Bible Bee Practice Tests
Matthew Minica kindly developed practice tests for Bible Bee National Qualifiers and asked us to post them on Memverse for him. Here are the tests along with a note from Matthew:
Last Saturday, we went to visit our friends, the Smithes, who have a son Joshua going to the National Bible Bee as a Senior. We had a couple of their friends come over and held a mock Bible Bee with the three of us going to Nationals: Joshua, Courtney, and I. My dad suggested that we should make a practice test for each other, and I caught onto it right away. A couple days later, I had an idea: Why not share about this on Memverse!? So here is that practice test, all finished and ready to be administered.
Division | Practice Test | Answer Sheet |
Junior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |
Senior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |
There are a few things I would like to note: First, if you are a Primary who would like to take this test, I apologize for not making a Primary version of the test. The reason I did not is that I could not see any Primaries who were currently active on Memverse.
Second, the only difference between the Junior and Senior versions is 16 questions about some Level 3 passages; otherwise, the Junior and Senior tests are exactly the same.
Also, to take the test you will need the bubble sheet available here on the Bible Bee website.
I hope you enjoy this practice test and that it will really help and encourage you in your studying!
Matthew Minica
Romans 1:16
Update 11/11/11: Anna and Grace Mieczkowski (Senior National qualifier) have also created two awesome practice tests to share; one is for Primaries and the other is for Seniors. Juniors are advised to take the Primary test.
Division | Practice Test | Answer Sheet |
Primary | ||
Senior |
Thanks again, Matthew, Anna, and Grace, for working on these tests and sharing them. Blessings to all studying for Nationals!

69 responses to Bible Bee Practice Tests
Thank you
I just noticed you might want to check the context of Q45
I believe the you in this verse is refering to John the Baptist not Jesus
Thanks for sharing this! I'm going to take the test tomorrow (It's late now). I'm really looking forward to it!
I was the one that put Balaam as meaning 'perhaps' on Quizlet; this is the link I used;
Thank you, Matthew, for making this test! It's great! It's giving me some questions that I'm sure I wouldn't have even thought about. Hopefully this will get me and others better prepared for the actual test.
P.S. I'm glad you gave the answers along with the test. With the Bible Bee, you don't know exactly what you slipped up on. :) Thanks!
Thanks a LOT Matthew! I am looking forward to taking this test! May the Lord bless you for the time and effort you spent making them!
sounds great!!! have a wonderful time a Nationals!
and by the way..... :D
The Duggar family have a big annoucement!!!! go here to see it :)
You are welcome everyone! I'm glad you are enjoying it and I hope that it will help you in your studying.
Marie, I stand corrected. I think that something in the Sword Study kind of put me off on Q 45. Not that it affects the answer. :) I have to ask you, though - where is the spelling error on Q 105? I searched for all of the nations on Bible Gateway and found them, with the spelling I used, in at least one verse (in the KJV). Also, the definition for "Balaam" in the Strongest Strong's is not "perhaps" in either the OT or the NT; it is something else (but I don't want to tell in case someone who has not taken the test sees). Thank you anyways for critiquing what I prepared, I'm sure I need it.
@Rachel--Isn't that amazing? Twenty kids?! God has really blessed their family! I hope they have many more! And the funny thing is, now one of Josh and Anna Duggar's two kids will have an uncle or aunt younger than them, and the other one will have two! :)
@Matthew - The test was excellent! Thank you very much for making it. There were a few questions that I got stuck on, since I didn't know the it was very helpful in showing me what I needed to study these last few days. About how many hours, do it think, did it take you to write it? Thanks again :)
Study hard everyone! Just 7 more days, and we'll finally be able to meet everyone =)
Matthew - thank you so much for making this and sharing it with all of us. I went through half of it last night since my daughter is a Primary and it looks like only about 7 questions from the first 100 we junior specific, so it'll be great for Primaries too. Thank you so much. I know she will appreciate taking this practice test. You did a great job making it.
on Q 105 The differences are in my translation vs. KJV yours is correct in KJV I stand corrected.
Thanks for this opportunity to do this practice test.
Thanks a lot Matthew! I didn't grade myself yet, but I enjoyed the test. I found a few errors that you might want to look at. Q 10 refers to I Peter 1:13. I think this information is actually in verse 14. Also, Q 88 references II Peter 1:17, while the desired text is 2:17. Please don't take this negatively! I really appreciate the effort you put into this test. Thanks once again!
I appreciate your correcting me, Thomas, and Marie too. I do not at all take it negatively. You are right; on both of those questions there was a minor typo, which is unavoidable when there is only one person making the test. That is one reason why you guys should check me. I took Joshua's test today and found a few errors as well, which were mostly referencing to Senior passages which I had no idea about. I still only got 6 wrong out of 102, so that is a good sign! (He only made 102 because his family is moving right after the Bible Bee, and he needs to help prepare for it. They are actually moving down to our area! Yay!) Please feel free (and this goes for all of you) to correct me on any other mistakes that I made.
Bethany, I spent time coming up with the questions; writing them down; typing them in; randomly choosing the order; designing the front page; converting them to PDF; and sending the finished tests in to Alex. Overall, I think it was well over 24 hours. It was well worth it.
By the way, who posted my test on Facebook? Whoever did, thanks a bunch! I never thought that this would go so far! Thank you God!
Oh, and Zachary, if your mom has not gotten the message from my mom yet, I want to tell you that it is totally fine for you to make a Quizlet set on my test. I do not have a Quizlet account, so you are welcome to do it.
I suppose I will see you personally in about a week! So exciting! We all need to be praying for each other.
Matthew - New blog posts get automatically posted about on the Memverse facebook page, if that's what you mean. By the way, are you saying there is another test we can take that your friend Joshua did? I apologize if I'm missing something obvious. Thanks again for putting the test together.
Thank you very much for the test, Matthew! Checking my answers was a very humbling experience:) I had a few questions for you;
1: Where did you find the definition you did for the meaning of 'Balaam'?
2: Somehow, I came up with a different answer than you on question 130; could you show me where they are?
3: I believe the answer to question 164 should be different; I don't want to say how in case other's haven't taken the test yet, but if you look at it I think you will see it.
4: On question 182 there are 2 correct answers; b) and d).
5: Lastly, how does question 188 have anything to do with 1 or 2 Peter? Is there something that I am missing? A memory verse prehaps?
Thank you very much for creating this test; it has been very thought-provoking!
@Matthew - It took you over 24 hours to write this test? Wow! I have written a few tests for my siblings, but they were near as long (only like 30 question) and it didn't take near that long either (just like a couple hours). I really apprecaite your work in doing it was *very* helpful. Oh, and did you get the thing I sent you about the questions, or not?
We had a little mix up at first see, we had all taken the Senior test (we accidently printed off the wrong test, but anyways...), and then I went to get my mom the sheet to grade it, and I opened up the Junior answer sheet (without knowing it)! Afterwards, we looked over the ones that were wrong and started realizing that ours were coming out right and the answer sheet wasn't giving the right answers. We were so baffled, that our answers (which looked right) were all wrong. Then, afterwards, I realized that I had opened the wrong document! Teachs me to be more careful in what I do =) Thank you again!
@Alex: I meant the group called "National Bible Bee Contestants, Families, and Encouragers". Somehow they got a hold of it, and I suspected it was from one of my Memverse friends.
@Seth: To answer your questions,
1: I got the meaning from the Strongest Strong's concordance and Greek dictionary.
2: I was actually wondering about that question. There are quotes in 1 Peter 1:16, 24-25; 2;6, 7, 8, 22; 3:10-12, 14; 4:8, 18; and 5:5. 4:8 is borderline because there are not any actual quotes in the NIV around "love covers a multitude of sins", but I counted that.
3: Another typo. Sorry about that. The correct answer is "A".
4: I forgot about eirene for peace, I was just trying to think of some wrong answers and actually came up with a right answer! :P
5: There were a couple questions in the Local Test (such as the question about Job, Isaiah 40:8, etc.) that had nothing to do with either 1 Peter or the memory verses, so I decided to put a few of those in there. The rulebook does say that the questions will not be inclusive of questions relating to the study book(s).
@Bethany: I read your email but I have no idea what other email you are referring to. Perhaps my mom deleted it before she showed me. :) That would be good anyway, considering what you said about it.
EDIT: Well, I suppose Isaiah 40:8 is quoted in 1 Peter 1. But the question about Job had nothing to do with it. :)
Matthew, thanks much for this test--My son, Isaiah, just took the Junior test and missed number 26 (actually he missed a whole lot more than that--we have a lot to discuss!). He chose answer D--Luke 1:76-79 for a passage that talks about light and is a good cross reference for 2 Peter 1:19. Your answer key indicated Matthew 5:14-16 was the correct answer. Both talk about light, but I'd agree with Isaiah that the Luke passage would actually make a better cross reference.
I just took Courtney's test and got 19 questions wrong. She had significantly harder questions, including a bunch of ones about cross-references.
Are Joshua and Courtney's tests availible to memverse users? I would like to try them if possible - particularly Courtney's, as I have been doing a lot of cross-references.
I could make them available, Seth, if they agreed - but you have to be careful, as both of them (especially Courtney's) have a few errors in them, as does mine. The principal thing I noticed in Joshua's is that he accidentally included some questions about Level 3 verses, as well as cross-references and one key word that were only used in the Senior Sword Study. It's late now, so I might send them in tomorrow. Oh, and also, both of those tests are a lot more biased on KJV than mine was, because they were only thinking about giving the tests to each other. (Joshua uses KJV too.) Although I have to say, to some extent, mine was biased on the KJV too. I tried to refer to both the KJV and NIV for my questions. Sorry if I'm confusing any non-KJV users.
@Mrs. Worch: I am sorry for doing that, I seem to have accidentally chosen more than one right answer for some of the questions. I am glad that there will be more than one test-maker for the actual Written Test, because this is what happens when you only have one involved! :) By the way, how old is Isaiah? Will he be joining Memverse soon?
Remember everyone, this is only practice. My test is very hard, according to what I have heard. My sister took my test today and got upset when she got a whole lot of questions wrong. Please don't get upset; just have a good time and remember that hiding God's Word in your heart is the true treasure!
I just found out who is the "secret philanthropist": Phil Walker was the one who posted my test on Facebook. THANK YOU SO MUCH, PHIL! I never imagined it would go this far!
@Matthew - I think you did an excellent job on the test! Harder is always better...... Thanks so much for putting a lot of time into making it an wonderful study help. I really enjoyed it :)
I sent my sister Anna's mock test in today, so I hope it can be helpful to you all once it's posted! Also, Matthew, we used a couple of your questions to fill in for a couple of accidental repeat questions that Anna had found on her test, after we took it on Monday. I hope that's okay..... What was kind of funny, is after initially taking our mock test on Monday, I took your test and found a couple very similar, somewhat-more-detailed questions :) Great minds must think alike....... Now that you mentioned the Senior level material, I'm remembering that we didn't specifically check the Junior/Primary Sword Studies for the 1 Peter questions..... I'm hoping there's not too many that used Senior-only material. We made two versions, one for Primaries/Juniors (only using Primary passages for memory verse questions), and then one for Seniors. All of the 1 and 2 Peter content is the same.
God bless you all as you hide His word - it will never return void!
Matthew, you did a great job on the test. I've made up multiple choice tests for our local group, and they are VERY time consuming. And I've also inadvertently included more than one correct answer, especially when it comes to cross references.
Isaiah is 11. He doesn't really get involved in the online stuff yet. Alyssa is 14--she's on Quizlet. We're not exactly sure HOW to get involved in Bible Bee stuff on Memverse. Can you tell me how that works?
Phil Walker has been our Memverse representative on Facebook, which is where I found the link for your test. :-) For those of your on Facebook, we have a couple groups there, too. We're currently interacting on the page titled National BB Contestants, Families, and Encouragers. Nothing official, but it has been good for sharing info.
I'd love to see those other tests, too. Even if there are errors, it's good practice. And we don't mind KJV bias, since we're KJV, too. :-)
Attention all Bible Bee National Qualifiers: Anna and Grace Mieczkowski have also created some awesome practice tests to share! This blog post has been updated to include links to the PDFs.
Thanks, Anna and Grace and Matthew!
Thank, Mathew for the test! Here is the so-far unfinished Quizlet of your practice test (combined with Jude questions and my Greek Quizlet sets): .
Enjoy. Thanks again, Matthew!
sorry this is off topic but I cannot make it to the quiz :( bye. Dead laptop. No charging outlet, we are on the road.
Once you see this, it might be too late, Mrs. Worch, but today at 4:00 EST we are having our Finale Bible Bee Live Quiz on Memverse. You can see more about that at If you join us, make sure before you join that you have the correct version for yourselves in your profile: Oh, I almost forgot: Before you do anything, make sure you make your children accounts for themselves, if they haven't one already. We will probably be finishing around 4:30 EST, but if you arrive late, you can request a rerun after we are done and Alex will be glad to start it again for you.
Also, if either of your children join Memverse, please let us know so we can add them to the list of Memverse Bible Bee Qualifiers on this page:
Who is meeting? Any Bible Bee contestants and their families from Quizlet, Memverse, StudyStack, Accountability Forum,etc. All are welcome, even those not in any of those groups! The more, the merrier!
When are we meeting? There are two opportunities set up for Wednesday. First session is 4-6 pm, and second will be from 7-9 pm. It's probably best to take care of your registration first, and also keep watch of the time in case you need to be at one of the rehearsals. Check with your family and their plans, and don't get to bed too late!
Where are we meeting? On the 3rd (top) floor of the Convention Center in the Eating Area (however, not sure if food is available on Wed during those hours...just a place for us to meet). Registration and Photo Booths will be on the 2nd floor, but Headquarters has advised us not to meet there because it will be very busy and crowded.
Why are there two times? There are several rehearsals going on during the afternoon and the evening. Some of us are available once we're done registering, but others must run to rehearsals and are free in the evening. So to give opportunity for those who are involved in afternoon rehearsals, an evening one is set up. Wednesday is a good day to meet your online friends (and others) so you can focus on your preliminaries on Thursday. But feel free to plan anything else outside of these 2 times, as you wish.
When are the rehearsals? Wednesday Rehearsals are scheduled for: Narrators 4- 5 pm, Choir 5:30-7 pm, Orchestra 7-8:30 pm (this is info compiled from several people. please do not rely on this, in case there is an official change)
What is the purpose of meeting? A time to finally meet the many friends we've made online!
Am I required to attend? Not at all! Just a fun opportunity for whoever wants to join in.
Must I stay the entire time? No. Whatever you and your family's schedule allows for. Come to one, both, or a portion of any of them.
What if I can't go? You will have opportunities all through the week, but this is a relaxed day when we all plan to be there around the same time.
May I invite others? Please do! Get the word out to whoever you want.
How will I know if a particular person will be there when I will be? You are encouraged to make any special arrangements like that between yourselves to confirm that you have a mutual meeting time.
BB accountability site Please join this site!!
Anything else I need to know? I have one favor to ask of all of you...As a parent, I have some questions I'd like to ask you on a survey about how you managed your time and responsibilities in preparation for the Bible Bee. I'm finalizing it and plan to make it available by Friday afternoon/evening (Nov. 11), so will you please check back here to get the link? I would love to get your input. More info will be on the survey link.
Hello everyone,
Bethany alerted me to a couple more errors in my test that I thought you should be aware of. First of all, on question 39 there can be more than one correct answer, depending on which version you use. When I made this test I only referred to KJV and NIV for my questions. Both of those versions had only one answer for question 39; however, ESV, which is what Bethany uses, can be interpreted differently. Also, questions 41 and 195 are exactly the same question, just in different wording.
I want to stress again: Please do not be afraid to alert me to any errors you see in the test. I am not perfect (none of us are!) and I cannot help making a few mistakes. I am not afraid to admit that. If any of you see any errors, no matter how small, in my test, please tell me about them. I want to know about them. Thank you.
Rachel - We believe we've fixed the problem, but if you see it persisting please let us know through the Feedback forum (GetSatisfaction)--it's the best place to report such things and we check it more often than comments. Thanks! :)
For some reason, when I try to go to the answer sheet for Grace and Anna's test, it takes me to the test itself...I can't seem to get the answer sheet. Does anyone know why?
Grace and Anna, thanks for the test!
@Seth, the answer sheet is the exact same as the test, just with the answers in bold....... Hopefully that clarifies :)
You are welcome for the test!! It was fun to be able to assign it to Anna, and she took the ball and ran with it, freeing up a lot of our study time :)
Grace, as I was checking my test I found a few things that in my opinion are incorrect. Please look over them and tell me what you think.
1. Q65, 99, 148, 192 on the Primary answer sheet do not have an answer bolded.
2. Q76 has two possible answers: A and C.
3. You put the answer down for Q46 as A, which, it seems, should be D.
4. You put the answer down for Q109 as C, which, it seems, should be B.
5. Q124 has two possible answers: B and D.
6. Questions 3 and 154 look like they are the same question.
Please do not take this negatively! I appreciate the work you and your sister did on this test! Wow, it was hard! I got 40 questions wrong. I have a lot of catching up to do, apparently!
Grace, I did your test...It was really hard! I got fourty-FOUR questions wrong (so you beat me, Matthew. I won't mention the fact that I did the senior version:) ). I also came across some minor things, mainly typos, that could be corrected.
1. There is no question 12.
2. On question 31, it is likely (though not explicitly stated) that A, C, and D are all correct answers.
3. On the test, questions 21, 97, 155, and 161 have the correct answer's letter in bold. I hope that makes sense.
4. On the answer sheet, it does not indicate what is the correct answer for questions 99, 148, and 192.
5. I was wondering, how did you come up with the answer you did for question 111?
6. The 'closing sentence' is gramatically incorrect; you may want to add an "s" after 'word' or 'flow', depending on what you want to say.
Thank you very much for the test, it was quite a challenge and proved that my cross-references need some work! I hope the test at Nationals isn't this hard:). Looking forward to seeing you (and everyone else) in 3 days!
Thank you for your work in making the tests Matthew, Grace and Anna! I have taken both of your tests, Matthew...and did much, much better on the second one :) I took Anna's Senior test, and did okay (actually, better than Matthew's test!) and am going to take Anna's Primary test tomorrow. Thank you three for your work on them! They were quite challenging, but I enjoyed them a lot =)
Looking forward to meeting you all in about 2 days, Lord willing. Let us continue working hard, and giving all the glory to our Father in heaven!
Thanks again for the test Matthew! I took it today and found it a helpful study tool. :)
Here are some questions/comments I had about some of the questions:
60: This verse seems to only mention husbands' prayers.
77: We're not sure who wrote Hebrews, but it could have been Paul.
131: What makes James 5:16 a good cross reference for 1 Peter 2:24? Sorry if there's some obvious connection here I'm missing, but I didn't quite get it.
182: I guess it's not too common, but Charis is also a girls' name.
I got a whole bunch of questions wrong, but I hope the real one will be a little easier. Great job making this test!!
Thanks for the test, Matthew! I'm writing this as I'm taking it, and I have a few extra comments:
#10:1 Peter 1:14 seems to be the correct reference to include in the question, not verse 13.
#18: Technically, the last sentence is "Amen," unless some translations don't include that. :)
#21:It is not necessarily "commendable or thankworthy" to suffer for not doing wrong, but to suffer for not doing wrong and yet enduring it.
#26: As some others have said, there are technically two possible answers for this question.
#33: This almost seems to have two or three possible answers. It could be confusing.
#41: Both C and D look like they could be correct.
#42: "Submissive" and "meek," both of which are choices here, are synonyms, and it may be one or the other in some translations.
#45: As stated in another comment, Jesus is not the one mentioned in this verse, but John the Baptist.
#19. 30, 50, 68, 71, 79, 81, 85, 125, and others: With these, it could be helpful and easier to understand with an "According to..." at the beginning of them, though many can still be easily answered without it.
#77: Like Nina said, Hebrews might have been written by Paul.
#80: Peter did not necessarily write 2 Peter to the same people to whom he wrote 1 Peter.
#88: The question is based on 2 Peter 2:17, not 1:17.
#94: This should probably say "the good shepherd" instead of "a good shepherd."
#117: This is practically a copy of #23, but you may have meant to do that.
#120: Unless you are using a different standard than me for this question, the answer does not seem that it should be what it is.
#134: This question seems to be able to have more than one answer.
#136: Without the reference mentioned, this question is quite hard to answer.
#144: Does verse 20 of chapter three count as an exhortation? ("You must understand")
#153: The answer could be A or B.
#172: A and B's answers mean practically the same things.
#177: I have heard that some have also thought that Jude and 2 Peter 2 were taken from the same source. Your answer is not wrong, I just thought I'd let you know this.
#189: "respect" and "honor" are synonyms, and both are answers.
#195: This is practically identical to #41.
Also, one thing scattered throughout the test is the use of the phrase "false prophets," when it should really be "false teachers." False prophets are only mentioned in 2 Peter 2:1.
This has been a great test, Matthew! I don't know if you will even see this before Nationals, but I want to thank you for helping us like this. And thank you for not taking my nitpickiness wrongly--I'm not trying to make your test look bad. Anyway, I got 41 out of 200 wrong, and ChiefOfSinners says he got 25 wrong. That would be 80% for me and 88% for him. Looks like I have some practicing to do! Thanks again!
Thanks, Rachel. I hope to do well tomorrow--maybe even make it to the finals!! ☺ I doubt that I will, but there's always a hope. I hope you can make it next year!
You are very welcome Nicolas! I'll pray you make it to at least Semi Finals :) I'll pray that everyone who makes it to semi finals is from Memverse :D and I hope to hear/see some "familiar" names and faces on the stage on Finals!!!
I scored myself using Bible Bee's standard on Matthew's Junior practice test and scored 528. Since Matthew gave us a very good and challenging assignment, I just think it "dikaios" to give him the assignment of figuring out how many I got wrong. ;)
@Alex - Did the tests get taken down? I was going to look at the answer sheet again and compare it with my answers, and it says it doesn't exist
Bethany - During the switch to the new server, we forgot to re-upload the files. They're back now. Thanks.
Hello everyone,
I know it is probably way early to be thinking about this, but I have been thinking about this since I am preparing to create questions for the test in our Local Bible Bee coming up in May. After the success that I had with my practice tests last year, I want to make practice tests again. However, this time in order to make the tests have more quality, I want to have people volunteer to help make tests. I mean, look at all the things Nicolas found on my test! (btw Nicolas I meant to reply to that comment, but I forgot. Thanks for being so bold as to give me all of that *ahem*, advice. Makes it all the more apparent that the following system is needed!)
I thought that maybe people could work in teams of two or three to check up on each other and divide the work load. Preferably the team members would use different Bible versions so that one can tell if another's question is too much biased on one version. For this reason it might not be the best idea to have siblings work on the same test. Seniors could make tests for their age division and for Juniors, and Juniors could make tests for the Primaries.
Memverse would probably be one of the best places to make this work since last year we had 20- or 30-something National contestants active right here on the blog, and are expecting more this year. We could communicate and send questions for double-checking via email.
Just some thoughts. Does anyone have anything to add? Once again, this is probably way too early to be thinking about this since we still have 2+ months till the Local studying period even starts, but I just wanted to throw this out in the open. I like to plan things and think about them months in advance. Heck, I'm not even sure I'm going to make it to Nationals! Well, I like to say that I'm sure, but I don't know yet.
@Matthew Minica -- I would be willing to help! After doing your test, I wanted to do one myself or at least help someone. I think it's a great plan, since I profited a lot from your test! Thanks for starting this topic of conversation.
Changing of topics slightly, what do you think about being a Senior this year in the Bee?
I have mixed feelings about being a Senior. On the one side, I am excited to finally get to try out this age group. So many of my friends are either going up this year or are already in Seniors! I'm also excited about the competition at Locals, about whether and how high I will place locally. And there were 4 fifteen-year-olds in the Senior Semi-Finals last year!
On the other side, if I had been born four days later, I would still be a Junior this year! That, plus the fact that only 8 questions more correct on the written test would have put me into the Semi-Finals, kind of frustrates me sometimes. There were so many questions about Jude that I didn't know the answer to, since I had not studied Jude very much during the fall. I think if I had studied Jude, I would have gotten into the Semi-Finals! Arrgh!
It's funny to think that I would have been a Primary in 2008 if Bible Bee existed then, since the deadline was earlier (Nov. 6) then. Sometimes I wish that I had only one more year! Then, I'm sure I could get at least into Semi-Finals and maybe even in Finals!
But it is what it is. What I need to do is stop griping about it and start practicing for some really stiff competition. And, I'm planning to be one of the stiff competitors. :)
Oh no, I'd better watch out! I'm planning on being one of them too, though :) I kind of wish that I was a Junior too, but being a Senior is a ton of fun! So, it's always fun to hear when there is going to be another Senior! Does Courtney wish you were a Junior still?
BTW, did you get what I sent about the article I'm writing? Just wondering....
Matthew, do you know if, because National's will be held later this year, the birthday dead-line will be earlier?
@ Emily~ Here's a link for the Bible Bee 2012 Rulebook:
November 13 is the birthday deadline. (#3 on page 4 of rulebook)
@AmyV- thank you. Did they move the date up at all? I read the rule book last year (I haven't had time to read the new one yet this year), but I don't remember last year's dead-line. Aren't they going to have Nationals at the end of October? I thought I read that somewhere, but I may be wrong...
The deadline is, and always will be, November 13th. The reason it is staying on the same day is because after 2010, Headquarters got smart and realized that moving the deadline isn't such a good idea. If they had been smart from the very beginning, I would still be a Junior this year! Pretty funny, huh? About Nationals being in October, I have no idea. The date and the location haven't been announced yet, or at least if they have, I haven't heard it.
EDIT: Bethany, I just read your email. Thanks for letting me know. I know you sent it a couple days ago but my mom doesn't always show me the emails she gets for me right away. I have my own email address but they go directly to Momma's account. I want to ask her to get me an account of my own. And no, Courtney does not wish I was still a Junior because I have given her some pretty good competition. I actually beat her (by two points) last year at Nationals. She's alone in the age group this year though, because Brianna is still a Primary.
I would love to help!! since I am 19, last year was the last year I could compete but I would love to help all the rest of you!!!
Okay, I have no idea where I heard, or thought I heard, that Nationals would be in the end of October.
Bethany, Rachel, and Marie, thanks for volunteering! I wonder if maybe we could make practice tests for the Locals too? Planning is still in the early stages, but I'm hoping that by June or July we can put up a new blog post about this. I'm sure that Courtney and Joshua Smithe will be willing to help with this too. That means so far, I have 4 Seniors, 1 Junior and 1 alumnus who want to help make tests. Anyone else?
Talking about tests, anyone studying the book of 1 Thessalonians? I'm making a test for my siblings who have been studying that book (so have I...) and if anyone would like to take it just let me know, and I can send it to them. It'll probably take about another week, and it'll only be 100 questions because we don't have any memory verses to get quizzed over :)
THANK YOU, MATTHEW, FOR MAKING THIS TEST! I really appreciate you taking the time to do it, and for sharing it with us all on Memverse! I'm really looking forward to taking it :) Thank you.