Overloaded? Set Memory Verses to Inactive
We have finally added a long requested feature. Memory verses can now be classified as 'Memorized', 'Learning' or 'Pending'. You can manually set verses that you don't want to be working on to 'Pending' status by clicking on the verse on the 'My Verses' page. Then click on the verses status and after a few seconds it will change from 'Learning' (or 'Memorized') to 'Pending' and will no longer be included in your daily memorization schedule.
If this sounds like a lot of work, the system is set up by default to work automatically. Once you set your time allocation on your 'Profile' page, Memverse will automatically add verses from your 'Pending' list once your work load (the number reported at the end of each memorization session and on the 'Memverse Today' tab on the home page) falls below your time allocation.
There are currently a few limitations to the system that will be fixed over time: If you're already memorizing a passage and you add new verses into that passage then the verses will be automatically reviewed as part of the passage and will no longer be classified as 'Pending'.
Whether you plan to use this feature or not, it is important that you set your daily time allocation so that Memverse knows roughly how many verses to present you with each day. If you currently have many more verses than you can handle, then this would be a good time to go and set some of them to 'Pending'.

73 responses to Overloaded? Set Memory Verses to Inactive
This sounds great!
Will verses that are 'pending' still have their interval counted? And if a verse has an interval of like 52 days and after 27 days of not reviewing the verse, I set it as pending for 20 days, when will the verse next be due?
Thanks Josiah DeGraaf - I didn't realize that! :) Ooops. I think Memverse is helpful in reviewing stuff because my mom doesn't have all the time in the world to sit and reveiw but she loves doing it. :)
You actually can't change them to memorized, BibleBeeJunior11. You can only change it to pending or learning/memorized. :)
Another question: Will the verses added with pending be randomly selected, in chronological order, or...? I'm asking because if I mark Isaiah 1:11-16 as pending, if it will randomly select verses like verse 11, and verse 14, but not the others, or how it will do that.
Josiah - I don't know the answer to the first question. In answer to the second question, verses will be automatically added in order of oldest to newest: meaning, if you have 100 verses pending, it will make them learning in the order you put them in. Most of us would add Isaiah 1:11-16 in order (not 16, 15, 14, etc.), so it should work the way you want it to. :)
A Question: I put in all my new Bible Bee verses for today, maybe like 15 verses or so, and it will not let me review them. It says that I don't have any verses to review, on my home page. But when I look under my "Progress" chart, it says that I need to review some today...but when I click the "Memorize" button, it won't let me do it. Can someone help???
Bethany - You need to find the verses on the My Verses page that you just added, and click on each one individually to switch it from Pending to Learning. Then you can review them.
Never mind, never mind. I got it figured out. I hadn't noticed that any new verse is put in "Pending" so all my new verses were "Pending". I've got it fixed, now.
Those of you who are adding a lot of verses for Bible Bee might want to increase your time allocation so that you don't have to convert every verse from 'Pending' to 'Learning'. You can update your time allocation on the 'Account -> Profile' page.
@Andy: If I make my time go up, does that mean that I don't have to change them from Pending to Learning? But it will already be Learning?
Bethany - It will check every day to see if you are spending less time per day than what you have set as your preference in the profile. Then it automatically switches enough from Pending to Learning so that your time is back up to what you have in the profile. If you want more than this, you will have to manually switch more verses over to Learning.
Thank you so much for this feature! One question: If you change a memorized verse to Pending, will it still be memorized when you switch it back?
Yes - the interval will remain the same so when you change it back it will still be memorized if it originally was that way.
However, the system is designed more with the premise that once you start learning verses you will maintain them over time. The 'pending' categorization is intended to allow one to add verses in advance of being ready to start memorizing them.
I got all my verses tagged! I am really looking forward to Friday when we do the Bible Bee Quiz. I am really excited about the Bible Bee. By the way, all of you who having been working on memverse, thanks sooooo much for doing that. Memverse is so helpful.
This is my first year to do the Bible Bee. I am in the Junior age division. Anyone have any advice? I would really appreciate if someone had some advice.
@ Carissa - don't be overwhelmed. Memorizing comes easier to some people than it does to others. Maybe it comes easy to you. Just remember that you are studying God's word. Don't make it harder than it is. Have fun!
Carissa - A while back a number of people using Memverse commented on how they approach Scripture memory: http://www.memverse.com/blog/main/Getting_to_Know_You__How_do_you_Memorize_. Like Jamie said above, the most important thing is that you are studying God's Word! The Bible Bee is truly a great program because it encourages us to do that and to bring our lives in conformity with it.
I saw the comment that you left my sister and decided to take a look at how other people memorize. It was very helpful! Especially what you wrote! I have found it very helpful to quote it out loud to someone. My two younger siblings and I are doing the Bible Bee {Carissa is my younger sister} and we each "buddy' up with someone in our family. I'm doing it with my mom right now. Everyday, she listens to my verses, telling me when I make a mistake. I've found it exetremly helpful to do that.
"•Keep going over the verse/passage until you can do it without looking. (During this time, you may develop stories, mnemonics, or other devices to help you remember a verse.)"
You said this in your comment on that post, and that is something I do when I memoize. Doing handmotions, or thinking of other words/things that help me to remember a certain phrase that I can't remember, helps a lot for me. Also, I have found putting it to music works also. Although it can be kind of hard to think of music that isn't to annoying to remember, and that fits with the verse
Also, it is a wonderful idea to spend time meditating on what the verse means and thinking hard about it.
Thank you for showing us the link! It was wonderful to see how other people are memorizing. Do you have any brothers or sisters doing the Bible Bee this year?
Bethany - My brother Ben (last year as Junior - 3rd year contestant) and sister Lauren (first-time ever Primary) are also participating. One of the things we are doing is every Saturday my siblings and I test each other on verses - similar to what you are doing. We also have found it helpful. That's great that you have two other siblings participating. :)
So you are just like us, if I am understanding right. You are a Senior, your brother is a Junior and your sister is a Primary? I'm a Senior, Carissa is a Junior and David is a Primary.
Looking forward to the quiz on Friday!!
Zachary: On the 'My Verses' page, you have to click on the individual verses' links, and then click on the status of the verse which is under "Verse Information". I think it would be easier to add a button on the bottom that says, "Change Verse Status to Pending" or something like that to change the status for all of the checked verses, like we have for deleting them.
@Jamie - Thanks for your advice. Memorizing does come somewhat easy for me. It is just that I have to keep reveiwing it. I am using a technique from Daniel Staddon's Book "The $100,000 Word". Ever heard of it? Are you doing the bible bee this year? If so how old are you and what age group are you in? Do you have any other siblings doing it? If you don't want to answer then thats okay. Just wondering. I am 12 I will turn thirteen in less then a month. I am in the Junior division. This is the first time I've done it. The translation I am using is ESV
@Alex - I'll be sure to look at the link. Thanks for sharing your advice. Yes, studing God's Word is very important. That is the reason why I am so excited about it. I am so glad that I am studing God's Word.
Carissa - Yes, I'm doing the Bible Bee. I am 13. My brother has made it to nationals the last two years as a primary (this year he's a junior) so I've heard of that book.I have two brothers and a sister doing the Bible Bee. My sister's a senior, I'm a junior with my brother, and I have another brother whose a primary. My parents are hosting for their first time this year. My best friends are also trying the Bible Bee for their first time so I know this year will be more fun than the last year!
First go to "My Verses" or "Your Verses"...same thing. Then click on the reference that you want to change from pending to learning. Then look under "Verse imformation". You wil see things about the verse such as 'Last tested" "Interval" and things such as that. Keep looking and you will see a thing that says "Pending". Click on that, and you will see it change to "Learning'.
Hope that helps. If it doesn't, just tell me.
@Jamie - I made it to nationals 2 times too - what's your brother's name?
@Bethany (Bible Bee) - thanks! I'll try it now.
@Carissa - just like Jamie said: don't be overwelmed. It is VERY tough sometimes and you'll have to give up TV and reading and computer sometimes to be able to keep up with your goal. *Make sure you've set a goal for yourself; maybe like the ones they have in the Sword Study.* I love BB and you will too! And even if you don't make it, you should still go to Nationals. You would love it. I did! Oh, and also you should get the Sword Drill for your computer and the Musical CD. My sister is in Primary and I am in Juniors and even though the CD has only the Primary, it still has helped me memorize a lot.
For Memverse: I think I'm going to add a few more verses soon! :)
@Zachary Baas - I think MV is helpful in reviewing my verses more than memorizing them! Seriously!!! :) LOL
@BibleBeeJunior11--I bet I can answer your question before Jamie. Her brothers name is Ty. At least, that's how I've always heard it. It's probably a nickname. I've been in the Bible Bee all three years, but I've never gotten to the nationals. I'm going to study a whole lot harder this year, hopefully ending in actually getting to the nationals. Also, is there a Sword Drill CD for this year as well? If so, I haven;t seen it and would very much like to get it! :)
Actually SavedByGrace - Ty is not a nickname :) It's just Ty. And there is a sword drill CD but you have to buy it for $10. Also - did you do Bible Quizzing last year?
BibleBeeJunior11 - The last name for Ty is Swartzentruber.
Yes, Jamie, I did Bible Quizzing last year, along with my brother. Or was it the year before that...? Well, anyway, I have done Bible Quizzing. I also did a spelling bee that I think your brother was in. Actually, if it was him, we made it to the last round together. After a long, dragging time of words to spell out, Ty finally messed up and I was totally surprised that I won the first spelling bee that I had ever gone to. Now, if they had used more difficult words, it's possible, if not likely, that I would have messed up earlier. :)
I've done Bible Quizzing too but I quit after junior quizzing.... yeah, my brother messed up on the word vegetable. I'm not even sure I just spelled it right :)
@Bethany (Bible Bee)-- Well, you sort of study a book of the Bible very thoroughly. You memorize a few verses, but the main part is to memorize questions and answers from the verses. i.e. Question: What did God love? Answer: the world. Question: What did God give? Answer: his one and only Son. Verse: John 3:16 Answer: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. :)
Thanks for telling me. How many years have you done it? Also, is it for a certain age group?
I know that a few in our Church have said that they have done Bible quizzing, but I never got around to asking what it was like.
I have... er, HAD, actually done it for around four years. I don't exactly remember what the age groups are, but I think Junior Quizzing is for around 6-10 or something, and Senior Quizzing is for 11-18 year-olds...I think. It's been a while, so I'm not completely sure.
I have decided to start trying to memorize psalms 119. I added the whole chapter to my verses just today but it says theyre all pending. Does that mean i have to go thru and mark every single one of them learning!? Thats gonna take a while.
@ Bethany (And SavedByGrace) the age groups for junior are 3rd grade through 6th and senior is 7th through ??
@Jamie--Umm... I... okay, I don't know. Sorry, but like I said, it's been a while since I last did quizzing.
@Naomi Elizabeth--I don't know, but there's one thing I do know. If you haven't already memorized Psalm 119, then you probably shouldn't be putting every verse on your list to memorize. Really, Memverse is a website to help you review your verses, not to memorize them.
@Jamie - I've heard his name before - probably on the web page of the National Contestants. My name is Annalysa, btw. I'm the only one who has that name on the Primary page I think. Anyway, @SavedByGrace - yes, the Sword Drill is now $10.00 and we got ours 2 days ago but when my dad tried to download it onto our computer, it said the cd was blank - and it was!!! Arghhhhhh...so my mom called the BibleBee and they said they were sending one out for us today. But really, I've heard they have games and more fun stuff so I'm really excited to get this one! :)
@Jamie and SavedByGrace - what is Bible Quizzing? What website? Random question: Does anybody like Adventures in Odyssey?
Oh, and I am planning to be at the Bible Bee quiz this afternoon. Annalysa - NASB
Also, I want my email off the page. But every time I try to erase it, it says there's a problem. Can you guys get it off for me cause I've already tried like a zillion times!?
@Naomi Elizabeth: I don't know of any other way, than going through and clicking them all to Learning. We could ask Andy or Alex, they might know.
@BibleBeeJunior11: You have an e-mail on the page? I don't see one. Sorry, I don't think I can help :( Also, do you have any siblings doing the Bible Bee with you?
@BibleBeeJunior11--I don't think that Bible Quizzing has a website. It might, but I've never heard of it. I explained what Bible Quizzing is three of my comments ago. Also, I LOVE Adventures in Odyssey!!! It is my favorite radio show by far! Do you have the new album, or have you heard it? I've been listening to AIO since I was... well, since before I can remember! How do you know about it?
BibleBeeJunior11 - When you view your own page, you see your email, but when others view your page, they cannot see it (unless you check the box in your profile to show your email address to others). In the future, the best way to get answers to these questions is to go to the "Help & Support" page under "Contact" and search for an answer. If an answer is not found, you can ask a question there. Others are able to help answer questions faster if you do it that way.
Everyone - please try to keep the comments on the correct blog post. This post is about a tricky new feature and it is getting swamped with other comments which belong on the Bible Bee posts or on the "Getting to Know" post.
@Naomi - if you raise your time allocation on your Account -> Profile page then the verses that are currently 'Pending' will convert to 'Learning' over time.
@SavedByGrace - I heard the Green Ring Conspiracy when it aired online:) I LOVE it! I think my mom had the first album then I got more money to buy more until I have a whole shelf full! I want to get all ofthem soon! :)
@Alex - thankx!
My brother and I are sharing my account. He will be typing for me and will insert his answer in the same comment. We will indicate our individual answers with our first names. Thank you!
@ BibleBeeJunior11: I have a blog about Adventures in Odyssey. If you're interested, it's at http://www.thevoiceofodyssey.blogspot.com. You'll have to do some searching, but I have reviews for all of Albums 51, 52, and 53.
Thank you, Matthew Minica!I
If you set a memorized verse to pending for a long time, will it eventually, when changed out of pending, will it go to learning mode or will it stay at memorized mode?
Can you change a verse from 'Learning' to "Memorized" with this new feature?? Because there are several verses that I have in my Memorizing page and I do have memorized. I don't want to keep doing them day after day if I know them already. :D If any of you know what I mean :)
Also, I'd be really grateful if you all shared your memorizing techniques with me. Memorizing does not come across very well with me (exepct my dad says i'm a very good memorizer :O ) and I'm trying to find a technique that works well for me.
@Jamie - when is your birthday???
Thank you for answering my questions!!
Rachel ~ 13
"And Ruth said, Entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee, for whither thou goest, I will go. And where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God."
Ruth 1:16
No, I don't think that you can change them from "Learning" to "Memorizing". You will have to keep typing them in till the interval is more than 30 days. Believe me, I would change some of my "Learning" verses to "Memorized" if I could, but I can't. I just have to keep typing them in. Sorry.
What I have found helpful when memorizing is to read the passage over and over, very S-L-O-W-L-Y. Think on what is happening in it. Make sure you understand it completely. Read through it a lot, and when you have it memorized {or even, just kind of memorized}, say it to yourself over and over -- to get it remembered. I hope that helps!
I think what Bethany said is very true. I also group my Bible Bee cards by how well I know them and review/read them accordingly. Also, saying them to a friend helps reinforce them. Here's a link to a post where other Memverse users shared how they memorize: http://www.memverse.com/blog/main/Getting_to_Know_You__How_do_you_Memorize_.
Jamie - just to see if we were might possibly be twins :D But nope, my birthday is in July so we aren't twins :(
I just added some verses and they all came on as pending. I had to change them all to learning before I could do them. Will it always be like this?
Kaitlyn - I see that you are at 68 minutes per day, so assuming your profile is set to 60 minutes per day as your goal time allowance, you will have to learn more verses for it to bring more in automatically. I'm not sure I understand your question - if it is: "Will verses always default to pending if I am above my time allowance or don't have the setting to bring verses in automatically?", then the answer is "Yes", or at least that's how we are envisioning it now... There is, however, the possibility that we will give more options for preferred time allowance and the hope that we will come up with something to make it easier to switch Pending verses to learning. Someone has also suggested on the support forum that we give you the option when you are adding verses whether it should be "Pending" or "Learning". Thanks for asking. If you have some ideas or other questions, you may want to post those to the forum: http://getsatisfaction.com/Memverse.
@Rachel - One of my techniques is reading the verse over and over and over. I also like to find a tune that I know and then sing the verse to that tune. Also there is a blog post on here that people put their techniques. Here is the link: http://www.memverse.com/blog/main/Getting_to_Know_You__How_do_you_Memorize_
Hope this helps!! My birthday is in July too!! I am turning 13.
Sorry, off-subject, but I just entered a few new verses, but on the Home Page and on my Progress Chart it tells me that my next review is tomorrow. On the "My Verses" section, it tells me that I have to do them today. Any advice?
SavedByGrace - Your next verse is due for tomorrow. I'm assuming that you mean that on the My Verses page, some of the Pending verses show today as the date due. This is normal, however, and please note that Pending verses are not reviewed. When they do get activated, they will be immediately due for review and a part of your Memorize session. I hope that explains it. Thanks.
I love this new Pending feature, but it's been giving me trouble. I'll set verses to Pending, and they'll show as such on My Verses, but then they're given to me when I go to memorize. This is only happening with some of them, and it changes which those are.
Any advice?
Hannah - The new Pending feature gradually adds verses into your account for you if you are spending less time per day than you have indicated in your Profile. If you want to turn off this automatic adding feature, then you can do so from your profile as well (it sounds like this is what you may want to do). To change profile settings, click "Profile" under the "Account" tab. If you think there still may be a problem, please let us know. Thanks.
Thanks for the suggestion; I just unchecked it.
However, I don't think that is the problem as I am spending almost an hour more time each day than I have set in my profile.
For example of what's happening, this morning the home page told me that I had 22 verses to review. I did 5 or so. When I opened it again a few hours later, it said I had 29 verses to review; also, it gave me verses I had set to Pending.
Hannah, one of the current shortcomings of the implementation of 'Pending' verses is that Memverse will automatically activate 'Pending' verses which are attached to a passage that you're already memorizing. If you're prefer to not have that happen, I would recommend un-checking the 'Add Verses as Needed' box.
This might get resolved in a future release.
Would this feature be the cause of the "one church" leaderboard's depiction of the memorized verses?
It actually shows the amount of "memorized" verses decreasing (ever so slightly)
This seems rather odd!
Great. Now I will be adding many more verses. Thank you very much for doing this.