Started by Matthew Minica

Christian Alexander

o.o blinks incredulously >.<

:O I beat Matthew? And Bethany? Umm… how did that happen?

Wow. I am finding this hard to believe. :}

Well. I guess I know what I'll be doing for the next couple of months. 600 verses! That's a lot.

I was disappointed to see that Octavius just barely did not make it to the top 100 Seniors. He placed 108th. :( Maybe 7 people will drop out and give him the chance to go. ;)

Anyway… I'm very happy for all of you who did so well and made it, and very flattered and thankful to God that I did as well as I did. I can't wait to see all of you at Nationals!



If my understanding is correct, there will be no runners up this year. I will have to look that up again, but if memory serves me correct, if there are those who are unable to go, they will not be calling on 'runners up'. Sorry to disappoint if anyone was hoping for that this year. And I will have to go find our rule book and double check if that is where I read/learned that.

CONGRATULATIONS to all those who made it. MemverseFanatic should pop on soon and bring you up to speed on his status tomorrow …

Mrs. B


His Servant

":O I beat Matthew? And Bethany? Umm… how did that happen?"

Yeah, you did, fair and square! Great job!

I'm getting all excited all over again! Can you convince the Detwiler's, Wrights, and Waters to come to Nationals - please!

Unfortunately, there are no alternates… :( :(



Christian can't answer right now, so I took the liberty… :D

He placed 34th (wow!), seven points above my Junior score, even though I got a higher placing. He did not tie with anyone, though four people above him tied for 30th! :) Great job, Christian! :)


His Servant

Wow - you Alexander's did amazing! Tell Rosie congrats for me, she did great too!

Looking forward to seeing all of you in November!


Darcy Joy

Congratulations to everyone who qualified!!!!!! I qualified in 49th place in the Senior division!!! I am so excited but also a little bit worried about these 600 verses that we have to memorize.


Luke Griffin

Congratulations to all the people who qualified. There were quite a few from Memverse that apparently did.
I qualified as well, which I'm pretty excited about. Now, I have to go lock myself in my room and study like crazy.
Hope to see some of you at nationals


Matthew Minica

I updated this post and included all the names of the known finalists from Memverse. I know of some others that have been on Memverse before, but I only included those who I have seen active recently - commenting, memorizing, or on the live quizzes. Please tell us if you're a finalist or if you know someone on Memverse who is!


Ian R.2

I didn't make it, but I had a great time doing it. Congratulations to all who made it to Nationals! Maybe next year I'll make it.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Rachel- Sorry I didn't answer sooner. No I did not make it, I came in 265th place though.

I'm so sorry you didn't qualify. But even if you didn't, if you were focused on bringing glory and honor to God's name and pleasing Him, then you did earn something, an imperishable crown from your heavenly Father. Because you persevered to the end and did your best to honor Him. You are a winner to God!


2 Corinthians 5:17

That's alright, thank you for the encouragement :) I need it. ;-) you did great as well! BTW - I might still meet you in November because we might come to Nationals after all! =D It's still being talked about, but we'll see! :)



Wow! Good job everyone!

Before locals, I had my verses memorized "too well" and was flubbing up on them because I was overconfident. But every oral round (except Nationals 2011; I don't know why) puts enough pressure on me that it "squeezes all the errors out" and so I scored 297 on my orals.

My written test score was 492 - not as good as I hoped; I hoped for over 500. But it still was enough to place me at #33 for juniors. :)

I tied with 2 other people but because I had a better written, but lower orals, I was placed ahead of them :P



Laura Hedstrom

Congratulations to all the National Qualifiers! What an amazing accomplishment! And even to those who didn't make it–I pray God shows you everything you've learned this summer and that it was all worth it.

Matthew–my sister Coretta Hedstrom, a Memverse user, also qualified as a Junior. So you can add her to the list!

Though I didn't compete in the Bible Bee this year, I did memorize verses and studied 2 Timothy, and I've been so blessed because of it.

I've been planning on volunteering at this year's Nationals since the conclusion of last year's :) and now I'm so excited that my family and I will be able to cheer on my sister.

Congratulations again to all the Qualifiers!


Febah M.

Congratulations everyone!! I got a 299 in the Orals and a 492 in the Written (total-792) and I came in 32nd in the Juniors!! Praise the Lord!
Looking forward to seeing everyone in TN!!



Thanks, Everett - good job to you, too

Yes, I did it with a splint on my sprained finger; it went well, although I went a wee bit slower, finishing 5 minutes later than normal. The finger is doing better now, and I have had the splint off today and last night.



@All does anyone know of any free resources we can use to study 1 Timothy, cross-references, Greek words etc.? You can pray for me too I just started college and am very overwhelmed!! Actually it's my senior year. but I just tested out of my first three. Anyways, I have no clue how I'll fit BB in the schedule! Thanks guys!


Matthew Minica

I finished adding all of the Nationals verses into my account, and was surprised to find out that I now have over 2500 verses in my account (though I don't know all of them yet). I was very happy to figure out that I already know about one-third of the verses!! That will definitely make it easier. Many of those verses I memorized just last summer, when I was memorizing some of the cross-references. They included like 80% of the 2 Timothy cross-references in the verses! I especially like how they are choosing verses that apply to the study of 1 & 2 Timothy - they haven't done that as much in the past.


Anna Mieczkowski

Matthew - My sister Melody and I are National qualifiers as well (can't believe you missed us - just kidding).
Melody placed 20th with a 295 oral score and a 537 written score. I placed 80th with a 299 oral score and a 489 written score.

To God be all glory!



Thanks Anna. I knew that your sister Grace was on Memverse, but I didn't know if you two were or not. However, I figured that somebody would speak up if you were. :) Looks like you and Melody will probably be right next to me in the Processional Room!
I'm kind of sandwiched in between with about four or five girls on each side of me. Yikes. :P I hope to at least have some boys in front of or behind me.



I have a question. We have 12 weeks to study 6 chapters in the book of 1 Timothy. How is everyone dividing this up? Like, I’m going to study this chapter for this week. How is everyone doing this? Thank you very much!

To God be the glory,
His unworthy servant.



I made it! I got 20th in juniors. To God be the glory!! What do you all think are some of the key words in 1st Timothy? So far, I thought conscience and godliness might be a couple but I'm not sure. Good job everybody!



Starting tomorrow, I'm going to spend 10 days (including weekends) on each chapter. This will leave me about 12 days for review.
BTW, HisUnworthyServant, who are you? I'd like to put you on the list of Memverse qualifiers. :)

@andrew: You're Andrew Adams, right? Just making sure…



Does anybody have any idea on whether we are supposed to memorize the Bible Bee verses like they are on the paper? for example Psalm 144:1-4 A psalm of David. or Psalm 119 VAU,GIMEL,LAMED. I will look on the Bible bee website too.


Emily H

Yeah or on some of the verses when it says in like Galatians 1:6 and a few others "ye(you)". I have no idea how we're supposed to memorize them…


Hiruko Kagetane

@ Bethany~ Referring to your post on page 3 about coming to Nationals, what about me? I participated in the Bible Bee too! Are you saying you don't want me to come? sniffs I tried! I didn't get into the 700s but I tried! cries


His Servant II (Bethany)

"@ Bethany~ Referring to your post on page 3 about coming to Nationals, what about me? I participated in the Bible Bee too! Are you saying you don't want me to come? sniffs I tried! I didn't get into the 700s but I tried! cries"

Oops; sorry! I totally did not mean to forget about you - of course, I want all the HRBC Bible Bee contestants to come to Nationals! Do you think you might come?!



@HisUnworthyServant–I like your username! I wish I'd have thought of that earlier… :) But I can assure you, I'm way more unworthy than you. :D


Thomas Youngman

Does anyone have any ideas on key words for I Timothy. Several that I have so far are honor, grace, and content/contentment. If you have any others, please let me know!



Matthew, my name is Allison, but actually I didn't make it to nationals. I'm just going to study the book with all the rest of you! Thanks!

To God be the glory,
His unworthy servant!
