State Competition

Time Posted on March 20, 2010 User Phil Walker

Congratulations to GA for being the most recent addition to the state competition.  Is your state listed?  It takes 3 !!  Why not find two other people from your state to join and start representing as well as inspiring others from your state!  Can anyone top CA?  They currently have a sizeable lead.  However, with the summer Bible Bee and the Lord willing, partnership with Scripture Memory Fellowship, that lead may be in jeopardy.  Congratulations also goes out to NY who jumped up from 9th to 7th place.  Wow!  There must be some Scripture enthusiasts on fire over there.  What is your prediction for when we get ALL 50 states represented?

Remember to encourage your friends to join the state competition by listing it on the Profile page and "update profile" .

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116 responses to State Competition


Once the 2010 US census is complete we'll be scaling the state scores by the number of people in each state so don't despair if you're in a small state.

Phil Walker

We currently have 16 states in the competition. In order they are 1) CA 2) TX 3) MO 4) MI 5) ME 6) NY 7) VI 8) IN 9) PA 10) MD 11) FL 12) NE 13) OH 14) IL 15) WI 16) OK . As far as I know GA is the only state that made an appearance and then dropped back off the list. We would love to have you back! Where are the other 33 states? Are you representing yours? Have you updated your profile page to be listed? Can you recruit a few friends, spend some time discovering our God and what He has to say, and get your state up to first place? I love this win-win competition and pray for the day when memorizing Scripture to get to know our "worth getting to know" Almighty God will be an exciting part of many people's lives in all 50 states during our short time here on earth!

River La Belle

re:my last comment, I just realized that there is a next, previous for the pages!!! Sorry!

Otherwise, I just keep bothering you, Andy, but maybe you could allow wherever on the site there is a user name, that you can click on it and see that person's stats, not just on the blog. . . maybe there is reason you haven't done that. . . please enlighten me! Thanks again!!!

Phil Walker

Just want to send a quick congratulations and welcome to MN as being the 32nd state listed (When will we get the last 18 on here) and for their debut in 30th place. Praise God!! I don't know where you are from in MN. If anyone has access to the Scripture enthusiasts in John Piper's church, it would be great to let them know about all the benefits and joys of memverse. I would love to see Fighter Verses be a group that jumps to the top of the group contest as an inspiration to other churches. I have tried several times to let John Piper and/or his church of Scripture enthusiasts know about memverse, the National Bible Bee, and the annual Scriptorium in Hannibal, MO and have failed miserably, so any help in that area would be wonderful.

Phil Walker

Welcome to TN and congratulations for your debut in 31st place in the state competition. I pray that others will jump in with you as you spread a love for Scripture throughout the state. We now have 35 states listed. Will you join me in praying for the last 15 to also hear about Memverse and join us. Are you representing your state on the profile page?

I also want to welcome Mexico to the Country Leaderboard. I praise God for the love of Scripture going around the world and would love to see some countries go all out in spreading a love for the Bible and the true Biblical God. I would also love to see Spanish explode on memverse even as we are working hard to, Lord willing, get Bahasa Indonesia fully operating soon.

Alex Watt

Yes, welcome to Tennessee! And if you are reading this comment, live in the U.S., but have not specified your state on your MemVerse profile, you can just hover over "Profile" then click "Profile" (we know it is confusing) and fill out some extra information. It is really fun to participate in the state contest!

Phil Walker

Congratulations and welcome to Colorado for joining the State leaderboard. Also a congratulations and welcome to Malaysia for joining the country leaderboard. Very cool.

River La Belle

VERY cool.

River La Belle

Andy: Does anyone know when exactly the census will be complete?? Then you can start scaling the state scores.… (See your first comment on this page.)

Dakota Lynch

River, I believe the census has already been completed. I know this because the local news was making a big deal about how many states were losing seats in the house of representatives.

Phil Walker

Praise God!! North Dakota has just joined the state leaderboard with an impressive debut at # 36. This leaves us with only 8 states to go!! CT, DE, VE, NH, and RI in the Northeast and NV, WY, and ID out West. Do you know any Scripture enthusiasts in these states who might want to join us? It would be very cool to have all 50 states represented.

Phil Walker

Welcome and Congratulations to Connecticut for joining the State Leaderboard with an impressive debut at # 35! Praise God!! This leaves us with only 7 states to go!! DE, VE, NH, and RI in the Northeast and NV, WY, and ID out West. Do you know any Scripture enthusiasts in these states who might want to join us? It would be very cool to have all 50 states represented.

Grace Mieczkowski

It's a lot of fun to watch the head-to-head competition between Missouri and Michigan! Come on Michiganders, I know we can hold on to that #2 spot!

2 Corinthians 5:17

i know!


Yes, but us Ohioans have quite a head start on you. :P jk Let's see if you can catch up with us... :)

Grace Mieczkowski

Nicolas, you also have 44 active users to our 26..... just saying....

It's nice to have a bit of competition, but all in a good Christian spirit of kindness :)

His Servant

@Grace and Nicolas - Well, you do have a little lead on us...good job :) Pretty soon though, we'll pass you up. Come on, Missourians! We did have #1 for a little while, which means we can get it again. You have 44 active users, Nicolas, but we only have 26 and three of them haven't memorized anything...pretty soon though, we'll get ahead. It would definitely help if I started learning more verses! Now that the Bee is over, I am not memorizing near as many verses :) I do plan to add Philippians soon, though!

Keep up the good work, everyone!

Wretched Man

I'm sorry, Miss Pentimone, but now that we've recruited Beloved Wretched Woman to Memverse, our church may be shooting to #1 in a few weeks AND our state may stay on top for years to come! :P She is quite Beloved and I am quite Wretched.

His Servant

@Wretched Man - You do have the lead on us right now in both your state and Church, but we are memorizing verses, and have already passed up in line is Ohio and Heritage Reformed Baptist Church :) You never know, next time you look we might be at number 1 =)

Oh, I can't seem to find anyone from MO to refer, so I'm going to refer somone from OH...I know, I know. So, you all might be getting two new people soon :) I'm tired of being stuck on level 13, so I had to find someone to refer... =)


Are you Missouri, Bethany? I am MI.

Grace Mieczkowski

Haha, Bethany, that's exactly where I'm stuck too :)


I can't find anyone to refer either, and I'm stuck on level 9. Bethany, I'm sure that we Missourians will catch up to and hopefully pass Ohio (Nothing against Ohio, Wretched man, its just that...:).

His Servant

@Zach - Yes, I live in MO :)

@Seth - Yep, pretty soon, we'll catch up and stay in the #1 position :) We had it for a couple weeks, but then lost it. Hopefully, I'll memorize all of 2 Peter 3 in about 2 days, which will bump us up a little more.

Wretched Man

Sorry, Bethany & Seth.

I used to live in Misery, er, I mean, Missouri, and moved back to Ohio awhile ago. You'd understand, living here, that Ohio is in its rightful place at #1. :P

But since you're the "Show Me" State, all you need to do is show us more verses memorized, and maybe, just maybe, you might be considered contenders. You've got nearly 2,000 to make up. It might just be better to be satisfied in your daily dogfight with Michigan, and not get your hopes up so high. #2 or #3 isn't all that bad (out of 50). Maybe your two states just weren't cut out for #1. It's okay. :(


Okay, Dad, (Wretched Man) I think that's enough talking about our amazing state for now. :P


Bethany, Amen! :) Yes, we do have some work to do, but like Wretched man said, we do live in the 'Show-Me' state; let's live up to our state nickname!:)
Wretched Man - I have actually only lived in the outstanding state of Missouri about 2 years (we were driving from Florida to our new home when the 2009 Bible Bee Nationals were going on) but it is much nicer than any other state I have lived in also.
@Bethany, do you live in a rural area or a city/neighborhood?


Let's go, Michigan! Get the #2 spot back, and press on for #1!

It shouldn't be too hard; we have the Baas family, the Mieczkowski family, the Vredevoogd family and more!

His Servant

We live in the city/neighborhood, Seth, but it seems kind of rural because of all the empty, overgrown lots beside us, and we also see lots of wildlife too :)


Wretched Man, I respectfully disagree. Michigan is just waiting to give itself a mittened high-five after gaining the #1 spot. :D


SoloScriptura- unfortunately, you're not even past Missouri yet. We're still about 300 verses ahead. And our states have the same ammount of active users, so don't try to get out of it with the you-have-more-people excuse. :)


I just noticed that Ohio has just less that TWICE as many active users as Missouri or Michigan, which is probably why they are a little bit ahead of us.


I am shocked at the amount of the people that think higher of their state than any other state.
I believe a good dose of humility is in order.


RedeemedByGod - This is kind of an awkward question, but are you serious, or do you mean that Alaska is going to be the instrument of our humbling?

Wretched Man

It's all in good fun, @Redeemed by God. We're just trying to spur one another on to memorize more vehemently via some state pride. (Trust me, if the taxes weren't so high, the politicians weren't so crazy, and the cost of living so outrageous, I'd gladly be living in Hawaii practicing Memverse sitting on the beach or by a volcano!) My allegiance to OH is as thin as a sheet of paper. Our weather is nuts here, especially in NE Ohio! But, anyway, GO OHIO! We're #1!


After thinking about it, I agree with you, Redeemed By God. Thanks for reminding us to keep our focus off the leaderboard and on the Word of God!


Seth Walley- I will hope that we may be used by God to the fullest extent, even if it means that the BIGGEST state takes position 1 - albeit unlikely.
Wretched! Man- Paul says 'to be content in whatsoever state i am' we must remember this whether we live at the base of Denali, or are'nt going to have a white Christmas. :)

Wretched Man

@RedeemedByGod----And to think that Paul was penning those Philippians from a dark, cold, unsanitary jail (unlike the fully-furnished, posh, Cable TV, internet-accessed prisons of today). It kinda puts things in perspective. As for the intense state competition comments, it is my hope that by being enough of an annoyingly wretched Ohioan, it'll motivate those Show-Me staters, Wolverines, and up-and-coming South Dakoters (has Carrie Eareckson joined MemVerse or something?) to kindly close my bragging mouth, in Christian love, of course. (Also, I have great difficulty not trying to inject humor and provocative comments into any situation I find myself. I guess it's what contributes to making me such a wretchedly wretched wretch of a wretch!)


Mighigan is getting close to Missouri, I think I'd better get to work. :) I wouldn't be so sure that you would like to live in Hawaii if I were you. I haven't been myself, but I know some people who have.
And her name is Kari Erickson. I don't know if she has joined memverse or not.


And no I don't think Kari Erickson has joined Memverse but thank you for giving me that idea. Wouldn't it be nice if their family was ? It would be great to have this year NBB winner on Memverse ! I wonder if there is any way I could get ahold of them ? I met them once the first year we were at the LBB.

Matthew Minica

@RedeemedbyGod: You said "...or aren't going to have a white Christmas..." That would be me. We live in San Antonio, and it is still getting into the 60s in the afternoons here. Sometimes on my daily walks, I haven't even used a jacket! :) Oh well, I am still thankful for the good economy down here - well, better than other places. Not to mention we are at #5 on the leaderboard! :)

His Servant

I just thought of something that would move MO up a little farther on the learderboard (not to #1, but it would be getting very close...)! Our host's daughter is on Memverse, and has memorized over 1000 verses, but she has never put her state...which is MO :) Somehow if we could get her to add her state to her profile, that would get us farther away from MI and closer to OH. Now, if somehow I could work this all out...


Yes, an extra thousand or so verses would be really nice, Bethany. Then we would defidently be within striking distance of the #1 spot. Also, if she is the daughter of you local Bible Bee host, I think it's fairly safe to guess she was in the Bible Bee, so maybe she would put 'Missouri Bible Bee' as her group?!?


Bethany, dear Bethany ~ Why would you want to get farther away from MI?

Wretched Man

Bethany, I think that's some very innovative thinking. There may be a few MemVersers who have not put their state in their profile, and may impact the numbers; but it also gives me an idea. I think Ohio is ready to start negotiating with Mr. Walker to adopt him as our state's MemVerse Honorary Master of Ceremonies. As part of the package, we would give him the key to the state, free room & board whenever he's in OH, throw a big homeschool parade for him when he comes to town, and free admission to the Creation Museum (though it's in KY) --- all in exchange for him putting OH as the state on his profile. Thanks, Bethany, for giving us the idea. We'll see if we can sell him on it. :P


Very funny, Dad... :P

I can't wait to see if any other state can actually pass us, which doesn't seem as unlikely now as I previously thought. But just wait until I memorize the whole Bible... :D

His Servant

@Seth - Yes, she did do the Bible Bee...I just need to find a way to get in contact with her.
@AmyV - There's nothing against MI (or OH, for that matter...), it's just if we want to get closer to OH, we have to get farther away from MI =) MI and OH are wonderful states, as I know many people from both of them...

Seth did Michigan do that? WretchedMan, I think one of those Michiganers stole your idea about recruiting Mr. Walker. :)

EDITED: Oh, never mind...Michigan's memorized verses didn't go up, Missouri's went down! Did someone's account go inactive or something? Anyways, that will make it more challenging.


Mr. Woychuk is back, and Missouri is once again in 2nd place!

K Vredevoogd

Seth - Er... 3rd

Wretched Man

It's been fun watching the dogfight between MO and MI, but my OHIO my! OH continues to extend its lead, moving over 2,100 points over whoever's in 2nd place each day. We understand if you just want to throw in the towel and raise the white flag. 2nd place is nothing to be down about, though, I mean, not too, too much. : )


Yes, MO has dropped back to 3rd. I haven't had any verses become 'memorized' for over a week!:( Oh well, I suppose we'll have to wait a little longer to move up...


@ Wretched Man: I don't know what you idea of "friendly" competition is, but it sure sounds rather biting. Even though I am a fellow Ohioan, I must say that your conduct has been most unacceptable. The sarcasm, wit, and all your comments in general seem to proceed from a spirit of, well... wretchedness!
I must say that you are a man well named.
Just choking! (uh, I meant joking) ;)
I do enjoy how you seem to fit a little joviality into any occasion.
Go Ohio!!!

God's Maiden of Virtue

I agree with Octavius, Dad. I really don't know what your idea of friendly competition is. I think you've gone a little too far this time. And who knows, maybe one day a state will by pass us.

But in the mean time, Go Ohio!!

His Servant

I must correct myself on something I said early - Mariah (the girl who was in our Bible Bee) doesn't live in MO, but instead in KS. She did put her state on her profile, but it doesn't help us in the least. Oh well, maybe she'll join the "MO Bible Bee" =)

Anyways, MO is doing fine...and good job to OH and MI for keeping 1st and 2nd :)

Christian Alexander

@GMV: I think you misunderstood Octavius. He said he was "Just...joking". ;)


@All Michiganders and Missourians--As a former Missourian himself, I'm sure my dad is joking about his comments to you. And because to be an Ohioan, you must be a Michigan opposer (okay, it's just a choice most Ohioans make because we think our football team is better), he likes teasing all of you too. But I'm sure one, if not both, of you will pass us and we will be the ones trying to catch up. :)

And I'm still rooting mainly for Ohio...

God's Maiden of Virtue

@ChiefOfSinners-- Oops! I guess I did. Sorry!


@GMV: Sorry for the confusion I may have caused you by my last comment.
I thought I made it clear enough that I was only choking. ;)
Go OH!

Wretched Man

Octavius, it's a good thing I've been too busy the last couple days to get on MemVerse.Though we are fellow Ohioans and I know where you assemble for church, I would advise you to take your eyes off the State Leaderboard, and start watching the My Church leaderboard. Keep a good watch over your shoulder, because you may see a speeding freight train rush on by you here soon in the rankings. Better get memorizing some more soon, or you might as well move to MI or MO! And I'm not choking either! :P


Dad, you are indeed well named... :P


Yes, Rush Creek Bible Church, Byron Center, MI will of course leave you all in the dust. Click here for more graphics and gifs!
(And so will MI)

God's Maiden of Virtue

@Octavius-- That's fine. You probably did make it clear and I just wasn't paying attention.

Do you mean joking or choking? I can't tell anymore.


@GMV - Sorry, just recovered from my last choking experience. Commenting seems to be a dangerous occupation for me :)
@Wretched Man - I am slowing down my memorization rate quite a bit because it has been rather difficult fitting an hour of memorizing every day as well as all my other schooling. More power to you. One speeding train has passed me already, but I'm not sure about the other.
No, I will not move to Michigan or Missouri. We finally have some snow here, so I'll wait to see if it will last. If it melts again, though....

Wretched Man

Uh, er, um, hey, Wolverines! Uh, you guys (and gals) are taking this whole "Bible Verse Memorization thing" a little too seriously! Slow it down a little bit! You're going to get hurt! You should stop for a few weeks and just rest in the fact that you've pulled within less than a thousand behind Ohio. That's a big accomplishment! Good job! Take some time off! You deserve it! You should be very proud to be so solidly ahead of those in Misery (oops!) I mean, Missouri! You've achieved a lot and deserve a vacation! So, kick back your feet, and relax on being a terrific #2! (No, seriously, take some time off. No, really! Your memorization speed is much too high for your personal health! You're reaching levels that could seriously damage your brains and scare young children!) Take our advice, flowing from Ohioan hearts filled with great concern for your well-being: you need a vacation. It's for your own good!


Wretched Man:
Thank you for your advice about our health. While we appreciate your concern for our well-being, we also realize that the Bible commands that we -- and Ohioans, and ALL Christians -- should hide God's Word in our hearts.

"And these words, which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shalt talk with them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." - Deuteronomy 6:6-7

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do whatsoever to do according to all that is written therein: for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." - Joshua 1:8

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." - Psalm 119:11

Friendly competition is fine -- and often, as Brett Harris says: "God's way of tricking us into action" -- but we all need to remember: It isn't about who takes the #1 spot, it is about honoring God with our heart, soul, and mind.


Well said SoloScriptura. I agree


Yes, well said, SolaScriptura.


You're right, SolaScriptura. Even though I am an Ohioan, I must agree with your citations of Holy Writ, which thoroughly rebutt WretchedMan's wretched suggestion.

As for you, O WretchedMan, who will wean you from your constant spouting of sarcasm and arctacical wit? To whit, I know not what any mere man can do to help such a wretched specimen of wretched humanity.

P.S. - I don't think 'arctactical' is a word. I made it up. The base word is 'arctic', and this word means pertaining to, or characteristic of, the arctic region. In this context, "icy wit" would be a good substitution.


Nice Job Ohio in memorizing your 10,000th verse. South Dakota is going to need some more users to catch you :) Also, to the Heritage Reformed Baptist Church although I can't really say that I like some your blog comments you guys truly love the Word of God. Keep it Up !


Well, that's wonderful I'm sure. . . District of Columbia has joined the state leaderboard!
AstroLeah are you a missionary? You look like you have sending churches. Mabye not.


I just noticed that Ohio is gone from the state leaderboard? How did that happen? I trust it isn't that everybody has moved. :)


Ohio's back on... but Michigan has genuinely passed it!!!! How did that happen????? LET'S GET MEMORIZING, OHIO!!!!! :P

EDIT--Oh, I forgot. COS erased all his NIV verses, which took away almost all of them. But either way, Ohio, we need to start memorizing!!!


@SavedByGrace: You're wrong about Christian knocking us down. It was your dad! He's inactive! Tell him he better get on quick or I'll tell the administrators to delete his account...


Sure thing. :D He hasn't had much time to do Memverse in the past... well... month. ;)

Leah Jessie

@RedeemedByGod - I just noticed your question, sorry for not replying before! :) Well, I've always wanted to be a missionary, but I had never really thought of myself as one because the churches we go to only consider you a missionary if you go to another country. But recently, many people (including my parents) have been saying that I'm a missionary. Whether I'm in the mountains of Alaska or in Indonesia or anywhere else, I always want to be serving the Lord!

Matthew Minica

I just wanted to say a quick CONGRATULATIONS to Michigan for being the second state to have 10,000 verses memorized on Memverse. Good job, y'all! :)


Yes, congratulations! Now, on to memorizing more verses so that Ohio can stay ahead of you... ;P


You mean, so Michigan can stay ahead of you. :)


Right... I'll memorize verses for Ohio so that Michigan can stay ahead of us, even though that will get Ohio farther ahead, not Michigan, and even though Michigan isn't ahead of us... I get it... :P


Yeah, I guess that really made sense didn't it.

*thinks hard*

I'll memorize so Michigan can stay ahead of Ohio...? Right?



Better. ;)

Grace Mieczkowski

Sorry, I just went active... so now, we are memorizing so that Michigan can STAY AHEAD :)


WAHOO!!! GO MICHIGAN!!!!! :P YOU can NEVER persuade me and my local bible bee friends (which have over 4000 verses together :D) to switch from beloved MICHIGAN!!!!! Mi has LESS members than Ohio, and yet is AHEAD!!!

God's Maiden of Virtue

Well, one reason Ohio may have gone down is because Wretched Man went inactive.


Hmm... I'll just keep memorizing...

EDIT--What happened to the comment format?? Why are the letters italicized?


Let's memorize more verses, Ohio!!


North Carolina is coming! Beware!!


I am really sure that Montana has the most points to the user of any state on the state leaderboard! Right now they are #16, have 8 users and 2685 verses memorized!

2 Corinthians 5:17

Yes! NC has been creeping up, slowly but surely! :)


JPIA- Yes, we are coming up but actually kind of quickly it seems. I have 400 verses that I am learning and am hoping to have memorized on here in a few months. I should have a lot of them by the end of August! Watch out Pennsylvania and California, we might catch you soon!

Matthew Minica

What about Texas? Yes, we've seen better times, but currently we have a pretty solid hold on #7, as opposed to #12 several weeks ago. Plus, Christiana Rugloski has been pretty active on Memverse for the past week or so; I've been watching her. So now we have another previous national contestant on Memverse, besides Courtney and I. And I plan to refer some more people at Locals. So beware of Texas as well! :)


We NEED more South Dakotans! The numbers are overwhelming. I've been learning that one guy can't do it all any more. I need to get to know more South Dakotans that are interested in memorizing. We will be back though!

John project

I see the battle continues on between Michigan and Ohio, exciting!

Come on Florida, we can do it!

Matthew Minica

Yep, it sure is fun to see the dogfight between Ohio and Michigan. They have changed places eight times in the past two days!

Come on Texas! Let's get up the leaderboard another place!


Yeah it is kinda fun to watch them.

Come on Pennsylvania we're in 4th place!


@ Ian- You are in 4th place now but you might not be for long. North Carolina is only like 30 points behind and I have alot coming. ( I am learning over 400 verses)

Sydney (aka Pricilla)

Go Pennsylvania!


Isaac Hanna-Yeah, but we're still in 4th place. :)

Matthew Minica

Looks like Michigan has won the dogfight. (For now). They have a margin of 419 verses over Ohio and have held 1st place solidly for two days. Ohio, you guys need Wretched Man back! :)

Matthew Minica

I have a curious question. I have seen the District of Columbia on the State Leaderboard before; however, I am wondering if it is possible for the territories of the United States (Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, etc.) to get onto the state leaderboard. Is this possible?

2 Corinthians 5:17



Yaaaa! N.C. is now in 4th place!


Wow! 2 posts saying basically the same thing at the same time! When I hit the " Submit Comment " button, Rachel's post wasn't there!
@ Rachel- I think I was probably the one who put us over PA. I memorized 20 verses on here today! That also moved our group up and my church! I have about 15 verses that I will be memorizing on here tomorrow!

2 Corinthians 5:17

Yours wasn't there either when I hit submit !!! (lol)

Sydney (aka The Gopher)

Great job North Carolina for passing Pennsylvania! :P


@ JPIA- That is funny!
@ CIL- Thanks. You guys did well though and stayed ahead for awhile.
@ All- Great job! Everyone has done really wel lately. The number of verses memorized just keeps going up and up and up!

Phil Walker

Congratulations to Michigan for taking over 1st place!!


Yes... congratulations...

Just kidding, just kidding. Great job, all you Michiganders! Keep memorizing! :)

Anna Mieczkowski

Uh, oh - what is Washington doing in 1st place. At least Ohio isn't in 2nd.


Michigan is still ahead of Ohio!!! :D :D :D


Yes, Zachary, we are fully aware of that...... ;P JK


Is it possible that another column could be added to the state leaderboard that would say how many active users there were in each state?

Alaska is still ahead of Utah :P
Go Alaska!


Count the number of people in the state! :P They show only active users when u click a state

Elaina Garcia

Great to see New York in the top ten!!!!


Amazing how quiet this topic has been since WA has been at the top... *whistles*

Christiana Di Lorenzo

It is amazing is that North Carolina is in the top 5. Yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Christiana
