Bible Bee Chat Room

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17


quadruple facedesk quadruple facedesk quadruple facedesk

@Stefani: It's not that bad…everybody else (well everybody but Margaret) does it as well. And I'm shy as well but it's still fine :)



Well when you meet me you can see my definition of shy. Cause I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY shy :)
quadruple facedesk


Margaret Eddy

Fancy cheeses especially. Some smoked goudas, most cheddars (Dubliner is a favorite of mine), only really good swiss that doesn't taste like wax, and Edam.


Margaret Eddy

Gorgonzola is good, but I don't like eating it straight. I prefer it on salads or melted on greek bread or pizza. I haven't heard of the other one, though. I also like feta.



That's my definition too! :) At nationals I only go meet people if one of my siblings is with me and then I stand behind them and listen to them talk :)



Well my brother is almost 6' and since I'm really short I can easily hide behind him as well! But normally I hide behind my sisters :)


In It Not Of It

with the memverse meeting hopefully we will do better than 1 this year…..
and I actually do have a desk :) but its more of a storage shelf if ya know what i mean :)



Yes you did! I asked Bethany to come with me but she wouldn't so I went myself. And you and Sarah were standing around so I went up and introduced myself and you two did NOT. SAY. ANYTHING!!!!!!! I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo embarrassed and awkward!!!!!!!! That was one of the two times I met someone at nationals by myself. And after those two times I didn't meet anyone by myself.



@Stefani: Yeah…we'll do better than 1 :)
@margaret: Yes. I couldn't figure out which one of you was which and you wouldn't say anything!!!!!!! And yes it was your fault cause you two weren't wearing your name tags and you wouldn't say a word!!!!!!!!!!


Margaret Eddy

We are both not good at impromptu meetings with perfect strangers under high stress circumstances. We are apologize, but you brought it upon yourself.



@margaret: I brought it upon myself?????????? No, I didn't!!! You two could have at least told me who was who. That's all I wanted to know and then we could have left but you wouldn't tell me!!
@Stefani: Haha!! Personally for me I don't think that will work…but we can try :)



Felt bad for me?? How sweet of you!
Yes, I did want you to sign my book. Did you? goes to look Sorry you had no idea who I was. I didn't think you would know. I knew Sarah should know who I was cause she and I wrote the test together.

EDIT: You both did sign my book.


Margaret Eddy

You came up without warning us and I had no idea who you were, or what you wanted, or why you were bothering us. Why did you want to know who was who? And you wanted Sarah to sign your thing because you made the Memverse test with her, and I thought you were talking about taking the written test next to her. I was so confused.



How was I supposed to warn you? Yell after you that I was coming to meet you? Bothering you? So that's what you call it when I embarrassed myself and felt martyr-like when I came up to meet you??? I wanted to know who was you because I wanted to know who was who. Oh, about Sarah writing the test with me…that was totally my fault that you didn't understand that. I was just so nervous and embarrassed I messed up all my words. Well, I was confused too!



Just to let you know you'd better use proper spelling when Margaret (Dr. Seuss) is around…cause she is the police about spelling/grammar/punctuation!


Margaret Eddy

Now you know that I thought you were talking about taking the test. My "People-who-I-have-confused-and-never-straightened-out" file can now be rid of that.
