Bible Bee Chat Room

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17


reincarnate Nicolas Alexander?

What is that supposed to mean?
It's okay :) Just thought I should warn you :)



Sorry. I should have made that more clear but I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nervous and embarrassed! Next time I'll make sure to have my older sister come with me (She's very extrovert) that way it won't go so bad.


Margaret Eddy

I could tell. I laugh now as I think how bewildered and confused you looked when I said that "next to me was an empty chair so you might have been next to Sarah". They separated Sarah and I on purpose I think.


Margaret Eddy

However, notice that I did not go up to anyone to confuse them. I waited for them to come to me. My point remains the same.



Ummm…could you remind me what your point was?
Well I had to meet you, Bethany told me that I had too!


Margaret Eddy

That I am more introverted than you. Why did Bethany say you had to (with one "o")? What did we do to deserve such bombardment?



You are not more introverted than me. I was forced to go meet you. Because I wrote the test with Sarah so she said I had to meet you both. So that's what you call my embarrassing myself by going and meeting you?????? BOMBARDMENT???????????????



You can't. They look so alike. And they don't tell you who is who. Your only hope is that they are wearing their name tags.


Margaret Eddy

If I stare at you for several seconds before saying anything, that is natural. Just ask Carissa. If I fall into a heap, weeping, or run screaming with my hands over my ears, that is not.



@margaret: Yeah you not saying anything is natural.
@Stefani: I don't really have the time to do so before nationals. :) And anyways that would be a skype call where no one talks…. :)


In It Not Of It

not if we include my bro at college………you would all be like you are with your mom when ur describing the best moment of your life


Margaret Eddy

We are not at all alike! But we are planning on coordinating outfits for the one time a year we ever do something as frivolous as that, just special, to confuse people.



Yes, you are a like!!!! You shouldn't do that…you'll confuse me more! And then we'll have another awkward meeting. And you'd better wear your name tags!!!!!
@Stefani: Ummm….I don't know about that! :)


Margaret Eddy

And then at Nats they make demands from all of us: to wave our hands. Why they do this we don't know, Why not, instead, wriggle a toe?

@SteFani: That is just so that you know that that was not the only mean thing I have ever done.
