Started by Matthew Minica


@Thomas: For chapter 1, some ideas that I had were law, save, mercy, charge, conscience, along with the attributes of God mentioned in verse 17 - eternal, immortal, invisible. All of these are KJV.

@Nathan: I think we are supposed to memorize those parts, though it would be a good idea to ask the officials to make sure. @Emily: I can tell you're using KJV :) I use it too! I think we can memorize them using either ye or you. They probably did that so that people who memorize with their BB Bibles wouldn't get mixed up. But again, it's probably best to ask the officials.


Emily H

Yep, I do use KJV. Yeah, that's what my mom was thinking…they sure made it confusing though… We'll probably ask BBHQ to make sure.


His Servant II (Bethany)

@Matthew and Emily - that's my biggest problem with ESV! Before Bible Bee, I used KJV, but then we switched to NASB, then to ESV. But, I still always pronounce "you" as "ye". Whenever anyone listens to my verses, they're always telling me "you HAVE to pronounce it 'you' not 'ye'!" I wish that ESV had "ye" in it :(

@All - Do any of you have E-Sword? That's what I use most for studying 1 Timothy. My key words for chapter 1 are charge, doctrine, faith, law and mercy. If any of you do have it, I'd be happy to share how to easily find key verses for every chapter of 1 Timothy :)


Hiruko Kagetane

Hmph, you mention the Wrights over me? You mention OCTSRIS, Mr. "I-think-Adventures-in-Odyssey-is-dumb" over me"? Well, since you don't know him, I guess I can forgive you. Anyhoo, meeting him is like not hearing about a playdate your parents are planning: what you don't know won't hurt you, but when you know him, it just might. And yeah, I think we're going to come to Nationals just to cheer our friends on.


His Servant II (Bethany)

So neat!! I'm very excited now - though, I'll have to try to keep my mind off meeting/seeing my friends again/for the first time….I've got lots of studying to do!

BTW, what does this means…"Well, since you don't know him, I guess I can forgive you. Anyhoo, meeting him is like not hearing about a playdate your parents are planning: what you don't know won't hurt you, but when you know him, it just might."

@All - I'm only commenting on the forums on Friday and Saturday…so if you ask me something and I don't respond for a while, it's not because I'm ignoring you all :)


Hiruko Kagetane

Umm, the Waters can testify that if you're allowed to do something that Nathan isn't, you're doing something bad in his book. Like listening to Adventures in Odyssey or listening to any Christian music beside hymns. So that's what I mean't when I said what( or who) you know might hurt (or in this case annoy) you. Sorry for the confusion.


His Servant II (Bethany)

Interesting. I've picked that up a little about what you say about video games and such… =)

Very excited that you're coming to Nationals! Do you know if any others in HRBC are???


BibleBeeJunior14 (~*Lady Ariana*~)

@Thomas Youngman - are you on Quizlet? Because I am planning on making a flashcard set with the key words. My name on quizlet is BibleBeeJunior13.
Key Words:
Jesus Christ
Timothy/you (synonym)

@ALL MEMVERSERS FOR NATIONALS: Walking in Power, Love, and Discipline by Kay Arthur, David Lawson, and Bob Vereen on the 1& 2 Timothy/Titus The New inductive Study Series is a good thing for Juniors & Seniors (I don't recommend for Primaries or anyone under 11.) It is very good so far.



C'mon Sam, he doesn't say that if you do something he doesn't, it's wrong. You're portraying him wrongly. :P He just makes fun of us… in his own funny way. :)



@ALL MEMVERSERS FOR NATIONALS: Walking in Power, Love, and Discipline by Kay Arthur, David Lawson, and Bob Vereen on the 1& 2 Timothy/Titus The New inductive Study Series is a good thing for Juniors & Seniors (I don't recommend for Primaries or anyone under 11.) It is very good so far.
Actually I would recommend it,though it is hard it is a great study book.


Christian Alexander

And yeah, I think we're going to come to Nationals just to cheer our friends on.

chokes coughs What was that, Sam? You guys are coming to Nationals!?!? does a dance around the room

That's great! That makes me 3x more excited for November! :D



BBJ12–Where have you been?! jk, jk The Detwilers and the person Christian quoted (his name is Sam Elliott; I'd say his username, but he keeps changing it) are our (COS, SBG, GMOV, WM, BWW, WS3 and WS4 [the Alexanders]) good friends from our church, Heritage Reformed Baptist Church.


Thomas Youngman

@BibleBeeJunior12, yes I am. I am just trying to determine which key words I want to spend a lot of time on, and which ones I just want to roughly know.


Hiruko Kagetane

Okay fine, if you do something he isn't allowed to do, he will try to make light of it and make it SOUND like it's wrong so he can feel better about himself. Does that satisfy you?


Matthew Minica

What about the Wrights? ;)

EDIT: It looks like the questions about the psalm titles, etc. on the memory verse cards and the things like ye(you) on the KJV cards have been answered on the email you all should have received yesterday. BTW, does anybody know anything about the theft of the Bible Bee material mentioned in that email? They said that someone posted 62 Senior Local Test questions on Quizlet. I'm glad I'm not on Quizlet now - it would be hard to resist the temptation to look at that set!


ChiefofSinners II

Yeah, I don't know anything about what happened on Quizlet either. I was tempted to go over and see who posted them, but I didn't, because I don't want to get penalized in any way. I haven't been on Quizlet since before the Bible Bee.



I don't know about it being mentioned in a email,but i know what you are talking about,I saw it.It was not theft,it was things from the test that the remembered then they posted. I am guessing that they thought of it as from the rule that says that you can not see the test metiarials before or after the set time for the written test or something like that. Also they said they broke the law becuse the tests had a copyright.



Did you participate in it? I didn't but before the email, I went to the set but left 2 seconds later



Psalm 119 is very tough for me too. I have attempted to memorize it several times but have given up each time. I am a piano player though so if you could put them to music could you give me kind of like the notes for it? I don't know I can't play by ear. Is this a possibility? If it's too tough don't worry about it. Praying for the rest of you. :)



I did not make it, but my sister Hope Harrison did! I will be at TN with her! It will be nice to see some of you in TN! I am excited for Hope, but I must admit that I am looking forward to the water park! :) I got 3 points off on orals, and did not do very well on the written test.

@ all Juniors
Did you think that the last question on the written test was funny? "What verse is a good excuse for you finishing this test diligently" :) The answer was 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.


What verse was your favorite memorization verse this year? Mine was 1 Timothy 1:15-19.


Matthew Minica

@Christian: Yeah, I think those Psalm 119 are going to give me a hard time as well. I have done 17-24 already. I think I'm going to wait a week or so between each passage, in order to give me more time to get them under my belt.

@Grace: Actually, the Seniors and Primaries had that question too. :) I liked that question. My favorite verse I've memorized for BB this year is Jeremiah 9:23-24.


K Vredevoogd

I'm planning to put the Psalm 119 passages to some more well known tunes, so if I find tunes that work I'll tell you which ones they are. If I make up the music, I could give you the chords, because I'll probably do it on the guitar, or if you'd like, my Mom said that she can write down the notes for the piano.

EDIT: Putting the passages to music didn't help me as much as I thought it would. I ended up putting Psalm 119:17-24 to the tune of White Flag by Chris Tomlin, and I put Psalm 119:41-48 to the tune of The Ants Go Marching. I didn't do anything for the last two passages. If you try this out, you'll need to be a little creative in some spots, and I don't know if these tunes will work well in all versions (I use NIV.) Hopefully this helps someone.


Matthew Minica

Wow! The Greek word Pistis is used 19 times in 1 Timothy! I'd say that's definitely a key word. Good thing we've already studied it. :D

Does anybody (Seniors, that is) think they're going to have a hard time with Mark 8:34-38, being so similar to Luke 9:23-26? I already knew Mark 8:34-38 before this year, so when I learned Luke 9:23-26, I had some trouble. But now that they are BOTH memory verses, I'm going to have a lot more trouble!!


Sir Walter (Jimmy)

I think that they had both of them in a previous year. When I memorized them on the same day that year, I was pretty confused. But I worked on each individually for 10 minutes each for the next week or so, and that helped a lot. :)
