2016 Live Bible Bee Quizzes
I dislike the term "technical difficulties." It seems like that's what they all say when one of their "COMING SOON!" promises doesn't happen soon. So I'll start by saying that I probably should have prepared for these quizzes earlier than I did, so I would have had time to fix the technical difficulties we had--such as the quiz maker first not working, and then the blog. But even though this is happening later this year than usual, the point is that it IS happening again! You have permission to be excited now!
Question submissions are appreciated. Remember to inlucde to the words "Bible Bee" in the question, so I'll see it! I won't lie; they're not absolutely necessary to make this work, because Cory and his writing squad have sent me questions as they come in for the upcoming practice tests. But ideally, we should have questions being submitting from all of you, so we don't have to use all the practice test questions before the release of those tests! So please, do your part! If everyone submits even just one or two questions per week, we'll easily have enough. I've noticed in past years that we have three or four select people who submit most of the questions, and I can't fairly make a quiz in which the questions are divided up like that. Shoutout to Zachary Baas, Bethany Meckle, and Hannah Wright for being so diligent in this. They are clearly the most spiritual--just kidding! But anyway, I would like to ask that no one submit more than three questions per week, and if we don't have enough submitted questions, we can fill in using the practice test questions. This should give us a reasonable balance.
And remember, you don't have to be in the Bee to participate! (You just might not know as much, but the fellowship on the chat will be worth it!)
The new quizzes will be at 4:00 pm EST on Thursday, and reruns will be at 8:00 pm on Friday and 12:00 pm on Tuesday. Effective immediately! See ya then!
I recommend checking the comments at least once a week in case I have any updates to give.

John 1-6 Practice Tests
Matthew and his loyal team of question-writing minions have once again worked hard to crank out practice tests! Not all of them are complete, but they will be added as they are finished. Since we can't look ahead in the study guide, not all the questions can be in the same place this time.
PDF Practice Tests
Here is the sheet of 200 bubbles.
Answer Key (for all three tests)
Classmarker.com Practice Tests

2015 Bible Bee Live Quizzes
On one of the recent weekly quizzes, I asked everyone if they wanted live Bible Bee quizzes for this year. The answer was a unanimous "Yes", with more or less capitals and a wide variety of exclamation point counts. Remember, we don't fence the quizzes, so you don't even have to be in the Bible Bee do to these!
EDIT--Well, no one seems to use the PDFs much, so unless I get requests to the contrary, I'll just stop copying the questions and leave the ones that have already been made.
The schedule, which is weekly, will have one more rerun! Otherwise, it is the same. Each new quiz will premiere at 4:00 pm EST on Thursday. I've noticed that many Memverses don't get a change come on until late in the evening--in fact, that is usually when the forums are most active. So there will be a rerun of the quiz at 8:00 pm EST the same Thursday. Of course, we'll keep our Teusday rerun at noon EST.
PLEASE SUMBIT QUESTIONS, starting anytime, over what you've learned. Make sure to be the words "Bible Bee:" at the beginning of each question, so it will be filtered and I'll know which questions to approve for the Bible Bee quizzes. If a question is not approved, it was probably an essential duplicate or something irrelevantly simple, eg. "What was made through Him?".
Thank you ALL for your submissions! We do appreciate it! But please be careful to make sure your questions are not translation dependent or ambiguous. I cannot be responsible for making sure all the questions are right.
NOTE: Please proofread your questions. I don't have time to go through every single one, so please make sure not only the answers, but the questions, are correct.
PDFs of finished quizzes:

Live Bible Quizzes
The short version: Memverse will be hosting fun, live Bible quizzes twice a week:
- Wednesday at 9am (Pacific) / 12pm (Eastern)
- Saturday at 3pm (Pacific) / 6pm (Eastern)
Go to the Live Quiz page a few minutes before to participate.
Over the past few years we have hosted live quizzes on the material being covered for the annual Bible Bee. I know the contestants have enjoyed the quizzes and so we thought we would extend the fun to the entire Memverse community.
Each Wednesday we will host a short quiz of 25 questions covering general Bible knowledge. While there are many quizzes available on the web, we think there is room for a live, joyfully competitive quiz. All the questions will be multiple choice and will range from exceptionally easy to wickedly difficult. The quizzes will last about 15 minutes.
Everyone is welcome to join. Feel free to invite friends to participate. This is a great activity for the whole family.

Last Quiz Before Local Bible Bees
At 4pm (EDT) today (Friday, August 24th, 2012) we will be holding the final online quiz before the local Bible Bees. We would like to encourage as many of you as possible to join. There is no need to be entered in the Bible Bee. There is no need to be young. If you're young at heart and love the Bible, join us.
The entire quiz will be multiple choice and, as far as I know, will predominantly cover 2 Timothy. To be clear, you don't need to have memorized any part of 2 Timothy to join the quiz.
So why you should you join? Five reasons:
- You will have an opportunity to wish the younger Memversers well as they head in to the local competitions as they attempt to qualify for the national finals.
- You will be motivated to get to know your Bible better. I've joined the occasional quiz and can assure you that you will be astounded at the depth of knowledge on display.
- Participating will restore your faith in 'the youth of today'.
- You will probably want to read 2 Timothy before the quiz and that alone is worth it.
- It's a whole lot of fun!
We hope in the future to make the weekly quizzes a fun activity for everyone. Consider this a trial run and join us.
Note: this is a live, online event. Click here a few minutes before the event starts to enter the quiz 'room'.

Post Bible Bee
On August 27, many of you competed in Local Bible Bees across the United States. On Wednesday, August 31, those of you in the National track learned whether you will be traveling to Nashville for the National competition as a competitor. Today, you're probably either getting ready for a more intense competition or going back to "normal" life. Either way, we want to congratulate you for your diligence in memorizing Scripture! Every hour we spend now establishing a more fervent walk with our gracious God through family discipleship, Scripture memorization, and prayer is of great value and can change the course of our lives and the lives of those around us for God's glory. Paul reminded Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:8 that "physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." We do not memorize merely for information, but we seek the truth of God's Word because it is a "lamp to our feet and a light for our path," a comfort to our souls, the Sword of the Spirit we need to kill sin in our own lives, and the way to truly knowing Him.
When the Bible Bee competition ends for you, we pray you would find the beginning of a new chapter in your life filled with the grace of God through Scripture memorization and intentional time spent with Him. (Dakota challenges us about how Christians should budget time here.) Consider memorizing a book of the Bible to see how verses and chapters fit together with the larger scope of the book's theme. Some are memorizing 1 Peter to give themselves a fuller understanding of that book which they studied over the summer while preparing for the Bee. This is a great choice. You can check out that project.
We also have been encouraged lately to memorize one of the most amazing books of the Bible: Romans. This book is, to quote from J. I. Packer's Knowing God:
... the high peak of Scripture, however you look at it. Luther called it "the clearest gospel of all." "If a man understands it," wrote Calvin, "he has a sure road opened for him to the understanding of the whole Scripture." Tyndale, in his preface to Romans, linked both thoughts, calling Romans "the principal and most excellent part of the New Testament, and most pure Euangelion, that is to say glad tidings and that we call gospel, and also a light and a way in unto the whole Scripture." All roads in the Bible lead to Romans, and all views afforded by the Bible are seen most clearly from Romans, and when the message of Romans gets into a person's heart there is no telling what may happen.
If this is true, we should seek to understand Romans and memorize it. To see a wonderful calendar for memorizing Romans from September 1, 2011, through December 31, 2012, please choose a file format: PDF or DOC. (Courtesy of the Alexander family - thank you.) At one verse a day, with separate review days built in, you can memorize Romans in just over a year.
Maybe the Bible Bee isn't over for you, and you are preparing for Nationals. If so, we want to help you. Phil Walker has prepared materials to help those studying the additional 100, 200, or 300 verses (depending on your age division: Primary, Junior, or Senior) in the NIV 1984 version. Not only are there documents for each division with the verses printed word-for-word or prompterized like he kindly did for us last time, but there is also a document containing a game you can play. To play the game, you will need to print it out and cut each page into word strips, keeping the strips grouped by passages. Then scramble several (or all, if you're up for a big challenge!) of the passage groups together. By racing against time as you and your friends arrange the verse texts in the correct order, you can learn your verses for Nationals and have a lot of fun. Please see the appropriate links below:
Division | Originals | Prompterized | Game | Study Stack |
Primary | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | NIV |
Junior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | NIV |
Senior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC | NIV |
If anyone has resources for other Bible Bee versions, please let us know in the comments and we can post them as well. (Phil expects to also have Study Stack sets created for the new verses as well, and we will link to those as they become available. Thanks for putting all this together for us!)
We are also planning to hold a few more Bible Bee Live Quizzes before this marathon is over. We would like to hold at least one with verses you studied for the Local Bee targeted at all Bible Bee participants, regardless of whether you've qualified for Nationals. Please check back sometime next week when we will have more information.
Update 09/05: We have determined dates for six more Bible Bee Live Quizzes. On each of these dates we will hold a quiz (and maybe a re-run of that quiz) starting at 4:00 p.m. EDT — except for November 11, which begins at 4:00 p.m. EST. Please see below and mark your calendars! This post will be updated before each quiz with a link to it. We hope you can attend one or more quizzes. If for any reason we need to cancel a quiz, we will do our best to let you know as soon as possible. The first quiz will contain material from what was studied for the local competition, so as to allow anyone in the Bible Bee to participate (some Primary, Junior, and Senior verses), but after that we will focus on verses for the National qualifiers with some review from earlier material.
Friday, September 9
Friday, September 23
Friday, October 7
Friday, October 21
Friday, November 4
Friday, November 11
Packer, J. I. Knowing God. Downer's Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1973. Print.