Tag Your Memory Verses
By popular demand we have released a beta version of tagging functionality. This means that you can now start to tag and categorize your memory verses to your heart's content.
How Tagging Works on Memverse
Everyone is able to tag their own memory verses with whatever tags they would like. Our hope is that popular tags will eventually be reflected across Memverse and will be useful for everyone, including those who couldn't be bothered to tag their own verses. Additionally, there will be Memverse tags which will be controlled by us and will eventually feed into the solo progression goals which we are working on. There is a good chance that we will be guided in our selection of those tags by what emerges from the group consensus.
To tag a verse, click on the reference in the 'My Verses' list of verses. This is currently the only way to access the tagging function but over time we will propogate it to other areas of the website. Feel free to use whatever tags you want but please try to put some thought into it and stick with broad thematic tags e.g. Redemption, Salvation, Fruit of the Spirit, etc. as those tend to be the most useful.

82 responses to Tag Your Memory Verses
Hi Dakota - when you click the 'New Tag' button it should allow you to edit that box, i.e. you should be able to change the words 'New Tag' into whichever tag you would like.
Which browser version are you using? I've only tested it with recent versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.
One other point: for now you have to enter the tags one at a time, i.e. don't enter tags separated by commas or semi-colons. If you'd like to enter multiple tags, refresh the page and it will give you the option to add another tag.
Okay, it's working now. Our computer has been acting strange all day, so I think it was just having one of its moments.
Dakota - that's good to hear.
I'm quite excited about the prospect of the tags. I think if people try to re-use tags that others have used as much as possible, it could become a very useful resource.
i dont know how to tag! i cant figure it out! i have not been on memeverse in almost 4 months. my moms dad passed away on the 25th of may and we have ben up there for months. now i know what they mean buy "it may be hard to find time." i just cant find the time any where. any way back to the subject: how do i work tagging!?
Naomi - if you go to the 'My Verses' section, click on the verse reference and it will take you to a tagging screen. You can then click on "new tag" and it will allow you to add a tag to the given verse.
hey every one who actually reads this.......
i think tagging is not just about the words found in the verse, i think its about what the verse means to you. it just seems to me people are tagging verses by the words found in them.
Good point, Naomi. My hope is that over time the most popular tags for each verse will prevail so you should feel free to tag your verses with the same tags that other people have used. Think of it as a vote for that tag. Over time, we might use the three most popular tags for each verse as the primary Memverse tags.
Also, we will soon be adding your chosen translation to your profile so there is no need to include translation information in the tag. You'll be able to search for verses only within your translation in the (hopefully) near future.
I don't fully understand the purpose of the tags. Is it like a topics or classification system? It's hard for me to see how they could be useful to me in memorizing verses. Please share personal experiences about their usefulness--thanks!
I'm with Shanna. I'm not sure what tagging is all about. I mean, I understand the "definition" -- I know how to tag my pics so I can do a filter and find all the pics I have of a certain person or occasion or whatever no matter which folder they're in -- but I don't get the point in a memorization programme.
hmmm, ok, having meditated on this for a bit, I think I might understand:
so you're having trouble with fear, and you want to commit to memory a new verse that you can meditate on while you go about your day, something that will speak to your heart and help you deal with your fear.... so if we have the verses tagged, you can click on that tag and all the verses that talk about fear will show up and you are more easily able to choose one that will be an encouragement?
Yes, tagging verses is an activity that benefits others more than it will benefit you at the moment. We'll see how it goes but I think it could be quite powerful in the long run and will enable people to find verses verses on a theme or topic easily.
It will also allow various groups to create their own lists of verses to work on, as the Bible Bee has been doing.
You all are teaching me so much! I've never "tagged" anything, anywhere, other than something to put in a garage sale! I'll give this a try:)
...when I posted this, I found a morose icon next to my name! How do I get rid of it?
These topics are on my tagged verse pages:
Memverse Tags
Your Tags
User Tags
Nothing happens when I click on those headings...
Will my tags show up on my verses page? Where do I look for my tags?
Well, L.B.K., you either deal with it or go to the bottom of your "Profile" page to find out how to get rid of it! I know, I changed mine in short order too!
To tag your verses, you should click on the label that says: "New Tag" and it will allow you to edit the tag. Hit enter when you're done. At the moment, the benefit to you is fairly low (we're hoping to add new features at some point that will allow you to sort your verses by tag etc.) But what's useful is that over time you'll be able to search through verses based on the tags. For instance, if you go to the "Tag Cloud" page, you can click on a tag and see all the verses that have been tagged with that label.
I just started tagging things recently and I enjoy it a lot - however, it seems that there are a lot of small tags, often times with only one passage, and some misspelled tags. Also, I would personally like it if tagging a verse would tag it in all versions, not just the version it's in for you (or maybe you could choose whether to tag it in all versions or not.)
In the long run, though, I think tags will be an enjoyable part of Memverse, if enough people pitch in and start getting some bigger tags going. Keep up the good work! :)
Yes - we're working on cleaning up the tags to make them more useful. Tagging a verse does actually tag it in all versions (or, to be more precise, it will show up as a 'user' tag in all the versions. That's why you shouldn't include the version in your tags.
Also, if you have two different concepts, you should split them across two separate tags.
cool then like people who are having a hard time with something in their relationship with God can maybe find a tag! or like to see verses according to what they're going through.
Zachary, I think you need to click on the reference. For example, in the list of verses, click "Gen 1:1" then you should see a column that says "Your Tags". You can create a new one by clicking "New Tag" or, if other people have tagged the verse (User Tags column) you can use the "+" sign to add that tag to the verse in your account also. Does that answer the question?
To help us tag verses, I suggest considering yourself as the person browsing through the Tag Cloud. Say you were going to tag Genisis 1:1, you would think of what that verses meant to you, and tag likewise. As for me, I would tag it as "Creation".
Chancellor Ghafouri - You need to click on "My Verses" from "Home" menu, then select a reference by clicking on it. When the page loads with the verse text, you will also see an area to enter a new tag or add an existing one. Thank you.
Chancellor Ghafouri - I think you are trying to tag verses. If this is so, please go to: http://www.memverse.com/show_all_my_verses. From there, click on one of your verses. For example, if you have Genesis 1:1 click on "Gen 1:1". Then, it will take you to a page where you can add a tag. Is this what you are trying to do? Do you see any of this? At what point does it get confusing?
I hope I can help. Thank you! :)
I just individual typed tags for all of Genesis 1 as creation, and Exodus as the ten commandments, Psalm 1 as blessed, and although it shows that I completed that "task" or goal of tagging, it does not show the actual names of the tags in my verses list as it does in all my daughter's web pages. They tell me I am doing everything correctly, but nothing shows up. I went to My verses, then clicked on Gen 1:1, then saw the page to add a tag, and I typed it into the box, and clicked next verse, etc. Hum, I have been using the beta version, too, and it seems to still be off on the last verse and sometimes on intervals to next test, so maybe the My verses tags are not working in the beta, yet? Let me know what I should try next. Thanks.
Oh, I figured it out!! You have to actually click the PLUS sign by one of the existing TAGS in the list for the word to show up under My Tags headings. There is nothing under mem verse headings, and it doesn't work if you type in a new word in the box under my tags. I don't know if this helps anyone , but if I tag with an existing tag by hitting the PLUS SIGN on the right of the word box, it adds the tag on MY Verses page.
WHEW! That was really easy. BUT, what does one do if there is no tag for a particular verse in the system? Thanks again.
As far as tags, you can double click on the area that says "New Tag" and type something, then hit enter or return. After processing for a few moments, it will add the tag. Other users will also be able to add your tag with one click via the PLUS sign. :)
How do you delete a tag? i accidently clicked the tag twice and now it shows me on the "My verses" screen that I have two of the same tags! How do you delete them?
Jamie - You need to refresh the page with the verse on it that you are referring to. You should then be able to click the "X" next to the tag name to delete it. Also, we have a page under "Contact" for "Help & Support". I recommend searching the support forum for issues like this and posting a new question there - you will often get quicker answers and then others can also benefit in the future. :)
cool, i new how to do it before i read this, but by what every body else is saying i think this link should popup before you get to level three or does it?because that is when i found it.
Thanks! This really helps! I used this and some comments on http://getsatisfaction.com to help me learn. Thanks again!
Abigail - Try refreshing the page for the verse or loading it again if you had navigated away, and there should be an X next to the tag, which you can click to delete the incorrect tag.
Um, when I tag my verse it doesn't save the tag it just deletes it when I go to the next verse
Alba's cool
@The Matt kinda guy--I like your name. :D And as for your problems with tagging verses, all you have to do is hit "Enter" or "Return" on your keyboard to save the tag. :)
P.S. What's "Alba"? :)
Thanks, 'Saved by grace'. I like your's too. It's a bit more meaningful. (Actually a LOT more)
it works.
Alba's Gaelic for Scotland. When I put it in my first post it was kinda irrelevant {[:-)>
where is my Tag button? I can't find it.
{I have never tried Tagging so I don't know where it is:-] }
if anyone can help me Id be much obliged!
Is it still the intention "that popular tags will eventually be reflected across Memverse and will be useful for everyone, including those who couldn't be bothered to tag their own verses. Additionally, there will be Memverse tags which will be controlled by us and will eventually feed into the solo progression goals which we are working on."? I notice that it has been just over four years since this was originally posted, so I am curious if it is still the case. I don't see tagging used anywhere else at this point, like being able to search for a topic, or tag theme, etc, or has this idea been dropped?
I need to learn how to tag verses so i can get to the next level. so if you know how to tag verses please reply to this comment. :)
1. Click on "Your Verses." This should bring up a list of all your memory verses.
2. Click on the verse reference you want to tag.
3. The center column should say "Tags." Here you can enter your own tag or choose one of the Memverse tags. Do this for enough verses, and you should get to the next level. :)
@Jonnie, this might be what you're looking for: https://www.memverse.com/tag_cloud
Hope these helped!
No problem!
Yes, it can be something like, say, "God's creation" for Genesis 1:1, or "Summer Memory Project" if you're working on memorizing a certain thing at a certain time. Whatever you feel like tagging it! :)
Hello, reading this as part of Level 3 requirement. I've seen "N Tin7yrs" listed under Memverse Tags on many verses. What exactly does that mean?
I believe "N Tin7yrs" stands for "New Testament in 7 years", an ongoing project to memorize the NT. I personally don't see the need for such a generic tag - you might as well tag all verses from Romans-Jude with "Epistles" - but I'll stay off my soapbox for now. :)
@Alyssa - yes, the users can "tag" verses on the My Verses page by clicking on the verse reference and adding a tag on that page. All the verses that have been tagged the same thing by multiple users show up under the "Tag Cloud."
When you're on the My Verses page after adding tags, you can actually click the little magnifying glass picture under the Feedback button and find verses with a certain tag!
Hope that helps. :)
I'm having some trouble tagging my verses. I click the verse in "My Verses", click the "New Tag" button, but nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?