Any spanish speakers out there?

Started by Aidan B. (Bible Bee)


¿Les gusta memorizar versículos en español? ¿Alguna vez han tenido la oportunidad de testificar en español? Cada idioma nuevo es otra puerta abierta para dar el evangelio. :)


Sarah Johnston

No memorizar en español, pero me encantaría para evangelizar en español. Quiero ir a un viaje misionero a América del Sur.
Courtney, tiene más historias? :)


Courtney M.

Yo gusto memorizar versiculos en espanol.

My whole motive in learning Spanish is to be able to evangelize to Spanish-speaking people.

Tengo mas historias, pero dare de tus en manana. :-) Ve a la tiempo!

Hasta luego!


Sarah Johnston

Como estas Courtney? I haven't heard from you in a while! :) He estado orando por usted mientras usted estudia para la Biblia Bee!
Hasta luego! :)


Courtney M.

I am doing pretty good. Busy. This isn't going to be a wonderful year for me in Bible Bee, what with trips, parent's cruises, sickness, etc. Have you finished your verses yet? How are you doing on study of 1 Timothy? I am a little bit behind, but I think I can catch up by Nationals time.

Tengo dos man historias, pero daria a tus en la manana. Sabe tu esperas?


Sarah Johnston

Are you behind on verses or 1 Timothy? I am a little behind on both. I am going to try to finish before National's though, so that I can have some review time. I'm already getting really nervous. :) Reviewing the verses is hard because there are so many. My throat starts hurting! :)

what does "sabe tu esperas" mean? I should know, but I can't figure it out. something about hope?? :)



Hola! Yo realmente, realmente como españoles! Es muy divertido. Estoy usando Rosetta Stone. ¿Por qué algunos de ustedes tienen cuentas españolas?


Matthew Minica

Tiene una cuenta española porque no puede poner un verso en mi cuenta en màs de un translaciòn, y sé todos de mis versos españoles en inglés también.


Courtney M.

I am behind on both as well. I am going to finish before Nationals, that is for sure (I am not going to let myself not finish), but I don't think I will get a very high score. I try not even to THINK about what my score will look like. I'll be glad when it's all over. :-)

"sabe tu esperas" means "can you wait". And you are going to have to wait til after Nationals for any more really long posts from me!


Li'l Boy Orange

Quizás. :) Supongo que no hay mucho más que hablar.

P.S. ¿Cómo supiste que estoy Nicolas? Pensé que me oculté mi identidad bien! :P Es broma. :)


Li'l Boy Orange

Quizás. :) Supongo que no hay mucho más que hablar.

P.S. ¿Cómo supiste que estoy Nicolas? Pensé que me oculté mi identidad bien! :P Es broma. :)


His Servant II (Bethany)

Porque, un par de páginas atrás que estaba hablando contigo mismo aquí :) Así es como sé que eres tú!

Realmente sin embargo, no soy tan bueno en español, estoy usando el traductor de google para todo esto … pero estoy empezando españoles esta tarde, así que espero que pronto lo puedo escribir sin ayuda! ¡Qué bien sabe usted español?


His Servant II (Bethany)

Bueno, eso me totalmente bueno como cuando leí eso, Nicolas :) Usted sabe, Google translate no es muy bueno .. lo que nos hace ver muy elegante, cuando no somos realmente: D ¿Está aún tomando españoles? Yo soy … eso es lo que voy a ahora mismo!


Li'l Boy Orange

Sí, todavía estoy tomando clases de español, y lo haré hasta el final del próximo año escolar.

Por cierto, soy capaz de leer la mayoría de las palabras que escribes, pero no puedo encajarlos juntos bien. :) Yo podría ser capaz de hacer todo esto por mí mismo cuando yo haya terminado con la clase de español. :)



I didn't use Google Translate for your comment, as it seemed you told me not to, and I got this much out of it:

Quick question - without using Google Translate, what ? the correct ? little around the cards? I cannot in this ?.

That's what I got without Google Translate. Here's what I got with it…

Quick question - even if we do not use Google Translate, how little we get the right numbers on the cards? I can not on this keyboard.

I'm not totally sure what that means, but I think you're referring to the Spanish symbols some keyboards can make when you use the mini-keyboard to the right of the main one that has numbers on it (I don't exactly have a technical name for it… :D). I have had that same question, and I have just had to look it up on Google or something. Sorry I can't give a better answer than that… :)


His Servant II (Bethany)

That's not what I right, but it doesn't really matter. I meant to write something like "Quick Question - even if we do not use Google Translate, how do we get those little figures above the letters. I can't do that on this keyboard."

Anyways…did you see the scores were posted?!


His Servant II (Bethany)

Hola Sara! Wow … eso es genial no tener que usar el Traductor de Google como yo: P Por cierto, gracias por el e-mail el otro día - Voy a tratar de responder esta noche, y no se si me voy puedo, lo haré mañana!

También, felicidades por tu memorizar el versículo 50 en memverse!


Sarah Johnston

Gracias, pero yo usando traductor de google a veces.
Yo leer y escribir Espanol mucho mejor de yo habla es. :)
Cincuenta versos… estoy tan emocionada!



¿Por qué está todo el mundo hablando español en esta lista? Me cuesta entender lo que todos dicen. :-)
PD Me encanta Google Translate!


His Servant II (Bethany)

Okay, I do have a question now…in my Spanish lessons it's saying that Tu and Usted are both "you". Why are there 2 Spanish words for the same English word???

Help, please!


His Servant II (Bethany)

What's that supposed to mean though?? I mean, what difference does it make, and when am I supposed to use each one?

Also, in the course that I'm taking, it says that one if feminine and one is masculine, but I don't really get that either…

Thanks for helping, Nicolas :)



Here, let me explain better. If I were talking to you, I would say, for example, "Tú estás mi amiga." (You are my friend.) If I were talking to a group of people, I would say, "Ustedes están mis amigos." (You are my friends.)

I don't know exactly what you read that would say that either of those words can be masculine or feminine, but Spanish does have a lot more to do with masculine and feminine words than does English. For example, every single noun is either masculine or feminine, so whenever you use a definite (in English, "the") or indefinite (in English, "a" or "an") article, you must use the masculine or feminine article to fit correctly with that noun. It can be really confusing when you're just starting to learn it, but you get the hang of all this after a while. :)


His Servant

Wow! Thanks for explaining, Nicolas! That makes a lot more sense!

I knew that they use words like "el, la, una, etc." for different feminine/masculine words, but I wasn't sure about the different words for the same word.

Thanks for explaining! I appreciate it! :)



Oh… I just realized a mistake I made. I just remembered that "usted" and "ustedes" are two different words. One, "ustedes," means what I said it means. But "usted" means exactly the same thing as "tú," except that "tú" is a singular "you" in informal speech, and "usted" is a singular "you" in formal speech. If you are on a first-name basis with someone, you should use "tú," and if not, use "usted." Sorry for the confusion. :}


His Servant

Okay…I think I got that…I might have to read it a few times. (Not that it didn't make sense, I'm just a slow learner sometimes…)

Thanks again!! I'll be sure to ask you if I have any other Spanish related questions.



Well, as long as you just don't consider me a Spanish expert… 'cuz I'm not. :P I just know the basics, so once you get past that, it might be better to ask somebody else. :D



¿Quieres saber cómo se añaden los acentos, por ejemplo: á, é, í? Cuando escribo en español, cambio el teclado de mi computadora. En inglés, ahora: I have a second keyboard on my computer to allow the accent marks. You can find it by going into your computer's control panel and telling it to add the keyboard for Spanish (I like the "Spain, International Sort") one. Then you just have to learn where everything is, but it's not too complicated!

Or, if you're just starting with Spanish and that's too much for now, just copy and paste the letters with accent marks from a program like Microsoft Word, where you can insert them as special symbols. :)


Li'l Boy Orange

@His Servant–Estoy tomando un curso de vídeo de Bob Jones University, en la que el profesor enseña a partir de un libro de texto y cuaderno de ejercicios que teníamos que comprar. Realmente lo disfruto!



No sé casi nada de español, excepto para el alfabeto, los números, hola, adiós, españoles, y unas pocas palabras más. Estoy completamente desconcertado por todas las palabras diferentes que tienen para la palabra Inglés mismos. He intentado aprender español cuatro veces pero nunca llegado muy lejos, porque no tuve un buen curso. He intentado utilizar Duolingo (mencionado por Alex), pero sólo me enseñó a leer más que la manera de hablar con fluidez. ¿Alguien tiene un curso que podría recomendar que le ayuda a hablar español con fluidez?

BTW - I used Google Translate for all of that except for the FEW words I knew already :D



Como SalvosPorGracia, yo aprendí con el curso de vídeo de Bob Jones University. Habíamos intentado aprender español varias veces y con varios libros, pero me ayudó mucho la estructura de estas clases.

Whichever curriculum you use, though, the biggest key is just to practice! The more you speak it, the easier it becomes.


His Servant

So…what's the Spanish word for "please"? The lesson said that "por favor" was…but when you look at each word separately, it says that each of them mean "please" I'm confused by that.

Also, it said to translate the phrase "Yo no soy una nina" to English. Technically, it should be "I not am a girl". But it was counted wrong. Why do they do that…making the words mixed up?



Well, as for the Spanish word for "please," I guess that's just how they do it. :) Some phrases in Spanish don't translate into English with the same connotation as they have in Spanish. Another example of a strange literal translation is the very weird Spanish verb "gustar." Here's an example: "Me gusta helado chocolate." That phrase has the same connotation in Spanish as "I like chocolate ice cream" does in English. But literally, it means "Chocolate ice cream pleases me." So I guess Spanish just works a bit differently than English. :)

And for the other phrase you mentioned, that's just another quirk of the Spanish language. I would pretty much say the same thing with regards to that as I did with "por favor" above. Spanish verbs are practically never where we English folk would expect them to be. :P It is all based on connotation–although it sounds strange literally translated, it means the same thing to a Spanish person as "I am not a girl" would mean to us. :)

Hope this helps! :)
