Book Recommendations !

Started by John project

John project

I have always found it hard to go into a book store and pick out a book on spirituality or spiritual growth, without some kind of a recommendation.

Sooo, if anyone has a book that has really enlighten you or has encouraged you in some special way and has made a difference in your spiritual walk with the Lord, please share it, thank you!

I have two so far that have really made a change in me for the better.

I found this book by "accident" at a library book sale.

  1. Every Christian a Soul Winner, by Stanley Tam (as told to Keith Anderson )

A great book on soul winning> If your quiet and sort of the shy type ( like I am ) this will encourage you greatly. Good tips!

  1. The Disciplined life, by Richard S Taylor.

Ever feel that your brain is a jumble of disorganized monkeys jumping around in a barrel ?

This is a wonderful book on getting your inward self more organized and disciplined for the Lord. Its pretty wordy so bring your dictionary, but just think of all the neat new words your gonna learn !

We discussed this book in our mens group meeting. But I find it is good for men and woman alike.


His Servant II (Bethany)

Ah! "The Disciplined Life" is a wonderful book! I've read it before and would like to read it again, when I find the time too!

I also really like "Shadow of the Almighty". It was written by Elisabeth Elliot about Jim Elliot's life - excellent book! I've already read it once, and am on my second time of reading it through.

"The Surprising Work of God" is also a favorite, by Jonathan Edwards. It is about the Great Awakening.


John project

Thanks for the recommendations, I checked these out on amazon ( the reviews for "Shadow of the Almighty" were awesome ) I am going to see if I can pick them up here locally. God Bless you!



I highly recommend "Do Hard Things" by Alex and Brett Harris, and the sequel, "Start Here." They are GREAT books for inspiring teenagers to act their age–like adults! Their website is; if you are a teenager, you've got to read those books!! :)



Yes! Do Hard Things is a must-read for every Christian teenager who wants to raise the bar beyond the low expectations set by the world.

Here's some of my favorite books, besides Do Hard Things:

Personal Faith, Public Policy - Perkins/Jackson
Courting Disaster - Can't remember the author
The Christian, The Court, and the Constitution - Sekulow
Creation and the Courts - Geisler
Made for Manhood - Teleo Scouts
Boyhood and Beyond - Schultz
Created for Work - Schultz
The G.A. Henty Books

…And many more that I can't remember at the moment!



Some of my favorite authors are the following:

–Isobel Kuhn (e.g. By Searching, Stones of Fire, Nests Above the Abyss, Green Leaf in Drought) Kuhn's books vividly present the spiritual battles that Christians face in everyday life.
–Amy Carmichael (e.g. Lotus Buds, Mimosa, Things as They Are) Carmichael's books are a spiritually challenging, if somewhat graphic, description of what she saw while working in India. (Ages: young adult and up)
–Darlene Deibler Rose (Evidence Not Seen) This story shows God's power in one missionary's life through many challenging circumstances.

(In Bible Bee terms, this list would be appropriate for Seniors and up!)

Enjoy the reading! And thanks for the recommendations; I have the same problems when trying to find good books by authors I haven't read before! I always prefer to have books that I know something about.


Alex Watt

Oswald Chambers, "My Utmost for His Highest" is good and challenging. I just started reading it again for a daily devotional.

Some of my favorite Christian authors:

– Jerry Bridges: I read The Pursuit of Holiness and would love to read more of his works.

– C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters (one devil is teaching his nephew devil how to tempt a Christian), The Chronicles of Narnia…

– Nancey Pearcey: Currently reading Total Truth. Very good worldview book. Bottom line is that Christianity is true for the whole of reality, not just for church. Too often we buy into the sacred/secular dualism. This book is really helpful for understanding how the sacred/secular dualism crept into the early church. But I'm only in the third chapter right now!

– Randy Alcorn: Great contemporary author of both fiction and non-fiction. I read Money, Possessions, and Eternity and it has had a big impact on me.

– G.K. Chesterton: Orthodoxy is great!

– J.I. Packer: Knowing God is a powerful book.

– Martyn Lloyd-Jones: I've been reading some of his transcribed sermons in Spiritual Depression. Also good.

– John Owen: Oldest author on this list. His book "On the Mortification of Sin in Believers" is supposed to be very good. I have begun reading it, but have so many books going right now I haven't gotten very far. Ask me in a few months!

– Brother Andrew: God's Smuggler was amazing! Light Force was also good.

– John Piper: Don't Waste Your Life, Think, and Filling Up the Afflictions of Christ.

– R.C. Sproul: The Holiness of God.

I'll probably edit this with some more.

I look forward to hearing some other suggestions!



I SO wish that I could find more time to read these wonderful books, but I've had a hard time getting time to do much of anything that isn't related to schoolwork or the Bible Bee in the past few months. :( I would LOVE to read these books!! :)


His Servant II (Bethany)

"I SO wish that I could find more time to read these wonderful books, but I've had a hard time getting time to do much of anything that isn't related to schoolwork or the Bible Bee in the past few months. :( I would LOVE to read these books!! :)" Same here, Nicolas! I'm not even attempting to read anything non-Bible Bee related right now.

Oh! Just to mention "The Holiness of God" is an EXCELLENT book; I have never finished it, but I hope to sometime…


Emily H

I'm not even attempting to read anything non-Bible Bee related right now.

Haha, me neither! All my reading time is going to my SS now that I finished a book on 2 Timothy. :)



Anyone want to share some more for me? I am looking for some good missionary biographies/autobiographies.

Right now I am reading an 1844 copy of the history of the Baptist Mission Society.


Hiruko Kagetane

In his book, he basically divided followers of Christ into two categories, the fans, and the followers. A Fan of Christ is someone who will go to church, sing the hymns, maybe even put a Jesus bumper sticker on their car, but when it comes to actual following Christ, digging in the Word and trying to apply it to your life, trying to find God's Will in your life every day, they won't They're a fan. someone who watches from the stands, and knows all about the game, but isn't actually in it. A Follower on the other hand, is someone who recognizes that living for Jesus is not always going to make them happy, or keep them in their comfort zone, but is willing to follow, knowing that they will reap eternal benefits in the end. I hope, I explained this well, I've never been very good at explaining things to people.




Horatio Alger's books
The Rover Boys series
GA Henty's books




:) I have a Kobo Glo (nicer than a Kindle or Nook! :P) that I have over 200 books on, most of which are the ones I posted.



I have read Horatio Alger's and G.A. Henty books. I like them both…especially G.A.Henty books. Have any of you read the Kingdom's Series? What did you think of them?



@All who have read Henty books: Which Henty book is your favorite? I don't remember all the Henty books that I have read but I really like Beric the Briton.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Our family doesn't own the Henty books, but two of my younger brothers are borrowing a couple of them from friends for a school reading contest. They're called Sturdy and Strong and The Dragon and the Raven.



My favorite Henty book was probably Winning his Spurs. Or maybe The Dragon and the Raven, or The Knight of the White Cross, or maybe Beric the Briton. But The March to Magdala is true - so it might be the best. Oops! I almost forgot about With Lee in Virginia! Or…



I have only read three of them, but they are AWESOME! I am almost done with the Horatio Alger books and then I dive into Henty.

I have read 71 books in 126 hours! :D



I like The Dragon and the Raven, Beric the Briton, and With Lee in Viginia, too. I have read Wulf the Saxon.



have any of you read the Viking Quest series or the Crown and Covenant Series??? Very good!



I have read the Crown and Covenant and the Faith and Freedom Series. Are the Viking Quest series written by Douglas Bond too? And I RREEAALLYY enjoyed those series…to bad our library doesn't have any more of his books :(



Haha! I think libraries are too liberal to get those books!! ;) I can't remember who the Viking Quest books are by….

have you read the Peleg Chronicles?? Those are great too!



I have not read the Peleg Chronicles. Our library has two of Douglas Bond series and I really wish they would get the rest. They have Jonathan Park and books like "Why you should homeschool", etc… :D

Off topic a bit but did you all know that some libraries have a limit to how many books a family can get? The limit is 200 because of homeschooling families :D


BibleBeeJunior14 (~*Lady Ariana*~)

Here's a website with books for sale by Bob Jones Press Homeschool. I don't buy them; I look them up at the library. It's surprising how many they have!

Young Adult books:

Ages 9-12: (I'm 13 and I still like some of theses books)–Novels—-More____23705_23705_Y

Read the Peabody Adventure Series by Jeri Massi if you like a good laugh! I read Derwood, Inc. first and couldn't stop laughing! :)



screams like a girl do u mean the Viking Quest series by Lois Walferd Johnson????? I love those books!!!!



I LOVE those!!! :) So exciting and adventurous! We have to get together sometime! LOL! ;D



Lol ur right Eden lol but, there is a difference between screaming and screaming like a girl. Lol ;) my brother always teases me about those books, he calls them 'the romance series'!!! Meanwhile I think they were not really romantic at all………..



No… I don't think they are romantic books at all! I've read them many times and I think that they are a great example of trusting in God, courage etc. :D


2 Corinthians 5:17

I have a recommendation, and it the BEST book I've ever read!!! It's full of stories, wise words, and shares the most wonderful thing that ever happened! It's a pretty big book so it might take you a little while to read … It's the BIBLE!!!! :D



Have any of you read 'American History Stories You Never Read in School…But Should have?' Yeah, it's a long title, but they're really good books! (There are two volumes.)
Have any of you read Confessions by St. Augustine, or The Holy War by John Bunyan?

And yes - the Bible is the best book out there! And it's the world's #1 bestseller!



I read a REALLY good book recently called, "To Russia with Love" Don't worry, it's NOT a romance book! It's called that because it's the story of a man who helped to conquer Russians with the love of the Gospel.

It's a biography of a Danish missionary who snuck Bibles into communist eastern bloc countries… It was an amazing read! It was also very challenging to me in regards to prayer and such.
