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Add a Description for Your Group

Time Posted on June 20, 2012 User Andy Comment 17 comments

We have added the ability for groups on Memverse to add a short description of the goals of the group. We have set it up so that the leader of the group is able to easily edit the description.

Enquiring minds will want to know who the group leader is. For groups that had previously been created we have set the leader to be the person with the most completed memorization sessions. In the future, the leader will be whoever creates the group.

In the event that the leader of a group becomes 'Inactive' (hasn't memorized for a month), the leadership will pass to the person in the group with the most completed sessions. Clearly being a group leader is a miniscule honor; A more suitable term would be 'Administrator'.

We would encourage those of you leading a memory group to use the 'Description' field to encourage your group members, keep them up to speed on which memory verses they should be working on, BBQ's you'll be hosting at your home, and anything else you can dream up.

Cat New Feature
Tag memory groups

B.R.I.G.H.T. LIGHTS on Memverse

Time Posted on December 12, 2011 User Phil Walker Comment 60 comments

Bright Lights is a young ladies discipleship's groups. BRIGHT stands for "Being Radiant in Godliness, Holiness, and Testimony." There are groups across the USA and the members get together every so often, and have a Bible study or something similar. They have conferences with a lot of the groups. You can learn more through their website.

Marie Morris, a member of the Memverse Marketing team (this team has nothing to do with money, but exists to spread the word about Memverse and help others get the most out of using Memverse with their groups) is a BRIGHT LIGHTS group leader who is excited about seeing BRIGHT LIGHTS groups and members use Memverse to inspire, encourage, and equip them to memorize Scripture in their pursuit of Godliness and Holiness in their Testimony.

It has been neat to see the discussion on BRIGHT LIGHTS on the Elijah page. (Andy or Alex, is there a way to transfer those comments here?) We hope this page will lead more Memverse members to learn about and enjoy BRIGHT LIGHTS.  We also hope that other Memverse members will join Marie and letting BRIGHT LIGHTS groups and members know about Memverse.

Personally, I was excited to see that the BRIGHT LIGHTS team has been to Singapore and Malaysia (2 countries close to the Philippines and Indonesia where Jacky and I are most focused. Malaysia even shares esentially the same language as Indonesia.)

Cat Churches and Groups
Tag memory groups
