Ideas, Questions, Problems or Praise?
You will notice a black rectangle on the right side of your web browser labeled 'Feedback'. That's a link to a new tool that we're using to allow people to submit ideas for new features, to ask questions about how to use the website, or to report problems. Since we now have thousands of registered users, it has become harder for us to answer everyone's questions and help new users get started. Our hope is that by creating a repository for new ideas and questions on the usage of the website, it will allow the community to help out (and will allow us to get back to the top of the leaderboard ... just kidding).
If any of you would like to volunteer to help answer the questions that people have, let us know and we can add you as an 'employee'. Either way, I think anyone can jump in and help out.
We'd also love people to propose new ideas for Memverse and to vote on the ideas that other people have submitted as that will help us prioritize what we work on. So just click on the 'Feedback' button on the right and try it out.

98 responses to Ideas, Questions, Problems or Praise?
Actually, that is a new feature which was supposed to have been optional but accidentally get rolled out to everyone. We're still working on it so it should be sorted out soon.
A little glitch: on my progress report, the suggested memorization time (the line graph) coordinates with the same scale as the bars [memorized/learning] so instead of 27 minutes, it shows 62 when I mouse over it. I see the scale numbers on the right, and maybe that's how you solved that problem, but I just wanted to put a bug in your ear.
Thank you so much, Andy, for putting this whole website together, and for putting so much time into it for us!
1 Thessalonians 5:12-14 ~~ "We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the faint-hearted, help the weak, be patient with them all."
Yep - the graphing package that I'm using doesn't seem to properly associate the mouse-over pop-ups with the correct axis. We might have to change to a new graphing package in the future; the one we're using is Flash-based and if Apple has their way Flash will go the way of VHS tapes.
ANOTHER suggestion. . . I'll be surprised if you're not annoyed yet, Andy!! I keep making the same mistake over and over on the accuracy test, and I can't fix or remember it because by the time I get to the end, I forget exactly what I had typed. So if you could work it out so that it shows your mistake right after you hit submit, that would be awesome.
Thanks AGAIN,
River, I would suggest making sure everything is spelled perfectly in your accuracy tests. My browser has a built in spell-checker, but if you don't have one I would recommend typing it in a program (such as Microsoft Word) that will check your spelling, and the pasting it to memverse. Also, if you're memorizing from the KJV, many words are spelled differently than they are today. The word "show" is spelled "shew", "favor" is spelled "favour", etc. If you forget to change those things it will be considered incorrect.
"If any of you would like to volunteer to help answer the questions that people have, let us know and we can add you as an 'employee'."
I'd be glad to help answer the questions in the feedback section.
River - I'm planning to add some better feedback for the accuracy test. Just need to find the time :)
speaking of "finding the time", Andy, we'd love (I'm sure I'm not the only one! :)) to see more pics of that little Rivonia and hear a little "feedback" on her! :D :)
@ Laurel: Who is this Rivonia person?
Ooooooo...a MemVerse personal messager would be REALLY helpful right now...
I'm not completely sure Zach... I think (from Laurel's post) that she might be Andy's daughter (???). I thought that there had been a post back in the spring about her...but I can't find it anymore...
Yes, she should be about 6 months old now. I was just wondering, since he had the post waiting as a draft in the saved section that only approved bloggers can see. :P And you are right, Josiah, Andy did take it down.
I was just doing a memorize session and I put in the verse, but the feedback just showed dots. Obviously I backed up and tried again. It still had dots, so I flipped over the flashcard and I was absolutely correct! Why did it say I was wrong? :(
Thank you for any help you can give.
Ethan--I've had this problem before. Anytime that your computer's internet is going slowly/isn't working, only dots show up on the flashcard. It might happen some other times, but if so I believe it is only a momentary glitch in the program's software and isn't a long-term problem.
I'd like to help answer questions, but please don't send me emails with questions or anything :) And then, I already try to answer questions if I see one that I know :) i
I love this application! It has helped me a lot.
Is there plans to add other Biblical things to the books of the Bible, the fruits or the spirit, the names of God?
Thank you and Bless you!
Thank you so much for this website! A friend recommended it to me recently (so I'm new) and I think it'll really help me memorize Bible verses. Now I just need to remember to log in everyday...
Welcome to Memverse, Juliana. We praise God for the friend who recommended this site to you and are glad you like it thus far. Although the website works great logging in everyday, it is also effective for those who can't log in everyday, or who forget from time to time to log in.
Juliana: Welcome to memverse!!! :):)
Everyone - btw, I am Mary Marshall... I deleted my old account and made a new one with this username!... But I guess you probably would have still recognized me by my strange picture:)
The "Pending Verses" feature is wonderful! I really like adding verses for future "Learning" without having to keep a separate wish list offline. Thanks so much for your time and effort spent on bringing this wonderful tool to us. You and your site are such a blessing.
I am so sorry to bother you on the blog, but this really needs to be fixed and I can't wait. I still can't use GetSatisfaction on my computer right now. My memory session is stalling on Ephesians 4:28. Actually, it was stalling on Ephesians 4:29 first, so I deleted that verse, but it didn't help. The page lets me do everything normally except rate the verse. I refreshed the page, logged out and back in, and deleted one verse it was stalling on (Eph 4:29). None of it worked. Can you please help?
EDIT: I just notice that the page is not giving me feedback on what I type.
EDIT EDIT: According to the My Verses page, I quizzed Ephesians 4:28 ten days ago, and it is not due for the next quizzing until October 1.
Matthew - Sorry you had to delete Eph 4:28 too. Is it working now? I was just starting to look into it....
Actually, I never deleted Eph 4:28. Just today, I was starting to suspect that it had to do with the three pending verses (Eph 4:29-31) before verse 32, which was due for review. So I deleted Eph 4:30-31 and now it is working just fine.
Today when I quizzed Eph 4:29-31 (I re-added them into my verses), two strange things happened: 1)The system gave me verses 29-30 and verse 31 separately. 2) When the system gave me verse 31, the "Live Feedback" box did not give me the previous verse. This is not a problem for me, but I thought I'd let you know.
@Mathew sometimes that happens if the review date is more than a few weeks apart. :)
I have had that happen before as well.
l tried to give some feedback a couple minutes ago but it wouldn't let me type in my email address. did l do something wrong?
Zachary - Usually even children can ask their parents to post for them... I do not see how having a Get Satisfaction account would be much more of a privacy concern than having a Memverse account.
Elaina - I see your account is setup to use NIV by default... That's odd... So when you type "Matthew 24:1" into the Add Verse page, it gives you the NKJV verse? It should give you a box to type the text in for the NIV...
No, when l tried to add it on the add verse page it wouldn't come up at all. Matthew 1: 24 was popping up instead. So l went to the search Bible page and tried it there and typed in Matthew 24: 1NIV and it just came up in NKJV.
Elaina - It sounds like you might be using spaces between the colon and the verse number. Please try it without that space (i.e. Matthew 24:1).
for a while i was not able to complete level 2 it wouldn't let me now it says that i am in level 2 :(
I really appreiciate this site, especially the Learn mode.
I saw that there was a Biblical Greek Version; How about a Biblical Hebrew Version, would that require anything special because it scrolls across in the opposite dirrection?
I think a Biblical Hebrew version is too tricky for now but we might consider it in the future. We're having enough challenges with the Biblical Greek at the moment.
Andy, I was wondering my Dad and have been on memverse the same amount of times and he just memorized 3 verses. How come I have not memorized any because I can almost recite them all but it still does not say I have memorized any.
- Christiana
It may be that he rated his with a higher rating (ie 5) while you sometimes used a lower rating. If that is the case then yours will be memorized soon but not as quickly as if you had rated then 5 every time.
Yes, Marie is correct. Either that, or you skipped a day somewhere along the line and your dad didn't. Don't worry, they will start to reflect the fact that you've memorized them very soon.
I am a newby but am so exited about this webpage. Thanks so much for detail that has gone into this site. To God be the glory!
@ crazydogs9 You have to sign up for a Gravatar account at with the same email used for your Memverse account, and then you can upload a picture to Gravatar, and it will be visible on Memverse.
Hi! I'm new on here and very excited to start logging my memorized verses. But when I type them in and hit submit none of them are registering... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Awesome to know God's working through this website for the good of those who love him! (Romans 8:28)
I would LOVE to answer questions it's just I don't know enough yet still being new to this website:) I will probably when I'm more experienced:) Thanks for the info
When using 'Review', it would be great if we could review verses of our choice, in addition to the 'verses du jour'.
Maybe this is already possible? It seems that 'Review' only works for the verses of the day, and 'Practice' for random verses. It'd be great to be able to review exactly what I want to review.
Great stuff, thanks for this amazing and useful website! May our God richly bless and strengthen you all!
I was doing my daily memorization practice and on some verses I couldn't get feedback. Is this something new? Also, it would tell me when I had it right, but two verses later it went back to giving feedback. Is there a system for this or is it random?