Verse Hero on
I praise God for those who use their talent to promote a love of Scripture. has developed an incredible Scripture Memory Game. I hope you will join us and encourage your friends to join us on our Memverse page at Feel free to let me know what passages you want in what translations if they are not already available. Some of you may want to encourage your family, church, school, 2012 local Bible Bee, or home school group to consider making their own page. Currently on the Memverse page we have:
Open to all guests: GALATIANS 2:20, JOHN 15:5-8; and PSALM 23 all in the 1984 NIV
Open to members only (registration is free)
On the website, the games are listed in alphabetical order
1984 NIV
JOB 23:8-12; PSALM 33:1-22; 34:4-19; 119:1-40; ISAIAH 53:1-12; MATTHEW 5:1-12; ROMANS 2:1-10; HEBREWS 11:1-7; 8-19; 20-30;
GENESIS 1; PSALM 119:1-16, 17-32; ROMANS 12: TITUS 2; 1 PETER 1; 2;
EXODUS 20:1-17; ISAIAH 53; ROMANS 8:1-6
PSALM 33; 56:3-4; 67; 2 TIMOTHY 4:1-8
EXODUS 20:1-17; JOSHUA 11:23; COLOSSIANS 1; 2; 1 PETER 1:1-12
Feel free to request passages in other translations and we will add them.
79 responses to Verse Hero on
Phil, that was so much fun! I found it to be difficult even at the lower levels so I know the younger generation will love it and will excel. Thank you for sharing this great resource!
This is great! I created one for Psalm 67 in the English Standard Version (ESV). Here is the link: It has expired; does anyone know why they have to expire?
Thanks, Mr. Walker, for sharing that game. I found it very interesting and useful for memorization.
However, I have decided not to share my key. The reason: I am memorizing the book of Romans with Wretched Man's calender, which was mentioned in one of the previous posts. I'm having trouble remembering some of the passages in order, and these passages talk about some evil things that people do. Now of course, all scripture is inspired by God, and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness (II Timothy 3:16). But there are some verses that would be inappropriate to post on the internet for all to see - you probably know what I mean.
Yes, On-Christ-The-Solid-Rock-I-Stand, a parent who is a friend of mine actually got the passage you are talking about banned from the 2009 Bible Bee for 11-14 year olds since he wisely did not want his 11 year old girl meditating on such a passage. If you can let me have your key by email to, I will share it discreetly with those who might want it and if you use the NIV, I will want to use it myself. I too am memorizing ROMANS with the Alexanders and others.
I created a Game!
it expires October 18th. It is KJV with Job 23:8-12
These are so great! I've almost memorized John 15:5-8 just by playing this. Thanks for sharing this, Mr. Walker!
Very nice tool. Thanks for sharing! I did John 15:5-8 with your key, and when I get a chance, I hope to make my own and post keys in this comment. Also added above, Psalm 34:4-19 in NIV 1984 is available: He is my key hope it works not sure I did it right as far as coping Lee Exdous 20:2-17 very interesting and hard for me. Not quick enough LOL
OH WOW! This sounds like soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun!
BTW, I like your username , Mommy's Helper. :)
Thanks for adding all the games. I trust this will not be a distraction for our devoted Bible Bee Finalists, but rather that you will enjoy a short change of pace working on a passage or two for the Bible Bee with this game (without playing too much) and focusing most of your time to perfecting all your passages and studying 1 and 2 PETER. After the Bible Bee and after you get caught up with your studies, you will have time to play more with the game.
Having said that, I will take nominations if anyone has a tricky passage that has been hard for them to perfect that they would love to see on Verse Hero. (Please include your translation)
Rachel, Thanks so much for putting up PSALM 33 in the NIV. I am very curious of how quickly I will be able to memorize it and how well I will be able to keep it through this game. I've also got a niece and two nephews memorizing it with me here in the Philippines and on Memverse.
I really liked the game! It was awsome! BTW Bible Bee Junior, I was in the national Bible Bee as a Junior too! Why is your picture of a baby?
@Grace Harrison - that's my little brother. I haven't had time to change it...:) i'll do it now. maybe. :) lol
Alex, thanks for adding PSALM 34:4-19 in the NIV. I can't wait to work on that. I am very familiar with the passage but don't have it down. I hope the game can help.
BBJ11 and Grace, what Bible Bee passage in the NASB would you most like to see posted. I will get it up with I get a subscription.
Am I understanding correctly, You get to make one and then you have to pay for a membership? I wish I could make a bunch! Oops Chloe's Mommy signed in under, Chloe! LOL!
Dear Chloe's Mommy, I am in communication with John Tice (who founded the game) and am still trying to understand how everything works and it is my understanding that they are still in the process of adding more games and working through what the long term arrangement will be. A few things are clear. You can make one game key completely free. We are listing all game keys we hear about (please share yours when you make it) that you can play completely free. John and his team has a passion for Scripture memory and a lot of talent to help make a difference and be a blessing to many. Praise God!! We will share more as it becomes clear to us. In the meantime, feel free to contact Impress Kids and share your questions directly with them.
Hi everybody!
I just made a game - Psalm 33:1-22. Here's the link:
I know somebody else already entered that passage, but the translation they used was NIV (correct me if I am wrong), whereas the translation I use is ESV. I was having trouble memorizing that passage, so I decided to create a game, hoping it would help me. I trust it will.
In case anyone was wondering, I am the same person as Octavius.
Our family is memorising Psalm 119. I am too slow to memorise things, and some of my children are very young, so we are doing a number of 8-verse segments each. I am doing aleph, (verses 1-8), then my daughter does beth, my son does gimel etc. If you could make game keys in the KJV for verses 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40 etc, that would be wonderful.
@Phil Walker
My favorite verse for Bible Bee guess that I actually like Exodus 20:1-17 but I also like Joshua 11:23.
Here's my game key I made:
I am memorizing Romans and I am having a hard time memorizing Romans 1: 24-32. This game key is in ESV.
Grace Harrison: I do not have a blog, but sort of know how to make one. First you pick the blog website you want to use...for example: blogger, wordpress, , etc. then after you create an account, you can make a blog. somehow :)
I made a game! It's Colossians chapter 1 in NASB:
I'm hoping this will help me solidify this chapter so I can easily quote it all the way through. If this works for me, then I'd love to have Colossians chapter 2 in the NASB added as a game.
Great to see the 4 new additions to our chart of available game keys. Especially neat to see our first NASB game: COLOSSIANS 1 - What a chapter!! Have fun, NASBers.
Thanks for the requests for new game keys. If you haven't made one yet, and don't have any particular passage you want to use your game key for, here is your chance to be a blessing to others and make a game key for one of the requests. I plan to start making extra game keys soon.
I talked to John Tice, the creator of this game, this morning and was thrilled about all he and his team have planned for the future (including more high quality Scripture Memory games)! Please join me and Jacky in keeping them in your prayers as they seek to make a real difference in how kids and others view Scripture memory and to be a blessing to thousands. Make sure you stop by their booth at Nationals if you will be there.
Oh wow...I've played video games in the past but these games are still hard! Thank you very much, though - I appreciate it! ;)
Courtney, you are the 2nd person who asked for PSALM 119:1-8 in the KJV. That will be the first one I make when I am able to make extra keys. (It may be a few days). If someone wants to beat me to it, and use their free key for PSALM 119:1-8 in the KJV, or PSALM 119:1-40 in the NIV that would be awesome.
I created a game!
1 Peter 1:1-12 NASB
BibleBeeJunior11 :)
Hi. There's something I want to let everyone know, just to be safe: The link for Romans 1:24-32 contains some things that are perhaps inappropriate for young minds. It talks about some extremely wicked things that people do. If you are are still young (I won't set a specific age, but I mean maybe under thirteen or fourteen) I would recommend getting your parents' permission before playing this game.
@Mr. Walker: Did you get my e-mail?
Thanks OCTSRIS (On-Christ-The -Solid-Rock-I-Stand) for your concern about the Romans link I posted. I realize that this passage does describe wicked things that people do. I totally recommend that parents give their kids permission to play this game key.
Hello everybody:)
I created a game about Matthew 5:1-12 NIV
here is the link/
God blesss!
Thanks Leal Christian, for giving us a game key on such a great passage.
I want to remind everyone that today is the 18th so some of the earliest game keys including my JOHN 15:5-8 in the NIV will expire today.
BBJ11, John Tice and his team are working on many other games. Please join me in praying for them as they use their talent to honor God in this way.
I played your game Christ's handmaiden. You did a really good job! But I agree with you.
Kids should definintly have their parents' permission! I'm thinking about making my own
game on Romans 2:1-10 in NIV. It would help anyone memorizing the book of Romans.
I know I've been struggling with it!
Hannah, what translation would you like?
God's Maiden of Virtue, I would love a key for ROMANS 2:1-10 in the NIV as I could use some practice sharpening up those verses.
I have deleted all the expired games. We could use some more game keys for those who want to make one.
I'm glad you like my idea, Mr.Walker. I hoping to start soon.
I'll probably start at the beginning of November.
@ Hannah del Toro: Do you mean that you want me to make a game on Romans 2:1-10
in NKJV and not NIV?
@God's Maiden of Virtue:
I just want an Isaiah 53 key in NKJV. I've already memorized it, I'm just having a LOT of trouble with it. ;) Thanks!
Thanks for Isaiah 53 key! I can't really click on it, though! :) Did it expire, or the link just isn't there? :)
Hannah - It looks like Mr. Walker posted your request so that someone will hopefully notice it and use their free key for Isaiah 53.
This game sure has helped me with my memory passages! Could you please add Psalm 119:57-64 in KJV? Our family is memorizing all of Psalm 119, and I am having a bit of trouble with this passage.
I have a little brother who is 8, so kind of young to use memverse, and he LOVES impress kids. He's really big on video games, so this is perfect for him! He started yesterday and has memorized Gal. 2:20 :)
My sisters watch him play a lot and now they want to do it too! They are especially excited about Granny's Bible Dojo...
Constance, great to hear that your brother and sisters are enjoying Impresskids. GALATIANS 2:20 changed my life and led me to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Jonah, thanks for the request. MATTHEW 7:13-20 in the KJV has been added on the Memverse page of Impress Kids.
For you Elijah memorizers, 1 KINGS 17:5-6 and 1 KINGS 17:7-9 has been added in the 1984 NIV on the Elijah page of Impress Kids under the 1984 tab.
I will be glad to add those Elijah passages in other translations upon request. For that matter I will be glad to put up any passage in any translation on Impress Kids that can help you memorize.
Thank you for updating Impress Kids, Phil. I couldn't find the "1984 tab" on the Elijah page. Any suggestions?
EDIT: I found it now, Phil. Sorry that I didn't see it earlier. Thanks for all your work.
AstroLeah - "Ask and you shall receive". PSALM 119:89-96 in the KJV has been added.
All the KJV passages that were asked for in the past have been updated and are available under the KJV tab. I have also included games for PSALM 119:1-112 and will be ready to finish the chapter upon request.
I will now finish updating the other versions. I hope you enjoy the game and memorizing Scripture with with our group Scripture Memory.
Dear Mr Walker, thank you so much for putting these up for us, they really help me memorise - especially it helps me to learn to put the verses in the right order. I wanted some more up, but was unable to open my own account because our computer is too old to get the IE9 browser needed to do that. So I was hoping you could put up these passages I am working on:
Proverbs 31:10-31 KJV, Psalm 119:49-56 KJV; Revelation 1, 2, 3 and 4 NKJV and Matthew 5:1-16 NKJV, thank you
All the Bible Bee verses have been added to "Verse Hero" on Impress Kids in all 5 translations. They have changed some things. If you are not currently registered with Impress kids, use these steps to play the 25 Bible Bee passages (even if you are not in the Bible Bee) as well as any other passages you see. Feel free to let me know if you want others up (be sure to include the translation) and I will put them up as I put up the ones Joanne requested.
1) Go to 2)Select "Guest" in the upper right corner. 3) Go down and select Blue "Search" bar. 4) Search for 5) click on green "go" button next to Scripture Memory. 6) Select "Not a member?" on the blue bar. 7)Then go through screens to register. It only requires name and email address. 8) Wait and an email invitation will be sent to you. 9) Use the link on the email to login at
I followed the directions except for registering because I have already, but I don't see where to find the BB passages. Where do I go?
Rachel, if you log in, you should see the 2012 Bible Bee tab which has all verses in all translations.
Do you mean on this page? -- There is no 2012 Bible Bee tab. :( is back up and more incredible than ever. Praise God! Right now I am finishing putting up all the Game keys you guys made and all the ones you requested. When you get a chance, come join me on the Memverse page at Registration is free!! Please let me know what other passage you want in what translation?