Scripture Songs for Bible Memory Verses
A great way to learn Bible memory verses is through Scripture songs. This blog is to share with others Scripture songs you write and Scripture songs you find.
My favorite site for free NIV 1984 songs is from Rob and Wendy Jacobson. My favorite songs from the site are "Do you not Know?" (ISAIAH 40:27-31) and "Do not Throw Away your Confidence" (HEBREWS 10:35-39). I also very strongly endorse for 2-9 year olds and others who don't mind high quality, catchy kids tunes for memorizing God's awesome Word. You can listen to samples for free and download an album for $1.99
In the KJV, a great site for free downloads is
We would love to hear from you. What great Scripture songs have you found or written that you can share with us?
39 responses to Scripture Songs for Bible Memory Verses
We use songs to help us memorize God's Word too. One of our favorites is Seeds Family Worship. Website: Their first 5 CDs (Seeds of Courage, Seeds of Faith, Seeds of Praise, Seeds of Purpose, & Power of Encouragement) are NIV 1984. Their latest CD (Seeds of Character) is ESV.
Also, Bible Bee e-store has song CDs of Bible Bee 2010 Primary & Junior verses and Bible Bee 2011 Primary verses, in 5 versions.
Another website to check out: with songs available on CDs in NIV or ESV.
I have an AWESOEM resource for memorizing whole chapters in the NIV. There is a guy on youtube name Greg Stultz who writes folk music using word-for-word scripture.
He has all of Ephesians avialable in Mp3 format to download free at
He has done most of Romans, which can be downloaded from youtube, as well as some other passages.
I've used his music to memorize Ephesians and part of Romans, and it takes time to memorize, but once you learn the music it is permanent. Also, it is very pleasant to listen to. I like to put it on as background music to review. I've also spoken with him, and he is very encouraged by knowing people are benefiting from his music. I'm sure he'd love to hear from others who are using it successfully.
Also, I want to note that when I spend time listening to his music I get sections of it caught in my head and they play over and over all day. Sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night with scripture songs running through my mind. It is an incredibly powerful thing. I LOVE it and I wish there were more resources like his out there. If only I were musical... :-)
This is a great website with scritpure songs
I've commited chapters to memory with this
I have more them soon :D
I'd like to know if there are any catchy KJV songs because most KJV songs are slow and harmonized and have no beat to them. I really enjoy the Bible Bee songs this year (last year was terrible, sadly :P) though. But, I'd love to find more. I have put Psalm 8 to music, but I did that in NLT because it fit more with the tune. So, PLEASE let me know if you know of any catchy KJV songs! :)
I used to love NIV kids club (before BB lol), and we have Seeds of Courage (listened to it before we started BB) would be nice if they had stuff in KJV though. :P
NB I just did a google search [scripture songs nkjv] and these are the sites that I went to and listened to at least one song.
Ok, so this is the only one I had time to listen to, but she has a very beautiful voice and it is word-for-word.
Thanks for the great idea, Phil!! Looking forward to hearing of more sites and we should consider leaving comments on these sites so more people know about Memverse.
My family uses the Harrow family's recordings at In short, they are high-quality, musically diverse recordings of scripture passages. My family owns six of their CDs and I can say that they are beautiful! The instrumentation is WONDERFUL: many songs are piano-based, with one or more descant instruments, but also a lot of them feature beautiful orchestrations. The earliest CD has the children singing unison or duet, but now they've branched out into three-part harmony at times.
It's just one family--the dad is a worship leader and former jazz trumpet instructor, and the mom teaches flute at Eastman School of Music (yes, she's really good--she plays in many of the songs). They homeschool their four children. Mostly it's the two oldest girls who sing, along with the dad.
So yeah, their recordings are very high quality and lyrical, and once you sing them you don't forget them! They use a variety of BIble versions--mostly ESV, but also KJV, NASB, and NIV at times. You can buy CDs and audio downloads; we also own some sheet music.
Hope this helps someone!
There is a great website with well-arranged Scripture songs at Some of them are by Buddy Davis from Answers in Genesis. All of his are in the KJV, but I'm not sure what versions the others use. Since I'm an auditory learner, it really helps me to memorize verses when I listen to them.
Mark and Stephen Altrogge (ESV):
Ron and Patti Vaillant (KJV):
And my own contribution (these are posted at my site which is still under construction)
I LOVE the Seed Family Worship CD's!!! All the verses are in NIV.
Check them out at
Wow! Thanks for all the links and suggestions. I can't wait to try them!! Keep them coming. Also, don't forget, we would love to hear your original songs for those who wrote some and can put them online.
Amy, have you ordered the Fighter Verse songs cd in the NIV? Is so, how? And how good are the songs?
Steve Green has some great CD's for Scripture memory. They're designed for kids, but my whole family enjoys them, from my parents and teenage siblings right down to my two-year-old brother (I have siblings of pretty much all ages). I'm fairly sure they're NIV.
I agree, Lorewen. Those are great CD's--we've had them for years, and I'm still not tired of them (well... not REALLY tired of them... jk). Yes, most of the verses in those CD's are NIV, but a few are NKJV. They really get the verses permanently implanted in your head in these CD's. :)
We have some CDs by Colin Buchanan. Not all his songs are actual bible verses but they are really good (mostly aimed at children but I think he has a few adult CDs too). My 3 year old knows John 14v1-4 as well as about 10 other verses simply from singing along to the CD. They are NIV
@Hannah Teeters - I definitely do!
@Lorewen - I love your profile picture! Is that Mr. or Mrs. Beaver? I think it's Mr. Beaver...:) I'm a Narnia fan...can you tell?
@everybody - I'm home! I got home yesterday afternoon and wow! It's sooooo nice to be home! :) Of course, we don't have those hospital beds or anything but I like being with my family a lot more! :) Thanks for all your prayers! :)
Amy, I did get confirmation that though the Fighter verses are available in the original NIV they started in , the songs and all new material are available only in the ESV.
Another great free NIV resourse is which has the first 24 passages from the famous Navigators 60 passage Topical Memory system.
How did everyone do at the Bible Bee? I really, REALLY wanted to do it...:( And Nashville is so close to where we live, we could've driven there! :( :( :( I'm so sad...Congrats to those who made we know yet who actually made it? when will we find out???? *sigh*...
BBJ11--So sorry you couldn't make it! I hope you can do it next year. At least you have all those verses retained in your heart now--that fact alone makes it all worthwhile, right? Anyway, I think that only those who were told at their local Bee know what their scores are. They will be released on the Bible Bee website some time on Wednesday. I hope you recover soon! God bless, and keep memorizing!
@SBG - WHAAAAT? I can't wait until Wednesday! Did you make it to the top 5 in your Locals? I definitely will be doing it next year and hopefully I will be able to actually compete! :) But yes, you are definitely right, all those verses are worthwhile. And maybe 1/4 of next years verses will be from this year! :)
BBJ11--Yes, I can't wait for Wednesday either. It would normally be a short time, but when you're waiting for something it seems to take so much longer... :) It would be great if many of the verses next year were from this Bible Bee. Because I finished all the verses for the first time, it might actually be beneficial to me if that happens. :) And yes, I did make it to the top five--I was second out of nine. But in the final round, they asked me two of my worst-memorized verses, and I went down to fourth, as I missed both. But, thankfully, that round doesn't count for anything nationally. I think I might have a chance this year of making the nationals--but can I make it to the top ten?? ;)
This is my little brother (not the Reepicheep photo) - is he not the cutest thing??!!! :) I love him sooooo much! :)
Nicolas...your last name is Alexander...right? Did your family win a years supply of Barley Max? I'm just wondering because I saw that the winner was an Alexander. But i know there are alot of Alexanders out there :)
@ RC: Not to my knowledge, we didn't. Our last name is Alexander, but I've never even heard of Barley Max. :D Is it a type of cereal?'s not. it's from this company > and this is where I saw Alexander > (watch the video)
@Rachel Crosswhite - I have my baby brother's photo up too! They sure don't look alike though! :) Then again, my brother's 8 months old. :)
here is a CD in the King James Version that has the whole Psalm 119 put to music on it. I almost have it memorized!
NIV Kid's Club is a great video! It has helped me memorize some verses
in the past.Steve Green is great too! I highly recommend these CDs!
There is an opportunity to win a set of 10 cds of Scripture memory songs at
Yeah Rachel, I have the Psalm 119 KJV songs too. From what I understand they purposefully did not copyright it to get it to as many people as are interested? If anyone would like it for free I will upload the files and add a link to them for you to download it. It's sung in four-part acappella and is about 47 min total...
I just found these resources for Scripture songs: and
I just went to the website that sells the Psalm 119 KJV put to music, but it looks like it's no longer available. It looks great, though! Sheri, it would be wonderful if we could download it.
Also, there is a church in Alaska that sings a lot of Scripture songs, and they do a live video stream at Our family really enjoys watching the sermons, and we even have a friend that goes to that church.
NIV Kids Club is a great one. I haven't seen one of those videos in years, but I still have many of the songs retained. Their Colossians 3 video has helped me very, very greatly in the past.
Every once in a while I'll make up songs by which to remember the verses, but I never sing them for anyone. ;) Or maybe I'll set it to a tune I already know.
Or in the case of 1 John 1:5-7, I know it very well because tobyMac read them at a concert I have on DVD. They are forever engrained in my mind. ;D