Post Bible Bee
On August 27, many of you competed in Local Bible Bees across the United States. On Wednesday, August 31, those of you in the National track learned whether you will be traveling to Nashville for the National competition as a competitor. Today, you're probably either getting ready for a more intense competition or going back to "normal" life. Either way, we want to congratulate you for your diligence in memorizing Scripture! Every hour we spend now establishing a more fervent walk with our gracious God through family discipleship, Scripture memorization, and prayer is of great value and can change the course of our lives and the lives of those around us for God's glory. Paul reminded Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:8 that "physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." We do not memorize merely for information, but we seek the truth of God's Word because it is a "lamp to our feet and a light for our path," a comfort to our souls, the Sword of the Spirit we need to kill sin in our own lives, and the way to truly knowing Him.
When the Bible Bee competition ends for you, we pray you would find the beginning of a new chapter in your life filled with the grace of God through Scripture memorization and intentional time spent with Him. (Dakota challenges us about how Christians should budget time here.) Consider memorizing a book of the Bible to see how verses and chapters fit together with the larger scope of the book's theme. Some are memorizing 1 Peter to give themselves a fuller understanding of that book which they studied over the summer while preparing for the Bee. This is a great choice. You can check out that project.
We also have been encouraged lately to memorize one of the most amazing books of the Bible: Romans. This book is, to quote from J. I. Packer's Knowing God:
... the high peak of Scripture, however you look at it. Luther called it "the clearest gospel of all." "If a man understands it," wrote Calvin, "he has a sure road opened for him to the understanding of the whole Scripture." Tyndale, in his preface to Romans, linked both thoughts, calling Romans "the principal and most excellent part of the New Testament, and most pure Euangelion, that is to say glad tidings and that we call gospel, and also a light and a way in unto the whole Scripture." All roads in the Bible lead to Romans, and all views afforded by the Bible are seen most clearly from Romans, and when the message of Romans gets into a person's heart there is no telling what may happen.
If this is true, we should seek to understand Romans and memorize it. To see a wonderful calendar for memorizing Romans from September 1, 2011, through December 31, 2012, please choose a file format: PDF or DOC. (Courtesy of the Alexander family - thank you.) At one verse a day, with separate review days built in, you can memorize Romans in just over a year.
Maybe the Bible Bee isn't over for you, and you are preparing for Nationals. If so, we want to help you. Phil Walker has prepared materials to help those studying the additional 100, 200, or 300 verses (depending on your age division: Primary, Junior, or Senior) in the NIV 1984 version. Not only are there documents for each division with the verses printed word-for-word or prompterized like he kindly did for us last time, but there is also a document containing a game you can play. To play the game, you will need to print it out and cut each page into word strips, keeping the strips grouped by passages. Then scramble several (or all, if you're up for a big challenge!) of the passage groups together. By racing against time as you and your friends arrange the verse texts in the correct order, you can learn your verses for Nationals and have a lot of fun. Please see the appropriate links below:
Division | Originals | Prompterized | Game | Study Stack |
Primary | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | NIV |
Junior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | NIV |
Senior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | NIV |
If anyone has resources for other Bible Bee versions, please let us know in the comments and we can post them as well. (Phil expects to also have Study Stack sets created for the new verses as well, and we will link to those as they become available. Thanks for putting all this together for us!)
We are also planning to hold a few more Bible Bee Live Quizzes before this marathon is over. We would like to hold at least one with verses you studied for the Local Bee targeted at all Bible Bee participants, regardless of whether you've qualified for Nationals. Please check back sometime next week when we will have more information.
Update 09/05: We have determined dates for six more Bible Bee Live Quizzes. On each of these dates we will hold a quiz (and maybe a re-run of that quiz) starting at 4:00 p.m. EDT — except for November 11, which begins at 4:00 p.m. EST. Please see below and mark your calendars! This post will be updated before each quiz with a link to it. We hope you can attend one or more quizzes. If for any reason we need to cancel a quiz, we will do our best to let you know as soon as possible. The first quiz will contain material from what was studied for the local competition, so as to allow anyone in the Bible Bee to participate (some Primary, Junior, and Senior verses), but after that we will focus on verses for the National qualifiers with some review from earlier material.
Friday, September 9
Friday, September 23
Friday, October 7
Friday, October 21
Friday, November 4
Friday, November 11
Packer, J. I. Knowing God. Downer's Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1973. Print.

88 responses to Post Bible Bee
Alex, thank you, thank you, thank you for posting the Romans link! It's so great to get my dad's idea out here!
P.S. If you didn't know, I'm Christian Alexander. I just changed my name and picture. ;)
Well written and helpful post, Alex. Thanks!
Thank you too, Phil, for all your work prompterizing, etc.
We appreciate both of you!
And thank you to Mr. Walker for the list of verses! They are very helpful for memorization until I get the verse cards in the mail.
@Rachel - go for it!
Ok guys, I need you to pray for me again 'cause I'm back in the hospital...ugh...yesterday I had a high fever (101.5) and so my mom called the surgeon and he said to bring me in. I'm waiting for another CT scan...we don't know when it will be and then we'll find out if it's an absess or if it's nothing. Thanks for praying!
I'll be praying for you BBJ11!
@ Rachel Crosswhite: I think you should go for it!! You were doing great in the BB quizzes on here!
@Rachel Crosswhite - you're a Duggar fan too???!!!!!! No, I'm pretty sure that is Georgie Henley who plays Lucy in the Narnia movies....but then again...i don't really care. I like both of them! :)
@vburk - thanks!
BibleBeeJunior11 - The comments allow some HTML and you can use the "i" tag to italicize letters. If you want to learn more about HTML, I recommend However, please use italicizing or bolding very sparingly! Thank you. I'm praying for your health situation too, as you updated everyone on another blog comment.
Dates for Bible Bee Live Quizzes are now available and the blog post has been updated accordingly. If you have any questions, please let us know. We hope you can make one or more quizzes!
Please note that all quizzes are open to any Memverse users who want to participate, with the first quiz containing material that Bible Bee contestants studied for the local competition and the remaining five quizzes containing mostly additional material that Bible Bee contestants were assigned with some review from older material.
Thank you to all who are praying. I do have 2 abscesses so they are going to give me antibiotics for a while. I do not know when we will be able to go home. :( Oh well!
Zachary - I'll update this comment for you when the live quiz links are posted.
EDIT: There will be 10 verses from Primary Timothy, 6 from Junior Timothy, and 4 from Senior Timothy. The quiz links are now available.
Rachel Crosswhite - I just hadn't posted the first link yet; you should be able to see the first one now. I'll add them as we go. Thanks for understanding!
I can't wait for the quiz! Hopefully I'll be there :) Will the next quizzes include Local verses or not? we got to keep those reviewed too!! :D
Alex - I can't click on the quizzes. They aren't links :|
I am in the Live Quiz....but I haven't seen anything yet :(
I've tried Chrome and Internet Explorer. I know for sure that my Chrome is entirely up-to-date. I also checked in Firefox 5.0 (not sure if that is totally up-to-date) but it's not working there either...
Grace - Sorry I didn't see your comment till after the quiz. We saw you post something in the chat but then I noticed you didn't respond... I'm not sure what could be wrong... I will think about it and will hopefully have a suggestion soon.
Scores after 10th question (Primary Timothy content):
Hannah del Toro 120
Stephanie Hills 119
Lauren Watt 119
ZacharyB 118
Bethany (Bible Bee) 118
Rachel Crosswhite 116
Carissa {BB} 112
Kayley N. 112
Alethea Leonard 108
Abigail Sutton 108
Kerestel 106
Ian R. 104
Hannah 101
Phil Walker 98
Masado Ishii 95
Prasanth Venigalla 83
Christiana Rugloski 74
Scores after 16th question:
Hannah del Toro 192
Stephanie Hills 191
Bethany (Bible Bee) 186
Kerestel 177
ZacharyB 175
Carissa {BB} 173
Alethea Leonard 170
Masado Ishii 166
Rachel Crosswhite 165
Kayley N. 157
Hannah 154
Abigail Sutton 143
Phil Walker 143
Ian R. 138
Prasanth Venigalla 130
Lauren Watt 119
Christiana Rugloski 111
Scores after 20th question:
Stephanie Hills 238
Bethany (Bible Bee) 234
Masado Ishii 201
Hannah del Toro 200
ZacharyB 187
Alethea Leonard 182
Kerestel 177
Rachel Crosswhite 177
Carissa {BB} 173
Kayley N. 169
Hannah 154
Prasanth Venigalla 154
Phil Walker 151
Abigail Sutton 147
Christiana Rugloski 143
Ian R. 138
Lauren Watt 119
Congratulations all! I hope to see you in two weeks -- don't forget to bring a Bible Bee friend! :)
Thanks Alex....
That's good to know that my chat went through....but it didn't even show up for me after I sent it :)
I ended up also trying the quiz in Firefox, then I found that it wasn't updated, I updated both it and Adobe Flash Player, and it still didn't work. Just thought I would mention that to help eliminate possibilities. I'm guessing it's some script or something that's getting blocked on my side somehow....
Grace - Maybe try a CTRL + F5 refresh of the live quiz page. Even though we're not doing any quizzes right now, you can still troubleshoot the issue as we think of things to try, since the "chat" area should be working whether we're quizzing or not.
@alethea leonard - i cant wait to see the nationals on the internet! :) i won't be going to nationals. i'm so sad about that but glad that some of my friends made it!! :)
@BibleBeeJunior11- Sorry that you didn't make it! :( But, God works all things for the good of those who love him!
@Alethea - I didn't even get to compete in the Locals because I had just gotten out of the hospital and was recovering from a ruptured appendix...:( Congratulations though! :)
Oh, btw guys, I've decided to work on the National verses for Juniors now! :) Since I only need to finish 11 cards for Locals I'll just add these to my list! :) it'll keep me occupied. haha! :)
BibleBeeJunior11 - That's great you're working on the National verses! I hope you recover soon... If you are able to make any of the National Bible Bee quizzes, it would be great to see you.
@BibleBeeJunior11- I remember reading about your health problems earlier. Sorry, Wish you could've competed! (Isn't it nice that you can watch it live?), I was praying for you though! : ) Oh and, just wanted to say that I think it's great that you are still memorizing! :)
@Alex Watt - I haven't started yet; I just printed the verses out yesterday and haven't been able to start. :( but maybe I will try to make it to some of them, once I get some memorized.
@Alethea Leonard - thanks; I haven't ever watched the Finals live before because I've always been at the Nationals without access to the computer but this year we're putting it on the calendar to watch!!! :)
Sorry I missed the quiz, my piano teacher changed the time he was coming on us. I will be there this Friday!
Yeah, BBJ11, That's my little - or should i say littlest sister, Harmony.
@BibleBeeJunior11 - That's wonderful that you are going to memorize the National verses! Even though you aren't competing, it's still great that you would learn the verses! Also, are you still at the hospital? If so, when you get to come home?
@Matthew - We aren't having a quiz this Friday...right, Alex? We aren't having one this week, but we are next week :) I'm pretty sure I'm right about that; but if I'm not, please correct me, someone :) Your littls sister is so adorable =)
OK - scratch that and put down 'next Friday'. I have a habit of scanning over things instead of throughly reading them, and I sometimes have to remind myself, Read this slowly and actually understand what it's trying to say. Especially when I am reading the Bible. :) I might actually have all the Nationals verses memorized by the 23rd! I had about 40% of them memorized already...
How is everybody's 2 Peter study going?
@Kerestel Leonard - you're kidding!! Wow. I haven't even started, but then again...I'm not on a strict time frame like you guys are.
@Bethany - I am home!!! I got home on Friday...:) I wasn't feeling too good monday and Tuesday but today I am feeling much better. Thank you all for your prayers! :)
@Matthew minica - Harmony is so cute!!
@BibleBeeJunior11 - That's wonderful, praise the Lord! Have you started learning the new verses yet?
Grace - I was actually having problems with the live quiz on one of our computers too. Today, I was looking into it again. We use Avast! anti-virus, and I had to disable that in order to use the quizzes. Maybe you have some similar software which is preventing the quizzes from working. (It may be blocking access to the particular "port" of the website we use for the live content.) You can try disabling the software and going into one of the quizzes and posting a chat message. If you can see your message then you should be good to go for the next quiz. Any of the old quiz links will work for this; you can try this one:
Alex - We have Norton, and I tried disabling the antivirus (as far as I was able) and going to the quiz, but the chat message still did not show up (I tried in both Firefox and Chrome). I'm not sure what other variables there are, but I the quizzes do work fine for us on a different computer/browser (Safari on Mac). Thanks for looking into it, though!
Grace - OK; I'm glad you at least found another way to do it. I hope to see you at the quiz Friday if you're able to make it.
The First "National" Bible Bee Quiz will be held this Friday, September 22, at 4 PM EDT - Live Quiz link now available. Hope to see you! (As of posting this comment, I still have some more questions to add to the quiz which I plan to do tomorrow - we're aiming for around 20 passages as we work through the Primary, Junior, and Senior National Qualifier verses canonically and throw in a few review verses as well.)
ChiefOfSinners - We can see your chats. Maybe you can try disabling your antivirus/firewall? I had problems at one point with mine...
SavedByGrace - Yes, I can see yours too... Maybe there is an issue with your internet... Hmm...
My chat won't work. I don't think it has anything to do with a firewall, because that's never happened before. I don't think I can even see the quiz.
Okay, I did that, but it's still not working.
Is the quiz running yet, by the way? I can't see anything.
Has anyone been seeing the chats I've been posting on the quiz? Or are they just not being sent anywhere?
SBG and ChiefOfSinners - we could see your chats but it seems as though you couldn't see ours. Can you let us know what browser (including the version) you were using, and also what type of internet connection.
I tried Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome. I assume they were the newest versions, because all of them were the ones I downloaded back a few months ago when links were given to the websites.
Our whole home internet system is set to the Yellow Pine connection, I believe, if that means anything to you. We currently only have 2 out of 5 bars, so that could be the problem. It's not letting me connect to AquaWillow, which has 5 out of 5 bars. Up until recently we were using that, but we haven't been able to get a connection with it, so we switched to Yellow Pine. That, now that I'm thinking about it, is probably the problem.
Hello, fellow memverse-ers. I won't be at the quiz today :P
Today I will be able to officially compete at Nationals! ( We're becoming US citizens.)
Clara - We are actually not holding a quiz this week, but hopefully you can make the one next week. That's great that you will be able to compete after today as a new US citizen!
@ Alex Watt- Thanks! Whew, I'm glad I didn't miss anything.
PS- Congratulations to you and your brother Ben on making it to Nationals!
The Bible Bee National Quiz 2 will be held Friday, October 7, at 4:00 PM EDT. The first seven passages are new Primary passages, the next three are new Junior passages, the next five are review verses from the list of Junior Timothy verses, and then the quiz ends with five new Senior passages. Hope to see you then!
SavedByGrace and ChiefOfSinners - Are you still having issues with the chat? You can click on the link for this week's quiz and test it out.
Jesus-Paid-It-All ~ Did you make any changes to your computer or internet connection recently? Maybe you installed an antivirus software that is blocking your connection... We haven't changed anything that should affect your connection to the chat server...
All who were on the second quiz - Sorry for my abrupt leaving on the 2nd quiz. For some strange reason it went back to this page and I could not get back on. Sorry about that.
Next National Bible Bee Quiz is this Friday, October 21, at 4:00 p.m. EDT; link now available. The first seven verses are Primary National verses, the next three are Junior National verses, and the last five are Senior National verses. I hope you can make it!
I hope I can make it to the next quiz! I just started memverse,so if I did do it, it would
be my first time.
To all who are going to do the quiz: IF you have issues, it may be for the following reasons:
1. You may have opened a new tab or window on your browser. Having more than one window
and tab freezes the quiz for me.
2. For me, Internet Explorer works better than Google Chrome, so if you have the option, I would
switch to Explorer, just to best avoid trouble.
3. You may have bad internet connection.
NOTE: not everyone may have the same issues as these, and these are just a few from one who has experienced issues from these.
I have redone the 2 Peter Greek Word StudyStack - here's the current link - there's 44 Greek words!! You can study the Greek words using the flashcards, matching game, crossword, hangman, bug match and more!! Can you please, if you check it out, star the StudyStack on the upper right corner of the box?
Thank you.
The November 4 Bible Bee Live Quiz link is available! I hope the studying is going well for all of you and I also hope you can make tomorrow's quiz. The first seven verses are Primary National, the next eight are Junior National (four new and four old), the next four are Senior National, and the last verse is a Primary verse repeated from earlier in the quiz.
"... stand firm in the Lord, dear friends!" (Phil 4:1) "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus..." (Heb 12:2)
Hi all national qualifiers,
My family is looking for someone to share a hotel room with at the Nashville Renaissance Hotel. We are one person over the five in a room limit (we have six in our family). Right now we only have one room reserved at the Renaissance, since we didn't know beforehand that two members of our family could go. So now we're kind of stuck, since we have 6 people going to Nationals and only one room reserved. All we need is room for one extra person in your room (who would only be sleeping there and returning to our room in the morning). So if you would be willing to fit one extra person in your room (or in a second room you might have reserved, if you have over 5 people staying at the hotel), we would be more than willing to share the cost of the room.
PLEASE consider this! I'm sure Tammy McMahan will be able to work things out if you are willing to share a room. Keep in mind that we would share the cost of the room, saving both of our families money. If this is even a slight possibility for you, please email us (the Guillard family) at:; or reply to this comment. Thank you so much!!!
The quiz link for the Finale BB National Quiz on November 11 at 4:00 p.m. EST is now available. Please note that due to daylight saving time, Friday's quiz time is 4:00 p.m. EST instead of EDT. This converts to 21:00 UTC.
The first seven questions are new Primary National verses, the next three are new Junior National verses, the next five are random review verses, and the last five are new Senior verses. Hope you can make it!
Alex: Thanks for the quizzes. There is a problem that I wanted to let you know about. My computer that I was using kept logging me out. I don't know why it did that but I kept having to log back in. I don't think it happened to anyone else so it could be that it is just my computer not anything with the site...but I wanted to let you know. Thanks for all your work on these quizzes. Sorry, I know that I am supposed to use the feedback section but since I don't have a getsatisfiction account this is the only place I can ask.
To all Local and National Bible Bee contestants out there- What is your favorite thing about the Bible Bee? Do you have a personal testimony about it? I am in the process of putting together a Bible Bee display board for our local project fair, and I only have 3 testimonies so far. Thanks!
@Sarah Frisk,
Have you checked out the Bible Bee testimonials page? I don't know if you only wanted personal testimonies from specific contestants, but there are quite a few testimonies on the Bible Bee page:
@Alex Watt - About the Bible Quizzes....I'm assuming we aren't having any on June 1st? :) So, would we have it the next Friday, or the one after that (which would be the 15th of June)? Or, are you still planning it all? Thanks for all your work you did on those!
13 days till Bible Bee starts!
Bethany - I'm expecting that it may be two weeks or so after June 1 before we start quizzes. We'll put a post up with more information when we have it.
this sounds great...hope this fall is a blessing for you National qualifiers ;)
What does everyone you all think I can do National Track next year?!