Live Broadcast of Bible Bee Final at 11am (PST), 2pm (ET)
Bible Bee broadcast the final live. If you missed it this year, make sure to watch next year for some great inspiration.

Getting to Know You: When and Why Did You Start Memorizing Scripture?
My journey of Scripture memorization started a couple years ago when I read the book "A Call to Die" by David Nasser. This 40 day devotional showed me the importance of memorizing Scripture and challenged me to memorize a couple of verses each week for 40 days. At that point in time, I memorized primarily because I knew I should. It didn't have anything to do with the joy of having it in my heart, because the joy doesn't always come when you are first starting out.
Anyway, I continued memorizing about 6 verses per month for quite some time before meeting some more Scripture enthusiasts (one of them being Phil Walker) who were obviously very passionate about the Word of God. This meeting couldn't have come at a better time, because my own interest in Scripture memory had already begun to grow, due to my personal realization of just how valuable it is to have the Bible in our hearts and minds. Through their words of encouragement, I left with twice the zeal I'd had before and joined MemVerse in a matter of a few days at their advice. Seven months later, I'm still here and plan to stick around as long as I continue to memorize the Bible (i.e. forever!).
So, what's your story? How long have you been memorizing, and what prompted you to start?

New version of the NIV
Ouch!!! People were warning me this day would come. The optimist in me didn't want to believe them. As much as I hate the message, I am thankful to the messenger (memverse member Josiah) for ruining my day and I want to pass the word on to others in the memverse family. I am not happy, but am still praising God that He, His eternal truth, His love and power, His Promises and Claims, His Word does not and will not change!!!
Not only do I dislike most, if not all the changes in the new NIV, it sure is a pain as a lover of the "outdated" NIV to have a new edition with the exact same name (Why didn't they just stay with the "wonderful" TNIV for the few out there who want the NIV to keep up with the changing times?) messing things up. Regardless of the mess man has made of translations and various other aspects of christian culture, may we be all the more passionate and steadfast in getting to know Him and His Word and in spreading a passion for and commitment to His Word to people we know and as God opens doors, around the world!!!
Andy, any thoughts on how this will affect memverse?
Search for Answers
We've added a page which allows you to search the support forum for answers to your questions. It is located under the 'Contact' menu and is labeled 'Help & Support'. If you haven't signed up for the forum, this would be a great time to do so. Just click on the 'Feedback' tab on right edge of your browser window. There is a good chance that your question has already been asked by someone else.
Second, a very big thank you to everyone who is helping out on the forum. It's great to see such quick responses and it has been a tremendous help.

Memverse & the Home of New Beginnings
As we approach Christmas, Memverse has partnered with the Home of New Beginnings, a safe haven for the victims of human trafficking in Thailand. We are selling silver and gold pendants with all the profit going to support the work of the home.
I would love it if you would consider supporting this ministry. We know the couple, Roy and Bonita Thompson, who started the home in Thailand and endorse what they are doing with great enthusiasm. My wife, Erin, has been working on this project since the beginning of this year and her friends who founded RedStart Design very kindly agreed to offer the pendants below cost, with all profits going to the Home of New Beginnings.
The silk bags that the necklaces ship in are made by the girls who now live at the Home of New Beginnings. If you order in the next few days, we'll make sure that the pendants arrive in time for Christmas. More importantly, we'll make sure that the profits get to the Home of New Beginnings in time for their Christmas party where they invite girls to come and learn about the freedom we all have in Christ.
To learn more, watch the video, read the article, and then buy someone you love a pendant with a purpose. :)

Memorizing - And Doing it Well
Some time ago, during one of my memorization sessions, I came to the realization that many of the verses I’d “memorized” weren’t sticking in my mind as well as I wanted them to. I would forget key words or phrases and, in some cases, even the entire verse. Since then, I’ve stopped adding quite so many verses per week and have instead focused on re-solidifying some of my past verses in memory. Over time I have noticed that I am now being able to recall most verses accurately and with little to no hesitation just like I had been able to before. Now I plan to pick up the pace and learn more verses per week than I’ve been recently, because I don’t feel like I’d be leaving behind previous verses in the process.

Calvin: ". . . I declare all the rules of your mouth."
Here's what John Calvin says about Psalm 119:13. This selection is also very insightful and helpful.
Verse 13: With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth.
David shows here the accord which ought to be betwixt God and us: to wit, that God has instructed us, and when we have heard that which has been said to us, that everyone should say “Amen,” and that there be a sweet harmony and accord betwixt him and us, without jar or contradiction.
Behold here the summary of what is meant in this verse. Note that David declares that he contents not himself alone with following of God and cleaving to him: but that he labors and desires as much as lies in him, to stir up his neighbors likewise, and to bring it so to pass, as that God might be served with a common accord, throughout the whole world. He then that will have a true zeal to honor everywhere, and seek by all means possible that he can, to redress those which are wickedly given, to stir up those which are cold and negligent, to strengthen those which are weak and feeble, to entertain those which are already in a good earnestness, and to make them more earnest.––And indeed, these are the very things which all the faithful seek to do.––For the Lord our God teaches us upon this condition, that every one of us think not only particularly of himself, but that we should also have a mutual care one of another, and whensoever we shall have this zeal, let us understand, that God has created the whole world upon this condition, that we all should be obedient to him.
But we must well notice the order that is here set down: For David does not begin with this sentence, “That with his lips he has told of all the Judgments of the Lord’s mouth.” For he has said before, that he "has hid them in his heart." The thing which David said to be hid in his heart, he soon after declares it with his mouth, wherein he shows that every one of us ought to begin with himself. When we mean to instruct and teach our neighbors, we must not say to them, “Go you before:” but, “Come next after me, or else hard by me:” and having care all to go the right way, we should all at once labor to go together to our God, to be conjoined to him in true faith. And I speak it to this end, because we shall see many who in this behalf can very well prattle and babble, and would seem to be the greatest doctors in the world. But what of all this? Let us in the meantime look into their lives and conversation, and we shall find in them nothing but infection and stench, nothing else but mocking of God in all they go about and do. We must therefore follow the order which David here holds: to wit, that the word of God be his as a Treasure in the bottom of our heart: and afterward when as we shall have this affection, let us endeavor ourselves to draw others also thereto, and go altogether with one accord to honor our Lord God; and that he which hath been better taught than any of his neighbors have been, let him confess that he is so much the more beholden and bound unto God, to do that which is here showed unto us by David.
For although we are not all Prophets as he was, yet for all that, this was spoken to us all in general, “Admonish ye one another.” Saint Paul (1 Thess. 5:14, Col. 3:16, and Heb. 3:13) speaks it to all the faithful and to all Christians. And that we should also know that this belongs and pertains to us: and chiefly as I have before said, that they which are most earnest, should lay forth the grace which was given unto them for the common building up of the Church, and instruction of their neighbors.

Calvin: ". . . That I might not sin against you."
When I first decided to memorize Psalm 119, I thought it would be a good idea to have some good Puritan and Reformed books to read alongside so as to help me understand and apply it all in a better way. In John Calvin's Sermons on Psalm 119, he exposits every verse very profitably. I came to what he has to say about this well-known verse, and thought it was worth sharing.
Verse 11: I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
When David speaks after this manner, “I have hid your word or promise in my heart,” he well declares, that if we have but only a wandering knowledge, that it will not hold us in, but that the Devil will by and by win upon us to oppress us, with temptations, and in the end to cast us down headlong. What must we then do? It is not enough that we have been at church, and heard what hath been there said to us, and that every one of us has mumbled to himself some one thing or another, but the word of God must be settled in us and be hid in our heart, to wit, that it may there be residing and continually abiding: and to have received it with such an affection, as that it be as it were imprinted in us. If this be not so, sin will reign in us, for it hath natural habitation with us: For all our senses are wicked and corrupt, all our wills and desires are enemies to God, unless God’s word be well hidden in our hearts.
Moreover, we are to understand, that David did not here vaunt himself of his own power and strength, as though he were in admiration thereof: but the spirit of God speaking by his mouth, intends to give us a mirror, wherein we must be confirmed, to wit, that we must not have only our ears beaten with the Doctrine of salvation, and receive it in our brain: but that it should be hidden in our heart, to wit, that we should lay it up as in a Treasure house.
For this saying, to hide, signifies that David did not study to be ambitious to set forth himself, and to make a glorious show before men: but that he had God for a witness of that secret desire which was before him. He never looked to worldly creatures, but being content that he had so great a Treasure, he knew full well that God who had given it him, would so surely and safely guard it, as that it should not be laid open to Satan to be taken away.
Saint Paul, in 1 Timothy 1:19, also declares to us, that the chest wherein this treasure must be hid, is a good conscience. For it is said, that many being void of this good conscience, have lost also their faith, and have been robbed thereof. As if a man should forsake his goods and put them in an open place, without shutting of any door, it were an easy matter for thieves to come in and to steal and deprive and spoil him of all: Even so, if we leave at random to Satan the Treasure which GOD hath given unto us in his word, if it is not hidden in this good conscience, and in the very bottom of our heart as David here speaks, we shall be spoiled thereof.

Referrals Leaderboard and Other Features
First, sorry for the very abrupt site crash this afternoon. We released a new version today and things didn't go smoothly!
There is now a new leaderboard (yes, I know, another one!) that tracks your referrals. You'll also notice that your referrals page now lists the people that were referred by people you referred. (I know, very complicated ... it's a pyramid scheme for a good cause!) Keep your eyes on this space because we'll shortly be announcing a competition on this front. It will be something along the lines of: whoever is on top of the referral leaderboard on Christmas day will get a $100 Amazon gift certificate.
We've also made it easier to click through your verses when you're tagging them. No more waiting for your "My Verses" page to reload so you can tag the next verse. Yay!
Finally, we're busy testing something that I've had in the back of my head for a long time now: the ability to upload sermons and attach them to verses. I know that many of the verses I've memorized were prompted by a great sermon on a bible passage. Unfortunately, in most cases, I've lost the sermon. I also think it will be cool to gradually build up a library of expository sermons on Memverse. I realize that there are tons of sermon libraries all over the web but I think we are gradually building up a community of people on Memverse who are exceedingly committed to understanding God's Word. My hope is that by focusing primarily on expository sermons (sermons that carefully and methodically explain a passage from the bible) we could create a unique library over time. If you have thoughts on this topic, please leave them in the comments below; I'd love to get your thoughts. Rest assured, we will definitely take great care to keep memorization as the primary focus of Memverse.

Part 3: The four best ways to memorize anything
Well, the four best ways not including Memverse. :)
Ok, here is the last part of this series. Pray over these applications and apply them to your life as much as time will allow. . . . and more!! You will grow so much in your Christian walk with God, and we all know how absolutely wonderful that is. . .
Store your memories in the time of your youth.––”Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth.” (Eccles. 12:1). Right now, your memories are fresh and strong; later, as some can testify, they will be shattered with cares and business. A new ship, or any vessel that is new, is free from leaks; but time and travel will batter it. So will it be with you; care will batter you, grief will batter you: and therefore now store yourselves. Take heed: a dozen chapters, a good catechism, a collection of useful texts and doctrines, will take no room, nor make you live the heavier, nor sleep the worse. And therefore it concerns parents, both to have such things in their hearts, and to teach them diligently to their children. (Deut. 6:7). Perhaps they may not understand the sense of them at the present; but these will be ready in their minds till grace and understanding come, and then they will help them exceedingly; as we lay some sticks or kindling ready in the chimney, which, when fire comes, signify something.
Writing what we would remember is a merciful help to the memory.––Socrates, indeed, held that letters proved the ruin of the memory, because, before the invention of letters, people committed worthy matters to memory, but afterward to books [or blogs :P ]; but certainly both memory and books are little enough to preserve those things that should be remembered. The Holy Spirit teaches better: “You shall write them upon the doorposts of your house, and on your gates.” (Deut. 11:20). Yea, the king himself was to “write for himself in a book a copy of this law,” that he might remember it the better! (Deut. 17:18). The very writing of anything fixes it deeper in the mind. And therefore I should still recommend the writing of sermon-notes, not only as a help to memory, but also as a good preservative from sleeping under God’s ordinance, as also from gazing about, to the great distraction of the thoughts at that sacred employment. For, alas, how many excellent doctrines, directions, and marks have you heard, that are quite forgotten, which a discreet use of writing might have preserved unto you!
Prayer is a second help.––For “every good gift and every perfect gift,” whereof this is one, “is from above, coming down from the Father of lights” (James 1:17); and therefore is to be sought by frequent and earnest prayer, which is the golden key to unlock the treasures of heaven to the needy soul. O, beg it, then, of Him, that as he sanctifies the soul, he would sanctify this with the rest. And you have a ground for your prayer in John 14:26, where our Savior has said, that “the Father will send the Holy Ghost, to teach us all things, and to bring all things to our remembrance.” And this Spirit you may have for the asking: “your Heavenly Father shall give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him.” (Luke 11:13). Understand, that God will grant your prayer herein, there being joined with the same a due use of all other means, on which earnest prayer brings a blessing. And you must not only crave this in your solemn prayers; but also, when you are reading or hearing, you should dart up a quick prayer, “Lord, write this truth in my heart, and bless it to me!” This is like the clinching of a nail. And when you have heard a sermon, lock the chest with David’s prayer: “O Lord, keep forever such purposes and thoughts in the hearts of your people.” (1 Chron. 29:18). Be assured that God will hear the breathings of his own Spirit, and give thee a memory to serve your turn.
Serious meditation is the last help I shall mention.–– [I know this next sentence is definitely the case with me!!] When people read or hear, and presently plunge themselves in foreign business, then generally all is lost: “For he looks at himself, and goes away, and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into” (the word signifies “to penetrate into a thing with his eye”) “the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres,” that is, considering what he has heard, “being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” (James 1:24-25). By which is not meant a speculative and fruitless meditation, but that which is practical; that is, which digests the things we read or hear for use or practice: “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11). Here is a truth, or a duty, or a promise, for such a time or case. Such rolling of good things in our thoughts doth habituate and familiarize them to the soul, and they abide the longer. This is clear in other cases: for, if one has received an injurious or unkind word, if it go out at one ear as it came in at the other, it leaves no great impression; but if you set yourself to ruminate upon it, and to aggravate it, then it is a long time before you forget it. And so in some measure it would be in good things: give them a little heart-room, bestow some second thoughts upon them, shut the book when you have read a little, and think of it; and it will abide. It is the soaking rain that enters deepest into the earth, when a sudden shower slides away. But herein our ordinary hearers are strangely negligent: they read, they hear, they forget; for they never think nor meditate of it. They turn down leaves in their Bibles in the congregation, but they seldom turn them up again in reflecting upon what they heard; and so their labor is lost, and ours.
But I conclude. It is worth observing, that holy David, among all the rest of his blessed psalms, has one (which is the thirty-eighth psalm) which he styles, “A Psalm of David, to bring to remembrance.” His memory, it seems, had need of help, as well as ours.
EDIT: After a few comments, I've decided to add these: reciting out loud, and writing out what you are memorizing, are also very good ways to memorize anything. Courtesy of Andy. . . Read the comments to find out more.
EDIT: I've written another blog post that goes very well with this one, called Getting to Know You: How do you Memorize? There are a lot of great techniques mentioned in the comments, that you should definitely check out.

Reusable Tags for Your Verses
You'll notice a couple of tweaks to your list of memory verses. We've removed some of the columns that weren't very useful and have added a column showing your tags. It's now easier to find memory verses that you haven't yet tagged as you work your way through the solo progression quests ;)
Also, once you click through to a given verse, you'll notice a small [+] next to the tags that other users have used. To add one of those to your own list of tags, you can now just click on the [+] and it will be added to your tag list for that verse.
We're working on cleaning up some of the tags that have typos and spelling mistakes but if you haven't checked out the tag cloud for a while, it has grown in leaps and bounds.

Part 2: "So what exactly is a good memory good for anyway?"
As we saw in the first part of this series, the memory is an amazing faculty. God has given it to us to use for his glory, and I can hardly think of anything more glorifying to Him than memorizing His Word! It is our duty to labor to improve our memories, and then to put all of what we remember into practice! So the following is an embellishing of part one, and an answering of the questions, "Why should I pray for God's grace to help improve my memory? Exactly what are the benefits that I will gain?"
The first paragraph is an introduction to the rest.
The sanctification of the memory by fitting things laid up in memory for use and practice. –– This is plainly the work of God by his grace. A notional memory is of little use without a practical; as treasure in a chest is no way useful, though there be much of it, as a penny in the purse, when there is occasion for it. “The steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him,” and on those who “remember to do his commandments.” (Psalm 103:17, 18). And certainly they who commit things to their memories on this design to practice them, shall be able to remember them, when they have need of them, in the course of their practice.
A good memory is very helpful and useful as a great means of knowledge.––For what use is your reading or hearing, if you remember nothing? It is not eating or drinking, but digesting your food, that keeps you alive; and so it is in this case: “My son,” not only “be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings,” but “keep them within your heart.” Then “they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.” (Prov. 4:20-22)
A good memory is very helpful and useful as a means of faith.––As is plain in 1 Cor 15:2––“Unless you have believed in vain.” For, though faith rests purely on the word of God, yet when the word and works of God are forgotten, faith will stagger. Hence our Savior says, “O you of little faith, do you not yet perceive? Do you not remember the five loaves for the five thousand?” etc. (Matt. 16:8-9.) “The word of God is the sword of the Spirit,” (Eph. 6:17), whereby Satan is foiled: but if this sword be out of the way by reason of forgetfulness, how shall we conflict with the enemy??
It is a means of comfort.––If a poor Christian in distress could remember God’s promises, they would inspire him with new life; but when they are forgotten, his spirits sink. Our way to heaven lies over hills and vales: when we are on the hill, we think we shall never be in the dumps again; and so, when we are in the valley, we fear we shall never have comfort again. But now, a faithful memory is a great help: “Then I said, ‘I will appeal to this, to the years of the right hand of the Most High.' I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” (Psalm 77:10-11). So also, Psalm 119:52: “When I think of your rules from of old, I take comfort, O LORD.”
It is a means of repentance.––For, how can we repent or mourn for what we have quite forgotten? As, therefore, there is a blameworthy remembrance of sin, when we remember it in kindness; so there is a praiseworthy remembrance of sin, when we remember it with displeasure: “That you may remember and be confounded, and never open your mouth again because of your shame.” (Ezek. 16:63). But, alas! We write our sins in sand instead of stone, and foolishly imagine that the eternal God forgets them just as soon as we; though in such cases he has said and sworn, “Surely I will never forget any of their deeds.” (Amos 8:7)
And it is a means of usefulness.––No man should, nor indeed can, be singly religious. When one spark of grace is truly kindled in the heart, it will quickly endeavor to heat others also. So for counsel: we are born, we are new-born, to be helpful to others. Herein a good memory is exceedingly useful; out of which, as out of a storehouse, a wise Christian may “bring forth matters both new and old.” (Matt. 8:52). Such may say, “We have heard with our ears, our fathers have told us,” this and that observation. (Psalm 44:1). Likewise, “As we have heard, so have we seen,” what may be very useful to many a soul. (Psalm 48:8).
So that, you see, a good memory is useful in many ways, as a means of knowledge, faith, comfort, repentance, and usefulness. What Christian would not desire these things??? It is my prayer that you would be moved by this small endeavor. God will be pleased if we use our memories for his glory. We cannot but help glorifying Him if we use our memories to "store up his Word in our hearts that we might not sin against him!" Psalm 119:11
The next and last part of the series will be about very practical ways to improve your memory.

Getting to Know You: What are you working on?
The intended mission for this post is to create a place where everyone can encourage one another by sharing what large-(or small)-scale memorization projects they are currently working on. This post is obviously very small, so let's make up for it in comments!!

The Eternal Word of God

If you're reading this post, then you probably already understand the importance of memorizing God's Word. But in my own personal walk with God, there have been many times where He has opened my eyes to see the value of having the Scriptures hidden in our heart in a clearer light. That is, I thought I knew the value of God's Word a couple years ago; but now, I esteem the words of His mouth more than my necessary food (Job 23:12). They are more to be desired than much fine gold, and sweeter than honey and the honeycomb (Psalm 19:10). Why? Because all of those things are temporal. All of our earthly treasures will one day melt with a fervent heat (2 Pet. 3:10), but the word of our God shall stand for ever (Isaiah 40:8). To put it in the words of Christ Himself, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matt. 24:35)
As the photo above illustrates, even the most beautiful things in life will fade. Our life, as well as anything we might gain during it, is only a vapor. It appears for a while, and then vanishes away (James 4:14). Why then spend the few years we have on this earth seeking after things that won't last any longer than we do, when we could instead be laying up for ourselves treasure in heaven, "where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth"? (Luke 12:33) The only thing on this earth that will last is the Word of the Lord. That is why it is so necessary to memorize it. We live a temporal life, surrounded by temporal things and temporal treasures; but through the Bible, God has made a way for us to have something eternal to carry with us along the way.

Part 1: Steele on the Memory
This is my formal introduction into the blogging industry, so I apologize if I did anything wrong. This post is the first of a three-part series about our memory. Most of what I've written here is adapted from a sermon preached by the Rev. Richard Steele (1629-1692). He belonged to an amazingly gifted group of theologians called the Puritans who lived in the seventeeth century. For those who are interested, the translations used are the KJV and the ESV.
What Are the Hindrances and Helps to a Good Memory in Spiritual Things?
The excellence of the memory: The soul of man is a subject of wonder; and nothing is more wonderful in it than the memory –– that such innumerable images of things should be lodged in a finite faculty, and that what seems to be utterly lost in it, should be fully recovered; wherefore it is justly deemed by the learned a miraculous mercy. It has power to make things that are in themselves absent and past, to be present. By the help of memory, we retain what we have read in books, what we have heard in sermons or other discourses, as well as examples of God’s mercies and judgments for our encouragement and warning. All these, and ten thousand things more, are laid up in the memory, which is the soul’s treasury, so that the soul would be a poor soul without the memory. We may see the worth of this faculty by those that are deprived of the use of it, that can remember nobody, nor the last question that they asked. All a man’s past life would be lost, if his memory were lost. The souls would be poor in knowledge, poor in gifts, poor in comfort, without the memory. Especially this faculty was happy in its primitive state before the fall; for then its reception was easy, the impressions firm, the recovery (if any use of it) ready. Then it was like a clear crystal glass, wherein all that was contained in it was easily seen; now it is cracked and muddy: then it was like an iron chest; now it is like a bag with holes. It had the neighborhood of a clear understanding and of a holy will; and Adam could not but “remember his Creator in those days of his youth.”
It is necessary to labor to improve your memories, to have them cured and strengthened –– It is an unquestionable duty. That fundamental law, propounded in the Old Testament (Deut. 6:5) and confirmed in the New (Matt. 22:37) –– “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind,” –– obliges us to strain every faculty to the utmost in God’s behalf. One end of Christ’s coming into the world was to repair our depraved faculties; and shall we suffer him to die in vain? First Corinthians 15:2 says, “By which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you –– unless you believed in vain.” This shows how necessary it is to improve our memories, as a means of faith and salvation. We find by experience that this faculty is miserably corrupted: and therefore it is undoubtedly necessary that it be renewed.
Reduce into practice that which you remember.––The end of all true knowledge is practice: “Remember to do his commandments.” (Psalm 103:18). If it be a doctrinal truth which you read or hear, consider what influence it has upon the heart. If it be a duty which is set before you, immediately set about it. If a sin be exposed, presently root it out. If insincerity or hypocrisy be brought to light, examine your spiritual state without delay. For, as a treasure in the chest is in danger of the robber; but when it is used for a good purchase, here it is safe from being stolen: so too, while spiritual notions swim only in the memory, you may easily lose them; but they are safe when they are once incorporated into your real practice. But, alas! There are too many that are like those whiffling chapmen, who come to the shop and lay-by a great many rich wares; but when all is done, they buy few or none: so these cheapen and bid for the pearl, but will not buy it; they will talk over all the points of religion, before they will seriously practice any one of them. For you “remember the Sabbath” aright, when you so remember it before it comes, that when it comes, you “keep it holy.” (Exod. 20:8). You remember God truly, when you fear and love and trust in him. You remember your neighbor as you ought, when you remember “to do good, and to communicate.” (Heb. 13:16). You remember yourselves best, when you remember “to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.” (Acts 24:16). In a word: you remember your latter end rightly, when you keep your oil ready in your lamps and in your vessels, so that when your Master comes, he may find you so doing.
Steele follows the usual practice of the Puritans in his sermon ––delivering doctrine before application––so I will too. The next post will have more applicable points.
So what are the great benefits to be gained by improving your memories? Keep your eyes peeled. . .