Getting to Know You: Identify Your Church/Group
I want to congratulate IBLP for joining the Church Leaderboard at an impressive 15th place, and then even more impressively jumping up to 8th place. I am curious. What does IBLP stand for? Actually, I am curious about more than IBLP. This is a blog for everyone to tell us a little about your group. Are you a local church? If so, how did Scripture memory get started in your church? Are others memorizing who are not on memverse? Are you a group of friends memorizing together in obedience to HEBREWS 10:24-25? Are you a rare Christian school that values Scripture memory? Are you a ministry or Scripture memory initiative others might want to join? Tell us about yourself. I love the global online aspect of memverse where I can be encouraged to see others memorizing the same verses I am and be inspired by individuals and groups all around the world. However, nothing beats the value of face to face Scripture memory encouragement offline. If you are not in a face to face Scripture memory group may I encourage you to pray about starting one in your church, school, college, work place, neighborhood, etc. May we continue to encourage and inspire each other and spread the word to others that all believers may be passionate about getting to know the true Biblical God through His Word. (on or off memverse) Speaking of congratulations, I would be amiss not to pass on heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to the National Bible Bee for taking over top spot, and to Hyde Park Baptist Church for their steady rise to 5th place.

36 responses to Getting to Know You: Identify Your Church/Group
I am part of Hope Community Church. It's not on the Church Leaderboard because we only have two members. My Mother got my older brother on but he hasn't done memverse yet. I've been encouraging him to do memverse because it's a fun and simple way of learning God's word! He and I both participated in the local Bible Bee. Please pray for my family. We are having financial problems. Even if we can make it to the National Bible Bee we won't be able to go because my Mother's van can't travel long distances anymore. Thank you for your prayers.
There is a group of staff working at the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) that heard heard about memverse from Daniel Staddon, who participated in the 2009 Bible Bee. We are located only 30 minutes from the location of the 2010 national Bible Bee competition near Chicago IL and are looking forward to helping out as volunteers for the event. The Institute is a parachurch ministry that has always emphasized the importance Scripture memorization and meditation and the blessing that comes from it (see Psalm 1). We are excited about the enthusiasm of Christians hiding God's Word in their hearts that we see among memverse participants. God bless you all and keep looking to Jesus!
Just as a side note here, I want to commend Barak Lundberg for spreading enthusiasm for memverse all over the IBLP Headquarters campus. He spends hours every day memorizing and meditating on Scripture and sets a godly example for the rest of the staff. His parents made Scripture the focus of learning in their home and encouraged Barak to write out his own copy of the entire Bible by hand, just like the kings of Israel were supposed to do with the law. It took him nine years, but he finally completed this momentous project! Thank you, Barak, for being an "example of the believers" and thank you, Mr. Walker, for your diligent work in making memverse such a fun and helpful motivation to memorize Scripture!
Barak and Daniel, great to hear about IBLP. It sounds wonderful. I can't wait to check out the link when I have some time on my hands and learn more. Are your students memorizing on memverse, or only the staff? Erin, thanks so much for sharing. I will indeed pray for your family and the financial situation you described. We have a powerful, generous, abundantly resourceful God!! I am curious. What state/city is Hope Community Church in and did either you or your brother make it to the Bible Bee Finals in Chicago? I'll look forward to Hope Community Church being listed when the 3rd member joins us.
I was the 2nd person to sign up under "Christian". I don't know about the others, but I chose that because I have no home fellowship. I work on Sunday mornings and there is no local body of believers that has an evening service. I joined Memverse because Phil recommended it to me and it has truly been a blessing, walking alone in this as I do. I have a friend at work who is a Christian, but his native tongue is not English, so I haven't really pushed him to join yet. And Erin, I will also add you and your family to my prayers.
the reason I put myself in as IBLP was because this orginazation changed my life. Because of Bill Gothard, James Staddon and others I have a fire in my soul that no one will ever be able to quench!
Hope Community Church is in Agawam, Massachusetts. And I'm not sure yet if my brother, Caleb, and I have made it to Nationals. I'll let you know when we find out. We hope to find out soon.
thank you for your prayers.
Dear Erin,
I am very sorry to hear that :( My dad is unemployed too :( this month is a year for us.
It seems that a lot of people are being laid off :(
But whenever God shuts a door he opens a window:)
SO i will pray for you! I hope your dad gets a job soon :)
Until the whole world hears,
Ky and Erin, I am starting committed prayers for employment for your dads. If your parents are OK with it, I invite you both to share with the Memverse family what line of work your dads are in (and Ky to share the city and state you, or your home church is in) to help us pray specifically.
hi Erin and Ky,my name is Jacky and I want you to know that I am joining my boyfriend, Phil in praying for both of your fathers. This must be tough times for both of you. I experienced the same situation when I was 16. It seemed that waiting would never be over, but I can say that God is still faithful in our lives. He works in ways we can not see. It challenged me to walk by faith by trusting him to meet my daily needs as a student. To know that you have a great God who orchestrates everything, will give you the confidence that He is in control. This must be a very difficult time of your life, but the best time to trust God that there is more that you need to experience. Be assured of our prayers:)
I will be praying for you too. the more people you have praying for you the better, remember that the effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
I will pray for both of you, Erin and Ky, and your families. My heart aches for you both.
I actually need prayer as well. My Aunt has been in a coma for over a year. Please pray for a healing of her brain and also that my Grandma and Uncle (who are taking care of her) will have peace and trust in the lord and that they will be able to see the good coming from this situation.
Thank you!
I spent time with Barak and Robert last weekend and heard about memverse for the first time. I am so excited that such valuable web and programming talent has been used in this wonderfully creative way and look forward to reaping the spiritual benefits. As Nathan Burkhalter said, my life also has been changed by Bill Gothard and IBLP (along with ATI, the homeschooling support branch of the ministry). Keep up the good work and spread the word that this exists!
I'm from the Community Bible Chapel group. We are a local church in Upper Michigan although so far the group consists of our family and my father. We are hoping to have others from our church join our group. Our children also participatedin Bible Bee 2010. No one from our family is going to Nationals, but wehave hidden lots of God's precious Word in our hearts and that is really the whole purpose of doing it.
I hope you get more people in your Church group. My brother and I both participated in the 2009 and 2010 Bible Bee. I went to Nationals last year, I didn't do very well though, I wasn't very prepared.
Erin and Ky, Hi. Just want to let you both know that Jacky and I are still faithfully praying for you, your Dads, and your families in the midst of this trial. If you are comfortable (and it's OK with your parents) giving me your email addresses, I would like to continue encouraging you both by email instead of through this blog. You can send your email address to me at And Erin, I am currious. Have you checked to see if you and/or your brother qualified for Nationals in Chicago?
@Erin-if you qualified, Bible Bee should have called you by now... They did release the scores on the website ( so if you know your ID you can see if you made it. If you don't know your ID, you can search by your state and see if someone came from the city you live in.
Thanks for the helpful tip Josiah,
Checked it out. Neither my brother or me made it to nationals. He was 729th place and I was 177th place.
You're welcome. Good job in being in 177th place. I'm sure that you will never regret the time that you spent memorizing those verses. I'll be praying for you and your family.
@Phil Walker: I am a student. I learned about through the Daniel and David Staddon. Thanks for telling me about memverse!
I participated in the Bible Bee as well! Didn't make it to nationals either, but had so much fun meeting new people and of course, memorizing God's word. It was a wonderful experience I hope to repeat next year!
We have participated in the Bible Bee this year and last year, and hopefully next year and the year after that, ect. I enjoyed meeting new people and memorizing God's word too!
I belong to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and my dad is a pastor of that denomination. The OPC became a denomination on June 11, 1936. We broke off from the PCUSA because they were becoming extreme modernists, falling into many heresies. In the beginning, the PCUSA was very faithful to the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, but they slowly slipped away. Eventually, most of them professed to believe that the Bible was not infallible and perfectly true, that the virgin birth was only "a theory," that the resurrection of Christ was only spiritual and not necessarily bodily, and that his miracles could all be explained naturally; they were not supernatural in any way.
Soooo. . . after many scandalous accusations and false trials against them, a group of over 100 men left and started their own reformed, conservative denomination, the OPC. That's our history. :)
In any case, my CHURCH is the Presbyterian Church of Cape Cod, so if any of you are out this way, feel free to come and visit!!! We are a Calvinistic, Presbyterian, reformed, conservative, Bible-believing church. And you can expect my dad to preach that way. :D
I am in the Church of God (Seventh Day), which if you have noticed, just joined the church leaderboard. I noticed that my mom had listed her group as our church. So I went to my account and changed it from Bible Bee to COG7, and did the same on my sister's. Now we are number twenty-one! Right now it is just our family, but I hope we will have some more people soon!
Matthew, great to have your church joining us. That will be so cool when others from the church join us.
I am also from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. We go to Grace OPC near Fargo, ND.
I made a group "Bible Bee Juniors" dose anyone (that is a Junior in the BB) want to join it?
@ RejoicingAlways(BethanyM)
Yes I did notice that.
I'm going to stay in the group I'm in now (Proverbs Copying Project), but when BB starts I'll join. :)
Hi, everybody! I just started a group called Scripture Stickies. Who wants to join? Just enter it as your group under your profile. :)
IBLP stands for Institute in Basic Life principles. Here is a link to their history.