRAND WORLD RECORD: Gold = Dian (Indonesia) = 720; Silver = AniWarlina (Indonesia) with 577; Bronze = Mona (Indonesia) with 511
Philippines Record: Gold = Jacky Walker with 322; Silver = Christian Juat with 155; Bronze = Grace Juat with 142
USA record: Gold = Pam Banks True, a 60 year old Bible Bee grandmother from KY with 133 !! Silver = Kristy Richman from KS with 28; Bronze = Nancy Liston from GA with 28; 4th = Dakota Lynch of Scripture Memory Fellowship based in Dallas TX with 19; Bronze = Stephen Westfall from TX = 19

Introducing Microblades!
One of the most important elements of a successful Scripture memory routine is to make it a group effort. Besides the benefit of God’s Word being hidden in more hearts, memorizing as a group creates a sense of accountability that helps keep everyone motivated.
Scripture Memory Fellowship is a big promoter of systemized group memorization, and their brand new Microblade program is a great way to join a community of memorizers just like yourself. It’s also a good way to get back in the habit of memorizing.
The Microblade community memorizes 1-3 weekly verses on topics like Worship, Purity, and Marriage. Each Microblader receives email devotionals for the memory verses and is invited to join the Microblade forum. The forum is a special place where you are able to interact with a growing community of memorizers, answer study questions, and discuss God's Word together.
Each month's Microblade costs just $1.99 and is available in the SMF Bible memory app or via PDF download. Renew your commitment to Scripture memory and sign up for Microblades today!

Bubble Sheet for Practice Tests
Note: This is different from the scan sheets available at These sheets only have bubbles--which are much easier to fill in.
Presenting a new resource that will make the practice test experience even more like the real deal! The locals test tomorrow will have sheets with the questions, like the practice tests, but also a bubble sheet on which answers will be filled in. The bubbles must be completely filled in, which takes longer than just circling the right answer on the practice test--and with 200 questions, this could make a reletively significant difference for contestants who want to ascertain how prepared they are by taking the practice tests. So, thanks to's bubble test generator, here is a bubble sheet with 200 questions (the Primaries can only print the first page).
Also, ANNOUNCEMENT: There will be a third rerun, at 9:00 PM EST today!!!

2014 Bible Bee Resources
The much-anticipated practice exams arrived late last night, and we also have a few other resources to share with you. Some of you may notice that the tests have been delivered earlier each year — this year, by about a week.
Primary | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Junior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Senior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
See here for a bubble sheet to make the practice test experience as close as possible to contest day; the Bible Bee's site also offers scan sheets for 100 questions and for 200 questions.
Please note that these practice tests and other resources were created by volunteers and are in no way endorsed by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, which hosts the National Bible Bee.
Other resources:
- Weekly Bible Bee quizzes. Thank you to Nathan Wright for taking charge of the Bible Bee quizzes. You're doing a great job.
- Past quiz questions. Naturally we have only included the multiple choice questions. Please let us know if you spot errors in the questions; there are probably at least a few. These did not undergo the same level of scrutiny as those in the practice exams.
- Bible Bee study videos: On Vimeo here. Bethany and Landon Meckle review the content of the past few weeks and share suggestions given by other people. You can submit a suggestion, too. You can also access them at Bethany's Weebly site.
- Free songs for Bible Bee verses: Please see here on Mustard Seed Faith Media's site. You can listen to and download these songs for free. They are sung by Nathan in all four translations.
- Bonus practice test: Andrew Adams and Everett Chew prepared another practice exam, aimed at Juniors and Seniors. Here is the test; here are the answers.
- Final quiz: One last broad review quiz will be held here on MemVerse the day before locals. See the link for more details.
If you have another resource to add, please leave a comment and we will try to include it.

2014 Bible Bee Micro Practice Tests
This year, fellow Bible Bee participants, led by Matthew Minica, have put together micro quarter-length practice tests (25 questions for Primary, 50 questions for Junior and Senior), intended for local events this month. Full length tests should be available in early August.
Tests are available as PDF files: Primary | Junior | Senior. The answers (no peeking!) are available here.
See here for a bubble sheet to make the practice test experience as close as possible to contest day.
Please note that these practice tests were created by volunteers and are in no way endorsed by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, which hosts the National Bible Bee.

2014 Bible Challenge
As you plan the new year, we have a guest post to share with you from Bethany Meckle. We hope you all have a blessed Christmas and enter 2014 with even stronger hope in things not seen, but nevertheless real (Hebrews 11:1)!
The 2014 Bible Challenge is a two part schedule - Part One is a reading plan (read through the New Testament) and Part Two is a memorizing plan (memorize the Sermon on the Mount). You can join Part One, Part Two, or both if you'd like!
The challenge begins January 1st and ends May 31st. The beginning of the year is a good time to get back into the Word if you've slacked off over the year (like I tend to do), or even if you've been going strong all year. I also timed it so that the challenge ends the day before the 2014 Bible Bee studies begins, so it won't conflict with that for any of you who are in the Bee.
If you decide not to join the challenge, please share this anyway with anyone that you think would be interested. The more people the better!
After you sign up below, you should be able to access the Reading and Memory schedules on the confirmation page. (If not, just leave a comment and I'll get them to you.)

2013 Bible Bee Practice Tests
We're happy to announce that the practice exams for this year's Bee are available one day earlier than they were last year, which means, today! Cheers to Matthew Minica and the three volunteer teams who created each of these tests. Please help spread the word to your Bible Bee friends!
Primary | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Junior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Senior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Please note that these practice tests were created by volunteers and are in no way endorsed by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, which hosts the National Bible Bee.

Hidden in the Heart
Jeremy Walker at Reformation 21 has a very thoughtful blog post on the importance of Bible memorization. His key point is that:
One of the consequences of the internet-trained brain seems to be an inability to hide very much - not much of the Word of God, to be sure - in our hearts. That results in a crippling weakness in the battle for godliness.
If we are to be holy we need to hide the word in our hearts, and that means a deliberate commitment to memorisation and meditation. It means a refusal to allow our brains to be trained by the world, a resistance to the laziness that the interweb can breed in our all-too-susceptible minds; it means a commitment to holiness that is willing to re-train and develop the faculties of our hearts contrary to the trend and tendency of the age in which we live, and to make sure that we pack into the armoury that array of weaponry necessary for the constant fight against ungodliness, temptations within and without.
It's definitely worth taking the time to read the whole post.

2012 Bible Bee Practice Tests
With just eight days till the Local Bees & Celebration Ceremonies across the country, we have some practice tests to help you brush up. All of the following tests were written by other Bible-Bee-Memversers. Thank you to everyone who worked on them!
Age Division | Test | Answers |
Primary | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |
Junior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |
Senior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |