Memory Verses in 1 Peter
Rachel, a committed Memverse member, has started a group of people committing to memorizing 1 PETER. Very cool. I will let her update this page to include information on how the program works. When the Bible Bee local competition is over, it would be neat to set up an accountability chart here for memorizing 1 PETER. It would also be very cool to run a 1 PETER Live quiz or 2 either while we are memorizing or after we are done. There are now 20+ people in the group. If you would like to join us in memorizing 1 PETER with the group, please let us know.
The current group of 38 members =
1 Peter Memorizers
-- Rachel Crosswhite (me); SavedByGrace; Bethany (Bible Bee); Phil Walker; Matthew Minica; Josiah DeGraaf; Marie Morris;
-- Eunice Sophia; BibleBeeJunior11; Ranch4Christ; Rachel; Simeon; Carissa (BB); Alex Watt; Kaitlyn Vredevoogd; RyanV;
-- AmyV; NathanV; vburk; BrookeNicole; Sarah (Bible Bee); Zachary Baas; Sara Kenyon; Hannah Teeters; Emily; Lydia;
-- Sarah Stelzl; Jonathan Staddon; China Dennington; God's Little Child; Clay Dennington; Daniel Dalton; Jo B; Elessar;
-- Alethea Leonard; Kerestel Leonard; Monica Duitsman, Christian A
Please let us know if you no longer want to be listed or if you were listed twice by mistake.
Please be active in praying for members in the group as we take in this exciting book.
We don't want to accountability chart people to death. However, we also want to give an outlet for people who are memorizing 1 PETER. Group leader "Jesus Paid it All" has set Jan 31st, 2012 as a target date to finish, giving time to Bible Bee Finalists to finish after Nashville. However, people are welcome to keep memorizing and declaring after that date. There are 105 verses in this awesome book, so we will make each declaration = 5 verses. We will welcome and post single, double and triple declarations as we understand that some have already been memorizing 1 PETER. We ask you to refrain from declaring more than 15 verses at once, but rather return back for future declarations. Declarations can be made from any parts of 1 PETER since we know some are not starting with 1:1. We would love for you to join us!! Can we, Lord willing, get all 37 on, or better yet to eventually complete this chart?
Sample declarations = John D IL Set A = 1 PETER 4:1-5 = 5 verses; or Frank J NM Set A, B, C = 1 PETER 2:3-17 = 15 verses or my first declaration of Phil W IND Set A,B = 1 PETER 1:13-20; 2:9-10 = 10 verses
1 PETER Accountability/Encouragement chart: Each declaration = 5 verses
Rachel C NC A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U have finished the 1 PETER chart. CONGRATULATIONS! I pray that God will use 1 PETER powerfully in your life for yours to come. Thanks for encouraging all of us with this group!
Nicolas A OH A B C
Kaitlyn V MI A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P
Bethany P MO A B C D E
Emily I NC A B C D E F G
Monica D TX A B C
Amy V MI A B C D E
Simeon B AK A
Carissa P MO A B C D E F G
Eunice S IND A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U have finished the 1 PETER chart. CONGRATULATIONS! I pray that God will use 1 PETER powerfully in your life for yours to come. Great to see India involved with memorizing this wonderful book. I can't wait for God to open the door for me to, Lord willing, one day visit India.
Christian A OH A B C D E F G H I J K L
Jo B UK A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U have finished the 1 PETER chart. CONGRATULATIONS! I pray that God will use 1 PETER powerfully in your life for yours to come. Great to see England involved with memorizing this wonderful book. I pray that more and more people in England will treasure and memorize Scripture and praise God for the historical legacy England has in our Christian faith.
Phil W IDN A B C D E F G H

232 responses to Memory Verses in 1 Peter
Wow, Mr. Walker and Rachel! This is becoming bigger than I thought it was going to...Praise God! I will definitely join you on this journey. I will be looking forward to what you have to say, Rachel!
EDITED: Oh, yes, Live quizzes sound wonderful :)
Thanks for the post. This is a good place to discuss the new 1 Peter project. Live quizzes sound great too - I'm sure we'll be discussing more as the local Bible Bees finish.
Hey, am I already counted? Cause I asked to be put in the list...HEY!!! How about you guys put a list of everyone who's already committed to it on the post...
This sounds amazing! I have benefitted so much from 1 Peter, and have actually thought to memorize it at the end of this year's Bible Bee. I'm in!
I'll join! (Well, I already have, but I'm just saying so in the official blog post.) I can't wait until I can say I have done it. After I'm done, I'm going to memorize Titus, Philemon, James, 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, and Jude. Along the way, I'll ask you guys to join me... :)
Me too - I already know 1 Peter 1 and good chunks of the rest of the book! I was wondering if someone would do a 1 Peter challenge like the 1 John one.
Thank you, Rachel!!
Oh my Mr walker...this was a on the Memverse blog and there I am. :) How do you want me to update this page? Live quizes sound like alot of fun...please give me your opinions :) This is amazing...I started out by asking "who wants to memorize the book of 1 Peter with me?" and now it's turned into a big post and all!!!! :) I will update the list of those memorizing 1 PETER now :)
--Rachel Crosswhite (me)
--Bethany (Bible Bee)
--Phil Walker
--Matthew Minica
--Josiah DeGraaf
--Marie Morris
--Eunice Sophia
--Carissa (BB)
--Alex Watt
--Kaitlyn Vredevoogd
--Sarah (Bible Bee)
--Zachary Baas
=22 people
Praise the LORD!! 22 people and counting! Only 8 more till we get 30 !! Praise the Lord!
Does anyone else want to join?
I was planning to start sometime after the Local Contest...probably in the beginning of September. You all are welcome to start whenever you want and feel free to go at your own speed. I was thinking I would memorize about one or two verses per day.... finishing around the end early November or Thanksgiving time. Please share your thoughts.
Andy gave me permission to create a topic on GetSatisfaction for this project...Thank you Andy!! If you have any questions or anything, something the Lord has shown you through 1 PETER that you would like to share, feel free to post them on there. :) The link is below
One thing is...1 Peter *should* be easy to memorize because there are only 105 verses =D
Carissa - do you have 2 accounts? Carissa and Carissa (BB) ? Just wondering.
Thank you for all participating ;) God bless you all
This is exciting. Depending on whether I make it to Nationals or not, I will start after my last contest day. Does that make sense? Maybe finish by the end of the year? That gives time for us to do some school. :P I know I will need to catch up being that we will start school after Bible Bee.
Rachel - can we start after Nationals, please - just to make it easier on those who make it to nationals?
just so you know
Marie Morris and Marie Morris (Bible Bee NIV) and radiantsunshine4him are all me. :)
I see I am on the list twice.
How are is everyone?
I am just started on the second chapter.
Zachary Baas- I would like to wait until the end of nationals but then I'll have school so I think "dont put off what can be done today til tomorrow because tomorrow never comes":) may start whenever you would like :)
What do you all think about starting January 1st? Give everyone a break from such good hard work memorizing, and that would be after Nationals...give me your opinion ;)
Marie - oops!! thanks for pointing that out :)
sure thing Sara!!!
--Rachel Crosswhite (me)
--Bethany (Bible Bee)
--Phil Walker
--Matthew Minica
--Josiah DeGraaf
--Marie Morris
--Eunice Sophia
--Carissa (BB)
--Alex Watt
--Kaitlyn Vredevoogd
--Sarah (Bible Bee)
--Zachary Baas
--Sara Kenyon
EDITED: this is the main list I'll be adding you to if you join =D
@Rachel Crosswhite--my personal decision about memorizing 1 Peter is that I will memorize as much as I can before the Bible Bee and start memorizing more quickly when I don't have as many verses to memorize for the Bible Bee. This could be after the locals or the nationals, depending on how well I do at the locals.
But for anyone else, they can do whatever they want. But I'd encourage those joining me in memorizing the Bible to start doing it as soon as they can, to get a good start. But no pressure coming from me... ;)
Dear Rachel,
I would love to memorize 1 Peter with you and your team. Let me know when I can get started and please send info about how to join.
@Rachel Crosswhite--I think I'll make it. But of course, I won't know 'til I get there. I'm trying a lot harder this year than I ever did before--I think I might accomplish the goals of finishing the Sword Study and Bible Bee verses and making it to the Nationals. But if not, that's okay with me. At least I'll have tried.
@Hannah Teeters--I'm pretty sure you can start whenever you want and that to join you just say so here. I am planning on doing some before the BB and do it a little more fervently afterwards.
@Rachel--unless Rachel Crosswhite says otherwise, I'm sure that's fine. I think even she said that she'd be doing that.
Has anyone gotten to their two-to-ten chapters a day yet, or are you going to soon? I've read mine--but don't let how soon I read them make you feel pressured. Even if you (accidentally) miss a day, you don't have to catch up--just pick up where you left off.
Wow, I was sooo confused for a bit there... "I DID?!?"
But anyway, I am in! 'Course, what with reading the book so many times for the BB study, I could probably recite with a fair degree of accuracy already... that'll make it that much easier. :D
Also, I so laughed at there being *only* 105 verses in 1 Peter. You do realize that that's far more than most people have memorized, right? I remember when my family set out to memorize James (also somewhere around there.) I thought 100+ verses was an insurmountable challenge. Now? Sheesh. A week's work, maybe. XD
I have quite a few portions of 1 Peter memorized, so as the Bible Bee rolls along I will keep studying:)
@Sarah--along with memorizing the entire Bible (one post up), I started a group who have joined me in deciding to read two, ten, anything in between, and anything above chapters of the Bible per day. Ten would be preferable (check out a link Alex gave here: to see why), but anything above two chapters a day is the choice. :)
and if you are in the bible bee, where is your local contest? ours is in Troutman
And SBG - great job for memorizing your 200th verse!!
As of last year's 1 Peter 1:3-5, I have 1 Peter 1 memorized and chunks of 2, 3, 4 and 5. After BB, I will finish. Thank you for hosting this, Rachel, and thank you, Mr. Walker, for setting this up.
Simeon...we ordered and received it, but when we went to download it wouldn't work on our computer. We don't know why. :( if we had it up and working I might not be so active on it's probably a good thing (in a way) :)
By the way SavedByGrace...your challenge has more people than mine, although mine is a much smaller one!!! Good for you!!
But, Rachel Crosswhite, all those joining mine will memorize 1 Peter as well! :) I've still only memorized the first two verses of chapter 1...but it's only because of the BB. And I'll memorize it quickly when I don't have to (er...GET to, that is) do the Bible Bee anymore. I'll try to finish chapter 1 before the locals, but I don't think I can commit to anything.
I guess you're right!!! :) I "only" have the 1st verse as well because of the BB...what version are you?
Simeon, I have sword drill 2011 and love it!! My scores don't show up on the internet because I am not a contestant.
For those who use NIV, you can order a "sword drill" for 1 PETER. (which also includes 2 PETER and HEBREWS, an excellent resource for those who plan to memorize those books as well in the future) It is called Quiz Pro. It has an added feature. Not only does it give you a score for how many verses you can complete in 5 minutes like the sword drill, but it also times you for how fast you can go through a chapter. My scores are on the internet for this, and it would be super cool to see your scores up there too for mutual encouragement and inspiration as we work through 1 PETER together and if you will also be memorizing the other books. (My initials are PKW) You can order it at (Rachel shared that it does not work on her computer, so you may want to check on that before you order)
@Rachel Crosswhite--I use the NIV. Also, I saw that Bethany asked me on the Staying on Topic post (which already has enough comments, so I'm not going to use it anymore) what church I go to. I go to Heritage Reformed Baptist Church, which is now #22 on the Church Leaderboard!
@Mr. Walker--I might check that out--but maybe not. But if you ever see "SavedByGrace" on the leaderboard there (or whatever it is), you'll know I have it! :)
Hi! Can I sign up for this too? Great idea, Rachel... or I should say, it turned out to be a great motivation for me since I've already started memorizing the first couple chapters.
Hi Sarah - glad to see you joining us!! Can't wait to meet you on Aug. 27!! BTW I got Bethany's letter :)
I can quote the whole book now (with a lot of mistakes/prompts). Reading a chapter almost every day in the Sword Study has really helped me to do this easier. For the last 2 weeks of BB I am going to be working on those hard cross-references and maybe memorize some of them - the ones that I don't already have memorized, anyway, which sure are a lot!
I am praying for everybody in the Bible Bee and hoping, Lord willing, that I can meet many of you at Nationals this year or in upcoming years. May God bless your efforts! It will not return void to you! Isa 55:11
I was thrilled when I saw that a group was going to memorize 1 Peter. Count Jonathan Staddon in! Looking forward to engrafting that rich book into my life. Well, after the Bible Bee that is. :)
Oh, by the way, is it going to be a Church / Organization group?
Jonathan - It might...what does everybody think about that idea? BTW Jonathan...are you in the Bible Bee? Just curious :)
I am going to leave my church "Bible Bee" until after the contest. Then i'll switch to 1 PETER Project :)
"1 PETER Project" now has two members - Erika Wenzel and myself. We need one more member to join the church leaderboard. Who will join?
Matthew--I'd love to join, but I kinda want to keep my church (Heritage Reformed Baptist Church) on the Leaderboard. With mine, Christian Alexander's, and a few others' scores combined, we are now at #17. We will still be on the Leaderboard if I quit, but it will be much lower. I hope you understand...but I will still be memorizing it as soon as I can!
Yes, Although I look forward to Memorizing 1 Peter My family and close family friends have just started a new church group so I don't feel like I should leave it.
I want to be in the Group. Will you please add me, and by the way will you add my sister China she wants too be in it but wasn't very clear on her post.
China, Clay, and God's Little Child; great to see all 3 of you join the group. What a great book to be able to quote.
This is wonderful! 31 commiters to memorizing this wonderful book!! We've reached my first we get 40? or even 50?!
@China & Clay: I noticed that you guys do not have a church/organization group set on your profile yet. Would you like to set it as 1 PETER Project now? We need as many members as we can get!
EDIT: Although I totally understand everybody who wants to keep their current church. I don't really have a good church to be in right now (the only other that is in Church of God (Seventh Day) is my sister, who has not done Memverse for a while) so that is why I am so eager to join 1 PETER Project and to have others do it too. Please don't feel pressured by my enthusiasm.
And you moved our church down to #17... :) I now know verses 1-9 of 1 Peter, because I had to memorize 3-9 for Bible Bee verses today and I already knew verses 1-2. I'll try to finish all of it soon!
SavedByGrace - Are you perhaps thinking of 2 Peter 1? I don't remember there being verses 3 - 9 in 1 Peter... EDIT: Never mind, I must have had a brain block; you're right. :) Good job on that and I hope the rest of the chapter and book comes well for you!
@Alex--Umm... yes, I have the card for 1 Peter 1:3-9 right here. I'm sure it is a passage to memorize--even for the Primarys (sp?).
@Rachel Crosswhite--Sorry, I meant my church specifically. Heritage Reformed Baptist Church is now a little lower on the Church Leaderboard. Great job for being so high!
Yes we are, Rachel - and less than 100 verses towards place 4! Thanks for joining us - and thanks Erika for making us so high!
I might (JUST might) join 1 PETER Project after the locals (or nationals, if I make it)...but it would be cool if there was a group for the Bible Bee National qualifiers, like 2011 National Bible Bee Qualifiers or something like that.
For those considering joining Christian and Nicolas with their "Memorizing ROMANS in 16 Months" project, their Dad made up a well thought out schedule on an awesome looking calendar chart with review days scheduled and neat motivational quotes from ROMANS sprinkled in from time to time to keep us focused. I am in and I am sure Christian and Nicolas would love for others to join as well. I don't know how to post the chart on memverse. However, if you let Christian and Nicolas know you are joining, I am sure they will get the chart to you, or perhaps Andy, Alex, or Emeka will find a way and place to post it on memverse.
Here are the basics to help you get started. Maximum of 1 verse per day. Several reveiw days including one at the end of every chapter. Starts on Thurs Sept 1st, 2011 and ends on Dec 31st, 2012. (What a cool way to end that year). The September schedule is: Sept 1 - 15 = ROMANS 1:1-15; Sept 16th is review; Sept 17th - 24th = ROMANS 1:16-23; Sept 25th is review. Sept 26th - 30th = ROMANS 1:24-28.
Phil - If you can email me the chart, I can upload it and perhaps explain to you how to do it in the future, if you'd like to know. Thanks.
.....and I don't think I will change m group to 1 Peter Project. I'm loyal to my local bible bee and you should too! ;)
@ Mr. Walker - on the days that you need to memorize verses you already have memorized you could review, right?
Above commenter: I do not think you can comment without being logged in. However, you do need to update your profile name (Account -> Profile) if you want a name to be displayed by your comments.
Hi! My first post! I'd like to join, please.
I'd been thinking of trying to memorise Philippians, but it'd be great to know others are doing the same thing, and I don't know 1 Peter as well, so I know God will have lots to teach me through it! I might be a bit slow though! So far I've added a verse for each chapter, as I want to try the 'gem, swiss cheese, enchilada' approach:-)
Jo B, great to see you joining the 1 PETER group. Your 'gem, swiss cheese, enchilada' approach sounds interesting. What does the enchilada part mean? Welcome to memverse and thanks for posting. Now that you have jumped in, we look forward to seeing your future posts. I am curious where you are from and how you heard about memverse. edit - I just saw that you are in the United Kingdom and would love to hear more about your church St. John Newland. How can we best spread the word about memverse to more people in the United Kingdom?
Nameless, it is a little hard for me to add you to the 1 PETER group if I don't know your name.
Zachary, all procedure questions should be directed to Rachel Crosswhite as she is in charge and will give guidelines as to how the group will run.
Phil - I believe Jo B is referring to Andy's post here:
Jo B - Glad you're joining! Philippians is a great book too.
@ Mr. Walker - I was referring to the Romans project. Although I am not joining, I am very curious on this challenge. Also, I believe the schedule goes through the 2012 Bible Bee, right? If so, wouldn't that distract contestants from the BB verses?
Thanks for the welcome and yes, it was that 'nonlinear approach' blog that I was referring to!
St Johns is an evangelical anglican church in Hull, in the north of the UK.
I'll add more in the newbies thread. x
Thanks Alex (and sorry Mr. Walker!) As you can see I got my name sorted out =) I am actually the same "Elessar" whom you (Alex) referred here! Thanks again btw, I adore memverse.
Let me clarify what I meant by saying 'count us in' My brother has a memverse account so he would like to do it too, but he can't post yet.
Alethea and Kerestel, welcome to the 1 PETER group.
Rachel, have you thought of how you want this group to work? If you want me to, I can make another accountability chart, or you can encourage people to declare without a chart. If you set a target finish date, I would suggest the end of 2011 which would give National Finalists a chance to finish after Nashville.
Thanks Mr. Walker! My brother and me plan to have them both memorized before Nationals. Now, before the Bible Bee I would've thought that to be a big goal but now, pshaw. :)
Mr Walker - That sounds great! I have given it some thought...and thought that our target date could maybe be December 31st, 2011? But that does not have to apply to everyone...they can go as fast as they want! I plan to have it done by the 31st...that spans my memory time to about a verse a day :) I think an accountability chart would be a great way to get everyone up and going on this project :) you choose how many verses to declare in each deceleration.
I also think having a few quizzes would be a fun thing to do. I know everyone enjoys them... :) i loved the Bible Bee quizzes :D
Thanks so much! God bless! :D
Thank you for your post about target dates Rachel, you spurred me on to add 7 more 1 Peter verses! (ch 1v3-9 - wonderful truths in there!)
@Monica: I know you are a junior and that you made it to nationals. I was wondering, if you want to tell, how old are you? I am 13 and this is my first year.
Also I am memorizing 2 Peter, does anyone want to join me (Like we did with 1 Peter)? If so please comment here and let me know. I will start making a list of all who are going to memorize 2 Peter with me.
@Carissa: I am memorizing 2 Peter!
@Rachel: I like your new profile name! I think why we are now lower on the leaderboard is because everyone else has more members than we do. :) We are coming close to #8, though, and then #7 is not too far away.
Ah, I just noticed that Erika Wenzel just went inactive. Too bad! Hopefully she'll join us again soon.
@Mathew - do you want to be added to the list?
Current memorizers for 2 Peter:
--Carissa (Me)
--Matthew Minica
--Katelyn Vredevoogd
--Rachel Crosswhite (Jesus Paid It All)
--Mr. Walker
=5 people
We don't want to accountability chart people to death. However, we also want to give an outlet for people who are memorizing 1 PETER. Group leader "Jesus Paid it All" has set Dec 31st as a target date to finish, giving time to Bible Bee Finalists to finish after Nashville. However, people are welcome to keep memorizing and declaring after that date.
There are 105 verses in this awesome book, so we will make each declaration = 5 verses. We will welcome and post single, double and triple declarations as we understand that some have already been memorizing 1 PETER. We ask you to refrain from declaring more than 15 verses at once, but rather return back for future declarations.
Declarations can be made from any parts of 1 PETER since we know some are not starting with 1:1.
We would love for you to join us!! Can we, Lord willing, get all 37 on, or better yet to eventually complete this chart?
Sample declarations = John D IL Set A = 1 PETER 4:1-5 = 5 verses; or Frank J NM Set A, B, C = 1 PETER 2:3-17 = 15 verses or my first declaration of Phil W IND Set A,B = 1 PETER 1:13-20; 2:9-10 = 10 verses
Thank you Mr Walker!! This will be a great way to encourage everyone :)
Rachel C - Set A - 1 Peter 1:1-5 ( I love these verses because they talk about our home in heaven and our reward waiting for us)
Set B - 1 Peter 1: 6-10 (and these verses encouage me to stand firm in trials)
Thanks! I'll declare more verses soon
Rachel (Crosswhite) / Jesus-Paid-It-All ~ Your new name reminded me of that great song. Thanks. Anyway, I wanted to say that I believe the Memverse quiz feature will probably be open to everyone sometime between after the National Bible Bee and before the end of 2011, so whenever that is released, you can certainly run quizzes. Good job leading the 2 Peter group.
Alex W, PA; SET A = 2 PETER 1:2-8, 1:20-21, 2:2-4, 3:10-12 = 15 verses
Haha, yes, we don't want to accountability chart people to death. :) Thanks for running them, Phil, and I'm glad to do my first 2 Peter declaration; though I will probably be slow in learning any more verses from this book until after the Bible Bee is over. I do hope to finish all three accountability charts eventually, even if I do not get them done until after the Bee.
Edit: Bethany - Thanks for pointing out that this is 1 Peter, not 2 Peter. I guess that's what happens when you respond to comments when you are getting tired. :) You can disregard my "declaration". Oops. :)
@Mr. Walker and Alex - OK, I'm slightly confused about this chart. Are we declaring 1 or/and 2 Peter? I see that you, Mr. Walker, wrote 1 Peter in the post...but then Alex did a declaration in 2 Peter. If either of you could explain it to me, I would be greatly appreciative :) Thanks. Oh, one more things, how many do we get to declare in a day? 5...10...15??? Sorry about so many questions...
@Mr. Walker - I haven't forgotten about the other chart...don't worry. When I find a few extra minutes, I'll do a declaration.
@Alex - Glad to see you joining us on the chart! Also, good job on memorizng so many from 2 Peter! I know a few verses, but not that many :)
Rachel, it feels good to get this off the ground. (Please forgive my delay) Feel free to give any guidance or encouragement to the group as we work through 1 PETER. Thanks for your comments on 1 PETER 1:1-10 to help inspire people.
Alex, I will not include your verses on this chart. However, 2 PETER verses are welcome on the Finalist chart. Can I use your 15 verses to start you up on there, or would you rather wait until after Finals?
Bethany, we encourage and gladly welcome declarations of 5, 10 or 15 verses. We are doing our best to never be legalistic, but discourage declaring more than 15 verses at one time or in one day as that kind of defeats the purpose of an ongoing accountability/encouragement chart.
@Mr. Walker and Alex - Thank you for explaining to me :)
Here's my first declaration!
Bethany P MO "SET A" - 1 PETER 1:1-10
My first declarations!
Nicolas A OH "A,B,C": 1 Peter 1:1-15
These will probably my only declarations for a while--at least for until after the Nationals. :)
This is wonderful! My friend Emily wants me to declare for her, because her family has limited internet access (certian MB each month)
Emily I - NC - Set A - 1 Peter 1:1-5
Set B - 1 Peter 1:6-10
and Alex, that would be fun!
and, BTW - I will (hopefully!) be memorizing 2 Peter as well. How is studying the book going for National Qualifiers?
Bethany P MO "C,D" - 1 Peter 1:11-20 = 10 verses
@Mr. Walker - What is the group on the Leaderboard that is called "Bible Bee Alumni"? I see that Daniel Staddon is in it...what is it for?
Jesus-Paid-It-All, you are right on. However, it can also include others who were in the Bible Bee and are no longer participating even if they are not too old to be eligible. Bethany, I pray for the day when this will be far and away the biggest group (or the 2nd biggest group, behind STT Setia) to show evidence that the Scripture young people are memorizing for the Bible Bee is not just a passing fad or a temporal thrill, but rather a catalyst leading to a life long pursuit and treasuring of God's Word. I praise God for the 2009 champion Daniel Staddon leading the way in this group.
Phil W IND Set C and D = 1 PETER 3:9-18 (with verse 15 being one of my all-time favorite life verses)
@Monica: My birthday is July 19. You are a year and 6 days older than me!! Can't wait to meet you at nationals :)
Should I declare here when I have already memorized the whole book? Or would that just discourage you all? :)
Matthew - I'm sure Mr. Walker wouldn't mind if you joined! We would be glad if you would...your name IS on the list of people who are were/are going to memorize 1 Peter :) Besides, I've already memorized the whole book and I'm on the chart...Personally, it wouldn't discourage me if you joined :)
Bethany P MO "E" - 1 Peter 1:21-25 = 5 verses
Set B - 1 Peter 1:6-10 = 5 verses
Set C - 1 Peter 1:7-15 = 5 verses
If any of you would like to join the group memorizing 2 Peter please let me know and I will add you to the list.
Carissa: I would like to be added :)
Monica: surprise!!! we are ALMOST Twins!!! My birthday is the 25th! :D we are 12 days apart!!!!! I can't believe it ! This i the closest I have come to finding a twin!!! :D
I am changing my target date from December 31st to January 31st. What are your target dates?
Mr Walker...should we create a different post for declaring our Peter verses? I'm not...I was in the Bible Bee but Timothy Track. I'm praying about doing Nationals next year :D hopefully I will, and make it to Nationals!! Are you going?
Allright, Bethany, I'll probably join...but not right now. I am working on memorizing 2 Peter right now. After I am done, I will work on perfecting 1 Peter.
Monica, Amy, Simeon, and Carissa, please forgive me for dropping the ball in putting you guys up on this chart. Great to see all 4 of you joining.
Carissa, I would like to join your 2 PETER group as I am memorizing that book as a part of the Finalists chart.
Bethany is right, Matthew. We would love for you to join our chart at whatever time is most convenient to you.
Rachel, I don't think I want to start a new post as these declarations can encourage all in 1 PETER, and others can still comment or share other thoughts here as well. BTW I changed your target date on the original post.
Carissa, you are welcome. Great to see you are memorizing these verses. May you be ready for any 1 PETER questions (including the Greek, cross reference, and other non memory questions) they ask you.
Phil W IDN Set E and F = 1 PETER 4:10-19 = 10 verses By the way I am correcting my 3 letter code for Indonesia to IDN, rather than using the IND I was using which actually belongs to India. Wouldn't it be exciting if someone from India decides to join us in memorizing 1 PETER?!
I am amazed at how fast people are memorizing this book! I am moving at snails pace! God bless you all, you have encouraged me to memorize more than my snails pace :)
i am declaring for my friend today :)
Emily I - NC - Sets A, B, C. 1 Peter 1:1-5, 1 peter 1:6-10, 1 peter 1:11-15
she is almost ready to declare set D
Eunice, great to have you joining us! Sorry for unintenionally stealing your country code for a while. Wonderful to see our group becoming more international.
Phil W IDN Sets F and G = 1 PETER 5:1-10 = 10 verses
Phil, Its Ok. It happens since there is similarity in the names of these two countries. Thank you for changing your code to that effect.
Thank you for the encouragement to memorise this another great book.
Eunice S IND Set C = 1 Peter 1:11-15 =5 verses.
@Jesus-Paid-It-All Thank you for starting this to memorise 'The epistle of 1 Peter'.
Just checking (haven't done any declarations before) that you only declare when your verses are counted as memorised?
I could take some time...!
Jo B, thanks for checking. You can declare when you have memorized the verses, not when Memverse calls them memorized. Most, if not all of us don't have our declared verses yet called memorized on Memverse.
I only just saw this here today. I didn't know that we could declare 1 Peter verses that we've learned! We should start one of these for 2 Peter too!
Hopefully you don't mind if I post all that I know in own post. If you do, then just split it up over a few.
Christian A OH "A"= 1 Peter 1:1-10 = 10 verses.
"B" = 1 Peter 1:11-20 = 10 verses.
"C" = 1 Peter 1:21-25; 1 Peter 2:1-5 = 10 verses.
"D" = 1 Peter 2:6-15 = 10 verses.
"E" = 1 Peter 2:16-25 = 10 verses.
"F" = 1 Peter 3:1-7, 15-17 = 10 verses.
"G" = 1 Peter 3:18; 1 Peter 4:1, 8, 12-15; 1 Peter 5:8-10 = 10 verses.
Christian - There is one for 2 Peter as well. :) Please see some comments on the Bible Bee Finalists blog post.
Christian, great to see you joining the chart!! Are you keeping up with the ROMANS as well? There is an outside chance I may be able to attend Nationals this year. If I do come, I hope we can find time at some point in the weekend to have a ROMANS 1-2; 1 PETER, and 2 PETER joint quote for those who are memorizing.
Each declaration letter = 5 verses, so you have made 14 declarations taking you through N. Your next 5 verses will be for set O. For the chart we ask for a maximum of 3 letters per day. I gave you one catch up day to put you among the leaders at F. I will add three more letters per day until the chart catches up to your declarations.
Wow, Mr walker! That sounds great! Although I won't be a Nationals (because I was a TT) I pray for you and the young people you meet will be blessed :)
@ Alex Watt: Duh. Sorry, I forgot about that. I'm already doing that, so I should have remembered. :D
@ Phil Walker: Yeah, I'm doing my best to keep up with Romans. Today I memorized Romans 2:12, as I'm sure you probably did. It would be fun to do that at Nationals; that's a great idea! I hope you can make it!
Oh, okay. I thought I saw that someone had declared 10 verses. That makes more sense. So, as that is the case, I'm farther along than anyone in my memorization of the book. All the glory to God, I guess. :D
ChiefOfSinners, I believe others have memorized the whole book and are just slower in declaring. However, you are one letter beyond Kaitlyn in declaring and the next day I update, I will be caught up in posting your N declaration. What a great book to memorize! I could spend a lifetime meditating on 1:17-19 or 2:9 or 2:21 or 3:15 or 4:19 or 5:9-10
Congratulations on memorizing the first chapter of 1 Peter, JPIA or Rachel!!!
I'm so happy for you! You've made a great goal.
(How do you make those smiley faces? I'd love to learn how to do that!)
Set F - 1 Peter 2:1-5
God Maiden of Virtue - Thank you! What's your real name?The smiley faces....I get them off of a website.... go here
Just be careful because there are some smiles that aren't the best. ;) God bless!
@JPIA - My real name is Rosie Alexander. And thank you for the information on how to
make smiley faces! I will be careful though.
Okay! Are you Nicolas's and Christian Alexander's sister?
I like this one :)
This site ( ) doesn't have as much junk on there :D
And Mr Walker - could you please update this group? I see several people have declared but the declarations are not up. Thanks.
Rachel, the group is updated. I love the Glory be to God graphic.
Great to see everyone continuing with memorizing 1 PETER.
Kaitlyn, great to see you still memorizing and sharpening 1 PETER. Looking forward to seeing you at Nashville. Is your whole family coming?
Yes Mr. Walker, my whole family is coming. I'm looking forward to seeing you there too along with all the other people from Memverse who I would like to meet.
Sorry Rachel, Erika and I both quit and joined "Elijah project". :)
EDIT: Not really "quit", but we joined another project. :)
Hi! I was wondering if there is a page for the Romans Project? I don't know if I can memorize all of Romans but, wouldn't it be awesome if I could! I am already memorizing Romans 1 and Romans 8. Who else is memorizing Romans?
@Nikki, there is not a specific page for the Romans Project, but if you go to the blog called "Memorizing the Entire Bible?" you will find a blog entry by Mr. Walker, listed back in July or August 2011, in which he provides the Micorsoft Word file that has the Romans Memorization Calendar in it. It's a 16-month schedule, from September 2011 through December 2012. It's not too late to start. We only now just started Romans 4. There's plenty of time to catch up! If you choose to take on the challenge, please JOIN THE "ROMANS PROJECT" GROUP. Hope you can join us!
Jo and Eunice, once agin great to see you guys sticking with 1 PETER. I pray it is a blessing to you.
YAY! :) I get to Declare :D
1 Peter 2:1-5 - Set F
1 Peter 2:6-10 - Set G
1 Peter 2:11-15 - Set H
1 Peter 2:16-20 - Set I
1 Peter 2:21-25 - Set J
= 25 verses
I've finished chapter 2 !!!!!!!!!!! :D I'm very excited :)
1 Peter 3:1-5 = Set K
1 Peter 3:6-10 = Set L
1 Peter 3: 11-15 =Set M
1 Peter 3:16-20 = Set N
1 Peter 3:21-22, 1 Peter 4:1-3 = Set O
= 25 verse = 5 sets
Yes! I'm over half way done!!! :) Praise the Lord!
Set T- 1 Peter 5:7-11
Set U - 1 Pet. 5:12-14
YAY! I'm done!! :D I hope I didn't mess up somewhere, was it suppose to end up on U?
Mr Walker - don't feel pressured, but I think sometime this page needs to be updated. There's been quite a few of declarations since it was last updated. As I said, don't feel pressured ;)
Congratulations, Rachel! You are quite far ahead of me, who has not memorized a verse from that book since last year... :{
CONGRATULATIONS to Rachel and Eunice for finishing 1 PETER an ocean apart, and for Jo for being close to finishing with a 3rd in our international representation of memorizers. May God get all the glory as His Word is memorized, meditated on, obeyed, and treasured around the world!
Set R: 1 Peter 4:13-17
Set S: 1 Peter 4:18-19, 1 Peter 5:1-3
Set T: 1 Peter 5:4-6 and 8-9
Set U: 1 Peter 5:10-14
Wow! God is good! I never thought I'd be able to memorise a chapter, let alone a book. What a wonderful blessing it was this morning to take a walk by the river (see my picture:-)) after church and be able to go right through 1 Peter in my head... and to notice the grasses and flowers that Peter quotes at the end of chapter 1 - they change each time I go for my walk, but God's word endures for ever:-) and it's wonderful to know it and Him better through memorising it.
Thank you Rachel for getting this going and thank you Phil for the encouragement.
Great picture and wonderful testimony, Jo B CONGRATULATIONS on finishing your first book! I pray that God will use 1 PETER powerfully in your life for yours to come. Great to see England involved with memorizing this wonderful book. I pray that more and more people in England will treasure and memorize Scripture and praise God for the historical legacy England has in our Christian faith.
I have started a new blog page for the group memorizing 1 PETER. May God get all the glory and work powerfully in our lives as we memorize and live out this wonderful book!! Rachel, please let me know what you want on the main group page. You can tell me here or in an email to