Managing Your Memorization Schedule
We recently introduced two new features to help you manage your memorization schedule but we have not really explained how they work. The two features are:
Reset Schedule - this is a button that appears on the 'Memverse Today' tab of the home page when you have fallen behind in your memory verse review.
Pending Verses - this allows you to set verses to an 'Inactive' status.
First, there are two definitions that you should understand.
- Target Time - This is an option in your profile menu where you specify how much time you would like to spend memorizing each day.
- Required Time - This is the time that Memverse calculates you need to spend each day to not fall behind on the memory verses you are currently working on.
The 'target time' has only two functions at the moment:
- to determine when to convert verses from 'Pending' to 'Active' (if you have checked the box on the profile page that allows Memverse to automatically convert verses from 'Pending' to 'Active' status when your required time is below your target time.)
- to determine whether new verses start as 'Pending' or 'Active' when you add them.
The 'required time' is used in determining whether your verses are 'Active' or 'Pending' as outlined above.
It is also used to determine when to give you the option to reset your schedule. The 'Reset Schedule' button will appear when the number of verses you have due on any given day is more than 3x your 'required time'. For example, if your current required time is 10 minutes per day but you have 35 verses due for review that day, you can reset your schedule. Memverse will reschedule the verses into the future in such a way that you will have about double your required time for the next while.
If you are finding that you have too many verses to review each day but you are never seeing the 'Reset Schedule' button, then it's because you quite simply have too many active verses and you should convert some of them to 'Pending'. Take a look at the required time that Memverse thinks you need. If you don't think you can allocate that amount of time each day to memorization, you should reduce the number of verses you're working on.
Recommended settings
We recommend that you use the following settings:
- repetition interval = 1 year
- target time = about 3/4 of what you think you can manage each day (this allows for the occasional missed day)
- 1st letter prompts = 'Learning' or 'Never' (these are a big crutch and you won't really remember verses unless you stop using them)
- 'Always show feedback' should be unchecked. (this is also a big crutch and you're unlikely to become fluent in your verses if you always use it)
- 'Add verses as needed' - this is up to you. It's useful to have it checked because then you don't need to worry about converting verses from 'Pending' to 'Active'
Those settings above will work well if you're planning a long term memorization program as you will be less likely to get overwhelmed and you will really start to memorize the verses properly. With these settings, if you go away on vacation for a few days or take a break, you can then reset your schedule when you return and you will soon be back on track. I can't emphasize enough the importance of keeping your work load manageable. This is a marathon not a 100m sprint :)
These probably aren't the best settings for those of you who are working towards the Bible Bee competition but you can share your settings in the comments below.

86 responses to Managing Your Memorization Schedule
Sheri - "Always show feedback" controls whether or not you see feedback when you are typing in a verse. When you see feedback, it gives you little dots when you have a word incorrect and helps you as you go along. I'm pretty sure that when you disable it, you get feedback only for verses with an interval under 90 days. I'm not positive because I never paid much attention to it and have actually always had "Always show feedback" checked. I think it is default...
Yes, if you uncheck 'Always Show Feedback' then you won't get any feedback on the verse after the interval is greater than 90 days. It will still tell you whether you get the verse correct or not after you've typed it in, but you won't see the feedback as you're typing.
Thanks for your answer, that is helpful to know.
I love memverse and give a hearty thanks again to all who designed it. I have never in my life been more encouraged to memorize Scripture! thank you!!
@Marie: I keep mine at 3 months :) I have about 430 verses in right now, and if I had it at 1 month I would have to many verses I wouldn't be able to keep up with them all! I hope to add more verses soon...I just need to find the time.
@Rachel - yes, I do, in obedience to 1 Cor 11. that's great you do too! :)
@BibleBeeJunior11 - no, I'm not in the Bible Bee. I'm afraid I can't handle that many verses right now. But cheers to those of you who are!! Keep up the good work!
@Ashley Bible Bee Jr 11 (NASB) - hey, I do NASB too! Anyway, yes it is Georgie Henley. I found the icon at It is awesome for Narnia icons. :) I love Narnia. :) Obviously, right???!!! LOL :)
Hey everyone? You know how I started a thing a while ago where people could volunteer to memorize the whole Bible with me? Well, you can still volunteer for that (we only need six more people to volunteer to reach our goal), but I've decided to start something different, though maybe not as difficult. I'm wondering if anyone would join me in reading 7 chapters of the Bible per day. This is another incredibly difficult goal, but I thought it would be much easier if I asked others to join me. Why? Well, if we check up on each other (i.e. "SavedByGrace, have you read seven chapters yet today?") in comments, it will give us a sort of accountability to finish.
Recently, I was trying to read ten chapters a day in order to read the Bible three times per year, and for a while it worked well, but soon I gave up because it was getting tedious. But if we all devote ourselves to ask one another whether we have done it, we will have more of an incentive to get it done. It gives me a satisfying feeling to say "yes" when someone asks me if have read my Bible yet, but how much more if a community of like-minded people were doing the same? Can you imagine how cool it would be to have the whole Bible memorized and be reading it twice a year? That would be awesome beyond words.
But be careful. There will be so many new excuses that will come up that our sinful nature will use to try to keep us away from our daily Bread. It will be extremely difficult sometimes to read this much and we'll try to come up with things we should be doing at the moment and reasons why we don't have time for it today. But remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Anyone willing to join me in this second crazy (yet eternally profitable) idea, even those who have committed themselves with me to memorize the Bible? I'll ask for twenty more people to join me. Who's with me? :)
SavedByGrace - I recommend this helpful article on Bible reading and a program that I've found useful, though I confess I have really fallen behind on it lately and need to get back to doing it daily: I hope your thing goes well! I guess my only comment regarding accountability is that you may find your best accountability within your own family, if you (like me) have a Christian family.
Alex - I looked at the link that you shared, but I don't see the list of what you read each day. Is it there and I just miss it?
Wow! I just read that article, and... well, there aren't really words for it. It really inspired me to pick up the pace! And yes, it would be a good idea to depend mostly on my family. I wonder if any of them would want to do it though...
Bethany--I will probably be starting tomorrow. And also, I'll now be changing the seven chapters to ten chapters. Anyone who wants to use the system suggested in that article Alex suggested is welcome to--I'm going to see if I'm allowed to download it myself.
This may not be the last of my crazy ideas--I might even come up with a list of thick books to read! Hey, that's not a bad idea... :)
EDITED: Bethany, at the bottom of the page it says you can download the list. I'm going to need to get permission.
It is a wondeful idea. I'm thinking about doing it. I'll tell you if I do, SBG. Do I never look carefully at anything? *blushes* thanks for showing me where it is.
Yes. I have been using Professor Horner's lists for a while and have been enjoying them. As it is, once I finish getting through the Bible with that system, I think I'll rearrange the lists some just for my personal preferences, but...
Here is a quicker download link for the Horner Bible Reading System: I wanted to give you all the link to Mr. Tim Challies' blog, though, so you could read what he had to say.
Josiah - Yes, a number of people make edits to it, but it is a great way to start.
As a side comment, if you like to read blogs, Mr. Challies' blog is one of the best ones out there that I have seen...
I agree with Josiah on that. I haven't been reading it as often as I used to, but I also very much recommend Justin Taylor's blog: He is the VP of Editorial at Crossway (publisher of ESV translation).
SBG - I'm definitely thinking about joining you...but I'm still not sure. I know that it wouldn't be bad to do it; but then again, I don't want to keep up with that and then get behind on my verses. We'll see...
@Alex and Josiah - do you live close to each other...same state?
Josiah: I thought that you two lived close to each other. I don't really know of anyone here on Memverse who lives in MO. Oh doesn't really matter :)
@SBG I'm interested in joining you with the 10 chapters a day, but want to finish my current plan first. It might be 6 weeks yet? I want to finish that before I make any commitment though...
Shall I email you once I can start or leave a comment here or how?
I'd enjoy joining you in reading 10 chapters a day....I not be able to do that many, but would like to try....(I like the idea of seven a day better ;) )
@Sheri--it's totally fine if you join a little later. I don't have any problem with letting you finish what you're doing first. To let me know when you can begin, just leave a comment somewhere. I check up on them a lot. :)
@Rachel Crosswhite--glad to have you join. I also would like the idea of seven a day better than ten, but Professor Horner's system seems much better than my original idea of reading straight through the Bible seven chapters a day. Believe me, I've found that it gets tedious after a while. But if you would rather do seven a day, okay. Unfortunately, I don't think seven chapters a day would be able to fit with any system I could come up with except to read it straight through. You'll have to have a lot of perseverance to do that. :) Still, though, any way you like is fine.
So, so far we have:
--Myself, SavedByGrace
--Josiah DeGraaf (he's already ahead of us though) :)
--Rachel Crosswhite
--Matthew Minica
--Bethany (Bible Bee)
--Erika Wenzel
Anyone else willing?
EDITED: As I said to Matthew Minica a few comments down, you do not have to commit to ten chapters a day. Just tell me you are reading the Bible daily, and I will add you to this list. :)
Uh, SBG, I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to it yet. I'm still thinking about it, but I'm not sure. I'm feeling almost overwhelmed (sp?) right now with Bible Bee. Learning 15 verses a day and reviewing 600 verses is taking a lot of of my time. Don't get me wrong, I would really enjoy doing it if I could!
I'm still thinking about it...
OH! Sorry, Bethany! I totally forgot that you clearly said that you were thinking about it. I am so sorry. I've edited your name out of that comment. I totally understand if you don't have the time yet. Sorry!!
EDITED: I've always wondered--what does "sp" stand for?
SBG - I am with Bethany ... not totally sure but just count me in ;) What about time I read through the Bible in a year by reading 3 chapters a day (week days) and 5 on Sunday :)
Oh, sorry Rachel Crosswhite. I really need to be more careful. And yes, you can do the way you suggested if you want. I'm not going to be legalistic about this.
Also, if you're not totally sure, is it okay if I still keep your name in that list? I'm going to be editing in whoever else joins' names, so if you will be committing to reading the Bible every day, could I keep your name up anyway?
yes just keep my name on the list :) I'll tell you if I really commit to it soon ;) is there a certain way you want us to read?
@Rachel Crosswhite--well, in answer to your question, it doesn't really matter how slowly you read or how deeply into the text you go as long as you finish it, you don't just skim it, and the length of time it takes (compared to how long it could take) doesn't keep you from other things you have committed to. The second link Alex suggested (written by Professor Horner) suggests reading in between super-quick skimming and careful moderate-paced reading. But of course, he suggested that for ten chapters a day. If you are still planning on reading around three to five chapters a day, I think you could read a little deeper than that, as you'd have more time to.
I would like to join this, SBG, but I am in the middle of another schedule to read the Bible once in a year. I will be finished at the end of this year. Also, with the Bible Bee work right now... it would be quite a commitment. So at the end of this year I'll join you.
All right, Matthew. It doesn't really matter when you join, as long as you do it. (But don't feel like there's an obligation to join, anyone who hasn't yet!) All I want to do is to get people to read the Bible daily. For most Christians (or those who call themselves Christians but aren't), if they ate physically as much as they did spiritually, they would die of malnutrition (those of you who saw Alex's links know that I borrowed that phrase)! No one has to join in the large challenge I will try to commit to, but if they are reading any of the Bible daily, say so here. I'll just add the names of anyone who says this. So, Matthew Minica, I'll add you to my list. :)
SBG - "As I said to Matthew Minica a few comments down, you do not have to commit to ten chapters a day. Just tell me you are reading the Bible daily, and I will add you to this list. :)"
You can add me to the list! I don't think I'll read 10 chapters a day (or even seven) I might try for four. So, you can add me to the list, if you don't mind :)
Oh, "sp?" stands for "spelling" :) I wasn't sure if that was how you spelled overwhelmed and so I put that after :) Did that make sense? I'm not always the best at explaining things through writing...
How did your reading go today? Oh, did you even start today? I think I'll start tomorrow. Or, I might start tonight. I still have a couple things I need to get done before I go to bed =)
@Bethany--I've added you to the list. I think four a day will finish the Bible in a year. I haven't started my reading yet today (it's 8:30 here), but I will soon. Unfortunately, I haven't downloaded Professor Horner's system yet. I'll have to do that today. Also, now that I know what "sp" means, it makes much more sense. I've seen it used in other places, and finally I know why. Thanks for joining!
@Rachel Crosswhite--I'll make you my target for today. Have you read your chapters yet today, or are you getting to it? Anyone can ask me the same question if they want. I'd love the support. :)
I'm going to start today reading my chapters, so you can ask me too :)
For sometime I didn't know what FYI and DIY stood for either =)....but now I do!
I just printed out the bookmarks for Professor Horner's ten-chapters-a-day challenge and I am super-super-super-duper excited!! Anyone who hasn't read the second link Alex gave NEEDS to! In the words of Professor Horner: "You'll see you've probably been starving yourself." It is so amazing! To see what I'm talking about, PLEASE press that link! I'm going to get started today!
P.S. I know what FYI stands for, but what does DIY mean?
I'm quite excited also, even though I'm not reading 10 chapters a day :) I think I'll read some in Genesis, Matthew and Psalms. I'm not sure though. Where are you starting to read at?n Are you coming to the quiz this afternoon?
Oh, DIY means "Do it Yourself" :)
@Bethany--I am planning on being at the 4:00 (my time) quiz, but I will have to leave soon after. Also, I am starting my reading at Genesis, Joshua, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Matthew, Acts, Romans, and 1 Thessalonians. :) This is Professor Horner's system's beginning, and to see how it works, click on the second link Alex gave! (I know, I've said that already and you may have already read it, but for anyone who hasn't, please do!!) Thanks for the second interpretation of blogging talk. I guess I'm not experienced enough with that kind of thing yet.
I'm starting to find myself overwhelmed with memorizing the Bible, starting with 1 Peter, reading ten chapters a day, memorizing eight verses a day for the Bible Bee, my Sword Study and even Memverse. But I'm trying to remember that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," and that he can help me push through all of this. :)
SBG - that is how I'm feeling also - overwhelmed. I have been constantly been busy with little time for much else - and I'm still not getting eveything done on my "To Do" list...yes, I'm the kind of person who likes to make lists of things that I have to get done. Have you done your reading for today? I haven't. I still need to review week 8 for the quiz...or I won't do good at all.
Yeah, I didn't know much of the blogging talk either. You may laugh, but for I time I didn't know what LOL meant (funny, but quite true) :)
SavedByGrace - Sometimes it is hard to find a good balance between challenging ourselves and not overwhelming ourselves to the point of risking burning out. I have only been doing the Psalms and Proverbs tracks daily for the Horner system, but plan to get back to all of it after the Bible Bee. I then pick 1 or 2 other chapters from the system that I want to read (like Acts or one of the Epistle threads). I've also been enjoying reading Psalm 119 lately - it's a chapter I want to get more familiar with. I definitely think the Horner system is great, though. I just don't want you to get burnt out. But if we never feel overwhelmed to some degree, how can we say, "When I am weak, then I am strong" in Christ? Or, like you said, we must remember that we "can do everything through Him who gives [us] strength"... You're two-thirds of the way to Local Contest Day, so be encouraged! See you at 4, Lord willing. :)
Alex - what you said was wonderful! It is good to be in the Word...memorizing, meditating, reading...but not to the point where it's overwhelming. That's why I don't think that I should join with you all in reading 10 chapters a day. I'm ahead in my memory, and I don't want to get behind because of reading the Word (not that reading the Word is bad :)) Looking forward to the quiz, Alex!
Just an idea... When it's hard to find time to sit down and read the Bible, I've enjoyed listening to it on audio on my mp3 player (or cd player, computer etc) while on the road or working around the house. You can download the ESV New Testament for free on itunes. the whole NT is only about 19 hrs of audio, so you can really cover a lot in a short time...
@Everyone--sorry I haven't been responding to anyone's comments. I didn't see any comments from 3:30-4:00 because I was already at the BB quiz at that time, and right after the second quiz I had to leave, and I got back home at midnight. :) So now it's 9:45 here, and I only got up fifteen minutes ago. LOL
@Alex--thanks for the encouragement! I guess it IS a good thing that I'm feeling overwhelmed, if that's the reason for it. I might get used to all these things after a while.
@Sheri--yeah, that is probably a good idea, but I never liked having headphones in my ears. I tried listening to it at for a while, and it seemed pretty good, especially the dramatized NIV section. I might try it again... but maybe not. It always seems to me that reading it straight from the Bible is better than listening to it. I don't know. Maybe it's just my opinion...
@Sheri - yes! before we got the Bible Bee cd, last year i was given the NKJV audio bible on cd's from the bible bee & so she used to listen to that...:)
@Rachel, Irene--yes, I read my chapters. It is so, so cool to have so much variety in my Bible reading!! (Yes, I already said that.)
Also, I just came up with something so that no one can just tell me that they're reading a verse a day or something like that. If you want to be added to my list, you must commit to reading one of the following:
--2 chapters
--3 chapters plus five on Sundays (Rachel Irene's idea)
--4 chapters
--5 chapters
I guess anything in between or above any of those would be fine as well, but two is the minimum. I don't want any lazy readers here! :) (P.S. Anyone who still hasn't read that second link Alex gave, PLEASE DO! It totally changed my opinion of Bible reading.)
SBG - I haven't read my chapters yet...and I didn't do it yesterday....but I'm definitely going to start today. I'll tell you when I've done it. I think I'll start in Genesis, Proverbs, Isaiah and Matthew...or something like that :)
So, SBG, you are keeping your little, blue, one-toothed face? Please do, becasue I like it :) And you know, if you do change it, I don't know if you will be able to get it back!
Now, off to work on some things...
@SBG Ohhhh... readings, I'm reading the whole Bible cover to cover in order verse for verse. I'm in 1 Samuel. Would that still count me in if I only read on Sundays?
SBG - I finish my current Bible reading schedule tonight, so I will join your 10-chapter-a-day challenge, beginning tomorrow. I believe there are different benefits to reading the Bible in various ways: large sections, small sections, fast, slow, and many other ways; each time I finish reading through the Bible, I pick a different speed to do it at the next time - so far, that has been anywhere from reading the Bible through in three years to one month. Someday I would love to take three days to read through the Bible without stopping.
His Word matters!
Great to have you join us, Erika Wenzel! Wow! A month seemed like a short time enough, but three days? Wow, you'd have to have, like, all 72 of the hours free to be able to do that! But of course, the Word DOES matter that much, so I think it's a great idea! But I can't do it while I'm a kid and have so many things to do, like school and the BB, so I guess I'll have to wait for some day when I'm older. I'm planning on using Memverse until either it stops or I die, so if I ever do that, I'll tell you!
It's so exciting to read this much of the Bible each day. I'm glad that some people have the same amount or more enthusiasm as I do about this!
@Rachel--well, I would be glad to have you in, but the whole point of this is to read the Bible daily. It's rather unhealthy to read it only once a week. You're probably starving yourself. Don't be offended by this--it's a gentle rebuke from a fellow follower of Christ. You should probably commit yourself to taking in more than just that. Also, I've found that it's rather difficult to keep up the reading if you read it from cover to cover. It's an OK way to do it, though--that part is just my opinion. But I REALLY think that you should be reading the Bible more. If you have an honest hunger for the Word, you will want to read more. :)
SBG - I read my chapters for today...Genesis 1, Psalm 1, Matthew 1 and Romans 1. It was very good, to say the least.
Great, Bethany! I just finished my chapters for the day as well. Now, who should I pick on today? jk LOL Matthew Minica? You're not doing Professor Horner's system, but have you finished reading the chapters for your reading plan for today? :)
Well, I'll have to find time every day. I'm going to camp next week!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been doing Prof. Horner's System for over two weeks now. I heard about it a long time ago through Alex, but I kept putting off starting it, because I wanted to wait until I got a new Bible. Then, just recently, I realized that Satan was using that idea to keep me from being deeper in God's Powerful Word, so I JUMPED into it in order to keep Satan from having any advantage over me any more in that way!! It has been a huge blessing to me; and I'd like you to put me on your list, SBG. Thank you for the encouragement you've given on here. I'm rarely on the Memverse blog (unfortunately), but me and my family will be out of state for over a month (traveling MA through NH, ME, Canada, MI, back to MA), so I will most likely have little or no access to Memverse.
God bless you all! I am completely assured that He will work in you all mightily as you begin this new system!!!
Soli Scriptura,
River La Belle
BTW, I am using my BB Bible (ESV) from last year for my reading. :) I'm not in the BB this year, but I hope to be in it next year and/or the year after.
Good night, y'all!
River La Belle: So glad to have you join this group! We will definitely add you to our list...
So far we have:
--Josiah DeGraaf (he's already ahead of us though) :)
--Rachel Crosswhite
--Matthew Minica
--Bethany (Bible Bee)
--Erika Wenzel
--River La Belle
Am I missing anyone, or does anyone else want to join? Hope you don't mind that I updated the list for you, SBG!
So, River, you use the ESV Bible? I do also! I know hardly any people using the ESV for the Bible Bee :) Hope you have a good trip!
Thank you, Bethany! (Shouldn't Alex Watt also be on the list?)
All prayers would be appreciated, fellow brothers and sisters. Thank y'all so much.
Ahh...thank you River for pointing that out! Of course we want Alex on the list :)
So far we have:
--Josiah DeGraaf (he's already ahead of us though) :)
--Rachel Crosswhite
--Matthew Minica
--Bethany (Bible Bee)
--Erika Wenzel
--River La Belle
--Alex Watt
Anyone else want to join?
SBG - what do you do if you miss a day? Read extra the next day, or just continue on where you stopped last time?
If I miss a day I usually just keep going without catching up. This system is easy this way because you aren't bound to a daily schedule (so many chapters for each day of the year).
I try to avoid missing my reading totally by reading at least two chapters at some time during the day.
Oh boy, I missed a lot while I was gone. I'll have to answer everyone's questions now...
@Bethany--I wasn't really picking on everyone, as you can see by my "jk" and "LOL." Maybe I shouldn't have said it though... Anyway, I agree with River La Belle with not trying to catch up and just moving forward. And thanks for updating that list for me.
@Rachel--hope you have a good time!
@River La Belle--great to have you join us! I'm glad you overcame the temptation of putting it off. I almost used my BB Bible as well, but then I decided to use the NIV study Bible I use for church. It already looks old, but I wonder what it will look like after doing this for years to come!
@BBJ11--looks like you put your game on your picture! I can't tell much else about it, but it looks pretty good. I once made a board game myself and quickly found that I had made it way too complicated. I'll have to fix it up soon. Now on to my memorization session for today...
SBG - I knew that you were playing :) Yes, I will just continue on were I left off. You're welcome. We know have 9 people on our list!
I did my reading at about 6:30 this morning. LOL I like the quietness of the morning hours--I do my Sword Study then too.
I have a question about the pending verses. If I have verses pending do I need to go and add them to learning or will memverse move it from pending to learning once I have "time?" So for example I could add an entire chapter and as I learn the first few verses it will then move the other verses from pending to learning, thereby allowing me to have the verses I want to memorize in "my verses" but not overloading me. I hope my question makes sense. Any clarity would be greatly appreciated.
I have a question about getting verses to show as active and I'd appreciate anyone's feedback...sometimes I am computer-challenged. (but I'm in my 50's so maybe that is ok - haha!) I have my maximum amount of time set to 60 minutes each day which is the maximum I can set it to. I also unchecked the box that says to let memverse set my verses from pending to active (or something like that). It usually takes me about 30-40 minutes each day to type in the 80-85 verses I would like to review as that gets it through my 2400 verses in about a month (which is my interval). This is all background for my problem - I am trying to add another 30+ verses to be reviewed but they won't come up in my memory review cycle. I think memverse thinks I'm trying to do too much and won't add them in. I can't see any way to force them to be active. Any suggestions? I'm probably missing something very simple but I hope someone can help me out. Thanks and God bless :-)
ByHisGrace - When you added those verses, they were given the "Pending" status because you need to spend more time each day reviewing than what is set in your profile (60 minutes). There are two ways you can normally bring those pending verses into "Learning" so that they come up in your review sessions: 1) You can go to the "My Verses" page, locate each verse you want to activate, and click on the words "Pending" in the appropriate column. This will change the verse status from "Pending" to "Learning". You should be able to use the little magnifying glass tool by the "Feedback" area and type in "Pending" while you're on the "My Verses" page to find all the verses that have the Pending status. It might take a while for it to find it since you have many verses... (You'll have to ignore any verses it finds that are "Pending Verification" but not "Pending" in your account.) 2) The second way that works for some is to change the profile setting and let Memverse decide when to add more verses from Pending. Like you said, though, you're over the 60 minutes a day, and Memverse won't add any more automatically. So option 1 is the only one that should work in your case. I hope that helps. Keep up the memorizing! At least in your 50's your doing that, so praise God! :)
Edit: Erika shares some very good tips that I hadn't thought of. Thanks! :)
ByHisGrace - To add to the Alex's excellent answer, another (and simpler, I think) way to locate all your pending verses on the "My Verses" page is to click the word "Status" on the green bar at the top of the page. This will sort your verses for you, grouping all the "Memorized" verses together, the "Learning" verses together, and the "Pending" verses together.
Also, I often click "Next Test" to sort the verses by their next test date. Since I have never reviewed the "pending" verses, they are always grouped together at the top of the list when I sort it this way. One of these methods may work for you. :)
Thank you both Alex and Erika! you both helped me and I was able to get my verses set to learning now. Plus I learned how to do some new things :-) It is nice to know "computer savvy" people!!
Influenced by the Prof. Horner reading system I stumbled upon something I call the audio version of the reading plan. Using the method prescribed by the ESV Team (see link below) I downloaded the entire New Testament for free in mp3 form, chapter by chapter.
Once I had all 260 chapters I put them on my ipod and hit "shuffle songs". Listening to random chapters of the Bible instead of the usual way has increased my understanding of the Bible exponentially. Similar to the reading plan, Scripture began to comment on itself immediately and at a high rate and I began to see deeper truths in a very short period of time. Downloading the chapters didn't take that long and I might download the whole Bible to see if the benfits are the same. You can also shuffle through the chapters of an individual book or make a playlist with chapters of a set of books (like the 10 lists in the reading plan) and shuffle those. The key is in the shuffling. If you have the time and opportunity you can try it yourself or let others know to see if it helps as much as it helps me to meditate on Scripture and have greater intimacy with Christ and His Word.
I don't see the 'reset schedule' button on my Memverse today page. Is there some kind of requirement in order to have it?
The 'Spurgeon Devotionals' aren't showing up either.
@Anna Mieczkowski and @Jason In order for the "reset schedule" button to appear you have to have three times as many verses due than indicated by your profile's target time. Of course you can just lower the target time, reset the schedule, and raise the target time again.
Thanks for clearing up the few "clouds" that I had in my mind about those things. Thanks, Andy!