John 1-6 Practice Tests
Matthew and his loyal team of question-writing minions have once again worked hard to crank out practice tests! Not all of them are complete, but they will be added as they are finished. Since we can't look ahead in the study guide, not all the questions can be in the same place this time.
PDF Practice Tests
Here is the sheet of 200 bubbles.
Answer Key (for all three tests) Practice Tests

26 responses to John 1-6 Practice Tests
Keep in mind that these questions are from the full-length practice tests. So when you take it later, you'll probably see all these questions again.
I think question 24 is wrong?
Because Simon Peter did NOT testify of the light in John 1.
It was John the Baptist (John 1:6-7).
Sweet! We'll be quizzing at mealtimes with this. :)
So now I'm a loyal question-writing minion, huh?
I was wondering that same thing Grace.
Matthew: If you need any more minions for the primary test, just let me know, 'cause I could help too! :P
Thank you to all who worked so hard on this. I've worked on the tests past so I know that it can be a LOT of work. I think they will be quite helpful.
Just took the senior test, It was great! Thank you to all of you who put these tests together, as they are a great help.
Removed "Issues(?)" I found.
Thank you again for your work on these!
I just took the Junior test and was wondering, do you think it will have so many questions about cross-references? I took the Junior real test last year and I remember it being more targeted toward the memory verses and Hebrew/Greek words relating to Jonah. And also questions asking the next four words of the verse...etc. That being said, I probably don't remember the test as well as other people xP. I am mostly curious just to help me prep for the BB quiz Saturday! Thank you for being able to do these Matthew, Bethany, and whoever else did these! They are a BIG help in studying!
@Isaac, thanks for the feedback. The question numbers you gave won't be the same for other people who take the test, JSYK - the questions are randomized. That said, I'm aware of the duplicate question, and I might replace it but I'm not sure if it will edit the existing link or not.
As for the other question... I think you might want to reread it ;) The answer was not taken from John 20:31, just so you know.
@Darby - It's really hard to tell, especially with the new leadership. However, I'm trying to be as prepared as possible. I've been reading through the cross-references multiple times and will continue to do so until Test Day. One thing to consider is that CRs have been a big part of the SG, so if that's any indication, we need to know our CRs. :)
BTW guys, the Primary test is done as well as the PDF versions - just waiting for Nathan or Bethany to post them! The Primary link is already on the forums.
And I'll post a full list of acknowledgments soon! :) :P
Disclaimer: The Shelby Kennedy Foundation, host of the National Bible Bee, was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this practice test.
There are a few errors in the test I recognized while compiling the answers - I apologize for that. The ones that I caught should be reflected in the answer sheet.
Our wonderful team of question authors and/or proofreaders included: Hannah Allison, Everett Chew, Holly Ciampi, Rachel Crosswhite, Emily Hamilton, Everett Hamilton, Jonathan Harbour, Hannah Harbour, Caleb Hoverson, Anthony Ledford, Bethany Meckle, Melody Mieczkowski, Dani Miller, Jared Miller, Matthew Minica, Courtney Minica, Rachel Mitton, Bella Morganthal, Anna Moss, George Moss, Logan O'Brien, Kaitlyn Renfer, Daniel Waters, and Nathan Wright. My apologies if I missed anybody here!
Everett Chew and Dani Miller were the hardworking commanders of the Junior and Primary tests! Great job - that's a big commitment!
Nathan Wright and Bethany Meckle graciously published the tests online for us. Thanks, Nathan and Bethany!
And thank You, Lord Jesus, for guiding our path, helping us meet deadlines and giving us Your Spirit to discern the truths in Scripture upon which this practice test is based! To HIM be all the glory!
And also, a BIG thank you to Matthew, for doing a lot of the organizing aspects of this whole project. Without him these practice tests probably would not be here. :)
Yes! Matthew also counts as a hardworking commander with a big commitment - especially since he was the one organizing the whole thing!
Whoops, just realized there's at least one error in the answer sheet, too! Junior #87 should be A, not C. Sorry about that and any other errors there might be!
Actually, no, Zach, I just looked it up on BLB and it's hilaskomai, the verb form. ;) 1 John 4:10 is probably the verse you're thinking of.
That's what I thought too Matthew. I was really confused with the BB test when they asked what the Greek word for propitiation was and they didn't list hilaskomai.
Thank you for your work on these Matthew! You were nearly spot on with many of the questions on the BB test! Not surprised at all that you got 3rd or something like that!
Darby, thank you - it's only with the Lord's help that I've been able to do what I've done. =) I'm so glad that I've been able to minister to my fellow Bible Bee-ers in this way.
Yahoo! Thanks Matthew and his minions! :P