Add a Description for Your Group
We have added the ability for groups on Memverse to add a short description of the goals of the group. We have set it up so that the leader of the group is able to easily edit the description.
Enquiring minds will want to know who the group leader is. For groups that had previously been created we have set the leader to be the person with the most completed memorization sessions. In the future, the leader will be whoever creates the group.
In the event that the leader of a group becomes 'Inactive' (hasn't memorized for a month), the leadership will pass to the person in the group with the most completed sessions. Clearly being a group leader is a miniscule honor; A more suitable term would be 'Administrator'.
We would encourage those of you leading a memory group to use the 'Description' field to encourage your group members, keep them up to speed on which memory verses they should be working on, BBQ's you'll be hosting at your home, and anything else you can dream up.

17 responses to Add a Description for Your Group
It is just above the place where the members of the group are listed. You may not be able to see it yet because the leader of your group has not written a description yet.
P.S. For some reason, although I did not start the group Bible Bee Northeast Ohio, I am the one who is able to write out a group description. However, I have been on Memverse longer, have more verses memorized, and have more memorization sessions completed than any other in the group. Are one of these the reason? Thanks.
I have a Question about this group.....
Bible Bee NC.
If you are In this group tell me, is it for a certain contest or if your in NC doing BB? Wondering if any of those people will be at our contest! :D
OK, I started the MO Bible Bee group, but I don't see any place to write any description...
Help, please?
SBG & Bethany - Please note that "for groups that had previously been created we have set the leader to be the person with the most completed memorization sessions. In the future, the leader will be whoever creates the group."
Abi - You'll know you're the leader if you're able to create/edit the description.
Jesus-Paid-It-All (Rachel) I don't know if the group Bible Bee NC is just for certain people. I am in the group Bible Bee Juniors and I started a forum topic under the Bible memorization groups main topic. If you wanted to join the Bible Bee Juniors you can if you are a Junior.
Does the leader continually change to the person with the most memorization sessions in groups that already exist?
@Alex -- Interesting; thanks for letting me know. Did you do that, because you couldn't come up with all the group starters for each group?
Issac - I am a Senior. You said on the Forums you are in NC...can I ask what contest you are going to?? I'm curious because I'm in NC as well.
How do you post an "update" if you're administrator?
SoulWinner - No, only if the current leader becomes inactive is the baton of leadership/administration passed.
Bethany - That's correct; we hadn't saved the information about which user started the group.
I know this is the completely wrong place to ask this but how do you start a forum? Or is that only for employees to do?
@The Matt kinda guy--To start a forum, which any person can do, so long as the topic is appropriate, you can just click on one of the seven main forum headings on the "Forums" page, which I assume you know how to get to. Then, you click on "New Topic," found at the top left corner of the page (but not the very top), and it will bring you to a page where you can type in the name of the new forum and the first message on it. :)
in the Bright Lights group, I started the group but I am not listed as the leader because there is someone on there who has more verses than I.
The description of Bright Lights could be something like:
This group is for young ladies (and mothers) who are a part of a local Bright Lights group.