Rating Your Memory Recall
We are often asked which of the five buttons to select after reviewing a memory verse. There is no hard and fast answer but hopefully this guide will help:
5. Remembered - Perfect
Only select this option when you feel that you are reviewing a memory verse too frequently. Selecting this option will increase the review interval fairly dramatically. As tempting as it is to get the verse memorized as quickly as possible, you will find that you will have an increasingly difficult time recalling the verse if you select this option too frequently. It is best selected when you recall a verse instantly and can recite it perfectly without any hesitation whatsoever.
4. Remembered - Hesitation
We have had difficulty coming up with a suitable label for this option but it is intended to be used when you feel that you have recalled a memory verse to your satisfaction and with only slight hesitation. This is the option to select when everything feels just right. If you think to yourself: "It's a good thing I reviewed this verse now otherwise I might have forgotten it", then you should select this option.
3. Remembered - Difficult
We recommend making frequent use of this option. If you struggle to recall a passage of scripture but can eventually get it correct without flipping over the flash card then you should select this option. If you have any doubt about rating yourself with button 4 or 5 then this is the selection for you. You will get to review the verse more frequently than the two options above but the interval will still continue to increase.
2. Don't Know - Familiar
Either of these next two options will reset the interval to one day and the verse will revert to 'learning' status. Don't worry, bible memorization is a long term effort and starting again sooner, rather than later, will be profitable in the long run. Select this option if you can't associate the bible reference with the memory verse or if you cannot recite or type the verse without using the flash card.
1. Don't Know - No Idea
Select this when you can't remember anything. Memverse will adjust the review of the verse to be more frequent. This is a good option to select when you are starting a new verse as it will start the verse on a more frequent review schedule.
You shouldn't think of the five options as though you are grading yourself on a test. Rather, think of them as you giving feedback to the Memverse system to allow it to adjust the review schedule optimally. It is designed to be a flexible system: if you are the type of person who would like to know each verse backwards and forwards with perfect punctuation, then you can use the five memory assessment options to achieve that goal. If it's not critical to you whether you occasionally substitute the word 'for' in place of 'because' or swap 'Jesus Christ' with 'Christ Jesus' then you can adjust your feedback accordingly.
Finally, don't agonize too much over which button to select. If you remembered the verse select one of the top three buttons. If you can't remember select one of the bottom two. The Memverse algorithm will gradually adjust over time.

96 responses to Rating Your Memory Recall
Thank you! It is helpful to understand that these are used for giving feedback to Memverse and not just for grading yourself as on a test.
thanks for putting this up to help other people. it certainly helped me, because before i read this i wasn't sure which one to press on a few certain occasions.
Thanks for this. It IS very helpful. But I didn't FIND this until months into using memverse. I was not aware that it was here. I looked but didn't find anything much to help. I also didn't find the manual until now. That, too, was helpful. Wish I had seen it earlier.
I agree with everyone else, but figured I would say thank you anyway. Thankfully, I found out right at 10 memorized verses that are in fact memorized, so I can adjust it accordingly now. Please keep this up!
I don't know where I got the picture next to my name above, but that's what I need...some tape on my mouth. "Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent." Proverbs 17:28
Thank you very much! I do not think I have been rating myself very well before this, but now I know!
In fact I half-want to just start over and rate myself right this time! :) not that I will, but I wish I would have read this earlier!
Agree w/ the helpfulness of this tool and explaination so as to use it in a manner that best utilizes the effectiveness of this program.
(((Clap clap clap & applause applause applause))) ;-) GO RATE!!
Let's see if we can reach 125,000 verses memorized by 12/31/11!! BTW: That would be ~400 NEW verses apiece, if no new users come on--which for goodness sakes I hope not!
Lets go for it Zachary. I just became a user today and I hope to bring on some more new users soon. Also planning on chipping away at that 125,000 in my own little way.
Thank you so much for setting this up. I'm not consistent, but when I get going, I sprint. I gotta learn to be more of a cross-country memorizer, rather than a 50-yard-dash memorizer. I forget so much in between memorization bouts.
Marylyn - There is a tutorial underneath "Learn". Also, if you are still having trouble finding what you need, try the "Blog Search" under the "Blog" tab. It seems to work pretty well. Finally, if there are any specific questions, you can ask them here in the comments or on the Feedback forum by clicking the black box that says "Feedback" on the right of every page.
Hope this helps!
Paul - We are glad you found it helpful. You can also access this information at any time by clicking the small blue "i" icon while on the Memorize page.
By the way, my brother and I share a user so he wanted me to say "thanks" on his behalf as well. ;-)
(Try to unscramble our to names out of our user name, it shouldn't be too hard. :-)
Your right! But now we have different accounts.
( my older sister Sarah is also on memverse. She was the one who invented that. :)
Good to know!!! Thank you very much, and I'm glad I didn't wait for weeks and weeks until I looked at this!!! (I just joined Memverse on Friday). :)
Ellie - If you have a blog idea, let us know and you can do a guest post. We try to keep the blog posted on Scripture memory and information about Memverse.
To create a new group, just go to your Profile and list it as the group you're a part of. Memverse will create the group, and other people can join it too.
Thanks that was very helpful I have had trouble with grading myself in the past now I believe that now I will have a much easier time.
This is one of the single greatest web apps I have ever used on the internet ...please dont EVER go away, I just found you and you are helping me immensely! THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!
Just signed up for Memverse. So far I am really enjoying it. Love the fact that it keeps track of how well I am doing. Will admit that the idea of memorizing scripture seems very overwhelming right now. There is so much I want to memorize and this is a great way to do it. These explanations are fantastic. Thanks
Thanks for a great site and a great system! I have been using it for a week and will definitely recommend it to friends.
I've just started the program, it's just what I need. and whoops, should have used a lower number so the verses would come around more often. I recommended this site to my sister.
This is very helpful! :) Thank you! I can finally mark my verses accurately. May God bless this website!
So glad I read this. Makes way more sense now! Thanks!! LOVE this site! Thank you so much as you're helping me and my teen daughter memorize God's Word.
Thank you so much. I didn't know Remembered - Perfect meant that they won't have me review it as much. I will remember that.
This helps! I will choose 3 most frequently and 4 and 5 when I feel the need to space out more time before review. Great.
This is extremely helpful! Thank you for defining what each option does and how it affects the recurrence of the verse. I will be able to rate myself much more accurately now. Fascinating how you all have the algorithms set up... Keep up the good work!