Welcome to the New Memverse Blog
Hi all,
Welcome to the new Memverse blog. We'll be using this blog to answer many of the questions that we currently get via email. We're still more than happy to answer email questions, but we thought that sharing the answers on a blog would be helpful for others.
You will be able to comment on the blog without having to create another login so feel free to ask questions or comment. The comments are currently moderated but hopefully we'll be able to drop that soon.

27 responses to Welcome to the New Memverse Blog
We're planning to add new translations as quickly as possible. Definitely let us know if there are translations you'd like to see.
Jacqueline, please update us both in the case with Kabria and with your Scripture memory. I'm glad you are joining us here at memverse. Lord willing, many more will come with us to fight Biblical illiteracy in our churches. What verses have you enjoyed recently? I really enjoyed your thoughts on GALATIANS 2:20, since that was a verse I memorized in a Christian high school as an unbeliever who didn't care that much about God. However, that didn't change His love for me , and He used GALATIANS 2:20 in a powerful way to draw me to a saving faith in Him 7 years after I had first memorized it.
Thank you so much Phil for emailing me about this site. I have been doing it for about 4 days and I love it. I want to memorize so bad and I keep drifting away from it. This has reenergized me! God Bless you all Lee
Lee, God used your encouragement to deeply bless and reenergize me!! Sometimes it seems like my spreading the word about "Getting to know God better through His Holy Word" falls on deaf ears and I wonder if I am wasting my time. May God mightily empower you and richly bless you as you get to know, love, and trust Him better and better through His Word.
congratualation Phil I see you took the lead today. God bless you! I am being blessed with the scriptures I am learning and will be adding more soon!
Lee, thanks for the encouragement. It's wonderful to be involved in win-win competition where we can spur one another as we are encouraged to do in HEBREWS 10:24. An exciting day for me will be when someone catches up and passes my total. I will be cheering him/her on all the way up the ladder, but hopefully will not let it be an easy feat. Are you memorizing any passage/chapter in particular or a mixed bag of different verses? My current favorite passage is JOHN 15:5-8
It kind of started as a mixed bag, then i have a scripture song cd, so I am inputing them in gradually. I listen to the cd at work. My next verses to add will be Galations 5: 22,23. Love as the world uses the word is so far off base, when we read what the Bible says Love is. Love is God and I want to know God's kind of Love! I can't wait for my graph to show I have some verses memorized. But I don't want to overload myself and get discouraged either! You are so right it is a win win competiton! What a coincidence. John 15:5-8 was part of our study at church this week. It is so important to stay connected to the vine, to grow and bear fruit!
God Bless You Lee
Lee - just keep it up and one day you'll wake up and find that your verses will be memorized. Being honest with yourself in the beginning will help in the long run!
Lee, you can't beat those Scripture song cds. I love them. They can make memorizing so much easier and help the verses stick as well. Can I ask the name of the one you are listening to and in what translation of the Bible? Thanks for your thoughts on love. How different this world and our churches would be if all professing Christians took to heart's God's command to love all others with the same, selfless, sacrificial love He loves us with.
Andy, thanks for the encouragement.
Phil the scripture songs cd is called Sing to the Lord.It is part of a group of cd called Trilogy scripture songs. Their site is www.trilogyscripturesongs.com They use the new King James version. The vocals on it is Derek Morris who is a pastor and his wife Bodil. She writes the music and sings also.
I think the only way we can love others the way God loves us is to fully accept Him into our hearts, and minds, in all areas of our lives. Abiding in Him and letting Him abide in us and that Love will come. I am praying for that Love to shine from me so that I may glorify Him to the world.
Lee, I checked out the Scripture song website and will pass it on to others who use the NKJ. It looks like you have a great outlook and I am praying that God will indeed work through you.
Andy, just a little thing. . . I think it would be nice if you could add a next, previous buttons(s) on each blog post, as well as on the blog post menu. Right now, I'm reading through all the posts and I think it would be easier instead of clicking on page 3 every time I upload a new page.
Either that, or don't have the menu reset at page one every time you click on a new post.
Thanks. I don't know if/when you'll be able to do that, but it would make things easier, especially if we get more and more people who want to read all of them. . .
(I would have put this in the Feedback, but our Internet is limited.)
Andy. . . how's Rivonia doing? :) I noticed that you have the post about her in the saved section. . .
@ALL (FOR ALL TO ANSWER): How about some private chat/messaging between users? I cannot use "feedback", so I am posting my suggestion here. If you know what I mean, I cannot perfectly explain, so can ANY of you post questions about this, and Andy, can you please take this into consideration? I believe this will make MemVerse better by keeping a lot of unnesassary comments off the regular blog as well as help us "Stay on track". Not to mention that it would be fun. ;-)
@ River La Belle: Sounds like a good idea.
Hello, Zachary,
I thought we already addressed this. Since private messaging tools already exist, memverse doesn't need to add them. There is the Meebo toolbar which allows you to login to Facebook and other services while on Memverse. Don't worry about the comments for now. Andy will address the problem as it becomes, well, more problematic. :) (Also, since memverse is meant primarily to help the church in studying God's Word, the main point of having discussions here is to directly benefit the whole, not target just a few people. At least, that's my take on it.) EDIT: There definitely is some advantages to being able to talk to people directly. Sophie LaFleur, who received the Chairman's Oratory Award at the Bible Bee, has created an Accountability Forum: http://accountabilityforum.blogspot.com. Maybe this would do what your looking for.
Please continue to make suggestions. I'm glad you have joined us!
Since any ol' MemVerse user can't write a blog post, I will say it here:
Our 7 year old, 10lb Shi Tzu dog, Ginger, ran away. She darted out the door, and was supposed to be doing her duty. She never came back to the door. That was 4:30pm (Michigan time), 1/24/11. It is around the freezing mark. It is late, 1/25/11. We hope, pray and believe that she is still alive. She went nearly 1/2 mile in deep snow, to a busy road. we assume that she was picked up/stolen, near there. Please keep us in your prayers, that we find Ginger before it is too late, if it is God's Will. We miss her very much, and would be overjoyed to get her back safe and sound.
Thank you,
Zach Baas and family
Zachary, I just prayed for that you guys would locate your dog. I too am an animal lover, and I know how hard it can be when something like this happens. Keep us updated.
In Christ,
We found her!! (see Praying for one another blog post @ http://www.memverse.com/blog/main/Praying_for_one_another )
Ashley - at the moment there are a few people with blog privileges but we're open to adding more people over time. If you would like to write a new blog post, feel free to write one and I can take a look at it. We're trying to keep it very focused on Bible memorization, though.
I just want to praise the Lord for this website and to thank Phil Walker, [Scripture Memory Challenge] for his faithfulness in recommending it to me. He continually encourages "the saints" to 'hide God's Word in our hearts', especially us in the North American church! God is faithful and He is perfect in ALL that He does. Today my first day in learning about this site and immediately signing up after Phil's email recommendation, the Lord spoke to me personally through His Word by having my life verse as the daily verse for today, November 20, 2009: Galatians 2:20. "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me, and the life that I live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and died for me"!! Then to the side, and on the same devotional webpage included in this MemVerse.com website, was a thoughtpiece written by Charles Haddon Spurgeon specific to this very day in my life! You see, today especially is a day in which not only is our Heavenly Father so loving and so merciful to me in my weak, crucified flesh to equip me with a free bible memory website (which I needed desperately), but He gave me a verse of victory for today out of Lamentations 3:58 "O Lord, you took up my case; you redeemed my life. You have seen O Lord the wrong done unto me. Uphold my cause!" My husband Casper and I do indeed have "a case" that requires God's justice and in which the ruling by law must come forth no later than today through the Family Court of the State of Delaware, Kent County, File No. CK 09-01737, Petition No. 09-14036. We have been waiting since October 21, 2009, the last day of our hearing for our petition for guardianship of our 2-year-old foster daughter, Kabria, [who had been a member of our family since she was 5 days old]. Kabria who was removed from our home on August 24, 2009. As Spurgeon so strongly encourages us from the triumphant life he has already lived, my brothers and sisters in Christ, I exhort you also to "SHOUT" to the Lord, our God, Our Rock, and our Redeemer!!!!
We MUST become equipped in memorizing God's Holy and Eternal Word because "the time is short", fellow believers!! Our Savior is coming; and we as His bride must be ready!!! The Church in America is NOT prepared for the persecution that is at our door. There are multitudes of souls still to be saved, especially these little ones, who the enemy prefers to abuse and kill. The case that is being decided today is one wherein we determined to "fight the good fight" (regardless of the cost including our retirement funds) and to stand on the sovereignty and omnipotence of God's Word. It involves just one of our hundreds of thousands of orphans in America. His Word declares in Psalm 10:15-17: "The Lord is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from His land. You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth may terrify no more." Hallelujah! "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" Revelation 5:11 Amen!!
But by His Grace, jacqueline thompson posley