RP Training: Turner the Adventurer

Started by Hiruko Kagetane


laughs and calls out after him
Oh yes, I'm sure we will! And we'll just do it again!
turns to Ian
That backflip was quite impressive! I don't know if even I'd be able to do that.


Ian R.2

I look at Turner and smile You didn't really have to do that, but thanks! pulls up hood We used to do those all the time in Pennoh. Many of us could do it without much effort.



the shopkeeper suddenly interrupts, thanking us profusely
Oh, thank'ee, thank'ee, thank'ee, sirs! I'm f'rever in yer… gratitude!
Not a problem at all, good sir. Anytime! Now, I have a question for you. Do you have any idea how some men like us might get good work around here?


Ian R.2

we walk down the street, and after what seems like a long time the shopkeeper stops in front of a building. "Here we are!" I look at the building It looks like one of the nobles houses.

OOC: Sorry if I'm not making the guy talk right. :P


Ian R.2

OOC: I think I'm thinking what you're thinking, and if I'm thinking what you're thinking, then you know what I think. :P


Hiruko Kagetane

_we walk down the street, and after what seems like a long time the shopkeeper stops in front of a building._ "Here we are!" _I look at the building_ It looks like one of the nobles houses. OOC: Sorry if I'm not making the guy talk right. :P

OOC: S'okay. And, you'd probably be in the middle ring of the city by now, if you see noble's houses. There, you'd find fairly decent work, and the man would probably be a master woodcarver or something else. Here's how I see it:

Lower Ring: Farms, industry, black market (if you have connections), etc. Think of……more village-like, or closer to a slum.
Middle Ring: Some farms, most of the businesses, any industry will be cleaner factories, clothes, etc. Like the suburbs.
Upper Ring: No farms, except the estates belonging to the nobles. Castles, the best shops and upper-class businesses are here.


Hiruko Kagetane

OOC: Are you both thinking the same thing I'm thinking? Well, either way, I think you two are being led to Eryana's family's home! Which means...

OOC: Seeing Eryana in a state of emotional and mental flux as she's reeling over Sussanna being stabbed?



OOC: I do! And Rosie's on, no less. Awesome!

What is this place?
"Well, sir, this is the home of a good friend o' mine, and they're lookin' for someone to, uh… be a position!"
What position would that be?
"Well, they're lookin' for people to guard their family! They travel a lot, and they don't have many people to protect them against all the raids goin' on. As soon as I saw you two best those brutes, I knew where to go!"


God's Maiden of Virtue

OOC: One, Eryana is NOT in an emotional flux (maybe mental). Two, Sussana is one of Eryana's closest friends, so why wouldn't she be reeling over it? But, that's not the point. I bet they are led there, meet them, and I don't know…help fit some pieces to the puzzle?


Ian R.2

OOC: I knew this direction would be a good direction to take. :P

IC: I look at him inquisitively Who is the family? he looks back at me with a smile "One who really needs your help."



OOC: If you're reeling over it, you're in an emotional flux. :P To understand better, BTW, look more closely at the past few comments; we were led there. :)


Hiruko Kagetane

OOC: Works very well.

IC: the man leads you into the Manor House, after being let in by the guards. He takes you to the desk of a rather overweight man, who leans forward, peering at you from behind a tiny pair of spectacles balanced precariously on the tip of his nose.

"Well then, Jeffrey. It's good to see you! How is the carving business?"
the two men converse for a few minutes, before Jeffrey says:
"These two men would like to join you, as guards."
the man( you've heard his name is Damonn) turns his gaze towards you
"Well then. Who might you be, young man?"


God's Maiden of Virtue

OOC: It depends on HOW she is reeling over it. If she's in an emotional flux, she'd be unable to control her emotions, etc. etc. But, whatever.
Yes!! I saw that! It's going to be so fun having more people connected to the story plot!



My name is Turner, sir. I'm somewhat of a wanderer, looking for adventure where I can find it. I'm very skilled with most weapons; I could guard your family better than most, if you decide to trust me.


Ian R.2

the man looks at Turner with a satisfied smile, and then turns to me"And what about you? You seem very young to be looking for a job like this." I smirk Trust me. I am very skilled, and Jeffery can vouch for me on that. Jeffery nods his head rapidly



Damonn nods
"You sound like you may be good candidates for the job. But we must first test your skill. Follow me."
Damonn leads us through the house, to a courtyard in the back
"Now, if you–"
Damonn gasps as he sees bodies strewn around the courtyard



OOC: Sorry–I've been gone for a while, and I was kinda hoping Sam would put something, 'cuz I'm not at all sure what to do next. :P


Hiruko Kagetane

_I unsheathe my sword_ Someone is here. _I tilt my head as if listening intently_

you (as in, James only) hears a small rustle, and then nothing


Hiruko Kagetane

*Damonn nods* "You sound like you may be good candidates for the job. But we must first test your skill. Follow me." *Damonn leads us through the house, to a courtyard in the back* "Now, if you--" *Damonn gasps as he sees bodies strewn around the courtyard* "What--I--how--"

a servant approaches
"Sir, there was an attempted kidnapping, and the Ladies Eryana and Sussana were nearly taken."


Ian R.2

I stare at a large bush where the sound came from the turn to the servant You might find one of the kidnappers still here. I point at the bush Something, or someone, is in there.


Ian R.2

Or maybe not. rushes to the bush to find a badly Injured man I do not believe this is one of the kidnappers. bends down to help the man



hurries over
Wait, be careful! We do not know who this man is, and he may be one of the ones responsible for the kidnapping, even if you do not think he is. Don't lay down your guard, or–
the man suddenly, with a shout, tries to stand up and swing a dagger at James


Ian R.2

I jump back just in time even though he gets a part of my tunic That was an error on my part! grabs bow and notches arrow to it Who are you?



the man misses you badly and falls to the ground, moaning in pain and anger
Answer the question! Tell us who you are, and who these others are, and we will have mercy on you–or perhaps ease your passing.



approaches the man, checks his pulse, and sighs
Yes, it seems so. Perhaps we can gain some information from the others involved. Who were these men trying to kidnap, and why?


Ian R.2

Damnon turns to us Eryana, and Sussana. I look inquiringly at him Who?

OOC: I don't know exactly how to describe them. :\



OOC: Hang on, Damonn knows just as much about this as we do; he wouldn't know who they were trying to kidnap. ;) I'll fix it, if you don't mind. :)

IC: the servant turns to us Six unknown men tried to kidnap the Lady Eryana, the daughter of Lord Ardren, master of this house, along with her friend Sussana. We assume they were trying to use them as a ransom to obtain money from the Lord Ardren, but we are not yet certain. If you will come with me, we may be able to get more information from the Lady Eryana, who is just inside. leads us back into the house



Watch your step, James! You nearly bumped into–
the servant interrupts
Ah, Lady Eryana; there you are! We were just coming to see you; these gentlemen would like to ask you some questions.

OOC: Sorry, but… we may now have to put this off until Rosie gets on. :}



OOC: Righty ho?

IC: bows
My name is Turner, and I am applying for a position as your family guardian. I am interested in knowing who these men are who attempted to kidnap you.


Ian R.2

OOC: I thought you did. If not, that's my bad. :) Anyway, ours kinda split up. Which one do we go with?

Edit: Nevermind. Looks like Rosie chose. :P



OOC: I think you could just take out your introduction of my character, and it would work. :)

IC: We were just about to be tested to see if we are worthy candidates for the position of your family guardians, and we came across the conflict in yonder courtyard. We were led to see you immediately.
