2016 Live Bible Bee Quizzes
I dislike the term "technical difficulties." It seems like that's what they all say when one of their "COMING SOON!" promises doesn't happen soon. So I'll start by saying that I probably should have prepared for these quizzes earlier than I did, so I would have had time to fix the technical difficulties we had--such as the quiz maker first not working, and then the blog. But even though this is happening later this year than usual, the point is that it IS happening again! You have permission to be excited now!
Question submissions are appreciated. Remember to inlucde to the words "Bible Bee" in the question, so I'll see it! I won't lie; they're not absolutely necessary to make this work, because Cory and his writing squad have sent me questions as they come in for the upcoming practice tests. But ideally, we should have questions being submitting from all of you, so we don't have to use all the practice test questions before the release of those tests! So please, do your part! If everyone submits even just one or two questions per week, we'll easily have enough. I've noticed in past years that we have three or four select people who submit most of the questions, and I can't fairly make a quiz in which the questions are divided up like that. Shoutout to Zachary Baas, Bethany Meckle, and Hannah Wright for being so diligent in this. They are clearly the most spiritual--just kidding! But anyway, I would like to ask that no one submit more than three questions per week, and if we don't have enough submitted questions, we can fill in using the practice test questions. This should give us a reasonable balance.
And remember, you don't have to be in the Bee to participate! (You just might not know as much, but the fellowship on the chat will be worth it!)
The new quizzes will be at 4:00 pm EST on Thursday, and reruns will be at 8:00 pm on Friday and 12:00 pm on Tuesday. Effective immediately! See ya then!
I recommend checking the comments at least once a week in case I have any updates to give.

John 1-6 Practice Tests
Matthew and his loyal team of question-writing minions have once again worked hard to crank out practice tests! Not all of them are complete, but they will be added as they are finished. Since we can't look ahead in the study guide, not all the questions can be in the same place this time.
PDF Practice Tests
Here is the sheet of 200 bubbles.
Answer Key (for all three tests)
Classmarker.com Practice Tests

2015 Bible Bee Live Quizzes
On one of the recent weekly quizzes, I asked everyone if they wanted live Bible Bee quizzes for this year. The answer was a unanimous "Yes", with more or less capitals and a wide variety of exclamation point counts. Remember, we don't fence the quizzes, so you don't even have to be in the Bible Bee do to these!
EDIT--Well, no one seems to use the PDFs much, so unless I get requests to the contrary, I'll just stop copying the questions and leave the ones that have already been made.
The schedule, which is weekly, will have one more rerun! Otherwise, it is the same. Each new quiz will premiere at 4:00 pm EST on Thursday. I've noticed that many Memverses don't get a change come on until late in the evening--in fact, that is usually when the forums are most active. So there will be a rerun of the quiz at 8:00 pm EST the same Thursday. Of course, we'll keep our Teusday rerun at noon EST.
PLEASE SUMBIT QUESTIONS, starting anytime, over what you've learned. Make sure to be the words "Bible Bee:" at the beginning of each question, so it will be filtered and I'll know which questions to approve for the Bible Bee quizzes. If a question is not approved, it was probably an essential duplicate or something irrelevantly simple, eg. "What was made through Him?".
Thank you ALL for your submissions! We do appreciate it! But please be careful to make sure your questions are not translation dependent or ambiguous. I cannot be responsible for making sure all the questions are right.
NOTE: Please proofread your questions. I don't have time to go through every single one, so please make sure not only the answers, but the questions, are correct.
PDFs of finished quizzes:

2014 Nationals Resources
They're here! Both oral and written practice tests have been cranked out by our fellow Bible Bee-ers for all the different divisions and translations! Below are .zip files from which you can select which test you will use. The second test is aimed mostly at Seniors, as it has quite a few memory verse questions. It is recommended that you make use of as many resources as you can use.
Orals |
Written |
Also, our friend Mandy makes videos with helpful information, and Zachary has a page on his website dedicated to Bible Bee study tools, including a prompterizer generator!
Mandy's Channel |
Zachary's Page |
Finally, here are some resources that were recommended for this post so more people can be aware of them.
And of course, there are the MemVerse quizzes.
Be sure to comment so you can thank the contestants who are sharing all they've learned!

2014 Nationals Quizzes
Yes; that's right. The Bible Bee quizzes are not over this year! God-willing, we will be continuing them just as we did the Locals quizzes: 4:00 pm EST every Thursday, then a rerun on Tuesday at noon EST. You may partake in these quizzes even if you did not make it to Nationals, are not in the Bible Bee, are not eligible for the Bible Bee, etc. We will not fence the quizzes in any way.
Since the Nationals memory passages are "unique to each age division and do not overlap" (in the words of the Bible Bee's website), there will be no recitation questions except for verses 2 and 3 of chapter 1--very occasionally--which we memorized for Locals. However, when we get further into the study, there might be some reference questions about the book of Nahum.
Important: the quizzes will rely heavily on question submissions. We will want to have many questions about Greek words and cross-references; this way, contestants can introduce other contestants to what they've learned. And please add {Nationals} in the text before the question.
For review, PDFs of the quizzes are also up for download (after they've been run on MemVerse, of course)!

Bubble Sheet for Practice Tests
Note: This is different from the scan sheets available at biblebee.org. These sheets only have bubbles--which are much easier to fill in.
Presenting a new resource that will make the practice test experience even more like the real deal! The locals test tomorrow will have sheets with the questions, like the practice tests, but also a bubble sheet on which answers will be filled in. The bubbles must be completely filled in, which takes longer than just circling the right answer on the practice test--and with 200 questions, this could make a reletively significant difference for contestants who want to ascertain how prepared they are by taking the practice tests. So, thanks to catpin.com's bubble test generator, here is a bubble sheet with 200 questions (the Primaries can only print the first page).
Also, ANNOUNCEMENT: There will be a third rerun, at 9:00 PM EST today!!!

2014 Bible Bee Resources
The much-anticipated practice exams arrived late last night, and we also have a few other resources to share with you. Some of you may notice that the tests have been delivered earlier each year — this year, by about a week.
Primary | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Junior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Senior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
See here for a bubble sheet to make the practice test experience as close as possible to contest day; the Bible Bee's site also offers scan sheets for 100 questions and for 200 questions.
Please note that these practice tests and other resources were created by volunteers and are in no way endorsed by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, which hosts the National Bible Bee.
Other resources:
- Weekly Bible Bee quizzes. Thank you to Nathan Wright for taking charge of the Bible Bee quizzes. You're doing a great job.
- Past quiz questions. Naturally we have only included the multiple choice questions. Please let us know if you spot errors in the questions; there are probably at least a few. These did not undergo the same level of scrutiny as those in the practice exams.
- Bible Bee study videos: On Vimeo here. Bethany and Landon Meckle review the content of the past few weeks and share suggestions given by other people. You can submit a suggestion, too. You can also access them at Bethany's Weebly site.
- Free songs for Bible Bee verses: Please see here on Mustard Seed Faith Media's site. You can listen to and download these songs for free. They are sung by Nathan in all four translations.
- Bonus practice test: Andrew Adams and Everett Chew prepared another practice exam, aimed at Juniors and Seniors. Here is the test; here are the answers.
- Final quiz: One last broad review quiz will be held here on MemVerse the day before locals. See the link for more details.
If you have another resource to add, please leave a comment and we will try to include it.

Final Locals Quiz
Agust 23rd is the day on which Summer Bible Bee conestants will approach a desk with sweaty forehead, shaking hands, and pounding heart to take their final examination of Jonah--which will determine whether or not they will be faced with an even larger challenge this autumn! In preparation for this, I am excited to announce a wrap-up bonus quiz the day before local contest day! This will be Friday, August 22. LORD willing, the quiz will run for the first time at noon EST; then there will be a rerun at 4:00 PM EST (to ensure that as many people as possible can come). If you can't come to either of those, check for updates on that day; it's possible we might rerun it again later in the evening--but no guarantees. For easy access, I pasted the portal to the room in the box below this paragraph. Bookmark it in your browser and tell all your Bible Bee friends--and as always, you don't have to be in the Bible Bee to partake in this quiz!
{Edit} ANNOUNCEMENT: There will be a third rerun, at 9:00 PM EST today!!!
We don't know what day our Lord will return, but we do know what day we will take our locals test--so watch and pray in preparation both!
[Outdated material shown below]
I decided to announce that now so I could make a request of you all at the same time: we really need more cross-reference questions. Some of you just groaned at that, and I can relate, as they are difficult. But cross-references are a significant part of the written test, and when I put the latest and next quiz together, there were barely any questions related to cross-references. I will provide some more questions for Hebrew/Greek words; if you all could submit some cross-reference questions, that would be much appreciated. Of course, I will balance it well with other material in the quizzes.

2014 Bible Bee Micro Practice Tests
This year, fellow Bible Bee participants, led by Matthew Minica, have put together micro quarter-length practice tests (25 questions for Primary, 50 questions for Junior and Senior), intended for local events this month. Full length tests should be available in early August.
Tests are available as PDF files: Primary | Junior | Senior. The answers (no peeking!) are available here.
See here for a bubble sheet to make the practice test experience as close as possible to contest day.
Please note that these practice tests were created by volunteers and are in no way endorsed by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, which hosts the National Bible Bee.

2014 Bible Bee Quizzes
We're excited to have live Bible Bee quizzes on Memverse again this year! Quizzes will be each Thursday, starting June 26, at 4:00 p.m. EDT, with a re-run quiz on the following Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. EDT. We'll keep you posted — we may even have an extra quiz in the days leading up to August 23.
To enter the August 21 quiz room, click here [OUTDATED]. You do not have to be doing the Bible Bee this year to join us!
I suggest arriving a few minutes early to make sure you're ready to go when it starts. You'll also want to make sure your Memverse Bible translation (see Account -> Profile) is one of the Bible Bee's accepted translations.
Have a blessed summer in the Word! And please spread the word about the quizzes!
Update July 1: I would really appreciate if you would help write questions for the next quiz. Please submit them via the Submit a Quiz Question page, and preface your question with "Bible Bee: " -- that way I can find the ones you submitted. I will edit the text to remove "Bible Bee: " after adding it to a quiz.
Please try to write quiz questions that can be used for general knowledge quizzes as well. Thanks for your help!
Update July 6: Thank you very much for all your submissions! We have 25 excellent questions for the upcoming quiz!
Exodus 36:5— And they spake unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the LORD commanded to make.

2013 Bible Bee Practice Tests
We're happy to announce that the practice exams for this year's Bee are available one day earlier than they were last year, which means, today! Cheers to Matthew Minica and the three volunteer teams who created each of these tests. Please help spread the word to your Bible Bee friends!
Primary | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Junior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Senior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Please note that these practice tests were created by volunteers and are in no way endorsed by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, which hosts the National Bible Bee.

Last Quiz Before Local Bible Bees
At 4pm (EDT) today (Friday, August 24th, 2012) we will be holding the final online quiz before the local Bible Bees. We would like to encourage as many of you as possible to join. There is no need to be entered in the Bible Bee. There is no need to be young. If you're young at heart and love the Bible, join us.
The entire quiz will be multiple choice and, as far as I know, will predominantly cover 2 Timothy. To be clear, you don't need to have memorized any part of 2 Timothy to join the quiz.
So why you should you join? Five reasons:
- You will have an opportunity to wish the younger Memversers well as they head in to the local competitions as they attempt to qualify for the national finals.
- You will be motivated to get to know your Bible better. I've joined the occasional quiz and can assure you that you will be astounded at the depth of knowledge on display.
- Participating will restore your faith in 'the youth of today'.
- You will probably want to read 2 Timothy before the quiz and that alone is worth it.
- It's a whole lot of fun!
We hope in the future to make the weekly quizzes a fun activity for everyone. Consider this a trial run and join us.
Note: this is a live, online event. Click here a few minutes before the event starts to enter the quiz 'room'.

2012 Bible Bee Practice Tests
With just eight days till the Local Bees & Celebration Ceremonies across the country, we have some practice tests to help you brush up. All of the following tests were written by other Bible-Bee-Memversers. Thank you to everyone who worked on them!
Age Division | Test | Answers |
Primary | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |
Junior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |
Senior | PDF | DOC | PDF | DOC |

2012 Bible Bee Study Helps
Thanks to Mr. Walker, there is a slew of resources to help you with your Bible Bee memory verses this year. In addition to Bible Bee verses he put up on Study Stack here and on Impress Kids, Mr. Walker has some PDFs of prompterized passages, complete passages, and the first five words of each passage, in all five Bible Bee versions:
Complete Passages | Prompterized Passages | First Five Words | |
NIV | |||
ESV | |||
KJV | |||
NKJ | |||
Also, Matthew Minica is working on a practice test and calling once more for volunteers. After July 4th, volunteer recruitment ends and the work commences. All willing and able-minded persons should refer to this forum thread.
Update 07/26: Jonathan Peterson, a Memverse user, also created a tool accessible here: www.memverse.com/bible_bee_tool. Thanks Jonathan!
And finally, don't forget about the quizzes as an iron-sharpening-iron experience.
We hope the tools will help you make the most of this summer's studying!