Knowing What You Believe
“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”-Galatians 1:8
In Ephesians 4:14 we are warned against being “…tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine.” This is because, especially in today’s society, Christians are constantly being confronted with false gospels and unscriptural teachings. It is for this reason we are reminded to compare everything we hear with what the Word of God has to say, knowing that it is the final authority in spiritual matters (Acts 17:11; II Timothy 3:16).
When it came to the gospel, Paul was so confident in what he knew to be truth that he exhorted the Galatians to reject any teaching contrary to what they’d heard from him – even if that meant shutting their ears to the voice of an angel! He could say this, not because he thought himself to be a great preacher, but because the source of his information was Christ Himself (Galatians 1:11-12). He wasn’t questioning the authority or holiness of God’s angels; rather, he recognized the Lord’s preeminence over angels, and therefore pointed to Him as the most reliable source of information possible (see Hebrews 1:13-14).
Just like Paul, we can have absolute confidence in God and His Word. If the Lord shows you something, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise, or any experience change your mind. God’s Word is final, His authority infinite, and His standard unchanging. The entirety of God’s Word – each jot and every tittle – is backed by the full faith and credit of Its Author.
Exactly. And God will never show you something contradictory to Scripture. Thank you.