RP Training: Turner the Adventurer

Started by Hiruko Kagetane

Ian R.2

You're fortunate that you had help. I was attacked by a band of thieves, and I had to fight them myself. Thankfully they weren't very good at fighting. chuckles



laughs with you
I've seen the sort. They think they're something, but when put to the test against a true warrior, they prove to be nothing. But you look rather young to successfully engage a group of such men; have you received some sort of training in combat?


Ian R.2

I'm very talented with my sword, and I'm very accurate with this bow. See that pinecone? I point to a small pinecone that is about 30 ft. off the ground, and the tree it's on is 20 ft. away Now watch closely or you'll miss it. I notch an arrow to my bow, and shoot right at the pinecone. The pinecone doesn't appear to be there anymore



Very good! Let us see if I can match it.
deftly snatches your bow out of your hand and an arrow from your quiver
Do you see that other pinecone hanging on a tree just behind the one which you shot?
fits an arrow to the string and shoots almost immediately; the pinecone disappears
I've had a good bit of training in archery myself. Where did you get yours?


Ian R.2

I taught myself. Where I come from you get a little guidance, but you usually have to learn most of the stuff yourself. My father taught me how to make a bow, but he only showed me once, and he wasn't around when I made it. I had to go completely by memory. It was the same with learning how to shoot it. sighs At least I was born with excellent eyesight. smiles



hands your bow back to you
Very interesting; I was trained by my uncle to use the bow many years ago. And you do indeed have excellent eyesight; I was surprised you could even see in this darkness that pinecone which you hit. I have had to train my eyes to see such things. Now, you said also that you are an excellent with the sword. Did you train yourself in swordsmanship as well?


Ian R.2

All my dad taught me was to hold it. I practiced with some of my friends, and got better and better. I was able to master all of them at it, and even some travelers when I was twelve. chuckles They didn't know what hit them until they found themselves disarmed, and me pointing my sword at them. realizes that we reached the outskirts of the city That didn't take long.



No, I suppose it did not. I was aware that we were close, but I thought we had at least a few miles more to go. That last hill blocked my view until just now.
Where are you planning on going now that you have reached the city?


Ian R.2

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure. I was thinking maybe I could join the army, but that's still not very high on my list. I was also thinking of working in a forge, but I was never really interested in that. Who knows? I could become a peddler, or a general in the army, but I don't think those would work. I'm really just looking for a better life with a little excitement added in. smiles



You really didn't think through this before you decided to come?
Well, to be honest, I didn't either. I just needed some adventure, and this sounded like the place where I could find it. I've come a long way to get here, so I hope I won't be disappointed.
approaches a large wooden door set in a thick stone wall, one of the gates in the outer wall of the city
a man on top of the wall looks down
"Who goes there?"


Ian R.2

I yell up to the guard Just some travelers who would like to visit the city! Can we come in! I give him a friendly smile



"You must first be searched!"
opens the large door, and beckons us to come in
"We must make sure first that you are not thieves. Put down all your weapons, and empty all your pockets."


Ian R.2

empties pockets, and pulls out the bag with the golden items I think you'll find this interesting. I got it from some thieves I defeated. hands the guard the bag



the guard glares at you
Oh, did you now? This bag has the royal seal on it, and these are the very items that I've been told to look out for! Why shouldn't I believe that you are the one who stole these, and that you are merely coming up with a story to save your skin?


Ian R.2

I don't have any evidence that it wasn't me who stole the items, but I must ask you; why would I come back to the place where I stole these if I knew that the guards would be on the look-out with them?



"I don't know, but it sure looks like you did! You'll have to come with me, and tell your story to the head of the city guard! And your friend will have to come along too."

I sputter
What? I'm not with him; I only met him not an hour ago!

"Another likely story. Follow me!"


Ian R.2

we follow the guard They seem to be very suspicious around here. we approach what appears to be a small dark building, but we realize that it's gigantic



They have a right to be, I suppose. If they weren't suspicious, they'd never catch the criminal. But that often causes them to err, unfortunately.
we walk through a solid metal door, barely tall enough for me to walk through, and walk into a dimly lit hallway of stone
"Down this way."


Ian R.2

we head down some stairs, and come to a table where a man sits with his hands on his chin, but we can't see his face "Sir we think we have the thieves who stole the objects." the man stands up, but we still can't see his face "Who are you, and are you the ones who stole these precious objects?"



My name is Turner, and I have nothing to do with those golden pieces. I did not even know about them until the guard found them with this young man.


Ian R.2

"A likely story." he walks over to me "And you young man, what do you have to say?" I stare right at him, my face not showing any sign of emotion I got them from a group of seven thieves who thought they could defeat me. I defeated them even though I was outnumbered. I killed the leader and found this one him. I remembered seeing the objects on a sign with a reward. I had no interest in the reward; I only wanted to give them back to their rightful owner whoever they may be. the man was slightly taken aback by my response


Hiruko Kagetane

the man then nods, and takes the articles of gold
"I have no choice but to believe you. It warms my heart to see such virtue expressed in a young man. Such deeds are becoming rarer by the day."
he opens another door
"Welcome, to Kolath City!"

OOC: I totes should have been here earlier, I'd have brought you guys in by the main gate, and not the side one.



OOC: I know I wasn't technically supposed to speak for another character, but you weren't here. :P Plus, I wanted to make it a little interesting.

walks out with James
Well, that was something! Look, I'm sorry if it looked like I was trying to seem like I had nothing to do with you; if they had started to accuse you again, I certainly would have stood up for your character. But you did a pretty good job fending for yourself there. I guess they're not quite as suspicious as they seemed.
Now that we're finally in the city, though… where do you want to go first? There are many places to go here, and I'm not certain what to try first.


Ian R.2

I'm still trying to figure that out. Maybe if we walk around I'll see something that's interesting. starts to walk toward the town square


Hiruko Kagetane

I'm still trying to figure that out. Maybe if we walk around I'll see something that's interesting. _starts to walk toward the town square_

Please refer to BM 2.0 to figure out exactly how massive Kolath City is.


Ian R.2

OOC: I know.

walks into what I think is the town square only to find out that it's just a small square in a tiny section of the city Okay. This might take awhile. sees some conflict down a side street Do you see that, Turner?



Yes… looks like trouble.
hand on his sword hilt, he walks briskly over to the tussle, and finds a large man holding a frail shopkeeper by the scruff and shouting at him
You! Unhand this man immediately!


Hiruko Kagetane

the man glares at you
"What was that?"
he turns to his companion
"What did 'e just say?"
the companion smiles
"I believe he told you to…un hand this man."
the man's lips peel back in a wicked grin
"Alright, let's…unhand him!"
the man raises his sword over the hands of the frail shopkeeper


Hiruko Kagetane

_I suddenly run past Turner, and knock the sword out of the man's hand_ Oh no you don't!

OOC: A bit OP. If someone clangs his sword on yours, no matter how hard you do it, unless you're really strong, have an element of surprise, or both, it's not going to happen.



OOC: Oh, I guess they do. :) But really, do you think you could so easily knock a sword out of a guy's hand? And the guy was pretty strong, too.


Ian R.2

OOC: I did have the element of surprise. I didn't think they knew I was there. I also said in my description that I was fast.


Hiruko Kagetane

OOC: I did have the element of surprise. I didn't think they knew I was there. I also said in my description that I was fast.

Fast doesn't equal superhuman. And, they saw you, and had a conversation in front of you. Now, if you had slashed the man's wrist, that'd be different.



OOC: I hate to keep arguing about it, but he did know I was there, and was probably subconsciously preparing for me to try to stop him; so it wouldn't have been so easy for you, even if you are fast. Sorry…


Ian R.2

OOC: I never said I went down the alley, and If I did I didn't say a thing. Also thanks for giving me another option. :P



OOC: But you didn't really have the element of surprise, since he was already preparing for something from me, most likely. But anyway, you have another option now, as you said. :P I don't remember… do you have a sword?



OOC: Okay! :) I'll change my post too, to make it fit. I wouldn't hold my sword to the neck of a man screaming in pain. :P

EDIT–Or delete it. :P


Hiruko Kagetane

_I suddenly run past Turner, and slash the man's wrist_ Oh no you don't!

the man yells in anger and pain, and clutche his injures wrist
"GAH! Did you see what he did to me?!?"
the man curses vehemently
the frail shopkeeper manages to scurry away, while the man's friend, a tall, wiry man, pulls out two daggers
"Well well, seems to me we have a naughty boy who hurt my friend here. Time for you to get spanked."


Hiruko Kagetane

the man twirls his daggers expertly
"Now now, I try not to fight children. But, you've given me no other choice, boy."
the man jumps towards you, daggers slashing downwards


Hiruko Kagetane

the man clutches his arm, and then glares at both of you
"We'll settle this another day!"
the man quickly runs off. His friend is nowhere to be seen
